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8/15/2008 12:48:22 PM

Shitter Pilot
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[Edited on August 15, 2008 at 12:48 PM. Reason : .1]

8/15/2008 12:48:26 PM

All American
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omgomg threeve.2

[Edited on August 15, 2008 at 12:48 PM. Reason : lol]

8/15/2008 12:48:28 PM

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hell yeah, I got it.

8/15/2008 12:48:47 PM

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page 3

8/15/2008 12:48:49 PM

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8/15/2008 12:50:00 PM

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so when you coming down to go with me to the beach, dnl? I need something to feed to the sharks.

8/15/2008 12:50:32 PM

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well when u ax me like dat how can i's refuse?

8/15/2008 12:51:12 PM

All American
44225 Posts
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uh...what's going on in this thread?

8/15/2008 12:51:36 PM

All American
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8/15/2008 12:52:54 PM

All American
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This woman in the olympics playing water polo just blocked the ball with her face.

8/15/2008 12:55:09 PM

All American
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this one died too soon

8/15/2008 5:05:14 PM

Yankee Cowboy
27011 Posts
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Quote :
"I don't need the wolf web to legitimize who I am. I know my time is better spent elsewhere and I apologize for having led you on. And please, don't offer me some faux validaization [sic] of what I can accomplish (I don't need it).

Quote :
"I don't need the wolf web to legitimize who I am. I know my time is better spent elsewhere and I apologize for having led you on. And please, don't offer me some faux validaization [sic] of what I can accomplish (I don't need it).

Quote :
"I don't need the wolf web to legitimize who I am. I know my time is better spent elsewhere and I apologize for having led you on. And please, don't offer me some faux validaization [sic] of what I can accomplish (I don't need it).

8/15/2008 5:08:48 PM

All American
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I read about 3/4 of the way through the first page and for some reason I was reminded of the prodigal son and felt I should post that.

8/15/2008 5:24:25 PM

All American
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Quote :
"I don't need the wolf web to legitimize who I am. I know my time is better spent elsewhere and I apologize for having led you on. And please, don't offer me some faux validaization [sic] of what I can accomplish (I don't need it).

Quote :
"I don't need the wolf web to legitimize who I am. I know my time is better spent elsewhere and I apologize for having led you on. And please, don't offer me some faux validaization [sic] of what I can accomplish (I don't need it).

Quote :
"I don't need the wolf web to legitimize who I am. I know my time is better spent elsewhere and I apologize for having led you on. And please, don't offer me some faux validaization [sic] of what I can accomplish (I don't need it)."

Quote :
"I don't need the wolf web to legitimize who I am. I know my time is better spent elsewhere and I apologize for having led you on. And please, don't offer me some faux validaization [sic] of what I can accomplish (I don't need it).

Quote :
"I don't need the wolf web to legitimize who I am. I know my time is better spent elsewhere and I apologize for having led you on. And please, don't offer me some faux validaization [sic] of what I can accomplish (I don't need it).

Quote :
"I don't need the wolf web to legitimize who I am. I know my time is better spent elsewhere and I apologize for having led you on. And please, don't offer me some faux validaization [sic] of what I can accomplish (I don't need it)."

[Edited on August 15, 2008 at 5:31 PM. Reason : omg]

8/15/2008 5:30:15 PM

Bee Hugger
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8/15/2008 5:30:58 PM

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haha i thought she meant to do that actually

8/15/2008 5:31:24 PM

Bee Hugger
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8/15/2008 5:32:28 PM

All American
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i did...but i figured no one would get it...surprisingly you did

8/15/2008 5:33:14 PM

All American
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people can only bother you as much as you let them on a message board.

8/15/2008 5:33:15 PM

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8/15/2008 5:34:15 PM

All American
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You can do whatever you put your mind to Heather!

8/15/2008 5:37:11 PM

All American
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Quote :
"this is my fucking post. and im going to post it unless someone suspends me.

you assholes DO know that shes not going to post shit, right?

that your time is better spent in real life?

theres at least someone who's been dumped that has a low self esteem and has lowered their standards enough that you socially awkward fuck-tards could actually capitalize on?

