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All American
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[Edited on July 11, 2008 at 10:09 AM. Reason : .]

7/11/2008 10:09:18 AM

All American
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yea but if what all the boys are saying is true, if she's your friend that is a girl, you want to or have previously thought about sleeping with her.

would you want your girlfriend to be friends with a guy she thinks about sleeping with??

7/11/2008 10:11:01 AM

begonias is my boo
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i dated a guy once who didnt have many girlfriends when we started dating.
then out of the woodwork BAAAAM.
all of his ex girlfriends who were now just 'friends'
and even some of his close friends that are girls (there were two and i will say that he hooked up with both of them) starting calling him left and right.

we broke up.

they stopped calling.

swear dude.

girls are fucking competitive and its stupid.

im not gonna lie. unless the girl makes an effort to be my friend too. (and not just to get close to him-had that one happen as well)
i'm weary

7/11/2008 10:11:02 AM

All American
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im not friends with joie anymore but will start again if she becomes single

totally gonna hit it one day

7/11/2008 10:12:02 AM

All American
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Quote :
"GF: "why does she call you all the time, does she like you or something?"
BF: "no sweetie, we have been like best friends for 10 years"
GF: "so did you ever sleep with her?"
BF: "no sweetie, we have been like best friends for 10 years"
GF: "well I can tell she obviously likes you more than friends"
BF: "no sweetie, we have been like best friends for 10 years"
GF: "well, i don't want her calling you anymore""

that's pretty funny though...

i've had a few really good guy friends that i would hang out with a lot....mostly drinking and what not...and when they got gfs the girls would flip the fuck out and accuse them of wanting to sleep with me or think i wanted to sleep with them...blah blah the point i've been deleted from facebook, myspace, AIM, etc...until the relationship was over...

and nearly all these girls were in a completely different league than me so i don't know why they were worried... the past 6 months....i've ended up messing around with nearly all of them at some that they are single....

so i guess their gf's were right to be worried

[Edited on July 11, 2008 at 10:13 AM. Reason : but it didn't make things weird]

7/11/2008 10:12:46 AM

All American
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Quote :
"unless the girl makes an effort to be my friend too"

In my experience, this just makes the SO madder

7/11/2008 10:13:03 AM

19447 Posts
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Quote :
"would you want your girlfriend to be friends with a guy she thinks about sleeping with??"

WTF does it matter if they are just thoughts? If they aren't actually going to do anything, there's nothing to get upset about. I mean, thinking about it at times is different than actually wanting to be with someone.

(Disclaimer: I don't think about sleeping with my friends. This is a general statement.)

7/11/2008 10:13:07 AM

begonias is my boo
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^^well it has to be a REAL effort. its pretty obvious if someone wants to hang out with you two as a couple or if the other is hanging out with you two just as some sort of strategic plan to get in the others pants (ive seriously had this happen....more than once)


[Edited on July 11, 2008 at 10:14 AM. Reason : sfdfd]

7/11/2008 10:13:12 AM

Bee Hugger
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Quote :
"would you want your girlfriend to be friends with a guy she thinks about sleeping with??"

see, that is where guys and girls are different. we don't care who you think about sleeping with, as long as you sleep with us and only us. we are not blind to the fact that you find other men attractive or that you fantacise about sleeping with them. it's only human nature. it's women that believe once a guy is in a relationship he should lose all attraction for other women

7/11/2008 10:13:47 AM

All American
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^^^obviously. i'm just using the notion that every guy keeps coming back to: "I want to sleep with my girl friends"

^ yea i get it. my post wasn't serious. let's move along, people.

[Edited on July 11, 2008 at 10:15 AM. Reason : .]

[Edited on July 11, 2008 at 10:15 AM. Reason : .]

7/11/2008 10:14:42 AM

All American
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sup joie. you know he's no good for you!!!

but seriously, speaking of me having female friends. ive been accused of liking you before while eating at ruckus... not gonna name any names

7/11/2008 10:15:34 AM

Bee Hugger
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thinking about it and actually doing it are two different things.

I always put it to my ex like this. I have known my female friends since middle school, and had PLENTY of opportunities to sleep with them when I was single. If I didn't do it then, why would I do it now?

7/11/2008 10:16:39 AM

begonias is my boo
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hahaha no way.

[Edited on July 11, 2008 at 10:17 AM. Reason : ^AHHHHH fuck! youre talking about middle and grade school friends?!?!? thats a little different...]

7/11/2008 10:17:06 AM

Bee Hugger
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Quote :
"so i guess their gf's were right to be worried "

no they weren't. those guys stayed faithful to their girlfriends. whether they were attracted to you or not, they stayed faithful.

