EMCE balls deep 89893 Posts user info edit post |
Given the chance, I would drown you in a bathtub full of Rosanne Barr's anal leakage
 5/29/2008 6:29:31 PM
NCSUGimp All American 24387 Posts user info edit post |
whatever dude
ILL FUCK YOU UP! 5/29/2008 6:30:06 PM
EMCE balls deep 89893 Posts user info edit post |
uh huh
you couldn't even hurt my feelings 5/29/2008 6:31:17 PM
NCSUGimp All American 24387 Posts user info edit post |
you're probably right
i hate confrontation, and most 12 year old girls can beat me up
 5/29/2008 6:32:22 PM
EMCE balls deep 89893 Posts user info edit post |
well, now I feel bad
we should just hug this the fuck out 5/29/2008 6:34:56 PM
NCSUGimp All American 24387 Posts user info edit post |
DEAL 5/29/2008 6:39:33 PM
marko Tom Joad 72867 Posts user info edit post |
6/4/2008 7:18:29 PM
EMCE balls deep 89893 Posts user info edit post |
never mattered before.....who cares... 6/4/2008 7:20:51 PM
marko Tom Joad 72867 Posts user info edit post |
i like the way these guys dip a little bit into the WB frog in their rendition
6/4/2008 7:21:41 PM
EMCE balls deep 89893 Posts user info edit post |
I didn't think that anyone other than me remembered that show  6/4/2008 7:22:28 PM
marko Tom Joad 72867 Posts user info edit post |
i'll outnerd it
as a child i noticed that this old ass movie (back when they used to show old movies on tv during the day instead of judge judy) that was playing (on the DC station [channel 5...eventually became a fox affiliate]) bared a striking resemblance to mr belvedere the tv show...especially due to the fact they kept calling this old ass dude mr belvedere
the name of the movie was "sitting pretty"
sure enough years later i looked it up
1947 SOURCE MATERIAL 6/4/2008 7:27:23 PM
EMCE balls deep 89893 Posts user info edit post |
that's too much
BEYOND TRIVIA 6/4/2008 7:28:35 PM
marko Tom Joad 72867 Posts user info edit post |
BEYOND REALITY 6/4/2008 7:29:16 PM
cheezitman All American 1245 Posts user info edit post |
i'm sorry, my blackness enables me to NOT answer that question 6/4/2008 8:34:06 PM
NCSUGimp All American 24387 Posts user info edit post |
Hello Jeff
how is the North treating you? 6/7/2008 10:27:22 PM
EMCE balls deep 89893 Posts user info edit post |
it's going alright I suppose. I've really just been doing a lot of relaxing lately, and finding my way around the area. today, I went out to the park to do some fishing....
the people seem nice enough the house is pretty much in order there are a lot of bugs, but it's not unbearable.... the cost of living in considerably less than anywhere that I've ever lived....which is good I guess
but, I've only gotten laid like 3 or 4 times in the 2 weeks since I've been here. I don't know if it's because Wordsworth doesn't find me attractive anymore, or if we've just been busy. either way, I think I'm going to talk to her about that.
how are you doing Mr. Gimp?
[Edited on June 7, 2008 at 10:31 PM. Reason : d] 6/7/2008 10:31:28 PM
NCSUGimp All American 24387 Posts user info edit post |
i hear ya man, seems like we are in about the same boat moving wise and getting use to a new area. it sounds good though that you are getting settled in and shit.
i had to go yesterday and get fingerprinted for my job and fill out some more paper work for my background check, so it looks like i have to stop raping people and robbing banks. and i start work monday, which im a little bit nervous about, but im sure it will be cool.
blah took some vacay from work and came down to help me move in. shes been a big help and has bought me a bunch of shit to put in my new place, so thats awesome.
OH YEA. i mowed grass today for the first time in like 10 years, and it was like 100 degrees outside so that plus the 10 or so pine trees i have in my yard made for an interesting little saturday.
but hey, i can't complain. 6/7/2008 10:36:56 PM
EMCE balls deep 89893 Posts user info edit post |
haha, yeah, I had to basically give up all information about me for my security clearance...
name, age, who I know, who I've worked with, where I've lived.... I thought they were going to ask me for a semen sample too  6/7/2008 10:39:36 PM
moron All American 34484 Posts user info edit post |

