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All American
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where u been baby?

7/9/2008 5:08:52 PM

All American
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Quote :
FUCK THAT. I will take my beer to the self checkout all I damn well please."

Amen. Especially since I don't get carded about 75% of the time (I'm 27 and tend to look older because I've got a substantial amount of gray in my hair) anyway.

Regarding DON'T leave your cart in the parking lot...has anyone else ever wondered why the Harris Teeter at Cameron Village has *no* cart corrals? None. If you park at the back of the lot as I often do, you have to haul your cart all the way back to the store entrance. I understand it's an undersized parking lot for such a big/busy store (Harris Teeters seem to have that problem frequently) but you would think they would have taken away maybe 2 spaces for corrals, instead of the current problem where carts get left all over the place...

7/9/2008 5:17:18 PM

147487 Posts
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do buy preperation h or vagasil at the self checkout

7/9/2008 5:27:17 PM

All American
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Quote :
"how much are people getting in food stamps to be able to get $400 in groceries?"

Usually the people have a general idea of how much they are spending. With Food Stamps, there are no taxes added. So, if it rings up as something like $430, it will be roughly $400 when taxes are deducted.

DO: Apply for a store discount card if you do not have one. Don't assume we will do one for you everytime. If I ask you for one and you tell me you don't have one, then say "no" when I ask you if you would like to apply for one... then NO, you can't get the discount.

[Edited on July 10, 2008 at 12:27 AM. Reason : ]

7/10/2008 12:26:33 AM

All American
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Quote :
"DON'T: Ask the cashier to wait while you run out to your car to get it when there is a line of people behind you."

why don't you just suspend the order?

the suspend/retrieve button is your friend.

7/10/2008 8:36:00 AM

All American
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DON'T bring your kids to the store AT ALL until they're at least 12. And even then only if they're not snotty, whiney, or dressed like goths, gangbangers, or wiggers. If you must bring them along, don't put them in those gigantic extended carts. The dumb moms that use them can't steer them.

One time this stupid girl was pushing her mom's cart way too fast and headed straight for me, and being 230 pounds I knew it wouldn't hurt me, so I stood still and let her plow her cart right into my side. Her head banged into her cart's handle and she started crying. I figured someone had to teach her not to run around like a retard.

And mother-fuck the parking spots reserved for customers with children. Able-bodied parents don't need the same special treatment as people with real physical handicaps. Children are a handicap you choose to have, so learn to live with it. The little bastards can walk another 30 feet, it's good for them.

7/10/2008 10:59:37 AM

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don't's ?

7/10/2008 11:02:57 AM

All American
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Quote :
"if you see a floor manager who looks like he is a pious prick, do us a favor and punch him in the throat"

Quote :
"One time this stupid girl was pushing her mom's cart way too fast and headed straight for me, and being 230 pounds I knew it wouldn't hurt me, so I stood still and let her plow her cart right into my side. Her head banged into her cart's handle and she started crying. I figured someone had to teach her not to run around like a retard.

These are my favorites. "Pious prick", lol.

7/10/2008 11:26:29 AM

All American
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spots reserved for customers with children?! wtf is this bullshit now?

7/10/2008 11:27:04 AM

147487 Posts
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wtf i have never even seen a sign like that

7/10/2008 11:39:24 AM

All American
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^They have them here in Greensboro at the Harris Teeter stores.

7/10/2008 11:41:37 AM

All American
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And in Cary at the Lowe's foods I go to, I think.

7/10/2008 11:42:04 AM

All Amurican
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those signs are all over the place- and it's bullshit. if you are pregnant and don't need to walk long distances- get a temp handicap placard. otherwise- leave the little bastards at home or suck it up and walk with them. it's not like you have to hike a mile uphill in the snow each way to get into a store from a parking space.

7/10/2008 11:45:51 AM

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man thats so messed they have someone that checks or something cause my ass would def. park in it if no one was looking

[Edited on July 10, 2008 at 11:46 AM. Reason : and i had a car]

7/10/2008 11:46:40 AM

All American
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I don't think anyone checks, it's probably an honor system. No one has given me trouble for it. An employee retrieving carts saw me park in one but didn't say anything. You might get bitched at by one of those psycho moms with a rod up her ass who thinks the universe revolves around her children.

