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All American
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Quote :
"My uncle infiltrated the secret Egyption Commando group called Thunderbolt 777 and nobody even noticed him. He trained with them and even did HALO jumps in the sinai with them and he didnt even know how to speak arabic. This ist me bragging this is just to tell you that you're messing with some of the baddest motherfuckers in the country."

move over amsterdam, theres a new kid in town

8/5/2008 1:39:04 PM

147487 Posts
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in on page 3

8/5/2008 1:39:30 PM

Shitter Pilot
10238 Posts
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This is my irl blog:

8/5/2008 1:39:55 PM

All American
985 Posts
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Hey listen you cracker faggots, it's me, Tutankhammen. Do your sorry, uneducated asses really think I am black. Hey listen, nubians are cool, but we Egyptians are NOT, I repeat, not black-African . Why don't you open a fucking history book you little piece of shit, and look. We're a different ethnicity. While you're there you can shut the fuck up and suck my royal cock. And don't lemme hear nothing out of them Jews, fuckers rebelled AND drowned my army.

8/5/2008 2:03:59 PM

17379 Posts
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really, this shit is gay. i checked back hoping it had gotten better.....nope

btw, you missed a question mark.

[Edited on August 5, 2008 at 2:07 PM. Reason : can't even spell your *own* name right??]

8/5/2008 2:06:19 PM

445 Posts
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Ok. Let's cut the shit. I'm a black man. I make plenty of money, I know how to invest it, and I have a wall full of degrees that really don't mean shit. However... About the racist thing. I really don't like discussing social issues when I am watching porn, but something about the ignorance of these biggots makes me want to set the record straight...I have fucked fine ass white girls, fine ass black girls, a couple of Asian chicks, and plenty of Latinas. I have also fucked some fat ugly white whores, fat nasty black whores, fat nasty Latinas etc. You get the point. (hey i have been in a couple of bars) The fact of the matter is ALL OF THEM MADE ME BUST A NUT!

8/5/2008 2:09:40 PM

All American
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Hey pagan faggot, no one cares what you think. It's me. Moses. I am not gonna come in here and brag about my commandments. I'll let their fame and popularity speak for themselves. Close to 2 billion people worship the shit I brought down from Mt. Sinai, and those 2 billion aren't some Ozzy listening 15 year old faggots.

8/5/2008 2:13:58 PM

All American
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are there hidden posts i am missing because this has only gotten more confusing

8/5/2008 2:14:28 PM

All American
170962 Posts
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this is really awesome, and i honestly mean that.

8/5/2008 2:15:14 PM

445 Posts
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That being said, I would slap you like you name was Matthew Copeland and go so kung fu on your ass that it would take a small team of reconstructive surgeons to even put you back on par with the elephant man.

8/5/2008 2:23:15 PM

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8/5/2008 2:23:55 PM

All American
23473 Posts
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you people

8/5/2008 2:24:23 PM

409 Posts
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you people are SO EXTREEEEEEMEEEEE!!!!


8/5/2008 2:26:04 PM

All American
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me and my boys been drankin mt dews all night. fuckin skanks

8/5/2008 2:28:04 PM

1004 Posts
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Quote :
"Is that the best response you can come up with? I'm tired of your holier than thou facade on this forum, just because you joined before me doesn't mean people care about you. I'm sorry you live your life in a shell and will never understand what it's like to be an adult. So I am now telling you to grow up and stop pretending that I care. Got that, fucko?"


So...umm, weird?

[Edited on August 5, 2008 at 2:37 PM. Reason : x]

8/5/2008 2:36:51 PM

50085 Posts
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Sweet. A thread bitching about Carlos Beltran...

[Edited on August 5, 2008 at 2:55 PM. Reason : actually it is kind of weird that the exact post is on two other unrelated message boards/chatboards]

8/5/2008 2:51:38 PM

All American
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no its not weird and youre not deserving of a cookie for your google skilz.

its obvious that it was totally senseless and irrelevant, and its really not unlike tww to copy and paste meaningless shit that one finds funny

8/5/2008 2:52:38 PM

All American
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^^^whats weird is that you thought i actually typed that shit.

