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8/20/2008 6:42:55 PM

Slave Famous
Become Wrath
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I'm never really looking for anything long term

But a lot of girls right out of school seem to have that mindset

She's thinking life, I'm thinking more like 'whats up tonight ?"

8/20/2008 6:44:25 PM

All American
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Quote :
"I know this is going to sound harsh, but if she's in love with her partner, then she will not cheat. Same goes for the dude."

This is not true.

8/20/2008 6:45:14 PM

147487 Posts
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^is it true sometimes?

8/20/2008 6:46:13 PM

All American
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No the generalization is not true sometimes, what kind of fucking question is that DNL.

Look, there are no hard and fast rules about this. Human beings like to fuck and the right circumstances will make anybody stumble - we're all human. Some people are really good about never putting themselves in those circumstances and more power to them.

8/20/2008 6:47:43 PM

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lol i was just responding to your dumb generalization

8/20/2008 6:51:05 PM

All American
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I don't have a boundary of any sort other then kids. If its a mom with a husband, thats not my scene. Hitting on women that are spoken for, so to speak, seems like it lacks some sort of intrinsic honor but I rationalize it this way: I'm no Don Juan, and a woman thats going to betray someone for me probably wasn't that into her relationship anyway.

8/20/2008 7:00:49 PM

New Recruit
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Quote :
"Everyone keeps saying, "If she'll cheat on him, she'll cheat on you," but I think it's pretty obvious from the way this douche acts he's not pursuing them for any sort of serious relationship. He also seems pretty amoral, so appealing to his conscience seems like a waste of time. Of course, most likely scenario is that he's some sort of alias/troll/baldfaced liar but on the off chance that's wrong here's the only thing you can say to him:

Fooling around with an attached girl increases the chances of an angry man coming after you. The girl will almost certainly sell you out if the guy gets suspicious, and may do it even if he's not -- out of spite, revenge, whatever. If that man's coming after you he's going to try to give himself an advantage, which means he will either be bigger or he will be armed. He will have the element of surprise and adrenaline on his side. He will fuck your shit up.

If you are not worried about any of that, then I guess go for it, asshole.


my thoughts exactly

8/20/2008 7:08:17 PM

All American
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When I'm single, it's all off limits for me...makes little difference whether a girl's got a brand new boyfriend or been married for years. When I meet a girl I find attractive but find out she has a boyfriend, game mode goes from epic flirtgasm to business transaction. Very firm believer in Karma.

This is not to say that if I'm really into a girl I won't try to at least make it hard on know, get that foot in the door then peace out until she's single again

Of course, I'm not perfect, and mistakes have been made. But I would NEVER fuck with a married girl, ever, no matter if I decided there was a "THE ONE" and she was it. And my job requires a certain amount of flirting with girls (and guys, for that matter) to help better pay the light bill. But as soon as that "OPEN" sign is turned off, the bar-napkin-phone-numbers go in the trash.

8/20/2008 7:17:03 PM

All American
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Quote :
"If something bad happens to me in the future, I won't at all attribute it to any of my transgressions in the past. I just don't think it works like that."

Current actions don't effect the future? How else does it work? If you fuck someone's girlfriend and they beat you up, do you then say, "Man, that was random." You must be clueless, a lot.

8/20/2008 7:28:32 PM

All American
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Quote :
"What if the chic doesn't mention her bf, fiance, husband?"

this happened to me, except it was a dude, obviously

i didnt find out ab his gf until she called me crying asking me why i was calling her bf at 4am. i asked her why he was answering. i told her everything. she asked to hear what happened so i told her. she deserved at least that, at least from me with no reason to lie to her

they ended up breaking up and the dude continues to try to get up with me... nearly a year later. hes hot and i'd love to get together again but there is no chance in me taking him seriously so i decided to pursue legit dudes instead

8/20/2008 8:00:27 PM

soup du hier
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yeah that just happend to my wing woman she went out with this dude for a month and he was like i have a girlfriend but i'm leaving her for you... so she let him leave her and then told him to go fuck himself

8/20/2008 8:04:01 PM

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