7/10/2008 2:29:49 PM

All American
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Quote :
"why don't you just suspend the order?

the suspend/retrieve button is your friend."

Food Lion doesn't have this option. My only option would be to call for a key to cancel the order and set it aside until they came back, and then re-ring the entire order.

The Mother's With Children parking is an honor system. You won't get ticketed for parking there or anything. They have them at the malls mostly, I think I've seen them at Harris Teeters but no other grocery stores. I think its a dumb idea, BUT I think its mostly for people with kids who run through the parking lot. They're less likely to get hit walking a shorter distance.

[Edited on July 10, 2008 at 2:41 PM. Reason : ]

7/10/2008 2:36:54 PM

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The salmonella tomatoes are not from Mexicans unsanitarily picking them on farms like Lou Dobbs wants you to believe. The people who work at the warehouses are lazy and when there are extra boxes of chicken that wont fit on the meat department pallet they will throw them on top of the produce's pallets. Add that to the fact that chicken boxes like leaking.

7/10/2008 3:18:07 PM

All American
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new one from today

don't buy 2 full carts of groceries and don't have any room in your car to put it in.

7/10/2008 4:44:22 PM

All American
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If you want your ID checked with your credit/debit card so badly, then pull it out with your card and show it. Don't gripe at the cashier for not checking it. most cashiers don't stare at each person's card to see if its signed, and since no more grocery store employees handle the cards nowadays, the customer does it the whole time, we don't actually see the back of the card.

(The credit card thread brough this one up, but I have heard of it mentioned to cashiers before.)

[Edited on July 11, 2008 at 1:40 PM. Reason : ]

7/11/2008 1:40:07 PM

All American
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Don't get mad when you walk into a line and are told that that line is closed. Look at the lights.

7/11/2008 8:19:17 PM

All American
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Don't wait until the busiest part of the day to try the self-checkout for the first time when there are 4 people waiting behind you. This goes double for old people. This old lady kept hitting the "cancel order" button and didn't understand why her total disappeared.

As for the Cameron Vilage Harris Teeter, I avoid that one except for late at night because that parking lot is just shitty. Too damn crowded and the people walking through are slow and bumbling. When I lived in Raleigh I always went to the one at Glenwood Village. Better parking, and not nearly as many trashy people went to that one as cameron village. I once saw a redneck couple getting handcuffed by the cops outside the cameron village store.

7/12/2008 12:08:16 PM

All American
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Don't sit at the self check out for five minutes while you figure out where the bills go in your wallet.

7/12/2008 12:26:03 PM

All Amurican
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^^^ on that note, I have gotten in line (while the light was still on) only to be have the asshole turn off their light and tell me they are closed or going on break after all my groceries are on the belt. Thats happened to me at least half a dozen times. Then they look at me like I'm retarded when I call them out on it.

7/12/2008 12:43:39 PM

All American
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^ i'll do that if your groceries aren't on the belt yet.

7/12/2008 12:46:11 PM

hello Mr. NSA!
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Disclaimer: I worked as a bagger, cashier, stocker, bookkeeper at different times.

a don't for grocery store employees:

don't you dare fucking complain about your job. if it's so damn terrible just fucking leave. get the fuck out before you die from you're apparently terrible job. if you don't want to quit, then suck it the fuck up and do your damn job. you don't have to smile or even speak to me, just don't fucking complain about anything. shut the hell up before my ears start bleeding from listening to your sorry ass complain.

7/12/2008 12:52:38 PM

All American
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Don't bump into stuff with your big butt and pretend you don't notice the eight cans of creamed corn that just hit the floor.

And again, RETURN YOUR CART, I have enough dents on my car from people who don't know how to open their doors properly, I don't need another one from a cart because you're too lazy to walk 5 feet and return it.

