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 Message Boards » » my parents had me sign a contract when i graduated Page 1 2 [3] 4, Prev Next  
35217 Posts
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wtf, his name isn't fred?

4/14/2008 7:41:19 PM

All American
5971 Posts
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Is it ken or fred? I am so confused or is your middle name fred? Who is this Fred dammit?!?

4/14/2008 8:01:24 PM

All American
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my parents just told me not to get myself killed like i did a few months earlier

they also told me to have fun, do my best in school, and drink and smoke weed with moderation. (yea my parents know i smoke weed)

4/14/2008 8:03:17 PM

Mr Scrumples
61466 Posts
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4/14/2008 8:04:24 PM

40972 Posts
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for the record, this is fred

4/14/2008 8:56:56 PM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
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My life has been marked by a considerable amount of drunken, debauched despair.

Illusions of excellence or even adequacy were kind of out the window early on.

So my parents placed less emphasis on expectations of good behavior and more emphasis on the expectation that I would come to them when I did fuck up.

At one point, my father told me to try not to kill anybody. And my mother was like, "But if you do, we can get through it."

And my dad was like, "But seriously, don't kill anybody. That would be bad."

4/14/2008 10:05:09 PM

All American
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i didn't ready this thread to see how many others did this

but you can sign me up - I did one of these with my parents too

4/14/2008 10:06:00 PM

40972 Posts
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cool. wanna be friends or something?

4/14/2008 10:15:57 PM

All American
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Quote :



[Edited on April 14, 2008 at 10:26 PM. Reason : .]

4/14/2008 10:25:51 PM

All American
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what would have happened if you didn't sign that contract? my parents are way too lazy to like, write all that out.

4/14/2008 10:45:10 PM

All American
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that shits crazy. my parents really didnt give a fuck an I turned out alright

4/14/2008 10:56:52 PM

32613 Posts
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my parents said have fun dont fuck up

i mean, you only live once... don't waste it

4/14/2008 11:00:00 PM

All American
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Quote :
"A personal PC at NC State is a privilege, not a requirement"

did your parents expect you to get a CHASS degree?

[Edited on April 14, 2008 at 11:02 PM. Reason : the only advice my parents gave me was to never call them for bail money]

4/14/2008 11:02:11 PM

All American
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^ haha my dad gave me names of relatives and friends in case i needed to be bailed out

4/14/2008 11:03:54 PM

All American
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damn, someone else has parents as messed up as mine!

Undergrad was miserable for me. Grad school has been everything undergrad wasn't. If only I hadn't gotten sick after the first semester I'd have a ton of crazy stories to tell.

4/14/2008 11:27:52 PM

32613 Posts
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my parents did a contract thing when i got my license, but it wasn't even comparable to the level of bullshit in that contract. they partied in school and turned out fine and would rather me have fun, sleep none and have stories to tell and new experiences than to sit in a dorm room jacking off by myself (oh, nvm, that's probably not allowed either)

4/14/2008 11:30:17 PM

All American
1219 Posts
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Quote :
"You are not to experiment with this PC (it is not a toy. It is an expensive piece of electronic equipment). Experimenting includes removing and loading operating systems, downloading unofficial software from others, etc. A personal PC at NC State is a privilege, not a requirement"

good lord, son.

what's wrong with your parents?

4/14/2008 11:32:31 PM

32613 Posts
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yea, my parents always thought it was cool when i took shit apart and put it back together and it... kind of worked

4/14/2008 11:36:45 PM

40972 Posts
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my parents still won't let me fix their PC

4/14/2008 11:38:41 PM

The Judge
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I'm way too honest at 2 in the morning

4/14/2008 11:41:29 PM

Kitty B
All American
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^^lucky. i get calls all the time. they treat my husband like free tech support.

just this weekend they had him show them how to use their MP3 player and how to rip audio off videos.

[Edited on April 14, 2008 at 11:42 PM. Reason : ]

4/14/2008 11:42:00 PM

All American
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Quote :
"my parents did a contract thing when i got my license, but it wasn't even comparable to the level of bullshit in that contract. they partied in school and turned out fine and would rather me have fun, sleep none and have stories to tell and new experiences than to sit in a dorm room jacking off by myself (oh, nvm, that's probably not allowed either)"

My parents never let me get my license!

Yup, they expected me to pay three grand a year for insurance (they wouldn't shop around for a better rate, got a brand new minivan a month before I was old enough to get my license, traded in the car they said they'd keep for me), gas, and literally only be able to drive to the grocery store for my mom, and my job where they only let me work 2 days a week (I made less than the insurance would have cost) because they didn't want to risk it affecting my studies.

Being a kid sucked ass.

4/14/2008 11:45:45 PM

40972 Posts
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^ me too. got my drivers license at 20 when i was finally able to scrape up 3k to buy my own car. took the bus before that

[Edited on April 14, 2008 at 11:48 PM. Reason : took about 2 years to save that much, since i was paying for college too]

4/14/2008 11:47:39 PM

All American
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I didn't get my DL until I was in grad school. Got it in Sept. of '05, took the MSF course in November, and bought my motorcycle in Dec. '05. Turned 23 in January of '06.

That's right, I worked my ass off and couldn't afford a car in undergrad because they talked me out of taking loans, then never helped me like the said they would.

4/14/2008 11:52:55 PM

The Judge
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I don't blame them. Sounds like you're a whiney bitch, no one likes those.

