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147487 Posts
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i figured if an illegal broke the law here they were deported anyways

1/9/2008 3:49:51 PM

All American
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Quote :
"and you get people like you, who do nothing but play the race card and try to make it a racial issue instead of a THEY BROKE THE LAW issue"

i wasn't playing the racial card!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! read the post. there is going to be an issue of race when dealing with immigration whether you like it or not. whether or not they broke the law has nothing to do with whether or not race will come into one is up on their soap box yelling about illegal canadian immigrants. i mean come on, race is an issue. no, it isn't THE issue. my point is simply that it is AN issue. and that is part of what makes it a sensitive subject. that is my ONLY point. i'm not talking about people who support secured borders being racist, i didn't call anyone racist, i am, in effect agreeing with you, by stating that the race card WILL get played. race WILL be an issue. i didn't say i am playing it (sidenote: don't assume you know what i actually think). i just said tthere are racial undertones in immigration issues. that is more of a general fact than an opinion.

and thats fine, they broke the law. but one reason we have punishments is to deter the law from being broken again. well, punishments only deter if they are employed soon after the law is broken. therefore, punishing illegal immigrants that have been here for years and years and years, is not going to be a good remedy to the situation. i agree. secure border. that is fine. that is a solution for prevention. but as i stated above, the issue is what to do with the people that are here now. and punishing them for breaking the law (our law) that they might have broken 15 years ago just doesn't seem effective. it also doesn't seem fair because again like i said although they have benefited from being here, we have benefited from them being here as well. whether or not we could have reaped the same benefits without them is an irrelevant argument when deciding to do with those already here. we may have already benefited from their contributions. it just seems unfair to completely disregard someone who has contributed to our society. does that not make ANY sense? i know that is opening it up for you to jump all over me with curt, condescending comments, but whatever.

[Edited on January 9, 2008 at 3:56 PM. Reason : .]

1/9/2008 3:51:09 PM

All American
6651 Posts
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no, believe it or not, there are actually laws prohibiting officers from calling INS on these guys... it's insanely retarded...

1/9/2008 3:51:12 PM

All American
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1/9/2008 3:51:15 PM

Art Vandelay
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1/9/2008 3:52:09 PM

Aging fast
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this thread has taken a turn for the WTF?

1/9/2008 3:52:16 PM

All American
24527 Posts
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Quote :
"If we can't deport them all, then it should definitely be the case that if an illegal breaks the law here, they should be immediately deported"

if they commit a felony here, they should be stuck in a prison farm and forced to work. If it's a minor offense, then they should be deported and hit with civil forfeiture of their assets to pay for the cost of deportation.

1/9/2008 3:52:51 PM

147487 Posts
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well unless a better idea comes along, offering the ones that are peaceful and here amnesty is the best compromise repubs are gonna get

1/9/2008 3:53:04 PM

148852 Posts
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Quote :
"there is going to be an issue of race when dealing with immigration whether you like it or not"

and even when someone like myself, for whom race is not an issue at all, you continue to mention RACE RACE RACE RACE RACE

and the sympathy card

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"although they have benefited from being here, we have benefited from them being here as well"

if i go buy some heroin and shoot it, i will benefit by getting really really high...therefore its not fair to the drug dealer to get punished, because even though he benefited by getting my money, i benefited from him by getting high

1/9/2008 4:14:35 PM

All American
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Quote :
"and even when someone like myself, for whom race is not an issue at all"

Are you joking? hahaha

1/9/2008 4:15:51 PM

148852 Posts
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not on immigration its not an issue

only when dealing with huge racists like you^ since you bring it all on yourself by whining all the time about how unfair your over privileged life is

btw i thought you didnt care what i said so gtfo

1/9/2008 4:17:46 PM

All American
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Quote :
"and even when someone like myself, for whom race is not an issue at all, you continue to mention RACE RACE RACE RACE RACE"

