TallyHo All American 11744 Posts user info edit post |
what was the scandal about jersey mike's?
i vaguely recall hearing something about it. . . 6/30/2006 6:39:20 PM
DonMega Save TWW 4216 Posts user info edit post |
1. there was a side business dealing drugs 2. it ended up being a giant tax fraud (i was paid out of a register and given a check stub created from excel). it turns out they never submitted the tax information to the irs and made off with the tax money.
looking back at Jersey Mike's, it's crazy to think i still worked there even when seeing all the stupid, crazy stuff that went on. i was just a naive freshman, i guess i really didn't think anything about it... 7/5/2006 9:21:50 AM
PrufrockNCSU All American 24415 Posts user info edit post |
Wow, I can't believe no one has mentioned the Stroud Center yet. 7/19/2006 3:24:39 PM
chargercrazy All American 2695 Posts user info edit post |
the Stroud Center 7/19/2006 8:46:57 PM
V0LC0M All American 21263 Posts user info edit post |
Chancellor Fox didnt have her own god damn building 7/19/2006 8:50:25 PM
Buggirl421 All American 3253 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "fucking underground steakhouse!!" |
haha i fucking worked there, i miss that place like CRAYZEEEE. that was probably the most fun job i've ever had.
i know some of these have been said already, but fuck it, this is my list:
on hillsborough street: the 5-0, dammit. best bar ever. worx (now buddha's belly) the big bad wolf (later kelly's) las margaritas (before it was colorado's, shit i'm old!) studio I & II the hideaway the hardware store the eckerd manhattan fucking bagel caribou coffee starbucks packbackers & kinko's & hillsborough st. textbooks & schoolkids in their original locations some empty abandoned building where sylvia's pizza is now - bums used to hang out there, and then somebody burned it down i think. amici's & the rathskellar the head shop across from wachovia hardee's the cream and bean nur deli
mission valley: the varsity (later upper deck 2 / now sammy's) rock-n-reggae north american video more fucking parking.
on campus: the underground (of course) and a separate video arcade (wtf was it called? something lame... jeremiah's? yeah, that was it.) clark infirmary only a couple of buildings on centennial campus hurricane fran ha
the end, cos i'm old, and it's way past my geezer bedtime. 7/23/2006 1:23:51 AM
mattncsu19 All American 787 Posts user info edit post |
2 feet of snow
[Edited on July 23, 2006 at 2:53 AM. Reason : .] 7/23/2006 2:53:32 AM
drunknloaded Suspended 147487 Posts user info edit post |
^^good list for some of those...a hardees on campus would be the shit if they did student discount...wish there were more headshops on hillsborough st. too 7/23/2006 3:06:34 AM
ncsu97 New Recruit 1 Posts user info edit post |
Wall dances at the ACC Tavern 8/4/2006 4:04:14 PM
drunknloaded Suspended 147487 Posts user info edit post |
god damnit i fucking hate reading my old posts  8/4/2006 4:31:30 PM
tnezami All American 8972 Posts user info edit post |
The virginity of 4 girls  8/4/2006 5:25:30 PM
joe_schmoe All American 18758 Posts user info edit post |
i remember telephone TRACS. you couldnt register for classes on the intarweb. 8/9/2006 8:48:43 PM
msb2ncsu All American 14033 Posts user info edit post |
white people 8/9/2006 10:23:53 PM
Mark VII All American 2003 Posts user info edit post |
ACC Taven, glad to see I am not the only one that was around for that... and
Swensons!(pre Spikes/Las maragartias/Colorados!
All Male Tucker and Owen
no such thing as first year college....
dropped two failed courses and retaing them with no penality
24 hour diner inthe place where ten-ten is now
Avent Ferry still being a crappy Hotel/convention center
Waking up early to Call into TRACs trying to get classes
Back room Porn at Video Bar
Trey at Cup-A-Joes in Mission Valley
Ray-Ray the bum in Pullen park bumming Cigs and peeing on cars..
Using the Machine shop in the basement of Poe after hours 8/11/2006 6:07:01 PM