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All American
4812 Posts
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are you HIV positive?

"make love with your <3"

[Edited on March 28, 2008 at 1:36 PM. Reason : got the 3 in]

3/28/2008 1:35:48 PM

5724 Posts
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if she asks why you stopped, you say, 'yah, of course i did, about 20 mins ago.. i just kept going for your sake'

3/28/2008 1:36:01 PM

balls deep
89893 Posts
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now I'm older and wiser, do I don't usually get into those situations anymore where some tramps wants to bwn but I don't

I can usually avoid them now by saying "I have diarrhea"

3/28/2008 1:38:03 PM

63151 Posts
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Quote :
"how many of you guys are cold hearted enough to not even do a fake orgasm? As in you just don't feel like bwning anymore, so you get up and leave."

done that a few times.

it's best when it's at your place.

when you are just

"yeah, it's time for you to leave"

3/28/2008 1:38:05 PM

balls deep
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glad I'm not the only one

3/28/2008 1:38:24 PM

All American
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haha yeah, I'm nicer in my old age now

I just avoid putting myself in a situation where I may have sex with a girl I don't wanna fuck

because a dick is a dumb mother fucker

[Edited on March 28, 2008 at 1:40 PM. Reason : !]

3/28/2008 1:39:07 PM

41759 Posts
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I never assumed women care if you don't come. I just stop having sex.

I guess if they care if you did not come they will press for another round. Which is not a bad thing.

3/28/2008 1:43:57 PM

balls deep
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yeah, some women take it very personal if they don't make you cum
like they're defective or some shit

a real man / pimp / horrible person (such as myself) will use this knowledge for their advantage. Trust me, there are ways to do this.

3/28/2008 1:46:26 PM

All American
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"just stop, it's not gonna happen ok"

3/28/2008 1:47:39 PM

balls deep
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"look, I don't know how you did it, or what you did.....but you messed up somehow."


"Maybe we can try again later. I just don't understand what you did always worked before."

3/28/2008 1:51:15 PM

5724 Posts
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I just roll over and go re-heat leftovers from dinner that evening.

hey, all that work makes me hungry. then she demands we cuddle

3/28/2008 1:55:42 PM

All American
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lots of points to address...

1. condoms are for sailors. It has been years since I have had sex with a condom (I have been in a relationship for 2) and I HATE wearing the bag.

2. I would never wait for the wedding night to bwn. that said, I will be banging in the limo on the way to the reception.

3. I have def. faked after sobering up and taking off the goggles

3/28/2008 1:57:33 PM

41759 Posts
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How does one (male) go about faking an oragasm? I mean wouldnt the abscence of a huge glob kind of give away that you did not really have one?

I guess you could be like "oh it was a dry oragasm".

3/28/2008 2:03:46 PM

63151 Posts
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if you're bagged up is elementary

3/28/2008 2:07:39 PM

All American
23447 Posts
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I have recently found that girls don't want the condom more than I don't want it. I roll the dice way too fucking much, but so far have gotten lucky (knocks on wood...and I'm pretty sure I've got about every known strand of the genital warts one).

And in general I know its harder for women to have orgasms...but not as hard some of you women are making it out to be (unless you are one of those unlucky few who really can't get off).

And I've never faked it before. I can tell when it's going to happen or not (usually when I'm drunk)...and I'm just like..." might as well stop, it's pretty pointless right now...we'll give it another shot in the morning if you still look decent."

3/28/2008 2:08:57 PM

All American
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Quote :
"How does one (male) go about faking an oragasm? I mean wouldnt the abscence of a huge glob kind of give away that you did not really have one?"

you use the method like you're gonna jerk it and skeet all over her, but instead claim it's in your hand lol

works best doggystyle lol

^and yeah I agree with what you're saying completely(except the faking it thing,lol)

[Edited on March 28, 2008 at 2:13 PM. Reason : ^]

3/28/2008 2:12:55 PM

All American
7551 Posts
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Quote :
"How does one (male) go about faking an oragasm? I mean wouldnt the abscence of a huge glob kind of give away that you did not really have one?

ive only done it with the bag on...

make a little grunt, act tired, do the boner dance to the bathroom, hiding the "reservoir tip"...she is never the wiser.

3/28/2008 2:15:03 PM

All American
44225 Posts
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come from behind, spit on her back

3/28/2008 2:16:27 PM

All American
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^^ haha much easier with the bag on, it's much trickier rawr dawg

3/28/2008 2:17:22 PM

5724 Posts
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i'm pretty sure 1000's of years of genetic evolution have given males the ability to keep females coming back to them. it's not all about sex obviously, but in the nights where it is, whenever I really want to make sure the s/o enjoys the night, i'm usually more than able to get the job done, but it takes mucho practice.

also: i feel bad for da females that honestly can't enjoy it.

