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All American
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8/21/2006 4:56:00 PM

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8/21/2006 4:56:40 PM

All American
2585 Posts
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8/21/2006 6:37:13 PM

2298 Posts
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8/21/2006 6:37:44 PM

All American
24387 Posts
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gimp, who's youre roommate?

8/21/2006 6:37:56 PM

All American
11177 Posts
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8/21/2006 6:38:23 PM

All American
2380 Posts
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8/21/2006 6:40:42 PM

15861 Posts
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8/21/2006 6:52:54 PM

8558 Posts
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8/21/2006 6:53:25 PM

21958 Posts
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8/21/2006 6:54:47 PM

All American
2380 Posts
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8/21/2006 6:57:47 PM

22518 Posts
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C:\ChangeVLKeySP1.vbs xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx

8/21/2006 6:58:37 PM

All American
15134 Posts
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Publix is not an organic grocery store.

8/21/2006 7:20:19 PM

2019 Egg Champ
46681 Posts
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58 Doris Avenue East

8/21/2006 7:21:21 PM

All American
3111 Posts
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8/21/2006 8:17:03 PM

Squishie Enthusiast
4040 Posts
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8/21/2006 8:18:15 PM

All American
1851 Posts
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PrufrockNCSU 331 2494 8:05 PM by PrufrockNCSU
I am officially offering my services to all n00bs EMCE 12 181 8:05 PM by OmarBadu
So I was driving home the other night... Shaggy 6 88 8:04 PM by chembob
WELL Damn.. it's Aug 21... KittyKitty 31 573 7:54 PM by LPClove06
this "FTW" malarky pwrstrkdf250 41 551 7:51 PM by saps852
dude im bored...lets do a chuck norris thread jmtan 42 531 7:45 PM by NCSUGimp
malarky kimslackey 2 34 7:40 PM by KittyKitty
first experience with adderall...need input (Page 2 3 4) thumper 158 1542 7:40 PM by eleusis
Is lucky2 a n00b or an alias????????? Str8BacardiL 23 255 7:36 PM by gunzz
He was a hard-headed man...

8/21/2006 8:38:59 PM

All American
2613 Posts
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like a zoo

8/21/2006 8:39:46 PM

All American
1179 Posts
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The 213 Things....
1. Not allowed to watch Southpark when I'm supposed to be working.

2. My proper military title is "Specialist Schwarz" not "Princess Anastasia".

3. Not allowed to threaten anyone with black magic.

4. Not allowed to challenge anyone's disbelief of black magic by asking for hair.

5. Not allowed to get silicone breast implants.

6. Not allowed to play “Pulp Fiction” with a suction-cup dart pistol and any officer.

7. Not allowed to add “In accordance with the prophesy” to the end of answers I give to a question an officer asks me.

8. Not allowed to add pictures of officers I don't like to War Criminal posters.

9. Not allowed to title any product “Get Over it”.

10. Not allowed to purchase anyone's soul on government time.

11. Not allowed to join the Communist Party.

12. Not allowed to join any militia.

13. Not allowed to form any militia.

14. Not allowed out of my office when the president visited Sarajevo.

15. Not allowed to train adopted stray dogs to “Sic Brass!”

16. Must get a haircut even if it tampers with my “Samson like powers”.

17. God may not contradict any of my orders.

18. May no longer perform my now (in)famous “Barbie Girl Dance” while on duty.

19. May not call any officers immoral, untrustworthy, lying, slime, even if I'm right.

20. Must not taunt the French any more.

21. Must attempt to not antagonize SAS.

22. Must never call an SAS a “Wanker”.

23. Must never ask anyone who outranks me if they've been smoking crack.

24. Must not tell any officer that I am smarter than they are, especially if it's true.

25. Never confuse a Dutch soldier for a French one.

26. Never tell a German soldier that “We kicked your ass in World War 2!”

27. Don't tell Princess Di jokes in front of the paras (British Airborne).

28. Don't take the batteries out of the other soldiers alarm clocks (Even if they do hit snooze about forty times).

29. The Irish MPs are not after “Me frosted lucky charms”.

30. Not allowed to wake an Non-Commissioned Officer by repeatedly banging on the head with a bag of trash.

31. Not allowed to let sock puppets take responsibility for any of my actions.

32. Not allowed to let sock puppets take command of my post.

33. Not allowed to chew gum at formation, unless I brought enough for everybody.

34. (Next day) Not allowed to chew gum at formation even if I *did* bring enough for everybody.

