bethaleigh All American 18902 Posts user info edit post |
Jackleg, there really are people who take advantage of the system. And its those people who will pay for their beer and blunts with big bills, but then treat you like shit and not even speak to you - like they're better than the person scanning their groceries. Those are the ones who annoy the crap out of me. So, I keep being nice and speaking to them and smiling, etc, etc.. And there are a couple of banks who have the american flag pattern very similar to the EBT card. So, when they flash it at me quick enough that I can't tell if they're wanting debit, credit, or EBT (since they won't speak), I have to say something to get a response out of them since they're 'so much better than me' that they can't speak to me to tell me their form of payment. Then, if I press a button without them responding and without me saying something about the kind of card... it takes a minute to process, then comes back with some type of payment mismatch error message. And then they get pissed and panic and cause a scene, when its their own damn fault for not speaking up.
I don't always say "Oh, Food Stamps". I will say "Credit or Debit". You have to say something to get a response. And if someone is treating you like an asshole, why not go with the next option and say "EBT?". I'm not mean or vicious, I just don't like being treated like a 3rd rate citizen when all I am doing is my job.
[Edited on July 3, 2008 at 12:10 PM. Reason : ] 7/3/2008 12:08:15 PM