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6/3/2008 6:21:11 PM

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Quote :
"you generally need to be able to afford a car to even be able to get to these stores, dnl. Thats probably why you've never seen a store that sells stuff that costs more than wal mart."

What a twat.

6/3/2008 6:28:10 PM

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and that's it, im gonna go get some denim this week/weekend.

j. crew does have some good quality denim. Thing about the designer jeans, like i mentioned earlier is that they seem to all be in darker shades. I hate the metallic toned ones, but dark is ok. But not too many make really light shades and I love a pair of faded blue jeans

6/3/2008 6:59:21 PM

balls deep
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lol @ 'poor people' telling 'not poor people' how to manage their money

6/3/2008 7:02:13 PM

All American
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My perfect jeans would have rocket launchers and machine guns.

6/3/2008 7:07:28 PM

All American
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My perfect jeans would have a pouch for you mother next to my zipper.

6/3/2008 7:16:00 PM

All American
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lol @ you guys that wear girls jeans

6/3/2008 7:29:52 PM

All American
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jeans are one of those things where i used to think "why the hell would you ever pay that much for some ______"

and now i'm all "ohhhhhhhhh THAT's why. here's my AMEX"

it's worth it.

6/3/2008 7:30:30 PM

All American
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so I'm not spending enough when my jeans are usually between 50-75 bucks?

damn, and to think, I could have had so many more dates with better jeans

6/3/2008 7:31:25 PM

BEUs Lady
All American
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Quote :
"i mean is it like one of those placebo effects?

"hmmm i spent 130 on some jeans, they must look good!" type of things?"

actually, I own a pair of $90 jeans, but I did not buy them. I did a photo shoot and my payment was an outfit. I got those jeans seriously like 4-5 years ago and they're still in perfect shape... Then again, I have LEI or Levi's jeans that I spent $25 on and have hole after 1-2 years

6/3/2008 7:41:53 PM

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apparently this company has other clothing items in the future. I think they're a start up and started out with just jeans. If you go to it just redirects you to Wonder what other clothing they have in store in the future. Could be interesting.

6/4/2008 10:51:04 AM

All American
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Quote :
"if you spend 130 bucks for a pair of jeans youre a faggot."

6/4/2008 11:12:42 AM

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6/4/2008 11:36:07 AM

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I do love the dick

6/4/2008 11:42:18 AM

All American
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one of the only times i saw DNL on campus, he was wearing ugly ass blue cargo pants or something, so i believe him when he says he doesn't even know where you can buy nice clothes

6/4/2008 11:46:48 AM

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6/4/2008 11:47:31 AM

soup du hier
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people are funny... listen just cause some people can't afford $130 jeans doesn't mean others can't ... i'd rather save the money something more useful but thats just me like my new pda phone!

6/4/2008 11:49:31 AM

45208 Posts
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Like I said on Page 2

Quote :
"Some people spend money on electronics. I spend it on my clothes/shoes. It's what I enjoy to spend money on, so I don't feel bad at all!!!"

6/4/2008 11:50:18 AM

All American
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yeah, to each his own...

coulda bought lots of pairs of these jeans if i didn't want the tech/electronic stuff i have

6/4/2008 11:52:01 AM

soup du hier
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Yeah i made fun of people for expensive jeans once then i realized how big of a hypocrite i was; seeing that I've wasted so much money on electronics and stereo equipment that i don't *need* but i love.

6/4/2008 11:54:58 AM

All American
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Quote :
"jeans are one of those things where i used to think "why the hell would you ever pay that much for some ______"

and now i'm all "ohhhhhhhhh THAT's why. here's my AMEX"

it's worth it."

My closet used to be full of cheap ill fitting jeans that I no longer wore...Then one day I had a friend who urged me to try on a pair of more expensive jeans and I liked them so much I bought 2 pair. I wore those jeans for about 3 years straight - and they just got better with age. These particular jeans were about $70, not really expensive in the whole scheme of things, but more than I would have paid. But compared to spending $30 every six months or so, it really is cheaper to invest in a good pair of jeans. I still buy a cheap pair here and there, though.

[Edited on June 4, 2008 at 12:03 PM. Reason : ive]

6/4/2008 12:00:40 PM

All American
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You can get jeans at Goodwill for < $5 that are just as good as the ones that cost > $100.

But if you have the money and want to spend that much on some jeans, then that's fine too.

6/4/2008 12:02:15 PM

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Quote :
"You can get jeans at Goodwill for < $5 that are just as good as the ones that cost > $100."

if you happen to pick up the pair of expensive jeans that I dropped off there then sure.

6/4/2008 12:03:02 PM

All American
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its true that you get what you pay for. but not always

bought a pair of express jeans, forgot the price, it was up there. and i already have holes in them.

i wont be shopping there again, and i have some aeropostale jeans i got after 9/11 when stuff was dirt cheap that is still lasting me. and some jcrew jeans that still last after like 5-6 years.

6/4/2008 12:04:44 PM

All American
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damn, i had a friend that had this idea.

6/4/2008 12:35:12 PM

All American
34244 Posts
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these are much better jeans.