DnL don't talk shit...i was there at the party when we made you cry about how you're such a waste of fucking life. nobody actually likes you. you're just a pathetic thing that posts a lot in a world that doesn't exist. downright pathetic, in all respects.

ncsugirl83...i did not intend to insult your intelligence with my earlier thread. i only wished that you could own up to more and say that you don't need the wolf web to legitimize who you are. maybe i asked for too much. but if a girl can post on here and get the attention/flack and still roll with it, you must have some strength of character to know your time is better spent elsewhere. stop leading these pathetic people on and forsake the wolf web altogether. if you're half as good of a person as all these people THINK you are, you'd leave, and not need this for some faux validaization of what you can accomplish.

this thread makes me sad in many ways.

if HALF of you could have the same motivation you've shown here, and direct it into a real and noble cause, some real social change could happen. but no. you all thought you'd see some internet boobies, and you came out of the situation with naught.

why not get this group to fight for some real change, like working towards the end of genocide in Darfur or signing a petition against Russia invading Georgia. its extremely sad that such a group can mobilize for absolutely nothing, which is ncsugirl83, but not lift a finger or change lives or to make their sick fantasies a reality.

this boredom excuse is nothing but that.

fuck all of you.

i will see you in hell.

worthless mother fuckers..."

8/15/2008 5:43:32 PM

soup du hier
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8/15/2008 5:44:56 PM

All American
540 Posts
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After only being on TWW for a couple days, I've seen the most shit from and/or about NCSUGirl83.

And a thread like this? Are you fucking kidding me? You don't need TWW to legitimize who you are... ummm... then why bother with the thread? You obviously don't have much going for you outside of a virtual world if this is the kind of thing you post up. You seem to just want to get attention from any and every guy online because no one gave it to you elsewhere. And you won't give up nude pictures because the second you did, they'd all turn away. The fact that you hold back in posting them 1) duh it's nude photos and 90% of ladies wouldn't, and 2) you know you can keep holding the leashes and chains by keeping them waiting for the nudes that you know you'll never give.

Why is there so much hype from you and about you on the message boards? What exactly have you offered? I just don't understand why you're so gd important that you have to validate yourself by posting things you know will either get attention or make you look cool through someone else's eyes.

Am I the only one who feels this way? Or am I just too much of a "noob" to understand her importance?

[Edited on August 15, 2008 at 6:34 PM. Reason : ]

8/15/2008 6:32:36 PM

Yankee Cowboy
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She's not important. Nobody on here is important.

8/15/2008 6:33:19 PM

Bee Hugger
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Add To My Topics

8/15/2008 6:33:52 PM

All American
540 Posts
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All right, important was the wrong word. How about... fascination?

Except now I realize that even by posting my opinion I am perpetuating the craze. Oh the irony.

[Edited on August 15, 2008 at 6:36 PM. Reason : ]

8/15/2008 6:34:52 PM

All American
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Please read JohnnyTHM's "essay" and then review this thread. Thanks, hun.

8/15/2008 6:37:08 PM

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Quote :



8/15/2008 6:37:31 PM

All American
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Quote :
"tits or GTFO"

8/15/2008 6:49:34 PM

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whats up with all the damn essays lately...

8/15/2008 6:50:28 PM

All American
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[Edited on August 15, 2008 at 6:56 PM. Reason : lol]

8/15/2008 6:53:17 PM

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8/15/2008 6:54:08 PM

All American
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8/15/2008 6:54:36 PM

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lol...nice shirt...

8/15/2008 6:55:49 PM

35217 Posts
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haha. no wonder you be getting your ass kicked.

8/15/2008 6:56:42 PM

All American
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that was for the goat tacky chrstmas sweater party

8/15/2008 6:56:46 PM

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8/15/2008 7:00:26 PM

All American
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8/15/2008 7:01:16 PM

All American
10892 Posts
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So did NCSUGirl83 leave or something?

8/15/2008 7:01:25 PM

Not suspended
24374 Posts
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haha. no wonder you be getting your ass licked.

wait... what?

8/15/2008 7:01:42 PM

147487 Posts
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^^she just posted...

8/15/2008 7:02:09 PM

All American
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8/15/2008 7:02:09 PM

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8/15/2008 7:03:00 PM

All American
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I'm a tww-er. I can't be bothered with something as trivial as reading.

8/15/2008 7:05:10 PM

All American
23473 Posts
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Quote :
"haha. no wonder you be getting your ass licked.

wait... what?


ha thanks [user]smallpenis[/user]

8/15/2008 7:05:19 PM

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8/15/2008 7:08:29 PM

Bee Hugger
62661 Posts
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you guys are out of your minds, Ragged's sweater kicks ass

8/15/2008 7:10:57 PM

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set em up

8/15/2008 7:13:52 PM

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