drunknloaded Suspended 147487 Posts user info edit post |
page 3 8/2/2008 5:41:15 PM
ActionPants All American 9877 Posts user info edit post |
That's probably ultimately what will happen!  8/2/2008 5:41:36 PM
marko Tom Joad 72868 Posts user info edit post |

8/2/2008 5:42:46 PM
jackleg All American 170962 Posts user info edit post |
no doubt there was huge loss among the people of cambodia and laos as well
but i think the big distinction is that that was the war against communism, and we're now in the war against terror. only one of those is a legit and immediate potential threat to our way of life here in america
i'm actually all for the continuation of the war in iraq, i just can't see how vietnam relates i guess.
ok really i'm in a different group, i say we pull all the troops and nuke whoever is left. 8/2/2008 5:47:22 PM
drunknloaded Suspended 147487 Posts user info edit post |
i think mccain made a comment that he was hoping to turn iraq into a south korea type military instillation and i thought that sounded good...if we leave we will never get the oil, not to mention iran will prolly want to take over 8/2/2008 5:49:07 PM
SaabTurbo All American 25459 Posts user info edit post |
^^Yeah Vietnam and Iraq are so far apart it's ridiculous. The number of deaths in Vietnam was insane compared to this. Not trying to minimize it or anything, but Vietnam was on a whole different level.
[Edited on August 2, 2008 at 5:50 PM. Reason : ^^] 8/2/2008 5:49:36 PM
TopJew Suspended 445 Posts user info edit post |
We should definitely just make them give us the oil and tell them we will nuke their terrorist asses off the planet if they don't meet our demands. 8/2/2008 5:55:23 PM
ActionPants All American 9877 Posts user info edit post |
Then after they give us the oil we nuke them anyway with a big bomb with "pranked" written on the side 8/2/2008 5:57:21 PM
jackleg All American 170962 Posts user info edit post |
its not about the oil, its about mothafuckin haters on a massive scale
the oil obviously doesn't buy happiness or they'd stay the fuck over there and stop plotting our deaths. 8/2/2008 5:58:44 PM
TopJew Suspended 445 Posts user info edit post |
it is awesome feeling knowing we have nukes 8/2/2008 5:59:31 PM
jackleg All American 170962 Posts user info edit post |
yeah, i wish we would let other people have them
i miss the nuclear war dreams i used to have when i was a kid. now you have to try hard to find a bomb shelter!!1 8/2/2008 6:01:06 PM
drunknloaded Suspended 147487 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "We should definitely just make them give us the oil " |
8/2/2008 6:02:34 PM
TopJew Suspended 445 Posts user info edit post |
TO THE TOP! 8/3/2008 1:16:24 PM
TopJew Suspended 445 Posts user info edit post |
try this again... TO THE TOP! 8/3/2008 5:36:19 PM
TopJew Suspended 445 Posts user info edit post |
post in this thread you motherfuckers 8/3/2008 5:54:11 PM
aaronburro Sup, B 53289 Posts user info edit post |
ah yes. the democrats. blaming everyone else for shit they started, since 1860. 8/3/2008 5:58:48 PM
Spontaneous All American 27372 Posts user info edit post |
I voted for Nader, I hate everybody!
srsly...politics in America has been simply reduced to a duopoly wherein there is no incentive to propagate change in any sector of America. Clinton didn't affect the economy in the 90's and neither did Bush in his presidency. US politics are pretty idiotic and I certainly don't trust the mass population of Americans to make any educated decisions. We'd be better off letting Olympics represent our global position and an coinflip domestically.
*brace for flames, as there were at least 2 logical fallacies*  8/3/2008 6:31:17 PM
TopJew Suspended 445 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "and I certainly don't trust the mass population of Americans to make any educated decisions." |
amen to the third power brother! you can tell how stupid people are by their driving skills. 8/3/2008 6:51:32 PM
marko Tom Joad 72868 Posts user info edit post |

this thing is pretty fucking rad
8/3/2008 8:41:54 PM
TopJew Suspended 445 Posts user info edit post |
ttt 8/5/2008 6:18:33 PM
G.O.D hates 4 lokos 4694 Posts user info edit post |
is that joo ranting again? 8/5/2008 6:27:06 PM
Jax883 All American 5562 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "i dont see how filling my tires with air will help when i drive this to work.
" |
I just wanna know what you're doing hanging out at what appears to be a middle/high school. 8/5/2008 7:12:59 PM
TopJew Suspended 445 Posts user info edit post |
^ little boys DUH! 8/5/2008 7:18:27 PM
TopJew Suspended 445 Posts user info edit post |

8/8/2008 6:45:13 PM
TopJew Suspended 445 Posts user info edit post |
two americas! 8/10/2008 5:54:24 PM
volex All American 1758 Posts user info edit post |
come on guys! think about what you wouldn't do without social security when you retire
[Edited on August 10, 2008 at 6:14 PM. Reason : ftw] 8/10/2008 6:13:43 PM
TopJew Suspended 445 Posts user info edit post |
save our country Barack! 8/12/2008 3:06:32 PM
Str8Foolish All American 4852 Posts user info edit post |
reminder that anybody still in the republican party in 2008 is a dumb baby 8/12/2008 3:07:41 PM
TopJew Suspended 445 Posts user info edit post |
^ name caller democrat! hook line and sinker. 8/12/2008 3:09:50 PM