A)i don't care about you or whether or not race is an issue for you. that is not and never was the point
B)it was a general comment about the issue of immigration and subissues that comprise it (whether or not it is a subissue for you is not really important your comments, i do not care)
C)that is the last time i will be explaining it to you, so no need to mention the fact that i brought up race ever again. i know that is what you will want to do directly following this post. i get it: i brought up race and now you will feel the need to tell me i brought it up. that would typically be followed by me attempting to explain to you why i brought it up and then followed by you telling me i brought it up. i'm kind of over that so now the ball is in your court to understand the very small tiny point that i was trying to make, which got extremely exacerbated in this thread. it is summarized above. point B.

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"f i go buy some heroin and shoot it, i will benefit by getting really really high...therefore its not fair to the drug dealer to get punished, because even though he benefited by getting my money, i benefited from him by getting high"

yea that really isn't the same thing at all, but ok i will give you an A for effort. plus there are a lot more implications when dealing with illegal immigrants that i could bring up, but i don't really feel like it. i'll let you reserach those on your own. here's a point to ponder though (and get you started): what about the kids who have grown up in the united states, learning english, going to school here, leading normal lives here. they had no choice in whether or not to come here. their parents came here. do we punish them too?

[Edited on January 9, 2008 at 4:24 PM. Reason : k]

1/9/2008 4:21:47 PM

148852 Posts
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why can't you discuss immigration without bringing up race?

1/9/2008 4:23:33 PM

All American
16056 Posts
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I don't see anything wrong with wanting to demonstrate that women can in fact become president.

On the other hand, folks who'd vote for even Ann Coulter to prove that do worry me a bit.

1/9/2008 4:24:28 PM

148852 Posts
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"what about the kids who have grown up in the united states, learning english, going to school here, leading normal lives here. they had no choice in whether or not to come here. their parents came here. do we punish them too?"

if they were born here then they are US citizens...if not, oh well...but I prefer talking about feasibility and logic when talking about immigration, not trying to pander to people's emotions

funny how we get on logic versus feelings in the thread about a woman president

v i did see your previous post, please see mine

1/9/2008 4:28:30 PM

All American
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Quote :
"why can't you discuss immigration without bringing up race"

sigh. please see my previous post. and remember once again. i am not talking about you or i personally. i am talking about subissues that arise (stem, follow from, etc, etc) from the issue of immigration when it is discussed in society (such as in the political arena). don't ask me why it comes up. why don't you go poll people across america and see what they have to say. it is just an issue that has typically reared its head when the issue of immigration has come up. i didn't personally make it that way. i didn't say yo, they're talking about immigration better bring up race. so sorry, can't really help you out when answering this question. maybe God or Google could provide some help.

yes i get it, but are we going to send the parents off and let the kids stay here? doesn't seem very LOGICAL.

[Edited on January 9, 2008 at 4:31 PM. Reason : .]

um another edit just to say i don't support hillary. so it really has nothing to do with a woman president. either way funny how you assume that feelings < logic.

[Edited on January 9, 2008 at 4:33 PM. Reason : .]

1/9/2008 4:30:22 PM

148852 Posts
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can you please tell me why its at all relevant that some people are racist? how does that have any effect whatsoever about us discussing immigration policies?

the race card and the emotion card are your two favorites i guess


fuck that i'm thinking about the poor children getting a free ride off my tax dollar, what about my children

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"it really has nothing to do with a woman president."

yeah it actually does because you're using the sympathy card, just like hil-dog and her fake tears the other day

1/9/2008 4:32:38 PM

All American
35165 Posts
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Quote :
"sigh. please see my previous post. and remember once again. i am not talking about you or i personally. i am talking about subissues that arise (stem, follow from, etc, etc) from the issue of immigration when it is discussed in society (such as in the political arena)."

no. noticing that illegal immigrants may have actually provided us with economic benefits isn't exactly the
"emotion" card. seems like a LOGICAL thing to consider. as does wondering what the implications are for those children born here whos parents we are going to "punish" or "send back" or whatever. seems logical to consider.

