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DJ Lauren
All American
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Page 3 is for ballers

4/24/2008 7:34:52 AM

32613 Posts
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that bond was very low. i wonder if his family is poor?

4/24/2008 7:49:17 AM

All American
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It was before she died.

4/24/2008 8:05:05 AM

32613 Posts
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Still...I've seen higher for much much less serious shit.

4/24/2008 8:09:38 AM

All American
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Well, fortunately I'm not intimately familiar with the bonds system, and I don't really pay attention to the news...

4/24/2008 8:11:21 AM

32613 Posts
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Well, you'll just have to trust me then

4/24/2008 8:14:05 AM

6218 Posts
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Quote :
"Reid has hired lawyer Rusty DeMint. "

Isn't this the guy that everyone learns about as soon as they get on campus?
He's like the James Scott Farrin of NCSU.

Good luck with that pal.

4/24/2008 8:15:07 AM

All American
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I never heard of him. My lawyer is Raleigh George Kelly III.

[Edited on April 24, 2008 at 8:19 AM. Reason : My lawyer back home is the bestes lawyer man evah]

4/24/2008 8:19:05 AM

32613 Posts
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What's he done for you?

4/24/2008 8:20:30 AM

Jelly Donut
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Quote :
"do people seriously think kids like this should get the death penalty?"

Absolutely. The world would be a great deal better off without this worthless fuck. What's the use of a death penalty if it can't be used on him?

4/24/2008 8:23:43 AM

32613 Posts
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The death penalty for an accidental death is retarded considering all the murders that aren't accidental that only get 10-20 years in prison.

4/24/2008 8:28:49 AM

soup du hier
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Quote :
"How is this an ACCIDENT?

The guy was driving drunk. It should be EXPECTED that you're going to get in some sort of wreck or hit something if you drive drunk. It would be an ACCIDENT if you DIDN'T hit something.

Fry his ass. "

You have no logic please do not enter a field that requires it.
No one intentionally kills or hurts anyone in a drunk driving accident thus it is an accident. If no one was injured they also did not say hey... i'm going to go fuck up my car real quick. its proven that sleep deprived drivers are worse than drunks.. either way it is still a bad idea... the problem is most drunks are both....

As i have mentioned before i find it annoying that someone can be too intoxicated to be expected to make the right decision about having intercourse not to (legally) but they can not be too intoxicated to be expected to make the right decision to drive home or not. Logic requires consistency either alcohol does impair your ability to make a decision or it does not... either way i don't care but be fucking consistent.

^^ so i'm sure you never make bad decisions... ever.... usually the first to judge is trying to cover up their own shortcomings and feel better about themselves.

4/24/2008 8:31:58 AM

Jelly Donut
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^I don't make decisions anywhere near as bad as this worthless fuck did.

And what would the world lose by having this guy executed?

4/24/2008 8:35:25 AM

All American
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A former future naval officer, a partially college educated citizen.

More than if we had of lost your parents 30 years ago.

4/24/2008 8:39:51 AM

Jelly Donut
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A former future naval officer, a drunk with a pickup
a partially college educated citizen. a frat boy who kills innocent people

fixed that for you

4/24/2008 9:11:51 AM

50085 Posts
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For NC86

** I hope no one is serious that they think this kid should even get life in prison... I'm all for harsh penalties for DUI manslaughter but lets not get crazy.

4/24/2008 10:48:34 AM

All American
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^^you are a dumbass. why excecute a person that is getting an education and bettering themselves. he needs a punishment that will better the community. a ton of hours doing volunteer work, a few years probation and car brethalyzer would be a fitting punishment

4/24/2008 12:01:05 PM

All American
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He'll be sentenced to 7, out in 5. Probably have a lifetime revocation.

4/24/2008 12:06:39 PM

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getting an education doesn't make you special. A lot of people go to college and do nothing with their lives. It also seems this guy valued getting plastered over his education and life anyways. I mean, .12 before noon is a little much. Life in prison would just be wasting tax payers dollars and taking space in an already crowded system. Hopefully this will be an awakening for him and he'll use his situation to educate others and help prevent future incidents.

4/24/2008 12:19:04 PM

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4/24/2008 1:33:56 PM

All American
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^^ it was his 21s birthday. he was an idiot for driving, but i know exactly why he did. a lot of people dont know how alcohol works and think they can sleep of 30 beers in 10hrs. very wrong, but very common. sleep does nothing. only time works.

