themodist Suspended 1013 Posts user info edit post |
i went to buy a car stero for a beater i used to have. just wanted the cheapest cd player in the store. (within reason)
pioneer ... 110 bucks.
guy offers me a 3 year warrenty for 40 dollars.
"no thanks, i think i'm going to sell the car in less than a year, during which time its covered by the manufacturers warranty."
"well, the warranty is transferrable to the new owner."
"he's not going to buy my car or pay me anything extra because the cheap ass cd player has a 2 year warranty on it."
"are you sure?"
"dude, its almost half the price of the reciever, no, i don't want it."
"well i'm just going to staple it to your reciept in case you change your mind."
"get that shit off of my reciept."
[Edited on September 24, 2007 at 2:07 PM. Reason : PAGE 3] 9/24/2007 2:06:04 PM
ambrosia1231 eeeeeeeeeevil 76471 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "^i'm just well informed and have good experience as a customer with service plans. " |
So, since you've had good experiences, that means you're the informed consumer, and those who have had bad experiences are the uninformed ones? 9/24/2007 2:07:50 PM
SweetTreats All American 8563 Posts user info edit post |
wow you are stupid
he said he was informed AND had good experiences. He never said he was informed BECAUSE he had good experiences 9/24/2007 2:10:03 PM
Golovko All American 27023 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "wow you are stupid
he said he was informed AND had good experiences. He never said he was informed BECAUSE he had good experiences" |
just wanted to be a little nicer about it... 9/24/2007 2:14:37 PM
El Nachó special helper 16370 Posts user info edit post |
saying this:
Quote : | "and jackleg, most people dont have the tools to remove viruses from the BIOS. Viruses are near impossible to remove/and or clean, especially when in windows. They dont sell those tools in stores. Geek Squad does have them." |
means you lose the right to ever call anyone stupid again as long as you live. 9/24/2007 2:15:12 PM
SweetTreats All American 8563 Posts user info edit post |
what i wrote to jackleg in a PM:
but for people who arent computer literate, no price is too high. They just want their computer fixed. For people who know what they are doing and talking about, then geek squad is ridiculously overpriced. But the computer savvy people arent going to be coming to geek squad for help. 9/24/2007 2:16:54 PM
Golovko All American 27023 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "means you lose the right to ever call anyone stupid again as long as you live." |
What are you? the Calling People Out Police or something? You never contribute to any discussions, just troll troll troll. You must live a very fulfilling life. 9/24/2007 2:19:12 PM
jackleg All American 170962 Posts user info edit post |
gloveko all you do on this site is troll people. its cute that youre sticking up for the girl and all, but shut the fuck up already 9/24/2007 2:20:03 PM
El Nachó special helper 16370 Posts user info edit post |
^^^so basically, you're saying it's ok to charge people whatever they will pay because they're too dumb to do anything about it.
I agree with that. but jesus, that doesn't mean you have to feel good about being the low level tech nerd that does the dirty work. Working at any retail place is a shit job. some shit jobs are better than others and you gotta do what you gotta do to get by. Just stop acting like working at BB is anything special. It's the same as working at Walmart.
^^I've contributed plenty. Hell, I think calling your dumb ass out on the bullshit you spew is contribution enough. ] 9/24/2007 2:20:12 PM
Golovko All American 27023 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Just stop acting like working at BB is anything special. It's the same as working at Walmart." |
Nobody is acting like that. However the work environment at Best Buy is a lot better then Wal-Mart. Although a retail job is still just a retail job.
^except you've never called me out and I don't spew bullshit.
[Edited on September 24, 2007 at 2:22 PM. Reason : .] 9/24/2007 2:22:10 PM
jackleg All American 170962 Posts user info edit post |
when did you work for walmart, glove? 9/24/2007 2:22:59 PM
SkankinMonky All American 3344 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "but for people who arent computer literate, no price is too high. " |
Yea that's a horrible justification for inflated prices. Sure you can blame the 'free market' and all but over 200 bucks for a windows install? What does that take with a slipstreamed CD? 1-2 hours? Only 5 minutes of that is actual configuration too.
That's like going up to a make-a-wish kid who wants to get laid before he dies and making him have sex with an 80 year old woman. 9/24/2007 2:24:21 PM
jackleg All American 170962 Posts user info edit post |
explain more about this bios virus and group policy!!!1 9/24/2007 2:26:10 PM
El Nachó special helper 16370 Posts user info edit post |
I worked at Walmart when I was younger. I didn't have any major problems with the "work environment"
Quote : | "except you've never called me out and I don't spew bullshit." |
Maybe that's because when I make you look too stupid you PM a mod and have the posts deleted. 9/24/2007 2:26:12 PM
Golovko All American 27023 Posts user info edit post |
^^^I agree, geeksquad prices are insanely high. It's pure margin but they do have a lot of overhead i guess.