6/8/2008 1:43:58 AM
marko Tom Joad 72867 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Hi, Jeffy Bugar Face!! HAHAHA!!! :-)" |
6/20/2008 8:55:10 PM
EMCE balls deep 89893 Posts user info edit post |
oh goddammit I knew that was coming
1) kill Camille 2) clean off my facebook wall
 6/20/2008 8:57:22 PM
WolfpckGrl17 All American 5755 Posts user info edit post |

6/20/2008 8:58:38 PM
EMCE balls deep 89893 Posts user info edit post |
hey babe, I ain't no Fred Flinstone, but I'll make your bed rock
6/20/2008 9:01:33 PM
marko Tom Joad 72867 Posts user info edit post |

and my beautiful wife...CAMIIIIILLE
6/20/2008 9:05:04 PM
EMCE balls deep 89893 Posts user info edit post |
she got a big ole butt
and a bigger mouth
 6/20/2008 9:07:21 PM
marko Tom Joad 72867 Posts user info edit post |
lolz angry face 6/20/2008 9:08:17 PM
WolfpckGrl17 All American 5755 Posts user info edit post |
^^ Who?? 6/20/2008 9:09:32 PM
EMCE balls deep 89893 Posts user info edit post |
that girl in the pic
I'm not saying there's anything wrong with big ole butts though  6/20/2008 9:11:21 PM
WolfpckGrl17 All American 5755 Posts user info edit post |
Good..b/c I'd be S.O.L if so! Love mine!  6/20/2008 9:15:04 PM
EMCE balls deep 89893 Posts user info edit post |
as a matter of fact, I love yours too
I think that all three of us should meet up  6/20/2008 9:20:35 PM
NCSUGimp All American 24387 Posts user info edit post |
Hello Jeff!
New job/town still going well for you? 6/24/2008 9:08:54 PM
EMCE balls deep 89893 Posts user info edit post |
oh yes, it's going great. I love it. I get to work hard during the week, and relax and night and on the weekends. How is your new position? 6/24/2008 9:15:23 PM
NCSUGimp All American 24387 Posts user info edit post |
Its pretty baller just got assigned a couple of minor projects, so getting to be pretty busy. but in a good way doing the whole long distance with the lady friend, which sucks of course my plan is to knock her up so i get to keep her
too bad i shoot blanks  6/24/2008 9:17:07 PM
EMCE balls deep 89893 Posts user info edit post |
I mean, I'm willing to help you out if you want.
just seduce her, cut the lights off, and say you have to use the bathroom. then I'll come into the room, act all GIMPish, knock her up, and leave you to enjoy "your" love child 
glad to hear everything is going well, man 6/24/2008 9:18:31 PM
NCSUGimp All American 24387 Posts user info edit post |
that sounds good but i don't think i can handle a son with a bigger dick than me
you know about us white folk
 6/24/2008 9:22:27 PM
EMCE balls deep 89893 Posts user info edit post |
did you rent or buy an apartment or house? 6/26/2008 8:23:07 PM
NCSUGimp All American 24387 Posts user info edit post |
i decided to rent for a couple years, a duplex that is
maybe if the market is like it is now next year or the year after that, i might take out a loan and buy
but we'll see 6/26/2008 9:01:10 PM
Wordsworth All American 2888 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "as a matter of fact, I love yours too
I think that all three of us should meet up " |
what the fuck man??? Remember me? Your girlfriend????  6/26/2008 10:28:09 PM
EMCE balls deep 89893 Posts user info edit post |
 6/26/2008 10:28:55 PM
DiamondAce Suspended 12937 Posts user info edit post |
Hey, so is this foursome happening or wh....
NVM! 6/26/2008 10:30:08 PM
Wordsworth All American 2888 Posts user info edit post |

i'm tired of all these bitches throwing themselves at my man...I mean i know he's sexy but damn!!!
6/26/2008 11:19:51 PM
EMCE balls deep 89893 Posts user info edit post |
maybe if you told them all how small my penis is, they would stop sweatin' me 6/26/2008 11:33:39 PM
Wordsworth All American 2888 Posts user info edit post |
why would i lie to them? 6/26/2008 11:34:13 PM