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All American
25834 Posts
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^^you obviously havent entered the real world...your still a poor grad student....wait until your manager keeps you from being promoted because he or she doesnt "like" you....and then you cant get ahead because of it.....are you just going to "deal with it" and stay at 30k a year for life?

[Edited on November 15, 2008 at 2:58 PM. Reason : w]

11/15/2008 2:55:53 PM

45912 Posts
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too bad I have worked in the "real world"

and that is a completely different situation.

11/15/2008 3:06:26 PM

114609 Posts
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^^what the hell does that have to do with his post, or the topic?

11/15/2008 4:53:40 PM

32613 Posts
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^^^and you still haven't learned the difference between your and you're.

11/15/2008 6:21:50 PM

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11/15/2008 7:53:41 PM

All American
30652 Posts
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What the fuck is roddy talking about?

11/15/2008 9:13:14 PM

Big Business
9099 Posts
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thats like the most ridiculous analogy i've ever heard. I'm not being paid to be on tww, so i don't feel the need to kiss anyone in particular's ass. Aside from the fact that apparently you take tww waaaay to seriously, if you think everyone who posts on here is the exact same way in real life you are very very naive.

I'm Big Business and i approved this message.

11/15/2008 10:38:39 PM

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11/15/2008 10:41:05 PM

Big Business
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^ so tuff

I'm Big Business and i approved this message.

11/15/2008 10:44:59 PM

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11/15/2008 10:46:01 PM

El Nachó
special helper
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That's funny. I remember asking the mods a question, but I don't remember asking wdprice3 a god damn thing.

For some reason he decided to interject his stupidity anyways.

sucks for me.

11/16/2008 1:04:47 AM

45912 Posts
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because you're being a whiny bitch. why don't you shut the fuck up and get on with your life?
and obviously, the mods don't care about your whining.

such a bitch

11/16/2008 9:57:47 AM

All American
26584 Posts
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haha, wdprice3 cares about the internet.

11/16/2008 11:27:36 AM

45912 Posts
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no, I just care about trolling these bitches

11/16/2008 11:36:24 AM

All American
26584 Posts
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only you can prevent internet fires

11/16/2008 11:40:40 AM

Not suspended
24374 Posts
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butthurt whiny bitches

11/16/2008 3:31:48 PM

All American
8483 Posts
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How much have you spent on this site RD?

11/16/2008 9:30:48 PM

147487 Posts
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not as much as 69 or Chance

11/16/2008 10:41:35 PM

All American
52902 Posts
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I'm not the Chit Chat mod, but I and others--to include some other mods--have long since gotten really tired of this stupid bullshit. Keep it all in one thread, dude.

Do you not realize what is going to happen if you continue to refuse to play ball? It's amazing that you're allowed to post here again at all. You're getting awfully close, I think, to getting the perma-ban, no ifs, ands, or buts treatment. I don't know if it's because you're oblivious or if it's because you have an addiction to the point that you can't really even help it. Regardless, I think that you're going to have to find a new hobby--I just don't see your incessant, annoying retardedness being tolerated for a whole lot longer. You're either going to have to handle yourself, or someone else is going to do it for you. In either case, I don't really see much of a future for what you're doing now.

11/17/2008 6:33:19 AM

45912 Posts
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Quote :
"butthurt whiny bitches"

11/17/2008 6:47:32 AM

114609 Posts
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^^keep what all in one thread

we're not doing anything offensive or objectionable in any way

if you can't stand it that there's no "content" in our posts, then maybe you need to revise the site rules

otherwise, I think you all need to get off my case, or at least make some fucking sense

just because you don't like someone doesn't mean you have the right to ban them

11/17/2008 10:27:13 AM

1038 Posts
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I think there is something you really need to understand. Your average student in college that will post on a message board like this has an intelligence and a thought capacity that far exceeds


and various other synapse free information.

Sure, from time to time, new content free stuff like this might be funny, but it will eventually run it's course and lose favor and folks aren't going to enjoy you bringing it all back to the top over and over and over again.

Have some damn consideration for the countless users that are telling you to cut the shit out.

11/17/2008 10:33:24 AM

114609 Posts
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so why don't you suspend every single user that ever posts anything irrelevant to the topic

or posts pad, or first, or set em up, or page claim, or just something stupid that has nothing to do with anything

we wouldn't have anyone on here

would you like that?

11/17/2008 10:38:35 AM

1038 Posts
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Again, please use your head. A cross section of the user base will on occasion post pointless content mixed in with all the other stuff they post. Then, there is a section of the user base that will post content mixed in with all the useless stuff in the exact opposite ration.