^ha? the only time I ever PMed a mod was this...

[Edited on September 24, 2007 at 2:29 PM. Reason : .] 9/24/2007 2:26:40 PM
jackleg All American 170962 Posts user info edit post |
overhead like buying all these "tools" that are unavailable to anyone else
im telling you. give me a static blanket, and a copy of sysinternals, and i can beat any geek squad guy with one hand tied behind by bac 9/24/2007 2:28:13 PM
Arab13 Art Vandelay 45180 Posts user info edit post |
or legal fees, or court fees, or car mechanic rates, or doctors rates, dentists rates... high hourly fees are the nature of the beast for specialized skills where any actual physical item that's being sold is relatively cheap 9/24/2007 2:29:23 PM
themodist Suspended 1013 Posts user info edit post |
by overhead do you mean a beetle with a halloween paint job? 9/24/2007 2:30:35 PM
Golovko All American 27023 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "overhead like buying all these "tools" that are unavailable to anyone else" |
Standalone geeksquad locations. automobiles Insurance Uniforms Training etc. 9/24/2007 2:30:36 PM
jackleg All American 170962 Posts user info edit post |
sorry man i do my sidework in whatever clothes or car i want. as for insurance, maybe. havent run into an instance where ive fucked someones shit up so bad that i wasnt willing to fix it out of pocket. but the rates arent as high as you think (unless you have unskilled people working on computers. given my aptitude, my rates really arent that high)
[Edited on September 24, 2007 at 2:33 PM. Reason : rates = insurance OR price] 9/24/2007 2:33:01 PM
Golovko All American 27023 Posts user info edit post |
are you comparing your 'side-work' to a multi-billion dollar corporation?
obviously you aren't going to have any over heard if you are working in your everyday clothes out of your parents basement. Not to mention you work alone as 'side-work'
[Edited on September 24, 2007 at 2:35 PM. Reason : fda] 9/24/2007 2:34:12 PM
jackleg All American 170962 Posts user info edit post |
betcha my dayjob is a bigger (and better and more technical) corporation than fucking BEST BUY
also dont work in anyones basement, cant help it that i dont dress like a tool unless i have to. and this conversation is over, cause youre just a hateful little bestbuy worker and i not only own you in the corporate world, i'm about 3 days from being incorporated myself to do my "sidework"  9/24/2007 2:37:50 PM
Golovko All American 27023 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "betcha my dayjob is a bigger (and better and more technical) corporation than fucking BEST BUY
also dont work in anyones basement, cant help it that i dont dress like a tool unless i have to. and this conversation is over, cause youre just a hateful little bestbuy worker and i not only own you in the corporate world, i'm about 3 days from being incorporated myself to do my "sidework" " |
congratulations. I think you get the 'most childish post' award.
So is your day-job corporation ranked higher then 76 on the Fortune 500?
[Edited on September 24, 2007 at 2:41 PM. Reason : fda] 9/24/2007 2:39:58 PM
jackleg All American 170962 Posts user info edit post |
have fun at bestbuy for 9 bucks an hour dude 9/24/2007 2:40:45 PM
Arab13 Art Vandelay 45180 Posts user info edit post |
guys, it doesn't matter 9/24/2007 2:41:38 PM
Golovko All American 27023 Posts user info edit post |
^^because you can't read.
Quote : | "I was hired part-time at $8/hr and when I turned in my 2 weeks noticed exactly 1 year later I was making $17/hr.
" |
from page 2
and that was Sept. 2004-Sept. 2005 We are now 2007.
[Edited on September 24, 2007 at 2:43 PM. Reason : fda] 9/24/2007 2:42:42 PM
soulfire963 Suspended 1587 Posts user info edit post |
after hours of thought i figured out 2 solutions
dont shop at best buy
dont work at best buy
</thread> 9/24/2007 2:43:33 PM
jackleg All American 170962 Posts user info edit post |
paystubs or it didnt happen 9/24/2007 2:43:46 PM
Skack All American 31140 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "give me a static blanket" |
Static is a myth.  9/24/2007 2:45:35 PM
Golovko All American 27023 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "So is your day-job corporation ranked higher then 76 on the Fortune 500?" |
9/24/2007 2:47:02 PM
1 All American 2599 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "
We write u regarding your rezume placed at an Employment portal. We are definitely sure that your candidate quite satisfies our requirements and corresponds to one from 3 our vacant positions. So we would like to propose U a job. For further information, please, visit our web:
" |
9/24/2007 2:48:16 PM
ScHpEnXeL Suspended 32613 Posts user info edit post |
Who gives a fuck where the company they work for is on the fortune 500 list. You don't make more money because of how much the company is worth.. unless you built the fucking company then you have absolutely nothing to brag about. You were nothing more than their little bitch that brought in 10x what he made.. 9/24/2007 2:52:00 PM
Golovko All American 27023 Posts user info edit post |
^I wasn't the one who used this childish statement...
