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All American
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^^O RLY?

[Edited on April 7, 2008 at 8:44 PM. Reason : haha at first post on 3]

4/7/2008 8:44:24 PM

All American
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I look pretty good in skirts (i think) but I just think pant suits look more professional. It's like I would buy one that my mom or grandmother would wear.

4/7/2008 8:47:30 PM

All American
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Quote :
"they sent me the wrong made me want to "

i decided to keep them...i like them....

and sri has the pair i ordered for the same price

4/8/2008 10:02:02 AM

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A suit with a skirt is considered more professional than one with pants. It looks more masculine with pants which is why people equate it to being professional (guys wear pants suits and all).

Pants are more convenient, but I'm sure you all can find a skirt suit that looks good on you! It may take a 100 tries, but there is one

AKSnoopy....have you tried that wide shoe warehouse place that I see all the time on tv? It looks as if they would have cute styles in wide shoes. It says they have a huge selection as well!! Also try some of your more boutique shoe stores that specialize in that sort of thing. The ones that sell the arch supports and whatnot usually have wide shoes there too. I have flat arches so I noticed that when I was in one store looking for running shoes.

4/8/2008 10:10:25 AM

All American
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i don't have the legs for a skirt suit...

4/8/2008 10:15:50 AM

All American
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i don't have legs for a pant suit. they are short. (not the pants, my LEGS)

4/8/2008 2:26:15 PM

All American
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my legs are long but they are really thick and curvy so they look stupid in skirts

[Edited on April 8, 2008 at 2:27 PM. Reason : asdf]

4/8/2008 2:27:24 PM

All American
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mine are short and i feel like pants with a jacket sometimes makes me look stubby haha. esp bc jackets on pant suits seem longer than the ones with skirts. the ones with skirts seem to be cropped a lot of times. i need to elongate myself

4/8/2008 2:30:40 PM

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Pencil skirts are great Especially with some cute heels!

This reminds me of that Ladies thread I used to always post to.

4/8/2008 2:32:15 PM

All American
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ok...i'm bored at work so I'm going to show you all my newest purchases!

Keep in mind...I didn't come anywhere near paying full price for any of this before you jump on my ass about spending money...most of it was from 50%-75% off...


and then a black one and white one....

I don't know if I should get these colors or not....

then i got some random solid color t shirts...


That's all the plaid ones i could find but you get the idea....

I also have a white pair and a coral pair....

I really, really want these...


These were the pair that were supposed to be navy...but i decided to keep them anyway

I bought these in kids size but I think I'm taking them back

These are the pair that still elude me on sale...


[Edited on April 8, 2008 at 5:10 PM. Reason : should all work now]

4/8/2008 4:59:48 PM

All American
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what kind of shoes are these and where can I get them?

4/8/2008 5:06:10 PM

All American
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ok...i got those plaid shoes today...

so i'm definitely getting the green and yellow polos...not the yellow one pictured but one with a purple pony...

and i have a gift certificate for banana republic so i'm going to order those red pants...

now...i've just got to convince pilgrimshoes to spring for the yellow pants instead

4/8/2008 8:39:22 PM

All American
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so...i had this pair of orange abercrombie wind pants that is wore religiously in college....i mean like 2-3 times a one goal was to eventually fit back into them....

now they are too big...

at first i was

then i was

they were my favorite pants...

on that same's obviously no surprise to anybody that i....

a) am old
b) got real fat
c) got unfat

which means the last skinny clothes i had were from college and just beyond...circa '00-'03....

for those of you that don't know...this was before designer jeans and on the cusp of low rise jeans....we just didn't wear jeans unless we were working or hanging was all about black booty pants, fitted khakis, various colored dressy pants....but very little denim....and the cuts were VERY different than they are now...

i wore a pair of white sailor-type pants the other night that I had bought back in college...and it took me a while to get used to the fact that there were no pockets and the waist was just below my belly button instead of barely at my butt crack...i'm not talking "mom jeans" high....just not low....

losing weight is awesome...and i finally did that "i'm going to get back into those one day" thing....but now all that shit is so outdated...haha....this would be why i'm trying to buy more "timeless" clothing now....because if i ever get fat again and it takes me a few years to recover i don't want to have to buy a whole new wardrobe again because my clothes are all throwbacks from 10 years ago...haha

and yes...tww is a's my thread....i can do what i want with it

4/9/2008 9:01:44 AM

All American
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4/9/2008 9:08:03 AM

All American
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4/9/2008 9:12:11 AM

All American
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^^^^^Those are Mudds and I bought them at Sears for like $0 when they had buy get one free but I think they go for like $15 since they're on clearance.

I forgot to post the other pair of dress pants I got on clearance at express for dirt cheap

4/9/2008 1:35:51 PM

All American
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wait, so did you buy ALL those polo short sleeved sweaters that were the same but different colors? and alll the same boat shoes?

4/9/2008 4:44:45 PM

All American
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4/9/2008 7:45:08 PM

All American
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^^^^ I would politely smile at a woman wearing those pants.

4/9/2008 7:58:32 PM

All American
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if i don't win this green polo i'm going to be

but i got my navy sperry's today so

^they're mine soon sucka!

4/10/2008 6:59:21 PM

All American
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4/10/2008 7:22:59 PM

All American
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green and yellow polos - check
red and seer sucker pants - check

i gotta stop soon

now i need a digital camera so i can sell all the shit i can't wear anymore on ebay....

4/14/2008 10:38:12 AM

Agent 0
All American
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you do realize that seersucker is a type of fabric weave and not a color, correct?

