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All American
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Quote :
"If you can't pay your credit card bills or mortgage, the government steps in and pays it for you. And a million other worthless pieces of shit spending plans like that."

Was it okay then for the gov. to bail out multibillion dollar airlines? Or the mortgage companies recently? Or the tons of other little ways in which businesses have a safetynet in the US (you can get tons of tax breaks as a business that families dont get)?

The only reason Obama is going to catch flak for this is because he's in the spotlight now, but politicians, including ones like Bush, have been bailing out incompetent or undeserving entities for decades. I don't know the details of Obama's plan, but something like that can easily be implemented in a non-egregious manner, and would do at least as much good, if not more, to our quality of life as bailing out or supporting big businesses.

2/29/2008 2:12:52 AM

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Quote :
"Was it okay then for the gov. to bail out multibillion dollar airlines? Or the mortgage companies recently? Or the tons of other little ways in which businesses have a safetynet in the US (you can get tons of tax breaks as a business that families dont get)?"

Airlines are a necessity. When large businesses close people lose jobs and it has a trickle down effect across entire communities. I know its a fine line to walk, but the fact is business is the most important safety net a community has. The people(government) definitely has a steak in the success of business overall.

2/29/2008 2:19:33 AM

All American
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duke, we all know how much you make, public record yadayada, but you really underestimate what you make in comparison to rest of the country. Obviously, your ceiling is low for a bit, but what you're making doesn't put you right in the center of everbody. you should appreciate what you earn, you earned it. maybe if you're defining "household" or using "national" numbers that are skewed, but man, median income around this bitch is way less than 40k. There's a lot of people that can't afford to invest at all. (not saying they should get govt handouts or anything relevent to this thread)

I've agreed with everything you've said in this thread. by the way and I'm a registered democrat

2/29/2008 2:24:32 AM

All American
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that's good to hear...reminds me that your entire party doesn't consist of socialists. for the record, i'm registered GOP, but my relationship with the party is...strained badly, and has been for years.

and yeah, i'm fully aware that I make more than the median or mean (for a single person, at least). It's not WAY more, point is that I'm not rich or anything even close to it (and I remember growing up in a family of 4 where neither parent spent a day in college, and the entire family income was less than what I make right now. My parents moved out of their singlewide trailer RIGHT before I was born).

I would argue that almost everyone can afford to invest a meaningful amount, though (maybe not enough to ever get rich, but even if you put away $100/month starting in your mid-20s, you'd be surprised at how much you'll accumulate by retirement age. If you think about it, that's quite attainable by almost everyone.

[Edited on February 29, 2008 at 2:42 AM. Reason : asdfasd]

2/29/2008 2:37:37 AM

All American
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Quote :
"Was it okay then for the gov. to bail out multibillion dollar airlines? Or the mortgage companies recently?"

I'm definitely against bailouts of the mortgage companies (and the vast majority of people facing foreclosure, for that matter), and undecided about the airlines. My knee-jerk reaction is "no, shouldn't have done it", but I'll admit that I should read up more on that one before I offer an opinion.

Quote :
"Yes, Rat, and Bush has done a good job stimulating the American about you stop posting and go re-take Micro/Macro Economics bud! Obama has more intelligence in his pinky finger than Bush and his entire cabinet!!

There is a REASON he has won 11 straight primaries just DEAL WITH IT!! OBAMA in 2008!!


Ahhh, but Obama isn't running against Bush, is he?

[Edited on February 29, 2008 at 2:42 AM. Reason : asdfads]

2/29/2008 2:41:14 AM

All American
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yeah, I'm fairly conservative. Even for a Republican (considering today's standards) but on most social issues I fall to the left. But I'm generally for states' rights, fiscal responsibility and strong military.

the 100 dollar a month is somewhat true. Same could be said for health insurance (studies have suggested this as well). there's a significant portion of the population that can afford health insurance but chooses not to.....

yeah, I wasn't talking shit, just seemed like you were comparing a single income to a family's income

2/29/2008 3:21:07 AM

All American
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Quote :
"It would literally make America have the highest tax brackets and most socialized state in the world. If you can't pay your credit card bills or mortgage, the government steps in and pays it for you. And a million other worthless pieces of shit spending plans like that. It is seriously, fucking retarded. People are already careless with their credit card spending. How much worse do you think it will get if there are absolutely zero consequences for them racking up more debt than they can afford to pay off? I guarantee the white/blaques/ and mexicant trash of this country will sign up for houses they can't afford and buy a shit ton of goods on credit card that they can't afford all bc they know then that the gubmint will come in and pay it off. It's a free ticket to spend.


In the article you linked to, it doesn't say anything about paying people's credit card bills or mortgages. Where are you getting that from? It seems like you're just spreading a bunch of FUD about Obama.

Quote :
"Oh, almost forgot the best part -- capital gains tax goes from 15% to 28%. Fucking brilliant. That's a great way to put our economy in the shitter. Have fun working until the age of 80 now too. Anything outside of a 401(k) or IRA will be impossible to manage now. Seriously, watch the stock market if he gets elected. I am going to short the shit out of stocks everywhere."

This is complete nonsense. Stocks are very volatile RIGHT NOW, even before your mythical perceived crash if Obama wins...
Stocks Fall Sharply on Economic Worries

Should we blame this on Bush/Republicans/Conservatives ?

[Edited on February 29, 2008 at 6:59 PM. Reason : ]

2/29/2008 6:55:04 PM

All American
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5/2/2008 7:46:48 AM

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