[Edited on January 9, 2008 at 4:37 PM. Reason : .]

1/9/2008 4:35:10 PM

All American
22489 Posts
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Quote :
"can you please tell me why its at all relevant that some people are racist? how does that have any effect whatsoever about discussing immigration policies?

I'm sure it has to do with racist policy makers... or lawmakers acting on behalf of racist constituents (like you).

1/9/2008 4:35:28 PM

All American
24527 Posts
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^^what makes you think anyone gives a shit about some illegal immigrants kids? I'm sure that kid got spoiled enjoying the education and lifestyle that other taxpaying Americans inadvertantly bought for him, but that doesn't me we want him to continue to enjoy those privileges.

1/9/2008 4:35:47 PM

148852 Posts
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if this were a sports talk thread going on during tonight's state game, you'd just keep repeating about how you have to dribble the ball and how the rim is 10' high and the free throw line is 15 feet from the basket, even though everybody else is actually talking about the game

1/9/2008 4:36:18 PM

All American
16056 Posts
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Oh, some of us definitely give a shit.

1/9/2008 4:36:46 PM

All American
24527 Posts
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and some of you don't pay taxes either.

1/9/2008 4:37:33 PM

148852 Posts
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Quote :
"I'm sure it has to do with racist policy makers... or lawmakers acting on behalf of racist constituents (like you).


thats relevant to this thread? do any policymakers or law makers post on tww? no just another dumb ass post from a dumb ass

1/9/2008 4:38:25 PM

All American
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Look, I'm probably more opposed to the government than you are.

Once it stops enforcing property rights and such, call me.

Until then, I more or less support the decent things the government does.

I strongly support illegal immigrants. Come over.

Screw the migra.

1/9/2008 4:39:50 PM

148852 Posts
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yeah but you're the radical minority

luckily we dont live in the USSR

1/9/2008 4:40:15 PM

All American
16056 Posts
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No doubt about that.

1/9/2008 4:40:41 PM

All American
22489 Posts
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Quote :
"thats relevant to this thread? do any policymakers or law makers post on tww? no just another dumb ass post from a dumb ass

I was talking about the issue of immigration policies, which was the subject of your post.

wtg calling me a "dumb ass" though - very That 70's show of you. TOO COOL!

1/9/2008 4:42:30 PM

12937 Posts
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Who should I vote for?

1/9/2008 4:43:59 PM

All American
11036 Posts
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Whomever you decide

1/9/2008 4:45:02 PM

All American
9134 Posts
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hey guys, im brown, my parents are brown and they make more money than your parents. and i'll probably end up making more money than you

Go brown people...


1/9/2008 4:47:03 PM

12937 Posts
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But you're brown.

1/9/2008 4:48:14 PM

All American
35165 Posts
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Quote :
"^^what makes you think anyone gives a shit about some illegal immigrants kids? I'm sure that kid got spoiled enjoying the education and lifestyle that other taxpaying Americans inadvertantly bought for him, but that doesn't me we want him to continue to enjoy those privileges."

well if they are born here then they are americans, too. but i guess we don't care about our fellow americans.

and treetwista, you have repeated your same damn question to me a million times in this thread, so don't act like i am the only one repeating. do you know why i was repeating my question, because everytime i respond to a post all i get is "uhhhh but WHY does race play a role when talking about immigration policy?"

every freaking time you respond with the same damn question. i've answered it enough. so, since you brought this point up
Quote :
"thats relevant to this thread? do any policymakers or law makers post on tww?"
then maybe you should ask policymakers or law makers why race often comes up when addressing the subject of immigration. i was simply pointing out a subissue that has arisen when people have discussed the topic. i don't know why it happens. i suppose it is because that anytime issues arise when race is involved, people will bring up race!! like i said before. i don't make the rules. i don't tell people to bring up race everytime someone talks about immigration. it is just an issue that has come up before in the public political arena so, i pointed it out. THAT IS ALL. get it?