7/11/2008 10:18:53 AM

All American
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i was just kidding

7/11/2008 10:19:31 AM

Bee Hugger
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no you weren't

7/11/2008 10:20:08 AM

begonias is my boo
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i think its a bigger problem if you talk to the friends more than the SO

i am a firm believer you should fall in love with your best friend.

so if lets say cody...had a girl whom hes better friends with than me. then yeah, i think i would get upset. because....they get along better.

7/11/2008 10:20:40 AM

All American
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^i didn't always feel that way....but i agree with you

[Edited on July 11, 2008 at 10:22 AM. Reason : asdfdsa]

7/11/2008 10:21:13 AM

begonias is my boo
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^ for you.

actually im sending you a pm right quick

7/11/2008 10:22:22 AM

All American
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Quote :
"no they weren't. those guys stayed faithful to their girlfriends. whether they were attracted to you or not, they stayed faithful.


hahaha but all of them ended up messing around with LP after they broke up, so the only thing keeping them from doing that was their outstanding moral character (ie that doing it in a relationship would be "wrong")? hahaha. relationships...they make a lot of sense.

7/11/2008 10:22:36 AM

All American
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[Edited on July 11, 2008 at 10:23 AM. Reason : ^actually i think the only thing that made them do it was large quantities of alcohol ]

7/11/2008 10:22:40 AM

All American
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joie-- every time you saw me in there with that chick... but as for when.... probably the first time i was eating there and saw you / found out you worked there and you came over and came up beside me and we did the whole half hug type thing and im sure i had a big grin on my face hahah

and you left and she was like 'ooo is that who i think it is, and im like yeah its joie' and shes like 'UH HUH' - you know the tone.. there were pictures floating around my computer of those couple of random times you came over to cary, and the hot tub and all that crap. im like yeah we're friends shes hot its not like i wanna marry her

that was really the only time she said anything. any time after that, she was always like "look travis look over there look its your good buddy" etc.

never made it an issue, it was just always like being brought up

7/11/2008 10:23:13 AM

All American
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Quote :
"^actually i think the only thing that made them do it was large quantities of alcohol"

oh....well that is an entirely different topic i suppose. "which TWW chick would you hook up with while drunk"

7/11/2008 10:24:21 AM

begonias is my boo
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hahahahah funny

that was a looooong time ago.

7/11/2008 10:24:38 AM

Bee Hugger
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^^all of them

[Edited on July 11, 2008 at 10:24 AM. Reason : s]

7/11/2008 10:24:48 AM

All American
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yeah, since its my sober birthday of 2 years, that means its been at least 2 years since ive "been to raleigh" or at least had a date there

aha it was a while back, just thought youd appreciate that

^^^ you joie and ncsugirl and ncsuwolfy

7/11/2008 10:26:23 AM

begonias is my boo
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ahhh you know what dude

me and cody were in your neck of the woods all last weekend.

i idnt even think of getting a hold of you

7/11/2008 10:28:00 AM

All American
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i have a problem staying friends with girls i am attracted to

if they put me in the friend zone i just feel rejected and can't hang out with them anymore

however if i know the girl is attracted to me and i'm not attracted to them i can hang out with them

7/11/2008 10:39:33 AM

All American
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you talkin to me joie?

if you have a phone number for me, its like 8 numbers ago.. pm me if you were talking to me and ill give you my new number and address (i dont live in the same place i lived last time i lived up here)

but yea you guys are welcome anytime

lots of people find it very convenient to spend the night to split up trips, or to stop for a rest area to piss and steal my sodas

7/11/2008 10:49:14 AM

All American
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I'm sure there are guys out there who are attracted to the super girly type, but not me. A chick who hangs out with a lot of guys becomes a guy with boobs. My wife is basically like that, and she used to have a lot of male friends. She swears, burps, farts, and makes raunchy jokes but also looks hot when we go out.

But I can relate all too well to the guys that have female friends whom they wish to nail and/or date. I had a female friend who was single and went on a lot of blind dates, and I was like, why don't you just date me? Or at least use me for sex! I don't mind! She said she didn't want to mess up our friendship. I actually went to a therapist about it once. If you're trying to move out of the "friend zone" and become a boyfriend or just a fuckbuddy, forget it. It's been done before but you're more likely to win the lottery. Go on blind dates where there's no mystery as to what you're there for, or just pick up a hooker or a drunk fat chick if you're desperate.

7/11/2008 10:52:38 AM

All American
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maybe someone should start a thread

how to get out of the friend zone

i sure as fuck don't know

7/11/2008 11:02:48 AM

All American
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Girls are actually way more catty about this than guys...I agree with djeternal

7/11/2008 11:07:41 AM

Bee Hugger
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^^ the key is to never get in it in the first place

7/11/2008 11:10:35 AM

All American
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Friend Zone is left by accruing the most "coochie coupons"

7/11/2008 11:12:38 AM

All American
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Friends zone means she just doesnt find you attractive enough to fuck you.