35. Not allowed to sing “High Speed Dirt” by Megadeth during airborne operations. (“See the earth below/Soon to make a crater/Blue sky, black death, I'm off to meet my maker”)

36. Can't have flashbacks to wars I was not in. (The Spanish-American War isn't over).

37. Our medic is called “Sgt Larwasa”, not “Dr. Feelgood”.

38. Our supply Sgt is “Sgt Watkins” not “Sugar Daddy”.

39. Not allowed to ask for the day off due to religious purposes, on the basis that the world is going to end, more than once.

40. I do not have super-powers.

41. “Keep on Trucking” is *not* a psychological warfare message.

42. Not allowed to attempt to appeal to mankind's baser instincts in recruitment posters.

43. Camouflage body paint is not a uniform.

44. I am not the atheist chaplain.

45. I am not allowed to “Go to Bragg boulevard and shake daddy's little money maker for twenties stuffed into my undies”.

46. I am not authorized to fire officers.

47. I am not a citizen of Texas, and those other, forty-nine, lesser states.

48. I may not use public masturbation as a tool to demonstrate a flaw in a command decision.

49. Not allowed to trade military equipment for “magic beans”.

50. Not allowed to sell magic beans during duty hours.

51. Not allowed to quote “Dr Seuss” on military operations.

52. Not allowed to yell “Take that Cobra” at the rifle range.

53. Not allowed to quote “Full Metal Jacket “ at the rifle range.

54. “Napalm sticks to kids” is *not* a motivational phrase.

55. An order to “Put Kiwi on my boots” does *not* involve fruit.

56. An order to “Make my Boots black and shiny” does not involve electrical tape.

57. The proper response to a lawful order is not “Why?”

58. The following words and phrases may not be used in a cadence- Budding sexuality, necrophilia, I hate everyone in this formation and wish they were dead, sexual lubrication, black earth mother, all Marines are latent homosexuals, Tantric yoga, Gotterdammerung, Korean hooker, Eskimo Nell, we've all got jackboots now, slut puppy, or any references to squid.

59. May not make posters depicting the leadership failings of my chain of command.

60. “The Giant Space Ants” are not at the top of my chain of command.

61. If one soldier has a 2nd Lt bar on his uniform, and I have an E-4 on mine It means he outranks me. It does not mean “I have been promoted three more times than you”.

62. It is better to beg forgiveness than to ask permission, no longer applies to Specialist Schwarz.

63. Command decisions do *not* need to be ratified by a 2/3 majority.

64. Inflatable novelties do *not* entitle me to BAQ or Separation pay.

65. There are no evil clowns living under my bed.

66. There is no “Anti-Mime” campaign in Bosnia.

67. I am not the Psychological Warfare Mascot.

68. I may not line my helmet with tin foil to “Block out the space mind control lasers”.

69. May not pretend to be a fascist stormtrooper, while on duty.

70. I am not authorized to prescribe any form of medication.

71. I must not flaunt my deviances in front of my chain of command.

72. May not wear gimp mask while on duty.

73. No military functions are to be performed “Skyclad”.

74. Woad is not camouflage makeup.

75. May not conduct psychological experiments on my chain of command.

76. "Teddy Bear, Teddy bear, turn around" is *not* a cadence.

77. The MP checkpoint is not an Imperial Stormtrooper roadblock, so I should not tell them "You don't need to see my identification, these are not the droids you are looking for."

78. I may not call block my chain of command.

79. I am neither the king nor queen of cheese.

80. Not allowed to wear a dress to any army functions.

81. May not bring a drag queen to the battalion formal dance.

82. May not form any press gangs.

83. Must not start any SITREP (Situation Report) with "I recently had an experience I just had to write you about...."

84. Must not use military vehicles to “Squish” things.

85. Not allowed to make any Psychological Warfare products depicting the infamous Ft. Bragg sniper incident.

86. May not challenge anyone in my chain of command to the “field of honor”.

87. If the thought of something makes me giggle for longer than 15 seconds, I am to assume that I am not allowed to do it.

88. Must not refer to 1st Sgt as “Mom”.

89. Must not refer to the Commander as “Dad”.

90. Inflatable sheep do *not* need to be displayed during a room inspection.

91. I am not authorized to initiate Jihad.

92. When asked to give a few words at a military ceremony “Romper Bomper Stomper Boo” is probably not appropriate.

93. Nerve gas is not funny.

94. Crucifixes do not ward off officers, and I should not test that.

95. I am not in need of a more suitable host body.

96. “Redneck Zombies” is not a military training aid.

