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 Message Boards » » Girls... what's in your purse/sachel/handbag?? Page 1 2 [3], Prev  
All American
26946 Posts
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ooh this should be interesting

weird thing - I've seen a LOT of murses lately. All small messenger bags.

12/9/2007 7:05:54 PM

soup du hier
41043 Posts
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nahh typing 1 handed & lazy

layin on the couch watchin a movie

12/9/2007 7:05:54 PM

All American
26946 Posts
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Mine is all lip gloss, coke lids and receipts.
And a checkbook like a grandma

12/9/2007 7:12:30 PM

2019 Egg Champ
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12/9/2007 7:12:51 PM


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12/9/2007 8:34:27 PM

All American
4762 Posts
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Quote :
"I've seen a LOT of murses lately"
you've seen a lot of male nurses?

12/9/2007 9:28:39 PM

All American
1896 Posts
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When my fav. map-print Fossil purse finally fell apart about a year ago, I splurged at the Fossil Outlet & ended up with 3 new leather purses. Over time I think I've collected something like 8 purses. 5 Fossil **all purchased at atleast 60% off (2 small cloth: one short strap [the one that died ], one long; 1 med/large black leather; 1 med/large tan leather; 1 simple small dark brown leather), 1 Coach (small, black, perfect fancy outing bag AND something like 75% off ), 1 NCSU purse which never gets used, & my black cloth GAP messenger style bag ($10 at the GAP outlet).

I got tired of trying to find pictures of the ones I use... guess that's what I get for being a outlet purse whore (But really- there's no reason to pay full price for Fossil when you can get a $120 bag for $20-30... & get 3 for < price of one! )

Ok- /novel. Plz to continue with man-bag/murses conversation!
I personally get annoyed with always having to carry a purse (especially riding a motorcycle... it simply DOESN'T work... and my jacket doesn't fit properly after I put $$, registration, CC, other keys, phone, etc. in my pockets). Purses are also annoying when going out... I mean, really. I <3 guys with big pockets That way I can get said guy to hold my phone, CC, & ID and I'm home free!! (& w/o unattractive bulging pockets!)

[Edited on December 9, 2007 at 11:25 PM. Reason : ]

12/9/2007 11:24:33 PM

All American
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ahahaha i make my boo carry all my shit in his pockets most of the time.

Don't you have a place under your motorcycle seat to put your valuables? Or a bag on the top? I'm always scared that those ones that hang on by magnets can only be so strong.

12/10/2007 12:19:44 AM

All American
11291 Posts
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not very much, atm

- wallet
- keys
- pens
- notepad
- ti83+
- phone
- camera
- two packs of tissue

12/10/2007 12:33:18 AM

All American
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^^ There's supposed to be a small compartment under the passenger seat, but when the previous owner ghetto rigged the fender eliminator w/ zip ties he left a huge gaping hole leading straight to the ground. I suppose I could pay $65 to get the actual kit & potentially solve the problem. I had saddle bags on my Rebel, but would always forget that I put stuff in them & remember much later (thank goodness no one noticed). I've looked into getting a tank bag. Honestly, the magnets are really strong & if it started to slide it should come straight down the tank... but I haven't found a nice slim-line bag yet.

^ SOME ONE ELSE CARRIES A TI Glad to know I'm not the only one.

12/10/2007 12:46:35 AM

37709 Posts
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^^^interestingly enough I saw a thing on Scrubs where Cox's wife described guys as just a big purse where women put stuff in their pockets

12/10/2007 12:48:20 AM

Kitty B
All American
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two wii nunchucks, a few receipts, a pen. maybe some wii games. haven't used it since i went to a friend's house last weekend.

i tend to throw my wallet, phone, and MP3 player in the bookbag. the "purse" (sachel) never comes to campus.

12/10/2007 12:50:45 AM

All American
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Yeah, between the bookbag, purse(s), and my motorcycle jacket [when my mcy isn't out of commission due to still needing a tire change] I am always losing track of important things (usually my CC & ID... )

12/10/2007 12:54:26 AM

All American
26824 Posts
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You need to kick somebody in the ding ding to get your tire changed.

12/10/2007 12:55:11 AM

147487 Posts
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12/10/2007 2:21:39 AM

All American
17209 Posts
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on getting kicked in the jewels?

12/10/2007 2:24:28 AM

147487 Posts
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by ncsukat LOL

12/10/2007 2:26:26 AM

All American
17209 Posts
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goddamn, son--if you're that hard-up, just get a prostitute; don't get some broad to bust your piƱata

12/10/2007 2:28:10 AM

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12/10/2007 2:29:13 AM

All American
1896 Posts
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wtf is happening in my thread?!?!

12/10/2007 2:29:44 AM

147487 Posts
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another thing i would put in my purse would be my usb network adapter

12/10/2007 2:32:54 AM

All American
1896 Posts
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I definitely need to invest in one of those...

12/10/2007 2:35:22 AM

147487 Posts
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i got one you can have

12/10/2007 2:37:07 AM

All American
10506 Posts
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why do you ya'll carry so much stuff?

