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 Message Boards » » I look GOOD in a size 14. Page 1 2 [3] 4 5, Prev Next  
All American
16764 Posts
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oh yeah, I work at a BP manufacturing company and you won't believe how many idiots there are in the medical world, and the health care system is full of BS, MBA, and PHD educated people... Yet they can't read numbers correctly or follow simple steps that are illustrated clearly.

I have devised a way to make anyone be able to follow our directions.

1. Make illustrations
2. Hand illustrations and product to an 8 year old kid
3. If kid has problems figuring it out, redo illustrations
4. Profit (yet we still get complaints)

[Edited on July 6, 2008 at 4:18 AM. Reason : ]

7/6/2008 4:17:59 AM

All American
52917 Posts
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Quote :
"But it is so much easier for ppl to accept "technically obese" men than women.


that's because with a little muscle mass on you, a dude can go waaay up the BMI chart in a hurry. There was a time about 4-5 years ago when I had defined abs, could run 3 miles in 20 minutes flat, do 27 dead-hang pull-ups, and could benchpress just 15 lbs shy of double my bodyweight...yet still was on the upper end of the "overweight" range of the BMI scale. There just aren't many women with significant enough muscle mass to skew the results--the BMI, while not perfect, is a far better indicator for women than for men, across the board at least.

Hell, I'm not "obese" by BMI standards, but I'm in the upper end of "overweight". I assure you that I am not overweight in reality, though.

Quote :
"All these dumbass wolfweb guys talking about "she's too big for me"..."I think she's fat"
WTF they'd die to bag a hottie like her

Uhh, she's not gigantically obese or terrible looking or anything, but she doesn't really do anything for me. Mostly she just looks like a girl who'd be really pretty if she got (back) in shape.

7/6/2008 4:18:51 AM

All American
16764 Posts
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and I'd bet she'll be fun to hang around with.

7/6/2008 4:21:18 AM

All American
17913 Posts
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^ Oh I'm sure.

^^ Agreed on the 2nd point.

Shit, I'm one of those motherfuckers that fights the other side of the BMI. My doctor is astounded by my metabolism. I'm a hair inside the healthy range on the "FUCKING THIN AS SHIT" scale...

[Edited on July 6, 2008 at 4:32 AM. Reason : a hare? wtf...i'm a rabbit inside the healthy range LOL]

7/6/2008 4:21:45 AM

All American
4999 Posts
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ladies in a size 14 of TWW please stand up and post pics

[Edited on July 6, 2008 at 4:38 AM. Reason : lolhoe]

7/6/2008 4:23:36 AM

All American
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I shot a lot of model pictures for publications and I do have to say, the girls that are a little overweight (not nasty or anything) are easier to work with and much less bitchy than girls that are smoking hot.

Although, there are a few hot girls who aren't bitchy at all, but I'm sure once they get involved more in the modeling world, their attitude will change. There really isn't that many hot chicks in Raleigh, but a good number in Charlotte and Wilmington. Atlanta is probably the highest hot chicks per capita closest to Raleigh. A lot of national publication chains have their headquarters there.

7/6/2008 4:34:40 AM

All American
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Quote :
"There really isn't that many hot chicks in Raleigh, "

1. go to cary towne center mall on any given school day
2. tel them they are special
3. give them your card and feed the bs to them,( you know what to say)
4. profit.

5. put on internetz

7/6/2008 4:41:12 AM

All American
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that's a great way to loose my reputation and current contracts...

7/6/2008 4:47:56 AM

All American
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oh yeha i forgots about that lol

7/6/2008 4:56:59 AM

El Borracho
All American
13971 Posts
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i am this girl you all have been waiting for

7/6/2008 5:54:21 AM

All American
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7/6/2008 6:03:05 AM

All American
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7/6/2008 6:13:40 AM

All American
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7/6/2008 6:15:53 AM

21958 Posts
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Five feet tall and a size 18. And proud.
And most of the time I look damned good.

[Edited on July 6, 2008 at 10:12 AM. Reason : And that picture was taken one week after giving birth.]