97. Gozer does not dwell in my refrigerator.

98. The proper response to a chemical weapon attack is not “Tell my chain of command what I really think about them, and then poke holes in their masks.”

99. A smiley face is not used to mark a minefield.

100. Claymore mines are not filled with yummy candy, and it is wrong to tell new soldiers that they are.

101. I am not allowed to mount a bayonet on a crew-served weapon.

102. Rodents are not entitled to burial with full military honors, even if they are "casualties of war".

103. My commander is not old enough to have fought in the civil war, and I should stop implying that he did.

8/21/2006 9:16:38 PM

All American
1065 Posts
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compaq presario

8/21/2006 9:45:29 PM

All American
14393 Posts
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It's my job to handle life and death situations on a daily basis. It's what I do, and I'm very good at it.

8/21/2006 9:46:10 PM

All American
6256 Posts
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8/21/2006 9:57:25 PM

All American
4657 Posts
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Sexual union between a male and a female involving insertion of the penis into the vagina

8/21/2006 9:57:47 PM

I'm Eggscellent
12776 Posts
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League ID#: 531882
League Name: Hot Shih Tzu
Password: brentroad
Draft Type: Live Draft
Draft Time: Mon Aug 28 10:30pm EDT [ Add to My Calendar ]
Max Teams: 20
Scoring Type: Head-to-Head
Start Scoring on: Week 1
Can't Cut List Provider: Yahoo! Sports
Max Moves: No maximum
Max Trades: No maximum
Trade Reject Time: 2
Trade End Date: November 24, 2006
Trade Review: League Votes
Waiver Time: 2 days
Post Draft Players: Follow Waiver Rules
Playoffs: Week 16 and 17 (4 teams)
Roster Positions: QB, WR, WR, WR, RB, RB, TE, K, DEF, D, D, DB, DL, BN, BN, BN, BN, BN, BN, BN, BN, BN, BN
Stat Categories: Completions (.1)
Passing Yards (50 yards per point)
Passing Touchdowns (6)
Interceptions (-2)
Rushing Yards (20 yards per point)
Rushing Touchdowns (6)
Receptions (.1)
Reception Yards (20 yards per point)
Reception Touchdowns (6)
Return Yards (30 yards per point)
Return Touchdowns (6)
2-Point Conversions (2)
Fumbles (-.5)
Fumbles Lost (-2)
Offensive Fumble Return TD (6)
Field Goals 0-19 Yards (3)
Field Goals 20-29 Yards (3)
Field Goals 30-39 Yards (3)
Field Goals 40-49 Yards (4)
Field Goals 50+ Yards (5)
Field Goals Missed 0-19 Yards (-1)
Field Goals Missed 20-29 Yards (-.5)
Field Goals Missed 30-39 Yards (-.25)
Point After Attempt Made (1)
Sack (1)
Interception (2)
Fumble Recovery (2)
Touchdown (6)
Safety (2)
Block Kick (2)
Points Allowed 0 points (10)
Points Allowed 1-6 points (7)
Points Allowed 7-13 points (4)
Points Allowed 14-20 points (1)
Points Allowed 21-27 points (0)
Points Allowed 28-34 points (-1)
Points Allowed 35+ points (-4)
Tackle Solo (.1)
Sack (1)
Interception (2)
Fumble Force (.25)
Fumble Recovery (2)
Touchdown (6)
Safety (2)
Pass Defended (.1)
Block Kick (2)
Fractional Points: Yes
Negative Points: Yes

8/21/2006 9:57:54 PM

All American
31924 Posts
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8/21/2006 10:34:05 PM

All American
6834 Posts
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8/22/2006 12:29:08 AM

All American
4367 Posts
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8/22/2006 12:29:35 AM

Black and Proud
14179 Posts
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when a male is ready to ejaculate while doin it doggie style, he asks,"who's the boss?" Thereafter he gives his bitch a donkey punch and says,"tony fuckin danza!"

8/22/2006 12:30:26 AM

All American
22728 Posts
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% If you're reading this, be prepared for confusion. Making this was
% a learning experience for me, and it shows. Much of the placement
% was hacked in; if you make it better, let me know...

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\Large{\textbf{\LaTeXe\ Cheat Sheet}} \\

\section{Document classes}
\verb!book! & Default is two-sided. \\
\verb!report! & No \verb!\part! divisions. \\
\verb!article! & No \verb!\part! or \verb!\chapter! divisions. \\
\verb!letter! & Letter (?). \\
\verb!slides! & Large sans-serif font.