Quote : | "betcha my dayjob is a bigger (and better and more technical) corporation" |
I was just showing the rank of best buy when it comes to 'bigger' for him to compare.
^in the real-world, thats how every job pay scale works. You aren't going to get paid MORE than what the company is taking in....DUH! so unless you are a CEO/Founder, or have profit sharing, you are their little bitch.
[Edited on September 24, 2007 at 2:55 PM. Reason : f] 9/24/2007 2:54:20 PM
Wraith All American 27289 Posts user info edit post |
I've been looking to buy a google or two, can I buy one at Best Buy? 9/24/2007 2:56:27 PM
Golovko All American 27023 Posts user info edit post |
No, but you can buy a "how to be funny" service plan. 9/24/2007 2:57:36 PM
El Nachó special helper 16370 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "n the real-world, thats how every job pay scale works. You aren't going to get paid MORE than what the company is taking in....DUH! so unless you are a CEO/Founder, or have profit sharing, you are their little bitch." |
So then why in the flying fuck are you sitting here defending it so hard? Jesus, I guess you are just easily excitable or something. You have this attitude that everything you use must be the best because you use it or everywhere you worked must be the best because you worked there. Christ, it's just a shitty ass job low level tech job. It's nothing special. Fucking give it a rest already. 9/24/2007 2:59:25 PM
Golovko All American 27023 Posts user info edit post |
EL OH EL...I never said ANYTHING about it being the best of the best. If you were confused when I said "best buy" I was just referring to the name of the company NOT that it really was the best buy.
I was discussing service plans vs homeowners insurance with Ambrosia. Jackleg over here thought he'd come in and troll some but instead got trolled.
I just brought in facts to counter the bullshit. You can make your own judgment about Best Buy with the facts instead of fiction.
[Edited on September 24, 2007 at 3:02 PM. Reason : fda] 9/24/2007 3:01:04 PM
El Nachó special helper 16370 Posts user info edit post |
soulfire963 Suspended 1587 Posts user info edit post |
no they arent, no you dont. 9/24/2007 3:04:45 PM
Golovko All American 27023 Posts user info edit post |
reading comprehension 101.
Jackleg: My company is bigger! Golevko: Is it higher than 76 on the fortune 500? Jackleg: ....
And some how out of all that you got that I said best buy is the best place in the world to work for!
oooh wait! I get it, you're trolling...kk...enjoy. 9/24/2007 3:04:46 PM
El Nachó special helper 16370 Posts user info edit post |
reading comprehension 101.
glovefucker: admits to trolling in one post.
calls someone out for trolling in the next.
oooh wait! I get it, you're retarded...kk...enjoy. 9/24/2007 3:10:00 PM
Golovko All American 27023 Posts user info edit post |
^i'll take the bait.
Where in this thread did I say I'm just trolling? 9/24/2007 3:11:42 PM
El Nachó special helper 16370 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Jackleg over here thought he'd come in and troll some but instead got trolled." |
9/24/2007 3:16:00 PM
Golovko All American 27023 Posts user info edit post |
GG on taking something completely out of context. Jackleg came in here spewing bullshit trying to troll and I proved him wrong. You on the other hand came in here just to troll, just like jockleg 9/24/2007 3:17:58 PM
El Nachó special helper 16370 Posts user info edit post |
You fucking admitted to trolling. I don't see how that is "out of context" you moronic twatstain.
What you call trolling, I call making you look like the retard you are acting like.
6 of one, half dozen of the other, I suppose.] 9/24/2007 3:19:02 PM
Wraith All American 27289 Posts user info edit post |
Arguing on the inernet is like competing in the special olympics... 9/24/2007 3:21:16 PM
El Nachó special helper 16370 Posts user info edit post |
everyone involved is smarter than Golovko? 9/24/2007 3:21:59 PM
Aficionado Suspended 22518 Posts user info edit post |
yes 9/24/2007 3:22:42 PM
themodist Suspended 1013 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "overhead like buying all these "tools" that are unavailable to anyone else"
Standalone geeksquad locations. automobiles Insurance Uniforms Training etc. " |
ok, so i work at a F500 company doing financial management. We are in the IT consulting arena. Software licences and training are a pittance compared to payroll. which is where geek squad and companies like them make their money.
[Edited on September 24, 2007 at 3:25 PM. Reason : specificity] 9/24/2007 3:23:05 PM
Golovko All American 27023 Posts user info edit post |
El Nachó, the only thing you've been successful at doing here is making yourself look like the childish loser you are. GG. 9/24/2007 3:28:46 PM