^^^5 years in prison and cant drive a car. weve just created another bum

4/24/2008 1:37:40 PM

All American
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Quote :
"weve just created another bum"


I hear you can't get any sort of work really if you're a felon

4/24/2008 1:46:33 PM

DJ Lauren
All American
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I'm glad to see this thread is turning into what it is.

4/24/2008 1:50:30 PM

All American
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.12 just isn't that drunk. The legal limit in a lot of states was .10 not that long ago. I have a hard time believing that he was too fucked up to know he hit someone while he was sitting in jail.

Not defending the guy, I mean, he fucked up epically, but I'd be willing to bet that most people on here who frequent bars have driven "drunk" whether they know it or not. I'm equally sure that plenty of folks on here have done the next morning drive home while legally drunk. If you pass out at a buddy's house and then drive home the next morning there's a good chance you're in the exact same state as this guy. This is just a really sad, shitty incident.

Personally I don't believe there should be a DUI law. If somebody is driving recklessly charge them as such. Whether or not you've been drinking should have squat to do with it. I'd rather they increased the penalties for bad driving rather than just penalizing you for potentially doing something based on an arbitrary BAC.

4/24/2008 1:51:06 PM

Drunk yet Orderly
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everyone is different, but I do agree that .12 isn't really impaired for most.

4/24/2008 1:53:08 PM

32613 Posts
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I can kind of agree... old peoples reaction times = slower than mine at the legal limit... people half asleep reaction times = slower than mine at the legal limit.

I mean, I wouldn't go so far as to say there shouldn't be DUI's...but I can def see your point and think some things need to be stricter in other areas.

4/24/2008 1:53:48 PM

50085 Posts
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Doing away with DUI laws would be a disaster IMO. The major deterrent for a lot of people is the simple fact that they could get pulled over and arrested on DUI charges for something as simple as a lightbulb burning out or a turn signal not functioning.

To give free reign for people to drive as they see fit and only punish when they are reckless would almost assuredly raise the number of alochol related incidents... and probably not by a small margin.

I do agree with your (^) general point though about other things being dangerous... certainly not equally as dangerous but definitely a problem.

[Edited on April 24, 2008 at 1:57 PM. Reason : x]

4/24/2008 1:56:33 PM

All American
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I've always been a proponent of making a driver's license harder to get and harder to keep. The major cause of accidents and deaths is bad driving. Period, external factors very, very rarely have anything to do with it.

Does it not strike anyone else as incredibly stupid that you only have to pass the actual driving part of the test once? Is there any logical reason not to make you take it say... every 5 years. Can anyone give me a good reason not to make people over 55 (or 60 or whatever the statistically correct age is) to take the vision test yearly? This country is full of bad drivers because you can get your driver's license with the same ease as getting a library card.

4/24/2008 2:00:02 PM

32613 Posts
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Yep. I've always said after a certain age you should have to get at least a vision test every year in order to keep your drivers license..and more tests than that would be preferred.

The problem is there's too many old people against shit like that for it to pass any kind of legislation, etc

[Edited on April 24, 2008 at 2:02 PM. Reason : asfd]

4/24/2008 2:01:50 PM

All American
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this guy's nick name was short bus and he was in phi kappa tau.

i think thats said enough there about his character

4/24/2008 2:02:53 PM

soup du hier
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thats what i'm saying making ACCIDENTAL death a felony either creates another criminal or another bum or another government supported house hold.

4/24/2008 2:03:14 PM

All American
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I could see hammering him. I mean, the person he killed isn't any less dead, and it's a direct result of his piss poor driving and irresponsibility. The fact that he was drunk holds very little water with me. It's no different than if you run up on the side walk because you're talking on the phone, or miss a stop sign because you're trying to eat a cheeseburger while you drive.

4/24/2008 2:05:48 PM

All American
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I've heard rumors there might be a witness that saw the bicyclist actually swerve into the lane in front of the truck

anyone else heard this?

4/24/2008 2:10:31 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Personally I don't believe there should be a DUI law. If somebody is driving recklessly charge them as such. Whether or not you've been drinking should have squat to do with it. I'd rather they increased the penalties for bad driving rather than just penalizing you for potentially doing something based on an arbitrary BAC."

You are a certifiable retard.

I'm not saying that reckless driving is better than drunk driving, but letting people off for the poor decision to drink and then put themselves and others at risk while driving is unacceptable.