4/14/2008 11:26:35 AM

All American
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uh yeah...

i bought i pair of red pants....and i bought a pair of seersucker pants....they are blue seersucker

[Edited on April 14, 2008 at 11:28 AM. Reason : this has all been referenced throughout this thread]

4/14/2008 11:27:36 AM

All American
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green and yellow polos, as well as, red and seer sucker pants got here this weekend...

hot hot hot

but now i realized...i don't really have any nice going out type tops for the warm weather...

i don't do tank tops or the maternity-esque shirts for the most it's hard to find anything....

i'm going to save up a little more money then go fancy shirt shopping

4/21/2008 8:55:05 AM

Shitter Pilot
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Is this the type of plaid you were talking about?

4/21/2008 9:31:48 AM

All American
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4/21/2008 9:33:11 AM

Shitter Pilot
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Quote :
"green and yellow polos, as well as, red and seer sucker pants got here this weekend..."

WTF are sucker pants?

4/21/2008 11:05:12 AM

All American
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seer sucker is a type of fabric...

the blue and white striped pants up there are seer sucker....

it's really hard to describe...haha

4/21/2008 11:06:28 AM

All American
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AE has a pair of really cute ones that i bought and am wearing right now.

4/21/2008 11:21:47 AM

All American
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livinproof: where do you shop? you probably mentioned it somewhere up thurrr but i keep getting distracted by the pictures so, i'm asking. you order all that stuff online? is it all from polo or whereeeeeeeee??

4/21/2008 11:24:57 AM

All American
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it's a combination of tj maxx, marshall's, ebay, and various online stores if i can find a deal....

i found a good seller on ebay that sells authentic polos and i tend to stick with them....but i got a bunch cheap at tj maxx's pretty much just luck i guess...

the pants are from banana republic but i had a coupon and gift card and yadda yadda....

4/21/2008 11:28:35 AM

Shitter Pilot
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So, how'd they come up with that type of a name for pants. Whatever happend to..."nice pants"?

4/21/2008 11:36:10 AM

All American
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hahaha...i have no idea

4/21/2008 11:38:39 AM

All American
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it is luck! everyone gets great things from those stores---i've gotten lucky a few times---but i know people who can seriously go in EVERYTIME and walk out with amazing stuff. that never happens to me.

4/21/2008 11:48:17 AM

All American
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yeah....i blame TJ Maxx 100% for my designer jeans infatuation....

i bought one pair of SFAM for $60 and now I can't get enough...

i still get them on ebay and various places from reputable dealers so I don't get fakes...but even at $60-75 a pop it adds up....

but it's still better than paying $150-250 a pop....

4/21/2008 11:51:41 AM

All American
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got some nice summer shirts on sale last night that are neither sleeveless nor maternity-esqu for the most part....

i've got them matched up with my jeans and shoes....

life is awesome!

5/2/2008 7:26:18 AM

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plz 2 post dress boobage pics


5/2/2008 9:23:21 AM

All American
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i won a pair of authentic COH jeans on ebay last night for $19!


5/5/2008 8:59:25 AM

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ahhhhhhhh you just reminded me that I need to go jeans shopping!

I love my sevens, but I'm gonna try COH next!


5/5/2008 9:04:23 AM

All American
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the first pair i ever got were sevens flare or bootcut...not sure...

but i have since become a fan of A's and Dojos....almost exclusively...i couldn't wear A's to begin with because i was too big for them...but i've lost weight since then and they are awesome....

i have a pair a COH fayes and I adore them...i'm trying to get some more if i can find them cheap....

i got a pair of COH Kellys and Ingrids yesterday on ebay for about $50 we'll see if I like them or not...

5/5/2008 9:10:51 AM

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See I'm a sucker for the A pocket or the ones with the other designs because they usually have that 1% stretch in them that my booty needs

I will have to check out ebay...I keep sleeping on that place!

I guess that's what I will be doing to pass my time at work!

5/5/2008 9:12:58 AM

All American
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let me give you a word of advice....DO NOT buy anything on there without having them authenticated first...

a lot of them are fake as hell...

join and the girls on there are wonderful about telling if you if they are genuine or not....

don't even consider any pair that has a dirt cheap Buy It Now price or any that have stock catalog photos....

5/5/2008 9:19:31 AM

All American
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i'm a big fan of the wrap around tops like this (sans the pockets)....and I want brown and white...but i'm not paying $70 a pop for them...

[Edited on May 5, 2008 at 9:38 AM. Reason : and that big ass bow is pretty obnoxious]

5/5/2008 9:34:02 AM

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Wooooooooooooooord! Signing up now

5/5/2008 9:35:35 AM

All American
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i think i would rather eat a turd than wear anything plaid... especially shorts

this also goes for anything with the word "polo" in it

5/5/2008 9:35:36 AM

All American
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well it's a good thing i'm not you because i'd be eating a whole lot of shit these days

5/5/2008 9:37:47 AM

All American
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yeah... it pretty much explains why i haven't bought clothes in like, 3 years.

5/5/2008 9:38:42 AM

All American
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i just can't wear anything i've bought in the last three years....

so since i had to get an entirely new wardrobe i figured i would go for stuff that's a little more timeless and durable than what i've been buying...and polos and plaid have been around forever....

also...i got tired of buying cheap ass quality clothes and not giving a shit if i couldn't wear them anymore....i figure now that i have invested money in good clothing i would be a little more particular about it

5/5/2008 9:44:52 AM

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See those wrap tops will NEVER go out of style, so it's worth investing in a couple that will last you a while! $70 isn't bad for a nicely made top!!!

I have a white wrap dress that I absolutely LOVE and I can't wait to break it out this year. It's so timeless!!!

5/5/2008 9:46:58 AM

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