djeternal Bee Hugger 62661 Posts user info edit post |
i <3 brasillians
[Edited on July 31, 2008 at 10:04 PM. Reason : 3] 7/31/2008 10:03:24 PM
dgspencer All American 4474 Posts user info edit post |

7/31/2008 10:06:37 PM
djeternal Bee Hugger 62661 Posts user info edit post |
she has a bangin body, but her face bothers me
kournikova ftw
or the chick that was in Playboy this month
[Edited on July 31, 2008 at 10:09 PM. Reason : Ashley Harkleroad, find pics please] 7/31/2008 10:08:37 PM
LunaK LOSER :( 23634 Posts user info edit post |

7/31/2008 10:21:33 PM
theDuke866 All American 52917 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "fuck a female soccer player. that shit is rediculous " |
As far as male versus female athletes, I think any reasonable person would agree that men are naturally more athletic. Everything else being equal, a male athlete should absolutely smoke his female counterpart in almost all athletic endeavors. Lots of women's sports are totally lame (basketball, for example...and don't even get me started on the absurdity of women's boxing, wrestling, etc...which are entertaining only in the same way that a sideshow act with midgets or something at the circus is entertaining--simply as a novelty. It's like roller derby with at least perceived legitimacy). Sometimes they're about as cool to watch as the men's, though (tennis or skiing, for example).
That isn't to say that we shouldn't have women's sports, though.
If you want to throw a shit fit about something at the olympics, how about sports that shouldn't be there at all, men's or women's? Stuff like synchronized swimming, figure skating, etc. 7/31/2008 10:36:22 PM
Spontaneous All American 27372 Posts user info edit post |
I <3 soccer chicks.  7/31/2008 10:37:22 PM
LunaK LOSER :( 23634 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Stuff like synchronized swimming, figure skating, etc." |
yea.... i'm gonna go ahead and disagree with that. as much as i detest synchro swimmers personally, they're competing a sport, and so are figure skaters. 7/31/2008 10:39:36 PM
Beastose New Recruit 33 Posts user info edit post |
bitches are no good at any sport. they completely suck to watch play any game, i might as well be watching paint dry. they are slower, weaker, and just plain bitches. title nine is horseshit. i would rather live in a third world country and be poor and a bum than be forced to watch women's activities or so called sports. stay in the kitchen and the bedroom. enough said, set this thread down. 7/31/2008 10:49:09 PM
mcfluffle All American 11291 Posts user info edit post |
no, really, stfu and post some wimmenz.
 7/31/2008 10:54:05 PM
ShawnaC123 2019 Egg Champ 46681 Posts user info edit post |
didn't read the thread, but women's gymnastics are waaaaaaay more interesting to watch than men's. 7/31/2008 10:56:16 PM
dgspencer All American 4474 Posts user info edit post |