[Edited on August 5, 2008 at 2:55 PM. Reason : afd]

8/5/2008 2:54:58 PM

All American
16674 Posts
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Quote :
"Enjoy yout last 2 years left on this earth motherfucker. After I do my six months survival training in costa rica I will come straight for you. The clock is ticking motherfucker, and time is on my side"

I'm sure your CO would love to read this...

or is this what you are attending?

either way bragging about your uncle in egypt, or hitting dinner plates at 350 yards(not that hard, i can do it with a 15 year old ruger .22 rifle and a small scope) is ultimately self-defeating as a means of controlling an argument, unless you really want to kill someone/burn their house down/put your dick in their ass. in which case, you lose already.

point is, no self-respecting member of any spec op team would : talk about what they do, brag about what they do, brag about their uncle's ops(he should have kept his mouth shut in the first place, making him a squealing bitch as well), how much you can bench, where you are training, who you are training with, none of that.

My grandfather was a UDT diver...for neophytes, that's an original frogman, but that's all i know. he knew his responsibilities as far as not disseminating confidential information about his goings on to his grandkids all willy nilly.

you are a disgrace to your uniform and everything it stands for. you took oaths motherfucker, you should be ashamed of yourself for breaking them. quit now and go work for the post office - i'm sure they are running low on gun toting crazies right about now.

8/5/2008 3:01:54 PM

All American
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8/5/2008 3:05:22 PM

7284 Posts
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haha at this thread

8/5/2008 3:08:01 PM

445 Posts
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The cats have escaped from the baggage. Or something along those lines.

8/5/2008 3:13:10 PM

35217 Posts
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consider yourself called out faggot...

8/5/2008 3:14:33 PM

445 Posts
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it only took you fucking geniuses all day

[Edited on August 5, 2008 at 3:15 PM. Reason : x]

8/5/2008 3:14:57 PM

All American
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My girlfriend was bugging me for months to live out her gay fantasy. She wanted to masturbate while watching me make it with another guy. I finally gave in and said I'd do it if she'd agree to a threesome with me and another woman and I got to fuck the other woman.

She agreed so she brings this guy in. The guy is huge, he takes charge and totally makes me his bitch. I suck him off and then he sticks it in my pooper. Meanwhile my girlfriend is sitting in the corner of the room masturbating like crazy, screaming humiliating insults at me as she comes like "take that cock you sissy queer, you're a little cock whore arn't you faggot".

I'm surprised at how much I'm actually getting into this. Having her masturbate and verbally humilate me while getting totally used by a big man was a real turn on.

But then the next day she tells me she's dumping me because now that she's seen me getting fucked and sucking a cock she's disgusted by me.

WTF!?! I did this for her and this is the thanks I get? I fucking hate this bullshit homo fantasies that women get. If you can't handle a guy getting fucked and sucking a cock THEN DON'T ASK THEM TO HAVE SEX WITH ANOTHER MAN FOR YOU!

8/5/2008 3:15:12 PM

All American
16674 Posts
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did dnl inspire that post?

8/5/2008 3:16:36 PM

All American
170962 Posts
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i really cant believe people fell for that ridiculous shit and actually bit

aahahahha i am a navy seal and i will snap your moms neck so fast that YUO will die good sir!!1

8/5/2008 3:18:01 PM

All American
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8/5/2008 3:19:22 PM

All American
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8/5/2008 3:23:55 PM

106 Posts
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i am two navy seals at the same time

8/5/2008 3:25:20 PM

1004 Posts
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I'm pretty sure everyone realized it was random bullshit from the very first post.

Well, actually, some folks apparently didn't realize it.

Those of us with a brain certainly did though.

8/5/2008 3:36:02 PM

445 Posts
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from page 1 by Str8Foolish:

Quote :
"here's the funny shit: the majority of the posters on this site are more intelligent and successful than you could ever hope to be

start searching google maps for a bridge to leap from"

what an internet guru

8/5/2008 3:37:40 PM

1004 Posts
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Are you an idiot? That reply wasn't to spaceface you mongoloid.

8/5/2008 3:46:53 PM

All American
23473 Posts
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sweet werd 4th grader

8/5/2008 3:48:31 PM

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