7/6/2008 10:09:13 AM

balls deep
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7/6/2008 10:44:54 AM

63151 Posts
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I look GOOD in a size 34.

7/6/2008 10:50:01 AM

21958 Posts
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ahahaha. whatever happened to your boxers of the day thread?

7/6/2008 10:50:54 AM

63151 Posts
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you're the 6th girls that's asked me that in the last 3 weeks.


7/6/2008 10:51:53 AM

All American
22728 Posts
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im between a 32 and 34 -- 34 as of lately

<3 the boxer of the day. nohomo

7/6/2008 10:53:20 AM

63151 Posts
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[Edited on July 6, 2008 at 10:56 AM. Reason : ok that sounded a bit too ~]

7/6/2008 10:54:49 AM

All American
22728 Posts
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Quote :
"have had to move to 34s for the last few pairs of j.crews and a few pair of diesel jeans "

don't they typically run a little small anyways? at least the diesel?

7/6/2008 10:57:20 AM

63151 Posts
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yeah they do.

and the j.crew khakis run smaller than the jeans.


7/6/2008 10:58:05 AM

All American
8522 Posts
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Quote :
"you can tell from the skinny picture that shes not one of those naturally skinny people

I can't tell

7/6/2008 11:09:46 AM

All American
23447 Posts
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Lots of fatties getting defensive in this thread.

I'm not hating on the first picture at all, but I don't find her that attractive and would not try to hit it (maybe if I was pretty drunk).

Second picture is pretty fucking hot. And she doesn't look unhealthy skinny at all. Picture actually makes it look worse because it seems as if she's sucking in a little too.

Third girl is pretty fat.

7/6/2008 11:13:19 AM

hello Mr. NSA!
35386 Posts
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i haven't read all this shit, but the girl in the OP is gorgeous and would get it hard

7/6/2008 11:13:43 AM

147487 Posts
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see i hate using words like "gorgeous" to describe her cause then its like well what about the skinny hot broads...are they "more gorgeous" or what?

7/6/2008 11:14:28 AM

76471 Posts
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Chick #1 looks WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY better as a size 14.

Chick #2 ...needs to work on her legs. And her face isn't that cute. And it's like she's trying to wear an unflattering suit.

There are some people for whom double digit sizes are the best option. If you consider that the 'big-boned' card or not, I don't care. I, for one, am one of them. When I'm a size 12, my hipbones are sticking out in front. I get bony on the bottom in that size range - and having talked to my mom, that's about normal for women on her side of the family. She's got one sister who wears pants sized 12-16 if you measure around the hips, and 8-10 if you go by waist measurements.
OP, where the hell are the measurements you've referenced?

If she's active and in good health, let her be happy. I mean, you can't exactly keep her from being happy, even if she isn't in good health
There is the concern about wear and tear put on a body by extra weight, but I don't see that being an overriding concern for this one. I could be wrong.
And about the message sent to kids: It's not the media's fault people are obese these days. All this 'oh my god X item on TV/in print/on the internet IS. GOING. TO. SEND. THE. WRONG. MESSAGE!!!!11!!one' handwringing is stupid, futile, and annoying.

The 'message' sent by this to children is completely insignificant. It's the parents' job to raise healthy children who take care of themselves. The same is true whether it's about video games and violence, or any other 'concern' that lazy parents feel compelled to try to blame on messages from the media.
And yes, for the record, even though she's a fake blonde in picture #1, I would definitely do terrible things to her

[Edited on July 6, 2008 at 11:15 AM. Reason : xfg]

7/6/2008 11:14:30 AM

Squishie Enthusiast
4040 Posts
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Quote :
"i did read the thread. i don't care what her measurements are, she looks healthy and she looks attractive. many women can be a size 14 and be perfectly healthy. a lot of women can be a size 14 and be very unhealthy. it appears to me this girl falls in the former category. so why not let her be a healthy size 14?"