You fall in the latter group. This site doesn't seem to move very quickly these days. It doesn't seem all that lively. That isn't your green light to post whatever you want whenever. In fact, it almost seems to be compounding the problem as users get turned off by how bad it is watered down.

11/17/2008 10:41:25 AM

All American
24415 Posts
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^^ This is a message board, and you and your toadies refuse to use it or treat it that way John.

You're smart enough to realize you are being a disruption.

I'm just glad that it sounds like you're nearing the end of your run, one way or the other.

[Edited on November 17, 2008 at 10:48 AM. Reason : ]

11/17/2008 10:47:57 AM

114609 Posts
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what the fuck would you know if you haven't even been here a month?

it's not my fucking fault that people don't post here

if I've made anyone stop posting, it's been less than a fucking handful

I need to get my facts straight? perhaps you need to quit focusing all your energy on MY posts and notice that EVERYONE is bringing this place down just the same, not just me

and I'm done arguing with you now that I've realized what a fucking n00b you are

I don't give a shit if you're an alias or not, your opinion means nothing

^you need to get your priorities straight if this is such a disruption to your pretty little life

I'm smart enough to realize that something this trivial SHOULDN'T make a damn bit of difference

11/17/2008 10:48:29 AM

All American
24415 Posts
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You're not disrupting my life. You're nowhere near capable of that. You are disrupting the normal and accepted use of this board.

Smart enough to realize how unimportant Tdub is yet too weak to tear yourself away and find something important to do?

11/17/2008 10:51:55 AM

25078 Posts
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it sounds like you are trying to compare yourself to all of the other users on this site or even the average user RD - you aren't anywhere close - i just think TWW isn't for you but we'll see i guess

i think you'll be getting a PM or two from a mod soon based on current discussions in the mod forum

snippets from the mod forum from merely a month and a half ago when you were let out and just after it - don't play dumb
Quote :
"rd told me that you said he could make the euphalo thread again, is that right? i'm gonna tell them all that if they keep their shenanigans in that thread, they won't be suspended. but if they start spewing over to other threads or continuously bumping crap threads, they'll get the boot again."

Quote :
"that works, but i dont see them having the restraint. especially RD has been bumping crap threads with airbag on and off (depending on how much heat he was getting) since he was suspended."

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"so much for RD and his subordinates keeping the euphalo in one thread


11/17/2008 10:51:56 AM

114609 Posts
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hell, I'm a proponent of keeping all shenanigans to EUPHALO

but this comes down to what you consider to be a shenanigan

if you're talking about mindless pads that don't offend people at all being a shenanigan, then I don't think that's really fair to my cause

and prufrock

if I'm not disrupting your life, then why do you want me to be banned?

I never said I was trying to do anything worthwhile, so I don't know why you would say that

11/17/2008 10:56:28 AM

25078 Posts
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i'm fine with you arguing your case and keeping things up - it just means you'll be gone sooner

11/17/2008 10:57:54 AM

All American
24415 Posts
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Quote :
"You are disrupting the normal and accepted use of this board."

11/17/2008 10:58:03 AM

1038 Posts
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Quote :
"hell, I'm a proponent of keeping all shenanigans to EUPHALO

but this comes down to what you consider to be a shenanigan

if you're talking about mindless pads that don't offend people at all being a shenanigan, then I don't think that's really fair to my cause"

We don't have to resort to subjectively determining on a micro scale what is and isn't acceptable. Just understand this, multiple times now it seems you get called out for suspension because the users get sick of your crap. You don't change. Insanity is defined as doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Why are you again surprised that the user base and moderators are sick of your crap?

You don't bring anything interesting or useful to this message board. How could you? You apparently don't leave the house as a jobless loser. You aren't experiencing life, so how could you have any stories or anything that any of us here would deem mildly interesting. How about go try and find a job and talk about how shitty that is. How about go to a bar and get rejected or try and fuck a fat chick and tell us about that. Tell us about how bad your parents suck for letting you live under their roof as a bum. Anything other than the shit you have been doing.

11/17/2008 11:06:37 AM

114609 Posts
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Quote :
"You are disrupting the normal and accepted use of this board."

and yet, I'm staying within the posting guidelines

like I said, if you want to change the original premise of this site, CHANGE THE RULES

let's go down real quick and you guys explain to me what I'm doing wrong

Quote :
"* Go light with the insults - It is welcomed to attack someone's ideas but please refrain attacking character."