4/24/2008 2:10:46 PM

All American
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Driving drunk is no worse than driving tired in all but the most extreme cases. Shit, I've been hit by a drunk driver and I'm still making this argument. The fact that she was drunk wasn't the problem, the problem was that she failed to stop. Why she failed to stop is totally irrelevant.

If I'm driving along, obeying all traffic laws and I'm at a .09 what's the problem? Certainly, it increases my risk of driving recklessly or missing a sign or whatever, but until then it's a non-issue.

4/24/2008 2:14:36 PM

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The only point I was trying to make is that taking those laws off the books will only increase the instances that driving mistakes are made due to alocohol... I'm sure you would agree, unless you think alcohol doesn't impair you...

[Edited on April 24, 2008 at 2:16 PM. Reason : x]

4/24/2008 2:16:17 PM

soup du hier
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Having your license suspended is a good idea (having just come off of one myself)

convicting someone of a felony for any ACCIDENT is dumb

Felonys should be reserved for people with malicious intent. I got a dwi and the guy before me got off with less fine and no other punishment AND HE BROKE INTO SOMEONE'S HOUSE WHILE ARMED AND STOLE THEIR TV. I didn't hurt anyone or anything nor did i intend to yet i get reamed by the system and he pays a $200 fine.

I'm not saying i didn't deserve what i got but that mother effer deserves JAIL.

[Edited on April 24, 2008 at 2:24 PM. Reason : .]

4/24/2008 2:23:26 PM

All American
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Quote :

If he goes to prison, where will we put all the people who get sentenced for drug possession?

4/24/2008 2:25:45 PM

soup du hier
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they didn't hurt anyone nor did they intend do....

they offer a service so that others can hurt themselves... i have no problems with drug dealers till they start killin folk.

Do you not agree that ARMED B&E should be a more serious crime than a DWI where no one human or property damage and there were no aggravating circumstances?

[Edited on April 24, 2008 at 2:29 PM. Reason : .]

4/24/2008 2:26:59 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Why she failed to stop is totally irrelevant."

And the chances of her stopping are much greater when she's not impaired by a substance.

I'm not exactly sure why you think the way you do unless you're one of those douchebags that want to justify their own drunk driving by making a weak argument against duis.

[Edited on April 24, 2008 at 2:28 PM. Reason : .]

4/24/2008 2:27:57 PM

All American
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Quote :
"they offer a service so that others can hurt themselves"

I got no problem with this, was being sarcastic earlier

4/24/2008 2:28:29 PM

soup du hier
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I stoopie

4/24/2008 2:30:09 PM

All American
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Yes, alcohol impairs you, but I think the deterrent effect is greatly overrated.

4/24/2008 2:31:39 PM

All American
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The US actually has one of the most lenient BAC limits for DUI in the world:

4/24/2008 2:37:28 PM

All American
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RIP to the lady just out trying to get some exercise.

Tough Luck to the kid who ruined his life even though it seems he did right by not driving til the next morning.

Quote :
"I've heard rumors there might be a witness that saw the bicyclist actually swerve into the lane in front of the truck

anyone else heard this?"

not sure. This is why bikes should be kept on trails and off of roads. All they do is add an extra hazard/distraction to unsafe drivers.

I understand the argument, blah blah blah, there is no where to ride.

4/24/2008 2:56:41 PM

All American
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jackleg called it:
Quote :
"oh and now shes dead? and they already took his 10k, and they're gonna just re-arrest his ass tomorrow i suppose. if not, then its super fucked up."

WRAL is now reporting that:
Quote :
"Reid, who was out of jail on a $10,000 bond, surrendered to to authorities Thursday. His bond was set at $25,000."

4/24/2008 3:01:51 PM

All American
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4/24/2008 3:02:22 PM

All American
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yeah, I'm not saying in any way that she deserved it

but I have always biked on the sidewalk whenever possible, precisely because I don't want to give anyone the opportunity of hitting my ass

4/24/2008 3:04:34 PM

All American
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Quote :
"I understand the argument, blah blah blah, there is no where to ride."

Bs. Get a rack for your vehicle and load up. Drive to the nearest greenway access point and ride. I will say however that the Triangle needs more bike lanes on roads.

[Edited on April 24, 2008 at 3:05 PM. Reason : -]

4/24/2008 3:04:44 PM

All American
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4/24/2008 3:05:52 PM

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