7/12/2008 1:30:19 PM

All American
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When I worked at Fresh Market, we'd bring groceries out to the customer's car if they wanted help. It was always fun to get the people who asked for help and then ignored you during the walk to the car. They'd just get into the driver's seat and shut their door and open the trunk and stare forward while you loaded their groceries. Whenever someone did that, I'd put their heavy groceries on top of their bread or bananas.

7/12/2008 2:01:36 PM

All American
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I too have had someone shut their light off after I had been in line. I've called them out on it too. I won't do that. Once I turn off my light, I will get the last person who was in my line. I would not ask them to move. Those people are just lazy.

I do appreciate the nice customers who talk to me. Like today, my customers would talk to me about my speeding ticket instead of being assholes.

I don't like to hear people complain about their jobs either. I mean, its not supposed to be the best job in the world, but just be grateful you have a job. Its not good to pass your bad day off on your customers either. All the people who worked with me today kept talking about how good I was at hiding my terrible day from them and the customers.

7/12/2008 4:39:11 PM

All American
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If you have zero patience, or an attitude don't come.
We don't need your business that badly.

Have more than enough to money to buy what you need, or at least look at the price before you say "oh, i only brought in $20 let me go run to the car."

Look on the isles before you ask where something is located (Yes vinegar is located on isle 3 where it says Vinegar). 9 times out of 10 theres a pretty logical ordering from side to side of the store for the layout of items.

Don't leave the store for a long period of time with a basketful of shit on the frontend without telling someone you're buying the items when you turn.

7/14/2008 12:35:26 AM

All American
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DON'T get pissed or confused or act like the cashier is an idiot if, at the end of your transaction, they ask if you have your customer card and they already used it. Usually, cashiers see hundreds of customers and have so many other things going on that they don't remember if you used your card at the beginning. And besides, be grateful that they're making sure you're saving money!

I asked some old bitty the other day and she was like "Yeah...:shifty eyes: I already gave it to you. Why? Did you not scan it?" And when I told her that if she gave it to me, then I used it, she looked me like I had a third arm growing from my nose. When I tried explaining to her to go ahead and finish pushing ger debit buttons, and that I had been there all day and seen so many people and couldn't remember if I used it or not because my manager was talking to me when I first started scanning... she just kept looking around like she was being punked.

[Edited on July 16, 2008 at 10:39 PM. Reason : ]

7/16/2008 10:36:21 PM

All American
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Do at least pretend to be a decent human being.

Yes, I know most of you are shit heads, but just pretend you're at coffee hour after church. Just because the kid ringing up your groceries is only making $8.00/hr doesn't mean you can be an asshole to him. He's in a customer service job, but that doesn't mean you get to unload on him for some trivial nonsense just because you had a shitty day at work.

7/16/2008 10:41:55 PM

All American
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It drives me nuts when the cashier barely acknowledges me or avoids eye contact with me. If they act like it's the worst day of their life every time I go to the store I am SUPER NICE to them. It seems to annoy the piss out of them.

7/17/2008 1:17:56 AM

All American
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man the whole shopping center at jones franklin and western would just burn if it ever caught on fire

at least 5 cars in the fire lane

and then latinos parking on both sides of the parking lot right in front of the laundromat

7/17/2008 1:29:21 AM

All American
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don't give me change unless its 2 coins or less. i know you don't want 2 quarters 2 dimes and 4 pennies in your pocket but the 4 people in line don't really want to sit there and watch you try to do the math in your head for 30 seconds, besides (at least where i work) theres a machine that automatically gives you change and even if it doesn't work i can give you change like 80 times faster.

if you're old, bring someone under 40 with you.

7/17/2008 1:34:25 AM

All American
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^^ They had a tow truck in the parking lot just towing motherfuckers about 3 years ago. They had signs up EVERYWHERE. People behaved for about three weeks and then it was right back to parking in the fire lane.

I saw a guy fucking PARALLEL park in the fire lane once because there were so many cars there.

[Edited on July 17, 2008 at 1:34 AM. Reason : hf]

7/17/2008 1:34:44 AM

All American
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the best is when they leave it running and the awful dirty south rap they're playing is cranked

dude was in there like 15 minutes

7/17/2008 1:36:11 AM

All American
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don't buy 2 basket fulls of groceries at 10:50 pm.