I very rarely insult anyone, unless they've insulted me first

I understand we are allowed to attack someone's ideas, and so I will occasionally do that, but 99% of the time, I do not - I am all for peace on TWW, and I mean that seriously, though it's becoming REALLY hard with all the people who hate on me just because they don't like my posting, and they DON'T keep their insults light

Quote :
"* Watch the language - it would be ridiculous to ask a bunch of college students to eliminate the use of foul language in their discussion, that is not what I am asking. Just keep the 4 letter words out of the subjects of the message. The idea is for any new user to have to click 3-4 times before he/she gets offended "

well if you really want to get me for this one, I suppose you could - but also get the remaining 90% of people who do this as well, if you want to be consistent

Quote :
"* Don't incriminate yourself - There is always the chance that a member of law enforcement could browse this board. Do not post anything that will incriminate you or someone else."


Quote :
"* Post new threads in the right section - Save us the trouble of having to move your topic to the correct section. Post in the right section to begin with. Additionally, if you post the same topic in multiple sections or post a dummy topic pointing to a topic in another section, this is grounds for immediate suspension. Nothing pisses us off more than seeing "I posted this in but no one looks there so now I am posting it in to get more attention". The Wolf Web does provide free advertising and attention, in the CORRECT places."

I adhere to this 100% of the time. In fact, over 99% of my posts stay in Chit Chat, where, if I'm not mistaken, "anything goes." (You need to change that if you guys are going to continue to stay on my back about petty bullshit, because that's what "anything goes" means, bullshit)

Quote :
"* Stay On-Topic - Try to stick with the topic. If you have something important to say that doesn't relate to the topic, then start a new topic. If you have something useless to say, keep it to yourself."

all right - I can admit that I don't always stay on topic, but who does? plenty of people post irrelevant stuff, and yet they don't get flamed or frowned upon for it. I also know when to stop, especially when it's not my own thread. And, if I do have something to say that doesn't relate to the topic, according to this rule I get to "start a new topic." Oh, but wait, apparently I don't get to start new topics; I have to keep all the "shenanigans" in ONE thread. I'm not free to start my own topic, even though CrazyJ and Joe clearly said I was able to start whatever the fuck I want.

Quote :
"* Be thoughtful/humorous - Hundreds of people browse the message board each day. Before you post something, think to yourself, "would the majority of the users want to read this?". If the answer is "no", then don't post it."

I may not be humorous, but I'm thoughtful. If I thought that people were going to be seriously offended by one of my posts, I wouldn't post it. However, it's like the "threads directed personally" rule; no one adheres to it. People on here just post whatever they want, regardless of whether or not the majority of users want to read it. And you can't argue that I'm the only one doing this; there are plenty of users whose posts I never want to read. Yet, you don't see me complaining about it, at all.

Quote :
"* No threads directed personally - Do you think the other thousand people on this site want to read some personal shit between you and your buddy? - NO. Use mail instead."

Well we could all stand to follow this rule, couldn't we?

Quote :
"* Do not consecutively reply to a topic - If you are within the alloted timespan for editing a message that no one has replied to and you think of something to add, EDIT the message. DO NOT REPLY AGAIN. Constant abuse of this will not be tolerated."

Obviously I don't do this anymore, unless it's by accident. gunzz has beaten that one into my brain.

Quote :
"* Do not fuck with the moderators - Not really a requirement, but more of a suggestion. A key suggestion: If they contact you in private about an issue, reply back in private. There is nothing that pisses them off more than you publicly broadcasting information meant for just you."

I never fuck with the moderators. In fact, it seems like it's the moderators who are fucking with me more than I ever even think about fucking with them (See: OmarBadu, who constantly tells me how I need to get a job and all this bullshit (I have a job, btw, not that it's any of your fucking business) that isn't any of his concern - he also never keeps the insults light, as stated in the first rule). Maybe a new rule should be instated - "If you're a moderator, grow up and quit attacking the userbase into not wanting to post here anymore."

So, aside from the rules that almost NO ONE adheres to on here, I more or less stick to the rules. If you find me posting the TERRIBLE TERRIBLE cat and mouse gif anymore, or god forbid huwoahuh, then I suppose you can give me a time out, since that's not adhering to "staying on topic". But really, that's about all any of you has on me. You don't like my posts? I've already made a topic on the FIREFOX USER PLUGIN, which you can find a link to here in the FF, or in my thread.

You think I should get my priorities straight, stop posting so much, and get a real life? Wrong. None of that is your fucking business, and it has no bearing on anything that goes on on TWW.

Just because there's 15 or so people that dislike me, doesn't mean I should be banned just so you can make the board "better." My absence isn't going to make this board better. In fact, I'd be willing to bet that if you perma-banned me, the quality of the site would continue to fall in the downward direction regardless of my non-presence.

11/17/2008 11:17:03 AM

25078 Posts
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Quote :
"well fuck i'm convinced - let him stay and make him a mod


11/17/2008 11:20:53 AM

114609 Posts
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this is why I never make a serious post

because when I do, it gets clowned upon

not to mention this time, by a moderator

11/17/2008 11:21:48 AM

Not suspended
24374 Posts
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Quote :
"You don't bring anything interesting or useful to this message board."