I respectfully disagree.
[Edited on July 31, 2008 at 10:58 PM. Reason : .]
7/31/2008 10:58:08 PM
4nik8r All American 801 Posts user info edit post |
I think that there will be a woman in both the NBA, as well as a country's national soccer team, within the next 15 years. It's evolution. There are girls in high school now that dunk with regularity. There are the physical freaks. Once they find their talent, and are treated fairly, one or two will make it.
I think the gap in distance running will also close eventually.
Golf- It's a matter of time. There is only so much strength involved. Eventually, a decent sized woman with a big swing is going to master the short/putting games, and be a regular on tour. It's probably not going to be Wie, but there will be more than one that can hang with 75-80% of the guys within the next 10 years or so.
Activities like bowling, fencing, rifle shooting, whatever they call the bow and arrow at the target activity, and a few others should be equal.
I give respect to the women that play at that high a level. I've met some female athletes, Jackie Joyner-Kersee and Gail Devers, for example. I ran track from K-10th grade, and there is no way possible that I could beat either of them in a footrace of any length, even with any considerable amount of time to train. 7/31/2008 11:02:27 PM
khcadwal All American 35165 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "bitches are no good at any sport. they completely suck to watch play any game, i might as well be watching paint dry. they are slower, weaker, and just plain bitches. title nine is horseshit. i would rather live in a third world country and be poor and a bum than be forced to watch women's activities or so called sports. stay in the kitchen and the bedroom. enough said, set this thread down.
" |
no need to move to a third world country. don't waste your time. you already sound pretty ignorant and uncivilized. i don't think a third world country would win you any bonus points. then we'd just have to listen to you complain about how women get to eat and wear clothes.
Quote : | "Well, if the goal is actually to find the best in the world at something" |
right and i get that. but i was speaking about leagues, as well (not just olympics). i understand your point, i do but i still don't think you understand mine. back to the olympic point (and perhaps this applies to leagues and other forms of competition as well) you are still using a male as a reference point. what if we want to find the best in the world for WOMEN. we've already discussed physiological differences. women are biologically different from men. does this mean they shouldn't be allowed to compete? why can't we have a separate competition to find the best women? and i don't think we know 100% that males will beat females in every conceivable sport. we've agreed for the most part that, because of physiological differences, males are more athletic, stronger, faster, etc. but in things like fencing, archery, rowing, gymnastics (as far as things like the BALANCE BEAM) we don't know. golf is getting close. i'm just saying if you constantly use the male as a reference point then yes. but if women can (and are) strong athletes why is it such a problem that there is a place for the best women. if males and females are in fact built differently, they shouldn't be competing against each other anyway. so there must be some sort of venue in which women are allowed to compete. using other WOMEN as a reference point for the "best"
[Edited on July 31, 2008 at 11:16 PM. Reason : .] 7/31/2008 11:08:18 PM
theDuke866 All American 52917 Posts user info edit post |
^^ well no shit. I've been skiing for like 20 years, and there's absolutely no way I could out ski Picaboo Street in any contest.
That doesn't mean shit, though.
I suspect that fencing still has some elements that favor a male athlete's greater strength.
and there is no way that women will become competitive in the NBA or distance running. Maybe a couple of freaks might eeeek their way into the men's leagues (though that would be unlikely, in my opinion), and there is no way they would be top or even upper tier competitors. Soccer would be almost as impossible. Golf? Still at a HUGE disadvantage, though I guess it's a little more conceivable that one or two outstanding females could be at least somewhat competitive.
I'm not trying to bash women, but let's be real here. Men and women are different in a lot of ways, and when it comes to physical prowess and athleticism, men enjoy a HUGE advantage.
[Edited on July 31, 2008 at 11:17 PM. Reason : ^rowing is not a good example.] 7/31/2008 11:16:22 PM
pttyndal WINGS!!!!! 35217 Posts user info edit post |

