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All American
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^^ will use that phrase sometime

hopefullly sometime soon

5/1/2008 11:26:35 PM

Mr. Joshua
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5/1/2008 11:27:17 PM

All American
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Quote :
"i agree with the too drunk = bad. sometimes i feel as though i should just be passed out yet somehow i continue to function ("function") and that is when things head south. it usually involves yelling and i am very easy to egg on"

My brain has somehow managed to recognize when I reach this point and convince my body to stop drinking and somehow get home (or some place to sleep). I've blacked out and made a fool of myself once in the past year...and that's because I was trying to "hang" with an alcoholic for a full day. We started at about 3pm taking a shot of whiskey with every beer and I somehow stayed conscious until midnight.

The night actually ended up pretty well for me, but I just didn't remember getting up and dancing on the tables at my own bar......synchronized with four other people on the other tables ( least I wasn't alone).

I am proud of my ability to catch myself before I "go over the edge."

5/1/2008 11:29:23 PM

Black and Proud
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i had this happen to me last week .... i felt like such a fucking asshole the next day when the events were recounted.

that's never ever happened to me in my 7 or so years of drinking ... it picked probably the worst possible time to happen as well...

Murphy fucked me right in the asshole

[Edited on May 1, 2008 at 11:45 PM. Reason : .]

5/1/2008 11:42:14 PM

All American
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5/1/2008 11:55:18 PM

All American
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^^ Murphy has ravaged my good name as well, sir. Condolences.

5/2/2008 12:04:41 AM

All American
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i can USUALLY catch myself but sometimes i just don't know what happens. i mean i'm usually around friends and just yelling at them. my old roommate and i (who are now great friends) used to hate each other and we had a thanksgiving party and the blacked-out-should-have-passed-out thing happened and i yelled at her and told her i was going to kill her pet rabbit. which, if you know me makes no sense because i save animals off the side of the road. and i also took care of the rabbit because she was never home. but my other friend (the guy in the blue pants in that infamous picture) was egging me on and told me to say it. its stuff like that. and then my friends call me "black katherine" because when i get drunk and yell i like to use a lot of hand motions and fingers in people's faces. good times. it only happens like once a year LUCKILY. not saying i don't get out of control other times---but theres a differenc between an good old fashiond pants off dance off and trying to kill your friends pets haha.

5/2/2008 12:06:34 AM

2019 Egg Champ
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I like to have a lot of sex when I'm drunk.

5/2/2008 12:09:50 AM

All American
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well durh

you met anyone that doesn't like to have sex when intoxicated?

5/2/2008 12:13:07 AM

Black and Proud
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soooo .... on that note ... about that chalupa

5/2/2008 12:13:27 AM

All American
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Quote :
"you met anyone that doesn't like to have sex when intoxicated?"

Don't think so...only problem is that the level of intoxication can sometimes make sex kind of hard.

5/2/2008 12:17:04 AM

All American
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a.k.a. whiskey dick

5/2/2008 12:18:48 AM

Black and Proud
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i've passed out and still been able to bang up until unconciousness... if you're so drunk you can't have sex you're either A) a pussy or B) doing it wrong

5/2/2008 12:19:32 AM

All American
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Quote :
"i've passed out and still been able to bang up until unconciousness... if you're so drunk you can't have sex you're either A) a pussy or B) doing it wrong


Apparently I've had my best sexual performance when I was blacked-out. And I've had my moments when I'm completely inebriated also. But I do believe there is a gray area where whiskey-dick does occur...and I unfortunately fall into this area every now and then.

Since I've done so well blacked-out and completely hammered, I'm thinking of going past my "breaking point" more often. I'm just a little worried about the other consequeneces that come along with it.

5/2/2008 12:24:53 AM

2019 Egg Champ
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sure, everyone does.

but my drunken sex is definitely usually the worst decision

5/2/2008 12:26:40 AM

All American
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^^ Exactly. I cannot provide concrete evidence to such occurrences, which is why I think more in-depth studies should be conducted on the matter

[Edited on May 2, 2008 at 12:27 AM. Reason : .]

5/2/2008 12:27:18 AM

wear sumthin tight
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5/2/2008 12:27:47 AM

All American
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6/12/2008 3:11:27 AM

All American
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thread title makes my laughs happen

6/12/2008 3:15:30 AM

All American
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you're out of your element donny

6/12/2008 3:24:14 AM

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