12/10/2007 6:29:40 AM

All American
941 Posts
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I just cleaned it out this weekend, so it shouldn't be that bad, but here we go:

Wallet with the usual stuff
Small notebook where I jot down notes, lists, etc
Ipod Charger
My fiance's sunglasses
Empty pack of Orbit gum
Hand lotion
travel size crest toothpaste
Some mail that I need to put in the mail today
brochure for outpatient surgery at Wake Med
Receipt from Harris Teeter
Halls Defense
Travel size sunscreen
Eckerd's Lip Balm
Burt's bees lip shimmer
Iron supplement tablets
Makeup powder compact
assorted feminine hygiene products
Gold upright bass pin that someone gave me
gum wrappers
cell phone
Pen from Moravian Falls Campground

12/10/2007 8:50:33 AM

2488 Posts
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Quote :
"Burt's bees lip shimmer"

you mean

Clorox® presents Burt's bees lip shimmer

that's right folks, it's time to stop buying Burt's Bees products

12/10/2007 8:54:55 AM

All American
17209 Posts
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ahaha, nice edit dnl

12/10/2007 9:08:49 AM

63151 Posts
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12/10/2007 9:49:01 AM

147487 Posts
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^^rofl...she never responded to my pm regardless

12/10/2007 12:25:38 PM

All American
1896 Posts
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bttt... b/c dnl killed my thread

12/11/2007 10:01:35 PM

147487 Posts
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dwl-g122 h/w ver: b1 f/w ver: 2.02

thats that usb adapter i have

12/11/2007 10:04:47 PM

All American
2732 Posts
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um, I usually dont carry one because i have a tendency to put them down and leave them somewhere. lol. I have a bookbag/tote for all my books and i just kinda throw my other shit in there.

if i'm not at school, i have a carabiner with my keys, wallet, and phone all clipped together and i carry that.

12/11/2007 10:09:37 PM

22518 Posts
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im not reading the whole thread

but did anyone say that they had condoms in there?

12/11/2007 10:11:55 PM

All American
39626 Posts
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-make up bag containing: contact eye drops, emory board, lip gloss (honey), lip gloss (mint), and blush
-paddle brush
-sunglasses case and sunglasses
-eye doctor visit itemized statement
-mini wallet with credit cards i rarely use and misc member cards (hallmark, ulta, etc.)
-sugar cookies just given to me by a friend i had dinner with
-one bite size crackel bar (ya know, for chocolate emergencies)
-three bead bracelets (i've been looking for those!!)
-pier 1 imports gift card and various coupons
-check book

[Edited on December 11, 2007 at 10:48 PM. Reason : ]

12/11/2007 10:44:24 PM

19447 Posts
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Not much:
Wallet with all my crap in it
hair band
lip gloss and Burt's Bees colored gloss stuff
some receipts
I think that's it

I keep thinking I want to change my purse since I've been using the same one forever, but I keep forgetting.

12/11/2007 10:48:39 PM

All American
10506 Posts
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informative thread.

12/12/2007 3:40:06 AM

242 Posts
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Quote :
"Got the TI-89 first back at the beginning of HS.
AP Stat teacher taught on the TI-83+, so it has all of my nifty analysis programs.
Plus, it's just faster & easier to use for any/all statistical calculations IMO.
However- I despise using the 83+ for anything more than Stat...
The 83+ is just a royal pain in the ass after being accustomed to the 89's superiority.

bwahaahahaaha, this has got to be the nerdiest thing I've ever heard out of you

too bad I've got an 89 and 83+ too

[Edited on December 12, 2007 at 3:52 AM. Reason : p.s. pm ur log in it'll be so fuckin funny I promise]

12/12/2007 3:51:15 AM

All American
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^ Is that really the nerdiest thing I've said? wow... three and a half years of potential data, and that's the best you've gotten. I guess my true inner geek only shows under the condition of an extreme lack of sleep

[Edited on December 12, 2007 at 5:17 AM. Reason : I know where you sleep & will certainly kill you if you post nudes or somethin ]

12/12/2007 5:16:12 AM

All American
687 Posts
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Wallet, car key, (hmm, where's my apartment keys?), cell phone, 1 Sobe Adrenaline Rush, pair of driving gloves, clear mascara, bronzeberry lipstick, saline nasal spray that I don't need any more because the ear infection went away, sunglasses, 3 pencils, 2 pens, pouch of rune stones, spare key to my boyfriend's car, ticket stub for the Golden Compass, Dave and Buster's game card, folding knife, black makeup pencil from the Harry Potter 7 release party, two clear stones I got from the fairy at Ren faire, counseling center appointement slip (which I missed), wine tool, Hello Kitty pez dispenser, pack of hair elastics, ticket stub for War, Sheetz receipt, two full sets of Dungeons and Dragons dice, broken Sailor Venus keychain, ticket stub for 30 Days of Night, sunblock, business card for the Federal Postal Inspector, 2 Express coupons, a paper detailing the upgrades I want for my computer, ticket stub for Elizabeth and the Golden Age, a bent-up paper clip, 7 photographs from Paul and Mary's wedding, and a bill from my mother's insurance company telling me I have a $50 credit at my dentist's office.
God DAMN. I got a bigger purse, and it instantly filled up with crap!

[Edited on December 12, 2007 at 5:25 AM. Reason : Why is it always the embarassing movie ticket stubs that stick around in the purse?]

12/12/2007 5:24:00 AM


21814 Posts
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Camera- Sony DSC-W50 (in case)
cell phone (in case)
face powder
two chapsticks, one vanilla and one cocoa flavored

that's all, I cant have too much because I switch purses like every other day depending on what I'm wearing.

12/12/2007 6:20:35 AM

Fuckwads SS '15
20681 Posts
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cell phone
random coupons (macys, bed beth and beyond, linens n things, etc)
bc pills
tic tacs
wet naps (great for cleaning my glasses)
pens, pencils, scrap paper
loose change

12/12/2007 7:32:26 AM

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