7/31/2008 11:17:41 PM
WOLFeatRAM All American 1900 Posts user info edit post |
Your right, but just because women's physical abilities will increase means that men's "evolution" as you describe it will cease? Im not disagreeing that in 10 years women will be able to compete in x,y,z at the level of TODAY's playing field, but I am at odds because as men continue to train, their bodies and abilities will also increase. 7/31/2008 11:19:13 PM
khcadwal All American 35165 Posts user info edit post |
^^^ sailing then. i'm not trying to say females are better than males anyway so we don't need to nitpick the obvious point i was trying to make.
i'm just saying that the comments in here seem to insinuate that women are so worthless and so inferior to men as athletes that their competition is pointless. but i'm just trying to say, that isn't the case. CLEARLY women are different from men. clearly, i've said it a million times in this thread. which is why they are given a separate arena in which to compete. and i don't see the problem with that. its not like watching women's swimming is like watching a quadriplegic trying to swim. women aren't SOOOOO inferior in all sports that its not worth it to compete. but that is what it sounds like from some of the posts in this thread.
[Edited on July 31, 2008 at 11:21 PM. Reason : .] 7/31/2008 11:20:52 PM
theDuke866 All American 52917 Posts user info edit post |
yeah, i wasn't trying to argue that. 7/31/2008 11:26:18 PM
khcadwal All American 35165 Posts user info edit post |
i knooooooow. that is why i said some of the posts in this thread insinuate that. and that is why i was responding to quotes that weren't by youuuuu.  7/31/2008 11:29:30 PM
Spontaneous All American 27372 Posts user info edit post |
Women's Special Olympics must be the worst.
/I'll be your lightning rod of hate! 7/31/2008 11:34:13 PM
Beastose New Recruit 33 Posts user info edit post |
khcadwal, you have more shit flowing out of your mouth than a bulls ass. clearly women are inferior, why did god create adam first? because men are better. and if you are not a christian than how come a women monkey did not evolve first? because men are better. if we squared up a man and a women in any sport, a women would not win. if there is a sport that a women would be better at and out preform men i would love to know so i can start a committee to ban said sport. so put your tampon in because it seems to be that time of month with all your bitchin 7/31/2008 11:47:25 PM
pttyndal WINGS!!!!! 35217 Posts user info edit post |
oh shit. attack of the noob. everyone look out. 7/31/2008 11:49:51 PM
mcfluffle All American 11291 Posts user info edit post |
ahahahahaha 7/31/2008 11:50:47 PM
Ernie All American 45943 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "khcadwal, you have more shit flowing out of your mouth than a bulls ass. clearly women are inferior, why did god create adam first? because men are better. and if you are not a christian than how come a women monkey did not evolve first? because men are better. if we squared up a man and a women in any sport, a women would not win. if there is a sport that a women would be better at and out preform men i would love to know so i can start a committee to ban said sport. so put your tampon in because it seems to be that time of month with all your bitchin" |
So you're gay? 7/31/2008 11:57:03 PM
Spontaneous All American 27372 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "oh shit. attack of the noob. everyone look out." |
/He'll be your lightning rod of hate! 7/31/2008 11:59:15 PM
khcadwal All American 35165 Posts user info edit post |
i'm sorry, i never said women were better than men in sports. a little tip: it helps if you read what i say, then insult. 8/1/2008 8:58:47 AM
simonn best gottfriend 28968 Posts user info edit post |
^ he's trolling you. 8/1/2008 9:01:02 AM
Arab13 Art Vandelay 45180 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "tennis?
swimming?" |
no and no
the top women are still quite far from ever beating the top men in these sports
ironically it is percieved that women are better than men in endurance events, yet the performance gap has shrunk the most % wise in the shortest sprinting events (running) rather than in the distance ones] 8/1/2008 10:17:59 AM
alee All American 2178 Posts user info edit post |
I'm sure that all the guys replying in this thread are amazing athletes.  8/1/2008 12:30:23 PM
ZomBCraw Suspended 6999 Posts user info edit post |
i cant believe this thread is still going on
womens sports are just as exciting to watch as men's AND women are good at sports
hell it almost seems like any woman that does make a full commitment to a sport is called a "man" and a bulldyke and shit
like my beautiful laura gerraughty

 8/1/2008 12:37:03 PM
IMStoned420 All American 15485 Posts user info edit post |
We don't have to be amazing athletes to be better than women.  8/1/2008 12:39:49 PM
ZomBCraw Suspended 6999 Posts user info edit post |
i have this cool video of this woman sparring with this guy in brazil, im sure kurtis has seen it
she not only hits hard she gets hit hard and keeps comin 8/1/2008 12:40:57 PM
Ragged All American 23473 Posts user info edit post |
refer to this page, girls sports ftw 8/1/2008 12:43:18 PM
God All American 28747 Posts user info edit post |
There was an article once written by a reporter. He was in a tennis club where the Williams sisters were bragging about how they could beat the number 200 ranked male player any day of the week. And what do you know, in walked the #203 ranked player, Karsten Braasch. While smoking cigarettes between the changeover, he beat Serena 6-1 and Venus 6-2.
Suck on that. 8/1/2008 12:47:53 PM
Walter All American 7909 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "I think that there will be a woman in both the NBA" |
this will NEVER ever happen
have you ever watched an NBA game and a WNBA game?
the best women's bball player in the world wouldn't even be competitive in NCAA men's bball, much less the NBA
the worst NBA player would absolutely dominate any WNBA player...she would leave the court crying
[Edited on August 1, 2008 at 1:04 PM. Reason : .] 8/1/2008 12:56:05 PM
jonnySim Veteran 197 Posts user info edit post |