I thoroughly do not believe in the "i dont want to ruin our friendship" bullshit.

7/11/2008 11:18:05 AM

Bee Hugger
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you just have to let it be known up front that you are interested in being more than friends. playing the cool "shoulder to lean on" type in the hopes that you will get in her pants is a sure fire way to end up in the friend zone

7/11/2008 11:22:38 AM

All American
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it truly seems that every girl i have ever been really good friends with has let me down...big time....

most of the boys have too....but it just doesn't seem to matter as much when they do it for some reason....and it's easier to get over....or at least get passed and be able to continue the friendship

[Edited on July 11, 2008 at 11:26 AM. Reason : asdf]

7/11/2008 11:26:25 AM

Bee Hugger
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you never have to worry about your guy friends fucking your boyfriend

7/11/2008 11:27:27 AM

All American
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i actually don't think that's ever happened...

i date men that my gfs never see

they all live far, far away...haha

7/11/2008 11:29:39 AM

All American
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Quote :
"you never have to worry about your guy friends fucking your boyfriend"

Maybe, depends on the boyfriend and the friends. Especially if the boyfriend suggests going to chick flicks a lot. Sure sign he's a closet homo.

7/11/2008 12:11:15 PM

All American
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I've never dated a girl that didn't have both. If you only have guy friends or only have girl friends, then there's something wrong with your're not well-rounded.

If you find girls too "catty" or "bitchy" then that means one of two things:

1) You can't pick girlfriends; and/or
2) They are bitchy and catty around you because you make them that way.

If you don't have any guy friends then its probably because you're too much of a girly girl and don't like doing stuff with that case I probably won't like you.

7/11/2008 12:34:25 PM

All American
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hahah---you guys are way off about the friend zone
if she does want to be more, she doesn't find you attractive...
WHY IN THE HELL would you not want to get involved with someone you are already close to, if they are even remotely cute?

7/11/2008 1:02:18 PM

Double Entendre
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For God's sake this is my opinion.

The typical high maintenance, catty, back biting, competitive woman does seem to get on my nerves that is why I tend to surround myself mostly with women that are opposite of that. I think once women get out of the high school mentality they are actually fun to hang out with.

I have way more girl friends than guy friends. This is very helpful to me as a woman and very helpful to my so bc I can actually give him all the "guy attention."

I think women that only have guy friends can get stuck in the rut of "Girls are too bitchy that is why I hang out with only guys" bc maybe they are still one of the original said typical girls themselves or they are attention whores, take your pick.

I am an example of a girl that can be friends with just about any girl, even the typical or attention whore. I almost make it a challenge.

I don't quite understand why a bunch of guys would have the token girl in the mix anyway bc they all know they have either hit it already, can't hit it bc she is a lezzy, or always live with the fact that they can never get up with one of her girlfriends bc her having girl friends does't exist. And if one tries to date the said token girl then he has to then compete with the rest of the bunch for her attention.

There is nothing wrong with girls being friends.
Come on.

7/11/2008 1:02:49 PM

All American
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I think it's an unspoken rule that if a guy invites a girl and "her friends" he's generally not talking about her guy friends. But it really doesn't matter one way or another to me.

7/11/2008 1:05:53 PM

37709 Posts
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Funny how most of the chicks in this thread say that they hate hanging out with girl friends because they are back stabbing and all that, yet there are almost no examples of this said chick I'm agreeing with this punchmonk on this line:

Quote :
"I think women that only have guy friends can get stuck in the rut of "Girls are too bitchy that is why I hang out with only guys" bc maybe they are still one of the original said typical girls themselves or they are attention whores, take your pick."

7/11/2008 1:06:28 PM

soup du hier
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Quote :
"i don't try to mess with engineering chicks they are 2x more crazy than normal chicks"

the ones that don't look like men... i agree 100%

they get banished to the friend zone by me cause its the only way to not let it happen on their own accord.

7/11/2008 1:34:28 PM

45208 Posts
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I always get banished to the friend zone

7/11/2008 1:37:20 PM

All American
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me too...don't feel bad

7/11/2008 1:52:50 PM

All American
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Oh yeah....girls get stuck in the friend zone too
my crush in high school played bball and I was a score keeper/stats girl...we hung out a lot and enjoyed a lot of the same things...I definitely thought he was digging me
he slapped me on the back one day and said, you're so cool, its like you're one of the guys.

YEA for the dreaded friend zone

7/12/2008 2:45:59 PM

All American
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7/12/2008 2:48:06 PM

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