7/17/2008 1:38:53 AM

All American
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Parking in the Fier Lane irks me to no end. No one is so special that they should be parked that close to the door, moreso, no one is that soecial that they should potentially endanger the lives of so many other people.

I'd love to see a bulldozer driven by a cop come plowing through there some time. The bad thing is when no cops actually pay attention to the stores.

I also want to turn off people's cars when they leave them cranked blaring music. It also makes we want to pull beside them and crank up some classical, because I know mine could drown theirs out. I do that at stop lights because I don't want to hear theirs and they think they are just so cool... until their shitty rap is drowned out by some country music.

7/17/2008 12:39:40 PM

All American
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yes, because country music has those HUGE BASS hits that can drown out lil weezy's a millie a millie millie a millie

7/17/2008 12:57:08 PM

All American
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If you mean enough 'bass' in it to drown out their shitty paper stock speakers, then, yes it sure does. (I didn't say anything about bass being necessary. Just needs to be loud.)

Classic rock usually works too.

[Edited on July 17, 2008 at 1:33 PM. Reason : ]

7/17/2008 1:31:01 PM

patent pending
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[Edited on July 17, 2008 at 1:35 PM. Reason : .]

7/17/2008 1:33:08 PM

All American
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I can't go to the bilo anymore in Charleston.... I got one of those discount cards and BY THE TIME I GOT HOME there was a message on my facebook from the creepser bookkeeper that I handed the form to saying how hot I was and that he wanted to "be my friend on facebook and see what goes from there".

Is there not a law against that? I was seriously freaked out. Total invasion of privacy.

7/17/2008 3:36:36 PM

All American
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^ ummm... absolutely! You need to call the Bi-Lo Headquarters. They won't stand for crap like that.

DON'T: Hand the cashier wadded up money.

DON'T: Ignore the cashier while they're handing you the receipt. They could be ringing the next person if you would just stop playing with your wallet and look up.

7/17/2008 10:30:07 PM

All American
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don't be a manager and order 1800 piece trucks when the stock crew only has 6 people.. then tell them to stock frozen food too.


7/17/2008 10:47:54 PM

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...Don't close your damn customer service desk at 9pm.

I find it exceptionally hard to believe that there is absolutely no one in the damn store who can process a refund. No, I don't want more oranges...the ones left all suck. My bag of oranges shouldn't be moldy two days after I buy them.

If the cashier's nice/doesn't have an attitude, I go out of my way to bag my own groceries (especially when they don't have a bagger), arrange duplicate items together so they can tally them all at once, and just go out of my way to make things easier than I normally do.

If they're a dick, though, I'll ask for me $20 cashback in $2 quarters, 3 $1, $5, and a $10

Quote :
"They'd just get into the driver's seat and shut their door and open the trunk and stare forward while you loaded their groceries. Whenever someone did that, I'd put their heavy groceries on top of their bread or bananas."


If you are going grocery shopping in a store with narrow aisles (guys, the kroger in garner - the aisles are half of those at the cameron village HT, if that), don't let your 4 toddlers drift along behind you like a fart. No one else in the aisle can move because you never taught your rugrats any fucking courtesy. And make the one sitting in the cart keep their damn arms to themselves.

7/17/2008 10:55:07 PM

All American
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7/19/2008 4:15:46 PM

All American
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it would help if the cashier speaks english....

7/19/2008 5:26:16 PM

All American
9012 Posts
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don't be suprised when the cashier gets offended when you call her "sweet-tits"

7/19/2008 5:34:36 PM

All American
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don't thank me at U-Scan, i didn't do shit.

don't look at me and laugh when it asks for your ID if you're 40 and buying wine.

7/28/2008 2:19:26 PM

begonias is my boo
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Quote :

when me and cody go to whole foods we take the divider and place it on the floor between us and the other customers in line.
and go on acting like normal.
it's great.

[Edited on July 28, 2008 at 2:41 PM. Reason : sfdds]

7/28/2008 2:38:25 PM

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