7/6/2008 11:15:34 AM

All American
6462 Posts
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[Edited on July 6, 2008 at 11:17 AM. Reason : one]

7/6/2008 11:16:28 AM

147487 Posts
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i think its the medias fault kids are more annorexic these days

7/6/2008 11:16:29 AM

The Dude
All American
6502 Posts
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I'm 6'3" and have a 36" inch waist

just recently had to buy a bunch of new pants because I've been at 34" since high school

7/6/2008 11:17:16 AM

All American
23447 Posts
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Quote :
"It's the parents' job to raise healthy children who take care of themselves."

Fuck a certain extent I guess.

I know plenty of kids whose parents ate healthy and were active...and their kids usually followed suit. Then once they got out of the household....bam....ballooned. I also know plenty of exact opposites.

People need to start taking more responsibility for being unhealthy and/or fat. Quit blaming it on parents, society, the food industry, etc.

Eat healthy and exercise...its not that hard.

7/6/2008 11:25:05 AM

147487 Posts
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^^i have to wear a belt with 34 or they sag to the point where they will eventually fall off

7/6/2008 11:26:36 AM

63151 Posts
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^^ i dont know man

my beer belly is starting to look more and more like my dad's

7/6/2008 11:27:47 AM

76471 Posts
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Quote :
"People need to start taking more responsibility for being unhealthy and/or fat. Quit blaming it on parents, society, the food industry, etc.

Eat healthy and exercise...its not that hard."

Part of a healthy upbringing (all-around) is being taught to accept responsibility for one's actions. You can't blame shit on other people, I agree. But it's also quite a shock to come to college, and realize that exercise is a normal activity that should be done regularly. It's a lot harder for a young adult to get settled into a healthy lifestyle if they've never had it before, and they're just finding out, at 18, what a healthy lifestyle is.

It's true that the best parents can do is plant the seeds, and water them til they're 18.

...But I was specifically addressing the OPs concern:
Quote :
"I still think its the wrong message to send to girls. thats like saying to kids thats its ok to sit around and eat fast food and play video games and not go out and get exercise because they are happy with what they look like."

Quote :
"hen once they got out of the household....bam....ballooned. I also know plenty of exact opposites."

I'm gonna go ahead and interject my personal background on this:
My dad stopped biking by the time I was 5. I was on a swim team from ~5-7, because the neighborhood pool was across the street. Only recently (past month) started biking to work because his car broke down. My mother? No exercise at all. I remember one time that we all did something physical as a family: we went for a walk after dinner. That's it. Nutrition...yeah, vegetables in the house were always the same thing: peas, green beans, and corn. Anything else was in the form of a casserole.

I also, from 12-17, didn't live at home, 'exercise' was always used as punishment (running in formation with other housemates for someone one of the 12 did, jumping jacks at 4am, etc), food was so terrible I begged my parents to 'make' these people let me have bran flakes for breakfast (which was otherwise typical southern sunday morning breakfast fare). There, if you wanted to eat, it was all or nothing: You took at least a heaping spoonful of everything offered, and ate it all, or you got absolutely nothing. The way they 'cooked' corn? A full stick of butter for a 5lb bag of corn.

I got to college, lived at home my first year: no big change there.
2nd year: started seeing how unusual my background was. "Whoa...people go to the gym ...willingly?"
3rd year: started making smaller changes
Now, I'm exercising a lot, eating better, caring about what I eat, good decisions, etc.

Compare this with a friend's upbringing: full of good (for you) food, family exercise (mom still coaches the neighborhood swim team, even though all kids are out of the house), my friend and her mother swim in the same competitions, do triathlons together, etc. It was largely due to this friend that I've learned what I need to change, how best to do it, and in some cases, how fucking easy those changes are. Said friend just joined the Navy. For a while, she was essentially holding my hand as I bettered my health, and now I'm on my own, and I'm okay with that.

It would have been a lot easier if my parents had done shit right all along. That's what I mean

[Edited on July 6, 2008 at 11:40 AM. Reason : lkfdj]

7/6/2008 11:31:42 AM

All American
23447 Posts
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Quote :
"my beer belly is starting to look more and more like my dad's"

My questions in response to that are:

1) Do you care? or... Does it bother you?