[Edited on June 4, 2008 at 12:38 PM. Reason : metro]

6/4/2008 12:38:06 PM

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^its more so the idea of creating your own then the actual jeans themselves being better.

6/4/2008 12:48:11 PM

All American
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yeah, except for me, if the jeans aren't better overall, why bother, ya know? like for sure.

6/4/2008 12:50:56 PM

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I agree. My friend ordered a pair because she has a hard time finding the right jeans so we'll see how these turn out. plus she can't afford to get $180+ jeans. Personally I like to stick to the brands that work for me now.

6/4/2008 12:52:37 PM

All American
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that's msrp.

actually price with shipping is $80 or less.

6/4/2008 1:03:39 PM

147487 Posts
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i asked j_hova about this yesterday...even he has only spent like 70 on a pair of pants before

6/4/2008 1:16:58 PM

12280 Posts
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Quote :
"i asked j_hova about this yesterday...even he has only spent like 70 on a pair of pants before"

Need help finding your point?

6/4/2008 1:38:49 PM

All American
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black people buy knock offs and shit from kmart. Of course $70 is top of the line

6/4/2008 1:44:36 PM

All American
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If you are shaped like a stick or bigger build, then its easy to find jeans. If you have a bubble butt or are somewhere in the middle, its not that easy.

I have a bubble butt, so my jeans are usually loose in the waist just so they'll fit my booty.

I really liked American Eagle's jeans about 3 years ago. I'm still wearing a couple of them. But they changed their style, and they don't look right anymore.

[Edited on June 4, 2008 at 1:51 PM. Reason : ]

6/4/2008 1:49:33 PM

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most blacks i know smell and dress better than the average whites i know(no homo just in case)

[Edited on June 4, 2008 at 1:52 PM. Reason : maybe i just know shitty white people]

6/4/2008 1:52:32 PM

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6/4/2008 2:26:02 PM

147487 Posts
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u aint never met one of those fly(no homo) black dudes that gets all the hot white chicks?

6/4/2008 2:27:33 PM

All American
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The main thing I buy jeans is for comfort, easy care, and durability. I have 3 pairs of Old Navy jeans for these reasons, but only 1 pair really looks good on me.

I bought Wrangler jeans at Wal-Mart during a transitional weight loss stage because they were cheap and I knew I'd get too small for them soon, but damn did they look crappy on me. Ugly shade of blue, cheap-looking fabric, and saggy on my ass. I've never seen anyone's body flattered by a pair of Wranglers, they make everyone's butt look either flat or huge.

6/4/2008 5:31:44 PM

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^^i don't even know how to read that sentence.

6/4/2008 5:32:42 PM

All American
2991 Posts
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^^thats bc regular rise jeans look like shit on anyone....

some of my favorite jeans are that brand bullhead from Pacsun, haven't had them long enough to see the longevity though

express jeans suck, they fall apart really jeans do too

banana and jcrew jeans have been pretty good to me

6/5/2008 9:34:37 AM

All American
39759 Posts
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I could do this in Vietnam for a lot cheaper

6/5/2008 9:40:54 AM

All American
49373 Posts
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i presently own the perfect pair of jeans for me...and i paid $50 for them...

genuine SFAM Dojo' hot hot

6/5/2008 10:08:19 AM

35780 Posts
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so i bought a pair of Seven jeans today at saks. They fit pretty well and the length is good. One thing though, the denim material seems...stretchy would be the word i guess. There is a lot of play and give in the denim. Is that normal for seven jeans or top tier jeans in general? I've had them on for about an hour just getting used to them. So far so good.

6/8/2008 7:51:55 PM

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^thats normal. They will stretch so if you got them to fit just right...they won't fit just right soon. Also..if they are still in 'like new' condition and they do stretch to the point that you aren't happy with can exchange them for the right size no matter how long its been as long as they still carry it. (at nordstroms anyway...not sure about Saks)

6/8/2008 8:17:56 PM

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hmm, i'll keep that in mind and keep the tag on them and wear them around the house for a week or so before i decide.

I didn't buy them tight or anything, 34s which sit well on my waist. So you think they will stretch out and get a little out of shape around my thigh and leg after awhile?

If so i may take them back for a smaller size.

6/8/2008 8:20:46 PM

All American
22242 Posts
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I've heard a lot about this website, anyone tried it out?

6/8/2008 8:27:12 PM

All American
9974 Posts
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Levi 511

why would I wear anything else?

[Edited on June 8, 2008 at 8:37 PM. Reason : 50 bucks]

6/8/2008 8:36:43 PM

12280 Posts
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Quote :
"I didn't buy them tight or anything, 34s which sit well on my waist. So you think they will stretch out and get a little out of shape around my thigh and leg after awhile?"

When I bought my first sevens I got them to fit a little on the tight side but after wearing them a few times they stretched to the perfect size. I've only had this problem with Sevens...Diesels, Joe Jeans etc don't stretch as much.

6/8/2008 9:02:11 PM

35780 Posts
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thats for the input man, the more im wearing these i kinda think i may need to do that.

i dont dry my denim in a washing machine, i always air dry. Do these seven jeans draw up any after washing?

6/8/2008 9:33:30 PM


47844 Posts
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set em up

6/8/2008 10:37:55 PM

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