3/28/2008 2:19:02 PM

32613 Posts
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Quote :
"I've also done that, "oh man, thats a bad cramp, let me walk it off", then I walk out the door and go home"

haha, that's awesome

and yea, i've had to fake it..that bitch was crazy and the pussy sucked, you know how it is

3/28/2008 2:19:18 PM

All American
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I think girls are reading this shit and finding out way too much about us

we should delete this thread!

3/28/2008 2:23:14 PM

32613 Posts
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3/28/2008 2:25:01 PM

All American
5203 Posts
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I think I just learned more than I ever wanted to know...

Quote :
"now I'm older and wiser, do I don't usually get into those situations anymore where some tramps wants to bwn but I don't

I can usually avoid them now by saying "I have diarrhea""

ahahha...How did everyone miss the hilarity of this?

3/28/2008 2:25:15 PM

All American
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haha you remember somone having a "cramp" huh

3/28/2008 2:25:45 PM

balls deep
89893 Posts
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^^ it works every time too

3/28/2008 2:27:04 PM

All American
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^^Ha, no actually. I am very selective with my partners so none of the ones I have been with had "cramps".

But I will know if my boyfriend ever

It does remind me about this one time when we accidentally grabbed one of those numbing condoms. They came in this multipack...aaahahaha. He was so funny. He just kept saying, "I don't know what's wrong?!?!!"

3/28/2008 2:33:49 PM

All American
13239 Posts
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^make sure he doesnt wear it inside out

3/28/2008 2:34:39 PM

63151 Posts
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voice of experience?

3/28/2008 2:35:43 PM

All American
24387 Posts
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condoms are for the weak

3/28/2008 2:36:22 PM

All American
13239 Posts
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^^it was a curb your enthusiasm reference

though i cant imagine it would be all that great....

[Edited on March 28, 2008 at 2:37 PM. Reason : ...]

3/28/2008 2:36:54 PM

All American
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We threw all those kind out after that little mishap.

3/28/2008 2:37:26 PM

All American
8029 Posts
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oh god, I hate those numbing condoms

3/28/2008 2:41:14 PM

41759 Posts
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What if you really have a cramp?

3/28/2008 2:44:05 PM

23634 Posts
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sorry for the naivety but wtf is the point of a numbing condom???

3/28/2008 2:45:21 PM

All American
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^^ haha I'm scared I'll get called out when that happens, so i try to "fuck" through it lol

dehydration ftl!

^ no idea, but I had one of those boxes that included all different types, it was dark, I just reached over to where they were, rolled one on, 2 minutes later I was like, "this is fucking bullshit, dammit dammit dammit" they're supposed to make you last longer, they make me worthless lol

[Edited on March 28, 2008 at 2:47 PM. Reason : !]

3/28/2008 2:46:50 PM

All American
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Yeah, I think it is for guys who can't hold it long but my boyfriend doesn't have those issues so the condoms make him go forfuckingever.

3/28/2008 2:49:31 PM

balls deep
89893 Posts
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they're for guys that cum in 2 minutes. It numbs their wang so that it's not as sensitive....and they last longer.

3/28/2008 2:49:58 PM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
31378 Posts
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There should be a dating service for women with bad vages.

Mine's total trash. I abstained for two years and did all these exercises. It's in peak condition. But it still turns into a sloppy, wet mess. And I can't stop it.

It's like having a small penis.

3/28/2008 2:50:09 PM

All American
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3/28/2008 2:50:42 PM

All American
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haha, once I get going sloppy and wet ftw!

[Edited on March 28, 2008 at 2:51 PM. Reason : not so much sloppy, but the wetter the better!]

3/28/2008 2:50:51 PM

All American
17209 Posts
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couldn't you just put orajel on it--or hell, just use a dildo since you aren't really getting anything out of it

[Edited on March 28, 2008 at 2:52 PM. Reason : wait, what?]

3/28/2008 2:51:29 PM

All American
47925 Posts
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the one time i used a condom in the past ~8.5 years (lack of birth control) it broke.

worthless shits.

3/28/2008 2:55:03 PM

balls deep
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his dong busted through and said "hi i'm brad"

3/28/2008 2:57:18 PM

All American
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3/28/2008 2:58:01 PM

All American
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great use of "dong"

3/28/2008 3:41:45 PM

All American
1551 Posts
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how come sex with a virgin is miserable? I thought the fellas liked it tight...


3/28/2008 3:46:02 PM

All American
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well, my only experience was bad, but that girl was a dumbass

I'll give you a shot

3/28/2008 3:48:37 PM

The Judge
3405 Posts
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I have HPV, and I don't like condoms

Hope you bitches got your gardisil

3/28/2008 3:49:28 PM

23634 Posts
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that's assuming that one of us would sleep with you.....

3/28/2008 3:50:31 PM

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