Used at the very beginning of a document:
\verb!\documentclass{!\textit{class}\verb!}!. Use
\verb!\begin{document}! to start contents and \verb!\end{document}! to
end the document.

\subsection{Common \texttt{documentclass} options}
\settowidth{\MyLen}{\texttt{letterpaper}/\texttt{a4paper} \ }
\texttt{10pt}/\texttt{11pt}/\texttt{12pt} & Font size. \\
\texttt{letterpaper}/\texttt{a4paper} & Paper size. \\
\texttt{twocolumn} & Use two columns. \\
\texttt{twoside} & Set margins for two-sided. \\
\texttt{landscape} & Landscape orientation. Must use
\texttt{dvips -t landscape}. \\
\texttt{draft} & Double-space lines.


\settowidth{\MyLen}{\texttt{multicol} }
\texttt{fullpage} & Use 1 inch margins. \\
\texttt{anysize} & Set margins with \verb!\marginsize{!\textit{l}%
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\texttt{multicol} & Use $n$ columns with
\verb!\begin{multicols}{!$n$\verb!}!. \\
\texttt{latexsym} & Use \LaTeX\ symbol font.

Use before \verb!\begin{document}!.
Usage: \verb!\usepackage{!\textit{package}\verb!}!

\settowidth{\MyLen}{\texttt{.author.text.} }
\verb!\author{!\textit{text}\verb!}! & Author of document. \\
\verb!\title{!\textit{text}\verb!}! & Title of document. \\
\verb!\date{!\textit{text}\verb!}! & Date. \\

These commands go before \verb!\begin{document}!. The declaration
\verb!\maketitle! goes at the top of the document.

\settowidth{\MyLen}{\texttt{.pagestyle.empty.} }
\verb!\pagestyle{empty}! & Empty header, footer
and no page numbers. \\


\section{Document structure}
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\verb!\subsubsection{!\textit{title}\verb!}! \\
\verb!\paragraph{!\textit{title}\verb!}! \\
Section commands can be followed with an \texttt{*}, like
\verb!\section*{!\textit{title}\verb!}!, to supress heading
numbers. \verb!\setcounter{secnumdepth}{!$x$\verb!}! supresses heading

8/22/2006 12:32:19 AM

Dick Danger
51059 Posts
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i'd say the ones repeatedly getting into fights are the losers.

8/22/2006 12:32:56 AM

All American
9905 Posts
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NEDM could save this apartment.

8/22/2006 1:01:27 AM

All American
34404 Posts
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let me know what I need to do in order to
do this. Thanks.


8/22/2006 1:02:28 AM

All American
1179 Posts
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Why was it so fucking hot in there?

8/22/2006 1:15:36 AM

All American
4265 Posts
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8/22/2006 1:50:11 AM

All American
7481 Posts
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I'd like to play some poker in person, though I wonder if all this brag is gunna
rust my poker skillz0r

8/22/2006 1:50:14 AM

Dick Danger
51059 Posts
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8/22/2006 1:50:33 AM

All American
11036 Posts
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you mean peddle

8/22/2006 3:17:06 AM

All American
3102 Posts
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110 dollars

8/22/2006 4:31:53 AM

All American
1065 Posts
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1) it takes the word of scientists from a university that doesn't even have a website.
2) it doesnt even state what the evidence is
3) it quotes a NAACP member to rebut the argument, rather than any sane scientist/anthropologist
4) it pretends that there's an actual debate going on within the scientific community

8/22/2006 8:36:38 AM

Thots and Prayers
41777 Posts
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8/22/2006 8:59:38 AM

All American
2928 Posts
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All this thread does is give the liberal anti's another reason to consider us all a bunch of fanatics that require more regulations.Keep giving them this nonsense and it will show up in the next Congressional hearing on gun control!! C'mon let's show them we have a little more class!!! Keep your wallpaper to yourself!!

8/22/2006 9:00:04 AM

All American
3004 Posts
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Owen Hargreaves

8/22/2006 9:26:35 AM

2298 Posts
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8/28/2006 12:05:47 AM

Duke is puke
20897 Posts
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8/28/2006 12:07:12 AM

37709 Posts
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8/28/2006 12:10:22 AM

All American
24387 Posts
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8/28/2006 12:17:02 AM

All American
3857 Posts
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8/28/2006 12:22:37 AM

All American
1179 Posts
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8/28/2006 12:26:11 AM

All American
1629 Posts
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8/28/2006 12:27:55 AM

63151 Posts
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8/28/2006 12:28:16 AM

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