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All American
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Quote :
"This is fucking sad. Do you people have no other life than to argue on a stupid message board??"

welcome to the internet, dumbass

[Edited on October 25, 2005 at 11:34 PM. Reason : .]

10/25/2005 11:33:33 PM

All American
3291 Posts
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ah, black friday is actualy fun now that I no longer do the add setup and display mess at sears. The all nighter setup crap alwasy killed me. Now i just sit back, have a beer, and enjoy my paid day off while other people fight over the stuff.

10/26/2005 12:12:56 AM

All American
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anyone else think we need a new thread

10/26/2005 9:52:00 AM

10214 Posts
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this one is fine.

i think it aptly describes the pathetic state of our society w/ respect to consumerism that some people here and probably elsewhere in our society would lie about a disability just to cut in line

10/26/2005 5:27:34 PM

All American
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I worked retail, and a fact of life is that is audited, 99% f retail stores will fail as far as ADA comliance. Thus they tend to bend over backwards when anyhting ADA related is brought to their atention. I think the fact that they are willing to hold items that are on sale for someone who IS disable is a GOOD thing. Its better than getting sued for descrimination, or getting threatened by a lawyer becouse somone with a cane or the like, or who has ANY copndition covered by the ADA was in ANY way mistreated, not acomodated, ect. Thus, if you have micro print on all the signs
aka all the details of the item
and no large print signs
a person who is legaly blind yet able to get around anyway can require you provide an employee to help them shop.

ADA gives 100% of the power to the person, and non to the buisness.

10/26/2005 5:33:09 PM

All American
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Quote :
"ADA gives 100% of the power to the person, and non to the buisness."

let's clarify this... If the business was A.D.A. compliant, there wouldn't be any issues, it's not about "power" it's about accessibility, making sure products and environments are accessbile for everyone including the disabled...

now let's leave it at that... this is not a worth while topic to discuss. clearly tyler goes shopping with his dad which falls under the A.D.A. it's not about getting around the rules, it's about making sure that in all the hoopla surrounding black friday that everyone does so safely and that everyone has means of accessibility to those products.

10/26/2005 7:45:41 PM

10214 Posts
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Quote :
"which is why you dont wait in line all morning, there are ways around the lines."

Quote :
"going on 4 years of black friday's I've never had to wait in line at BestBuy for my deals."

Quote :
"I promise you, I can walk into the Cary store and do it the same way."

that doesn't sound like a guy who helps his handicapped father go shopping. it sounds like someone who is proud of the fact that he's found a way to exploit the laws protecting handicapped individuals - and is gloating about it

10/26/2005 10:48:30 PM

All American
7167 Posts
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black friday indeed.

good day sir.

10/26/2005 10:51:54 PM

All American
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^^probably both

10/27/2005 12:42:54 AM

All American
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Did he blow the load in your face Excoriator?

Why you jumping off his cock?

10/27/2005 2:21:47 AM

All American
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Excoriator: The initial comment was made in response to Golovko's stupid fucking elitist bullshit post.

I KNEW he would try to act like he was a big man at BestBuy, like he knew some shit, and I could hand his ass to him.

And now it turns out he is in the Geek Squad hahaahahahaahahaha. Way to win at life there son, you are so "good" at consulting that you have to work for a fucking chain.

10/27/2005 2:32:25 AM

10214 Posts
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so you were/are being a troll. thats fine

10/27/2005 8:30:27 AM

All American
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holla at noens boo

10/27/2005 10:17:08 AM

10214 Posts
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Noen @ 10/21: "I'm a badass"

Noen @ 10/27: "backpedal backpedal backpedal"

10/27/2005 10:34:37 AM

All American
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yea this thread was trolling from the getgo, I figured yall woulda seen it as such.

10/27/2005 1:36:26 PM

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10/27/2005 1:42:22 PM

All American
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why does EVERY thread on TWW have to turn into a pissing contest??? i mean, this isn't chit chat

10/27/2005 3:43:08 PM

10214 Posts
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most threads in here are only piss quality anyway - i mean talking about bluetooth, cellphones, and processors is pretty lame.

the real technical threads rarely turn into so-called pissing contests

10/27/2005 3:51:07 PM

All American
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Quote :
"the real technical threads rarely turn into so-called pissing contests"

yeah, you are's just bullshit like "BF is coming" which IMO should be in Chit Chat.

10/27/2005 4:02:53 PM

11931 Posts
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Anyone know some good sales on nov 26?

I'm thinking of going with a ath 64 which means proc+motherboard+ new gfx card?

10/27/2005 8:48:47 PM

4172 Posts
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Stein will definitely be going

10/27/2005 9:37:09 PM

147487 Posts
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i will pay a jew to get some good deals for me

10/28/2005 2:02:36 PM

All American
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NOT impressed, this years deals are crap, basically they are just bringing retail prices down to what you'd pay elsewhere online, not to mention you still have to wait for the rebate...

in previous years i swear there were better deals...

11/8/2005 10:01:49 PM

Aging fast
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anyone have the sears ad? There was a stink and sears threatened to sue after it leaked early.

I hear it'll be the place to go for tools, but i missed the ad.

11/8/2005 10:18:45 PM

All American
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ad scans for sears are here:

they have a .zip file you can download but you have to download it by clicking on the link from their site (which forces you to register on their forums).

here is what they say: "Also, keep in mind that in order to save bandwidth, provide an exclusive benefit to you, our members, and to prevent hotlinking, you need to click on the link from this site in order to access the file. If you post the URL on another site, they will just be redirected to our BF home page where they can register for the forum to access the ad."

[Edited on November 8, 2005 at 11:06 PM. Reason : asdf ]

11/8/2005 11:04:31 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Stein will definitely be going"

i laughed cus the joke was so bad

11/8/2005 11:27:39 PM

All American
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best buy ad scans are out: (5 MB)

they have a Toshiba laptop for $380 and an E-Machines Desktop for $150


Quote :
"The model number of the $380 Toshiba laptop is L25-S1192. You can look up the specs at

Microsoft® Windows® XP Home Edition, Intel® Celeron® M Processor 370, 256MB DDR2(533MHZ GOOD.), 40GB (5400 RPM) PATA, CD-RW/DVD-ROM, 15.0” XGA, ATI RADEON® XPRESS 200M, TV-Out, 802.11 b/g, CD Buttons, 90-day Limited Warranty, 5.88lbs.

If you want to take a look at it, Bestbuy has its big brother L25-S119 on display. Note that the big brother has TruBrite LCD, the BF one does not. Another con is that the BF one has only 256MB DDR2 while BOTH memory slots MAY be occupied. BTW, battery sucks: 1.5 hours

The desktop comes with a 17 inch flat panel monitor and a Celeron processor... see the ad scan for specs.

[Edited on November 14, 2005 at 9:15 AM. Reason : asdf]

11/14/2005 9:15:00 AM

All American
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are there ad scans of compusa? i want to see what x360 stuff is on sale...

11/14/2005 9:41:09 AM

All American
30986 Posts
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^ hahaha, prolly not shit

I'd be highly surprised

I need some DVD-Rs and such

11/14/2005 9:46:26 AM

All American
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i don't understand why people think there are going to be deals on xbox360. the thing is already sold out online and it'll be sold out in stores by 2 AM on launch day. the only deal you're going to get is to get one in the first place at retail price. then ebay it and make a couple hundred dollars on the flip.

11/15/2005 11:36:14 AM

All American
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11/15/2005 7:54:34 PM

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