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 Message Boards » » Who said Obama wouldnt take NC!!???? Page 1 2 [3], Prev  
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is that called anything? like is that the wolfpack "sign" or the wolfpack "symbol" or what?

[Edited on May 7, 2008 at 2:39 AM. Reason : .]

5/7/2008 2:39:03 AM

All American
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Quote :
"You know, sometimes I want Obama to win the election so you can see how much you are fucking up, but then again, I dont want the country to be ruined forever either."

I don't think he could do any worse than what has gone on for the past decade.

^ I tell my students it's the Wolfpack sign. I have no idea if that's what it's actually called though.

[Edited on May 7, 2008 at 2:41 AM. Reason : .]

5/7/2008 2:39:52 AM

All American
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5/7/2008 3:30:48 AM

All American
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I couldn't vote b/c I wasn't there and I am not a reg. under a democrat. but thank you tww for voting Obama!!!

5/7/2008 11:03:59 AM

All American
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oh great, the terrorists won.

5/7/2008 11:07:25 AM

All American
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^^ It doesn't matter what you are registered as, you can vote either way.

[Edited on May 7, 2008 at 11:09 AM. Reason : ]

5/7/2008 11:08:55 AM

All American
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Quote :
"^ I tell my students it's the Wolfpack sign. I have no idea if that's what it's actually called though.

I just tell people it's my wolf. We all have a wolf inside us.

5/7/2008 11:14:01 AM

5724 Posts
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at this point the obama and his church thing hasnt been properly framed by the hillary campaign or the media. too much is focused on wright's bullshit as if he is some wacko that says crazy stuff. i think it needs to be framed that the church has racist principles and only those who believe them would be a member of the church. its not just a wacky preacher, but a wacky church to be a part of.

5/7/2008 11:20:41 AM

All American
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^ LOL!!!


5/7/2008 11:24:38 AM

All American
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Who gives a fuck - he will not be prez

5/7/2008 11:25:37 AM

All American
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Yeah, you're right! All the newly registered democrats - who would make the dem win in a landslide - they're all just vindictive republicans!

5/7/2008 11:28:03 AM

All American
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i'm going against something i bitch about constantly on here and posting without reading the entire thread...

first of all 56% is not exactly a sweeping victory....

secondly....a majority of those counties that are light blue in dnl's thread will vote for McCain in November....

thirdly....regardless of what the final results are in November....McCain is going to take a bunch

5/7/2008 11:33:29 AM

All American
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That is unless all those newly registered democrats come out and actually vote democrat

5/7/2008 11:35:59 AM

All American
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that's not going to make a difference because a vast majority of the presently registered Democrats would never vote for a dem for president...

NC just doesn't have a strong Republican registration....which would seem strange considering how a Dem hasn't taken NC in a presidential election since my grandfather that has been dead for 30 years was voting, unless you know how NC operates....

[Edited on May 7, 2008 at 11:44 AM. Reason : adf]

5/7/2008 11:40:27 AM

All American
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You must have not gotten the newsletter about the revolution currently taking place

and it's televized!

5/7/2008 11:46:21 AM

All American
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no..i didn't get the letter...i'm a republican...they didn't feel the need to tell me since it's not going to matter

there are 3 times more registered democrats in my home county than republicans and even bob dole beat bill clinton by 55% in 1996....which isn't a great deal...but with 3x more people being registered dems you would think clinton would have won by a land slide...

[Edited on May 7, 2008 at 12:00 PM. Reason : adfds]

5/7/2008 11:49:32 AM

All American
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anyone have a high res of obama flashing the wolfpack sign?

5/7/2008 11:50:30 AM

All American
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5/7/2008 11:58:06 AM

All American
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^omg he's doing the devil horns! he IS EVIL!

5/7/2008 12:23:10 PM

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5/7/2008 12:24:44 PM

All American
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DNC committee meeting today was another victory for the Obama if we can only cut into her lead in Puerto Rico....

6/1/2008 4:38:04 AM

15126 Posts
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6/12/2008 4:02:05 PM

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