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All American
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Quote :
"it's working somewhat"

what are you basing that on

6/12/2008 11:54:42 AM

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this thread sucks

6/12/2008 11:54:53 AM

El Nachó
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I just see the war on drugs (well weed in particular) as like a war on trying to keep rain from hitting the ground. Sure, you can set up big ass tarps when it's supposed to rain, and show off just how much water you actually kept from hitting the ground, but in the end all you did was waste resources in some futile attempt to do something that's impossible.

6/12/2008 11:56:46 AM

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6/12/2008 11:59:47 AM

All American
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Quote :
"what are you basing that on"

they nabbed a pretty large cache of pot, did they not? please note that i haven't said it's working well, or that it's even working well enough to validate its existence...pot is a waste of time, but i wholeheartedly agree in the attempt to lessen the amount of hard drugs in this country

after all, they got that cocaine jesus statue, right?

6/12/2008 12:14:41 PM

All American
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Quote :
"well...there's that much less weed available, isn't there? it may not be working well, but it's working somewhat"

Quote :
"they nabbed a pretty large cache of pot, "

Not working even somewhat. Busting that crop just opened the door for plenty of more suppliers. That amount of marijuana is just such an insignificant amount that it probably had no noticeable effect on anything. Part of the reason they inflate the value is to trick the public into thinking they're actually doing something.

You guys know Marijuana is the largest cash crop in the US, and also the largest cash crop in NC? That amount of marijuana is nothing compared to what's sold on a yearly basis.

Quote :
"...pot is a waste of time,"

Marijuana doesn't kill, you can't get physically addicted to it, and its purposes are not purely recreational. The fucking federal government even had a medical marijuana program and still provides weed to a few americans.

Alcohol, Nicotine, Caffeine, and many of the major legal drugs Americans take are very harmful, addictive, and fill hospitals with patients. Saying pot is a waste of time is just like saying alcohol or any other drug is a waste of time, it's just that marijuana is the least harmful and doesn't kill anyone. Your typical marijuana smoker isn't a pothead or stoner, just like your typical alcohol drinker isn't an alcoholic. People who don't smoke weed like to catagorize all the weed smokers as "potheads" and "stoners", and this is no different than calling all you beer drinkers alcoholics. It isn't black and white. You guys not watch that episode? Just because i drink doesn't mean i'm an alcoholic, and just because i smoke doesn't mean i'm a pothead.

6/12/2008 1:15:59 PM

All American
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^ i think that either i expressed myself poorly or you misunderstood what i wrote...most of my post is sarcasm (that "cache" is an itsy bitsy drop in the bucket) and so the rest of my post "pot is a waste of time" is in reference to the fact that having a "war" on pot is stupid

y'all potheads should just pay out the arse for the privilege of getting stoned...having a war on it is silly

6/12/2008 1:18:41 PM

All American
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6/12/2008 1:33:12 PM

All American
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^^yeah sorry i just realized that. I misread that.

Quote :
"y'all potheads should just pay out the arse for the privilege of getting stoned...having a war on it is silly"

But see that's not the case. Marijuana has gotten cheaper, more pure and easier to get since it's introduction into America. We aren't paying out the ass and it's real easy to get. It's SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much cheaper than beer and liquor. You can spend 20 bucks on some good weed and it'll last you much longer than 20 bucks on alcohol (not including the major stoner or major alcoholic). If i go out to a bar i could spend upwards of 25-30 bucks on alcohol. You people think it's expensive. It's not. It's dirt cheap. Now compared to what it costs to grow and cultivate, it IS really expensive (it's more expensive than gold per gram), but compared to other drugs it's really cheap compared to its effect.

Quote :
"y'all potheads "

As long as you're being sarcastic. I can't stress this enough. I don't go around calling everyone "alcoholics" because some people take offense to that. Calling occasional marijuana smokers "pot heads" can also be offensive.

6/12/2008 1:41:14 PM

All American
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only one thing has been proved in this thread- and its that RSXTypeS is a complete fucking moron, and sounds like a punk bitch.

6/12/2008 1:42:48 PM

El Nachó
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6/12/2008 1:53:35 PM

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6/12/2008 1:54:15 PM

All American
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Hey RSXTypeS, did you watch Bullshit?

6/12/2008 1:55:39 PM

All American
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I don't know, I think he sounds pretty awesome

6/12/2008 2:01:48 PM

All American
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DEAs got a' chopper in the air....

6/12/2008 2:06:21 PM

All American
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I'll shutup now.

6/12/2008 2:10:48 PM

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