If not, then its not a big deal. If you are content and happy, then who cares?

2) Are you generally unhealthy?

Again, if you're not, then its really not a big deal.

3) If you answer yes to any of the above questions...are you doing anything about it?

If you aren't, then its your fault. Not everybody can be Jack Palance...but everyone can still prevent a decent sized beer belly.

7/6/2008 11:33:58 AM

All American
3150 Posts
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hey yo fat girl, come here are ya ticklish?
yeah, I called ya fat
look at me, I'm skinny
it never stopped me from gettin' busy
i'm a freak
i like the girls with the boom
i once got busy in a Burger King bathroom

the first chick has some thunder thighs - and because that picture is airbrushed to hell you can't see all the cellulite and the fat roll hanging over her underwear

you know when she hits her 40s shes going to be the size of a house

7/6/2008 11:42:12 AM

All American
3613 Posts
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Quote :
"and like i also said the focus SHOULD be health not how skinny or fat you are and people on both ends who have the attitude that its ok is wrong. its sends the WRONG message to kids. thats why you have so many young girls with eating disorders as well as so many other kids who are so obese in this country."

that is my point. people are not getting it only jpbrick does and a few others.
What happened to healthy people, not obese people or super skinny people. The focus shouldn't only be on "oh look at the message super skinny people in magazines are sending our kids" its should be on the opposite message sent by saying its ok to be obese as long as you feel good about yourself.

I'm not going to raise a child and lead them to think thats ok.

7/6/2008 12:11:20 PM

32613 Posts
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Quote :
"don't they typically run a little small anyways? at least the diesel?"

try buying shit in europe.. i went through all their conversions and shit and got a size bigger than i usually wear just to make sure they'd fit.. oh hell no, damn things were like 6 inches too small in every direction. i ended up letting my 5' 4" friend have some of the jeans i bought over there

well..some were sized normal and some werent, made the mistake of only trying one pair on that happened to be sized pretty normal

[Edited on July 6, 2008 at 12:15 PM. Reason : ps i bought 34's, usually wear 32's ]

7/6/2008 12:13:16 PM

37709 Posts
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[no fatties]

^^^yeah i agree and see your point.

[Edited on July 6, 2008 at 12:15 PM. Reason : l]

7/6/2008 12:14:56 PM

All American
3613 Posts
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^^ well American sizes have slowly gone up for what the size should be. I believe it was to make people feel better and not be like wow i wear a size ?

[Edited on July 6, 2008 at 12:16 PM. Reason : s]

7/6/2008 12:16:01 PM


18617 Posts
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Man, that girl in the first picture is such a fucking fatass! I've gotta go purge now just from looking at that flab.

7/6/2008 12:16:35 PM

147487 Posts
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i was told the average size foot for women in the past 100 years has gone up from like size 5 to size 8 or something

7/6/2008 12:17:43 PM

32613 Posts
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Quote :
"^^ well American sizes have slowly gone up for what the size should be. I believe it was to make people feel better and not be like wow i wear a size ?"

yeah i don't doubt that at ALL.. everybody was skinny as hell over there. it was like..well, not like America

7/6/2008 12:19:11 PM

All American
16764 Posts
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#23, 21, 18, and 2 are fuckable

7/6/2008 12:52:26 PM

All American
9134 Posts
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size 34 represent

7/6/2008 1:01:23 PM

All American
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I think I'm fat, I'm size 28...

7/6/2008 1:49:11 PM

All American
23447 Posts
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^You're a fucking beanpole.

7/6/2008 1:53:39 PM

All American
16764 Posts
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I'm just sayin... if she's size 14, I must be large and in charge... wait wat? there's difference with men's and women's sizes? shit, no one tell me these things.

7/6/2008 1:57:47 PM

All American
52917 Posts
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Quote :
"i think its the medias fault kids are more annorexic these days


uhh, last time I looked, we were all getting fat (as a society).

7/6/2008 2:11:11 PM

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