1/9/2008 4:48:31 PM

All American
22489 Posts
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^^ he's actually a BASTARD

1/9/2008 4:48:38 PM

All American
9134 Posts
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im not a bastard, i knew my biological father, i didnt like him much though.

1/9/2008 4:51:39 PM

148852 Posts
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"very That 70's show of you. "

wtf is this herb talking about?

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"i was simply pointing out a subissue that has arisen when people have discussed the topic"

it arose because you brought it up and insinuated that anybody in this thread who isnt for amnesty doesnt want "spics" in this country

1/9/2008 4:58:58 PM

All American
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Quote :
"it arose because you brought it up and insinuated that anybody in this thread who isnt for amnesty doesnt want "spics" in this country"

haha no i didn't. i never brought up amnesty. and i used the term "spic" to describe how race can play into things even when race is not the main issue (such as our topic of immigration)

this is what i said:
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"i didn't call you racist. i said there are racial undertones to all immigration issues. that doesn't mean that that people who want a more secure border are racist. it means that in situations that involve different races, RACE will play a role whether it should or not. i feel like everyone can agree with that comment. you get people who jump on the immigration bandwagon because they want the "spics" to go back to their country. that is all i am saying....that immigration is an especially sensitive issue because it deals with race.

[Edited on January 9, 2008 at 5:06 PM. Reason : .]

1/9/2008 5:02:22 PM

147487 Posts
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its not a coincidence that the person you are talking to has a lot of posts

1/9/2008 5:03:49 PM

12937 Posts
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Quote :
"a lot"

1/9/2008 5:07:18 PM

147487 Posts
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rex harrison is the man

1/9/2008 5:10:56 PM

1013 Posts
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Quote :
" just like hil-dog and her fake tears the other day"

OH FUCK YOU. If any of those dried up windbags could have a fake tear splashed on them with out immediately soaking it up, they'd do the same.

all well known policticians are fake as hell, thats how they got be well known. They're all good at pandering to whitey and the occasional 'disenfrancised' and the religious idiots who believe they actually worship something other than the dollar.

1/9/2008 5:16:42 PM

148852 Posts
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Quote :
"all well known policticians are fake as hell"

and? sounds to me like you agree that hillary's tears were whats the problem

1/9/2008 5:21:06 PM

12937 Posts
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I didn't see any tears.

[Edited on January 9, 2008 at 5:22 PM. Reason : Did you even watch the video?]

1/9/2008 5:22:26 PM

1013 Posts
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cause you don't care that everyone else is fake too, you just want to call her out specifically.

Saying you don't like her policy is fine, but saying you don't like her fakeness is like saying you don't like a certain band because everything they do is audiable.

1/9/2008 5:24:33 PM

148852 Posts
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Quote :
"cause you don't care that everyone else is fake too, you just want to call her out specifically"

did you read the first post of this thread? theres a reason why i commented on hillary and not every other candidate

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"I didn't see any tears. "

did you hear the fake ass tone of voice?

1/9/2008 5:25:03 PM

1013 Posts
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oh well, whatever. I'm still pissed cause i'm at work.

^you mean about your vote counting?

whatever, adhominem is adhominem

[Edited on January 9, 2008 at 5:30 PM. Reason : a]

1/9/2008 5:27:19 PM

148852 Posts
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no i meant THE first post in the thread, not MY first post

the one that talks about hillary clinton and sets the tone of the whole thread? the one that doesnt mention any other candidate? did you read that post?

1/9/2008 5:34:10 PM

All American
4812 Posts
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hillary should not be president because of it being her, not because shes a woman


1/9/2008 5:51:26 PM

All American
28747 Posts
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what the fuck happened to my thread

1/9/2008 10:03:39 PM


47844 Posts
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egg em up

3/21/2008 6:34:23 PM

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