Femputer: Hmm. Perhaps men are not as evil as Femputer thinks. Thog: But they make fun women's basketball. Femputer: What? Did you explain how the women's good fundamentals make up for their inability to dunk? Ornik: Yes. They still laugh.
8/1/2008 4:29:05 PM
ndmetcal All American 9012 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "the worst NBA player would absolutely dominate any WNBA player...she would leave the court crying" |
Ferguson would even run shit in the wnba. There's just no comparison 8/1/2008 4:31:38 PM
simonn best gottfriend 28968 Posts user info edit post | i don't know how legit that article is, but there it is.
[Edited on August 1, 2008 at 4:36 PM. Reason : oops, it's a link] 8/1/2008 4:32:07 PM
elkaybie All American 39626 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Fuck women's sports." |
and fuck you, good sir. 8/1/2008 4:35:36 PM
ThePeter TWW CHAMPION 37709 Posts user info edit post |
If you want to watch men in spandex jumpsuits do their little twirls and shit over the floor, go right ahead. I'll take the 20 year old chick in spandex with a fantastic body  8/1/2008 4:44:44 PM
ambrosia1231 eeeeeeeeeevil 76471 Posts user info edit post | one has found the ashley harkleroad pictures online yet?
You lazy bastards. 8/1/2008 4:45:52 PM
Seotaji All American 34244 Posts user info edit post |
^ she's got a poin.t 8/1/2008 4:48:59 PM
Atlas All American 1665 Posts user info edit post |
Can't claim to have read the entire thread like I probably should but I did read several of the arguements. And I must say, any sport or activity that requires pure athleticism (such as Soccer, Track&Field, Basketball, etc) women are going to be worse at. It's just anatomy, but that's not to say women aren't competitive with other women, it's saying that the best men are far better then the best women. And for me, that's what breaks it. Women's sports can be fun to watch, but they occur almost in slow motion as compared to the guys. Some games are even entirely different entities.
It's not a marvel that women could compete equally with men in sports such as Archery or Shooting or Billiars or even NASCAR. Mostly because they amount of athleticism it takes to compete in those previously mentioned sports is significantly lower than that of a "real" sport (IE Soccer, Track&Field, Basketball, etc). I guess my whole point is you can't really compare men and women's sports because they are simply not the same game.
Except for gymnastics, I'll give in that some women do things in gymnastics that a guy could never do as well. 8/1/2008 4:49:52 PM
Kurtis636 All American 14984 Posts user info edit post |
I get the distinct impression that most people have never watched men's gymnastics. Take a look at it this olympics. Yeah, about 75% of them are gayer than Evan, but they're also among the best athletes at the games. The shit that 14 year old Natalia Smirnovavich does is easy as shit for those guys. Just watch the 4 events that the men and women share in gymnastics and tell me who is more impressive. 8/1/2008 5:15:24 PM
Atlas All American 1665 Posts user info edit post |
Yeah- the events that girls do and guys don't. Well that was what I was referring too.  8/1/2008 5:16:15 PM
Kurtis636 All American 14984 Posts user info edit post |
But they had to create those events because the girls couldn't do the others, not because guys can't handle the uneven bars or the beam, that was the point that Fuschia seemed unable to grasp.
Anyway, I have to say I'm surprised that this thread is still going. My original post was not even really a knock on women's sports, it was a knock on the media being overly PC. It's the gender version of white guilt, there's no other reason for ESPN to show the WNBA. Look, media honks, stop telling me there are women playing basketball that are just as good as the men, stop going on and on about how amazing the Williams sisters are and how one of them could win in the men's draw at Wimbledon, etc. It's just not true. 8/1/2008 5:22:04 PM
jackleg All American 170962 Posts user info edit post |

who is that?]
8/1/2008 5:23:57 PM
Spontaneous All American 27372 Posts user info edit post |
^ I <3 her. 8/1/2008 5:40:30 PM
LunaK LOSER :( 23634 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "My original post was not even really a knock on women's sports" |
Topic title: Please stop pretending women are good at sports...
Based on your title, it does sound like you were knocking on female athletes. 8/1/2008 5:44:09 PM
Spontaneous All American 27372 Posts user info edit post |
I'd like to knock some female athletes. Gigity 8/1/2008 5:45:09 PM