4/14/2008 11:54:19 PM

35217 Posts
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^ lol. that's funny considering who said it

[Edited on April 14, 2008 at 11:56 PM. Reason : ]

4/14/2008 11:55:12 PM

All American
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Oh, the best part is that I lived with them jr year, because they would not let me have my dog. Yup, they held my dog hostage because they wanted me to live with them. I paid MORE in rent jr year when I lived with them than sr year when I had an apartment and a roommate.

They said they'd give me the money back if I ever needed it, and now that I do they "don't have any extra money" even though they give more to the fucked up right wing church than they owe me and they are paying for my younger brother to go to school. That fucker's NEVER had a job and they love the shit out of him because he's a momma's boy.

4/14/2008 11:58:49 PM

The Judge
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and now you're not neck deep in debt, because of them, but you're still a bitch to them

4/15/2008 12:00:03 AM

All American
4755 Posts
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your parents sound like a couple of shitheads

4/15/2008 12:00:59 AM

32613 Posts
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if by shitheads you mean BIG SMELLY VAGINAS

then yes i'd agree

4/15/2008 12:04:02 AM

All American
8522 Posts
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Quote :
"They said they'd give me the money back if I ever needed it"

Man, I would not do that shit to an acquaintance I disliked.

Fuck em.

4/15/2008 12:06:29 AM

The Judge
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you all are a bunch of pieces of shit, seriously

4/15/2008 12:07:11 AM

All American
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Quote :
"and now you're not neck deep in debt, because of them, but you're still a bitch to them"

That would be IN SPITE of them. See comments on me paying them rent, and because I got a scholarship they didn't feel the need to help me pay for school.

Ah well, at least I am away from it now.

I'm not even going to go into the "favor" my mother thought she was doing me by homeschooling me in middle and high school.

4/15/2008 12:08:34 AM

The Judge
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they told you NOT to get a loan, and tried instead to instill a WORK ETHIC

and now you are BITCHING about them

you should have been stillborn

4/15/2008 12:11:57 AM

All American
4755 Posts
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hardcore trolling right here

4/15/2008 12:12:42 AM

The Judge
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don't side with her without know what kind of person she is, you people make me sick

4/15/2008 12:14:28 AM

All American
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lol, you have no idea what you are talking about. And you will not, I'm not posting the details on a public forum.

Yeah, some days I wish I had never been born. At least I get really good pills, only ones I am missing from the collection are the ones that make me feel completely numb.

4/15/2008 12:19:08 AM

12937 Posts
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qntmfred's parents are giant faggots.

4/15/2008 12:22:50 AM

All American
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Quote :
"qntmfred's parent are giant faggots."

Yeah, mine never had the balls to actually write that out in a contract, so his are quite possibly worse. Mine just gave me pamphlets on how if you have sex before marriage everyone will think you'll be a whore, and you will be miserable and die alone of AIDS at 25.

Mom tried to talk me out of having my tubes tied, all the way to the hospital. I told her I would cause her great physical pain if she told them not to do it after I was under, and I can verify the surgeon did his job. Probably helped that I told him before had that my mom was crazy.

I wonder if qntmfred's parents and mine are friends? It scares the shit out of me every time I realize other people have parents as bad or maybe even worse than mine.

4/15/2008 12:30:30 AM

Yankee Cowboy
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lewoods, you and the Judge should hook up. all his holier-than-thou bullshit is transparent as glass.

4/15/2008 12:32:02 AM

All American
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Only if he sends me pics of his girlfriend, and I like what I see.

4/15/2008 12:33:28 AM

The Judge
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wow lewoods you got your tubes tied? I was this close to a vasectomy

4/15/2008 12:38:43 AM

All American
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Quote :
"wow lewoods you got your tubes tied? I was this close to a vasectomy"


No baby momma drama FTW!

4/15/2008 12:46:04 AM

The Judge
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Yeah I know, life would be so grand

I'd never want to be a parent (see the top of page 2)

I applaud you, that is perhaps the coolest thing a girl can do in my opinion

4/15/2008 12:49:02 AM

12937 Posts
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#5the hustle

4/15/2008 12:51:37 AM

All American
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Seriously, do it.

Best decision ever. Some docs won't fix you until you are 30, but if you call planned parenthood they will set you up with a list of docs that realize it's YOUR decision to make and if you want it you know what the consequences are. In general, you are better off with the younger docs than the old ones that think they know everything and know your life better than you.

If you were female I'd suggest the guy that did my surgery, but I've got nothing on who would be gentlest on your manhood.

4/15/2008 12:54:57 AM

All American
14538 Posts
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my parents:

try to find a balance, we know you're going to party and do what college students do, but try to be safe and stay on track.

4/15/2008 12:56:12 AM

3 of 11
All American
6276 Posts
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- if you drink, do it with people you trust and have a DD, btw heres some airplane liquor bottles.
- weed: just know if you get caught, they'll take away your financial aid.
- you *really* dont want to end up like your cousin do you? dont screw around
- make good grades
- dont download illegal stuff

- don't EVER drink
- don't EVER smoke
- dont get involved with some abstinence broad, that aint natural!
- make good grades
- dont download illegal stuff

4/15/2008 1:59:59 AM

All American
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my folks are pretty strange. they cared about what I did, but trusted me enough not to make bad decisions. I just got really crazy when I was out on my own. I think those rules in the first post are a little harsh. kids are growing up a lot faster in many ways than they used to. I had to grow up early for different reasons. its good to watch out for your kid, but sheltering them too much can be a bad thing, especially if they go straight to college and are immediately on their own.

4/15/2008 2:20:21 AM


47844 Posts
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set em up

4/16/2008 12:01:05 AM

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