11/17/2008 11:21:51 AM

1038 Posts
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Quote :
"I may not be humorous, but I'm thoughtful. If I thought that people were going to be seriously offended by one of my posts, I wouldn't post it. However, it's like the "threads directed personally" rule; no one adheres to it. People on here just post whatever they want, regardless of whether or not the majority of users want to read it. And you can't argue that I'm the only one doing this; there are plenty of users whose posts I never want to read. Yet, you don't see me complaining about it, at all.

You just don't get it. If you look at any given time on the first couple of pages of chit chat, you will no doubt see threads that don't adhere to the guidelines. The thing is, it's a lot of different users that might be making their one non conforming post a month or so. Some of those users possibly (probably) also happen to post actual real worthwhile content in the other sections and use Chit Chat once in a blue moon to be silly. Again, you are opposite man. You post over and over and over again, content that no one except your crew of merry homos thinks is interesting. I don't know that I've ever seen you venture into the other sections and post anything of merit. Outside of the user account and premium you pay to the place, your being here is net negative for content.

And trying to cling to the user guidelines as some sort of "out" for your posting behavior is just retarded. Everyone knows those have been around for ages and for the most part don't mean shit. The moderators set the rules now and you have had enough run ins with them that you should know that. It's probably why they laugh at your pathetic attempts to justify your existence here.

I don't know how much simpler I can make this for you. Bring your maturity level up something more appropriate for your age, stop posting every whim that happens to strike you at all hours of the day, and really think to yourself "will college age and beyond adults with a head on the shoulders find this interesting" before hitting that reply or topic button.

11/17/2008 11:30:18 AM

Not suspended
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Quote :
"Go light with the insults - It is welcomed to attack someone's ideas but please refrain attacking character."

11/17/2008 11:39:52 AM

1038 Posts
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You need the banhammer cracked on your head as well.

11/17/2008 11:43:50 AM

Not suspended
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^I don't violate any rules, so I don't see where you're coming from

11/17/2008 11:51:20 AM

114609 Posts
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nobody needs a fucking banhammer unless they're posting crude shit like ambrosia did

and even then she shouldn't still be suspended

11/17/2008 12:00:11 PM

Not suspended
24374 Posts
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So a thread for things that need to be locked is shitter than threads like these? Why isn't this one locked/GoldenGirl being warned for suspension?

11/17/2008 12:08:53 PM

114609 Posts
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it's called favoritism, dude

we might as well get used to it

11/17/2008 12:09:30 PM

Big Business
9099 Posts
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theres no favoritism, i just don't think the mods care. Otherwise there would be either action or some sort of response.

I'm Big Business and i approved this message.

11/17/2008 12:31:50 PM

play so hard
60941 Posts
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Quote :
"Be thoughtful/humorous - Hundreds of people browse the message board each day. Before you post something, think to yourself, "would the majority of the users want to read this?". If the answer is "no", then don't post it.""

this is really the root of if it.

your adolescent padding only appeals to 20-30 users max...and it pisses off the majority of the user base in the process.

we're actually losing users because they're sick of having to weed through the volumes of padding threads on the front page of chit chat. and while there are other people involved, you and BigEgo are mostly to blame. if you all can actually show a little self restraint and keep your mindless padding in that one thread, you'll be fine. but if you all continue to pad the shit out of this board, don't surprised when you can't log in one day.

11/17/2008 1:00:08 PM

114609 Posts
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prove to me that it's my fault we're losing users


11/17/2008 1:05:39 PM

Not suspended
24374 Posts
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i really haven't done that much mindless padding outside of EUPHALO lately

11/17/2008 1:18:53 PM

1038 Posts
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This is the shit you post. And it might be different if it were an occasional thing (I know I have a pretty weak, though better than that crap you posted, parody to my name over the past couple of weeks), but this is the hallmark of a RecieveDeath/BubbleBobble/whateveryourotheraliasesare post. No real content. Nothing interesting, just another blip in your 12 yr old mind that maybe 5-10 other similarly inclined users like yourself think is funny.

Only after I just typed that did I see there are 2 users in the thread. Your buddies LeggoEgo and Cement that follow your everywhere...and everyone else. Are you really this obtuse that you don't see your current behavior and choice of threads and posts don't meet minimum coherency criteria to be sustainable on this site?

11/17/2008 1:19:41 PM

play so hard
60941 Posts
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hell thats actually an improvement for him (to some small degree)

this is the more common stuff:
Quote :

11/17/2008 1:24:56 PM

Big Business
9099 Posts
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^ can you link those?

I'm Big Business and i approved this message.

11/17/2008 1:26:22 PM

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