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All American
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Quote :
"I've always wanted to know just how much tww went for? CrazyJ was the originator and owner correct?"

i was under the impression that it wasn't so much the site as crazycode

5/24/2010 2:38:55 PM

All American
31140 Posts
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In that case, the real question is why anyone would pay actual moneys for CrazyCode.

5/24/2010 2:39:57 PM

All American
5697 Posts
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i lost it when i got here

Quote :
"I tried to make a fake housing post, but apparently even though 10 bedrooms is an option on the drop down list, you can't actually pick it"

5/24/2010 2:41:21 PM

New Recruit
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Quote :
""I've always wanted to know just how much tww went for? CrazyJ was the originator and owner correct?""

How much a site goes mostly has to do with how much traffic it gets and its business model/how profitable it is, never really how hard it was to code. So the wolf web was probably pretty simple to set up but it seems to have quite a bit of traffic. It's got to be worth at least a few thousand, perhaps even more than 10K.

I've heard from someone here at the OIT that a company now owns it, hence the advertisements on it, even though it was originally started by a NCSU person.

5/24/2010 2:49:04 PM

Mr. Joshua
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Quote :
"why is it a bad thing to expand to other colleges?"

It's not at all. I was just questioning your motives as I've known a few other people who start websites that are slightly different from existing websites with the sole hope that they'll be able to sell it down the road and make $google.

As long as you actually give a shit about your website and have your priorities straight then it's fine by me.

5/24/2010 3:22:01 PM

New Recruit
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I do half plan to expand, but I'm not really out for the money. I've got a long career ahead of me in web development and this is just something I thought NCSU would find very useful and it was simple enough to do. I care a lot about it, but I also recognize that this is not my income and will never be. For that reason, I'm not trying to cash in on it. I can't say I won't ever sell it, but I am valuing its overall quality and user experience over its monetary value. If/when I do decide to expand it to other universities, I will make sure that it only increases, not decreases in usefulness and quality to the students and I will make sure that it stays just as specialized and specific to each university. Plus I still favor my own school over any other

5/24/2010 3:32:45 PM

Mr. Joshua
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Ok then.

Good man!

5/24/2010 3:36:43 PM

All American
3088 Posts
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a suggestion: add a way to navigate to the different sections without having to return to the home page. For ex. I couldn't go directly from Bikes to Electronics. Had to go to the home page, and then to electronics... that's overly cumbersome and thus a little frustrating from a user perspective. But, very easy to fix.

5/24/2010 3:42:20 PM

12909 Posts
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Quote :



5/24/2010 3:42:47 PM

New Recruit
23 Posts
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Quote :
"a suggestion: add a way to navigate to the different sections without having to return to the home page. For ex. I couldn't go directly from Bikes to Electronics. Had to go to the home page, and then to electronics... that's overly cumbersome and thus a little frustrating from a user perspective. But, very easy to fix."

Great idea, let me see what I can do.

5/24/2010 6:17:43 PM

All American
23473 Posts
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i see they actually have something on here. last time i was on that site(3 weeks ago) there was only like 5 books for sale

5/24/2010 6:21:52 PM

New Recruit
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Wow my sublease has already gotten two emails I didn't realize people were actually using the site hahahah.

Anyways: I thought your ideas were funny, so:

Also, who posted the ad about the "Gear" that would be good for running a machine in the Gear section? You should put that back, that was kinda funny. I got a little carried away with deleting posts saying "PENIS PENIS PENIS" and deleted it.

5/24/2010 6:28:40 PM

Mr. Joshua
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5/24/2010 6:43:27 PM

New Recruit
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5/24/2010 8:01:14 PM

New Recruit
23 Posts
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Just wanted to say that I got a new map interface online -

And there is a new blog post, I think you might find the popular searches funny:

What do you think?

[Edited on June 5, 2010 at 12:02 PM. Reason : move text]

6/5/2010 12:02:16 PM

Sup, B
53288 Posts
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6/5/2010 12:05:43 PM

37709 Posts
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yeah I got a lot of hits from this website for my summer sublease

6/5/2010 1:34:25 PM

Not suspended
24374 Posts
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Quote :
"In that case, the real question is why anyone would pay actual moneys for CrazyCode."

FWIW, when it's not acting up with OH SHITs, TWW is one of the lightest (data/memory load) and quickest forums I've been on. It has that going for it

If I can't put my need for prostitutes on there, what use is that site for me anyway?

6/5/2010 3:23:01 PM

All American
4812 Posts
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eventually a classifieds for hook ups and shit will be on there and it will be a genuine booty call machine. or a hey who was that girl i ran into or

6/5/2010 3:28:28 PM

5975 Posts
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Quote :
" You should put that back, that was kinda funny. I got a little carried away with deleting posts saying "PENIS PENIS PENIS" and deleted it.

Its good design practice to either include a "deleted" flag in your database somewhere, or move deleted things to another table/database.

You never actually want to delete things, only give the illusion that theyve been deleted.

6/5/2010 3:47:47 PM

New Recruit
23 Posts
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Quote :
"Its good design practice to either include a "deleted" flag in your database somewhere, or move deleted things to another table/database.

You never actually want to delete things, only give the illusion that theyve been deleted.


I agree. That's how The Wolf Exchange works right now actually,

6/5/2010 4:57:31 PM

Not suspended
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Quote :
"If I can't put my need for prostitutes on there, what use is that site for me anyway?"

6/5/2010 4:58:32 PM

5975 Posts
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Quote :
"I agree. That's how The Wolf Exchange works right now actually,"

So why couldnt you have just undeleted it, instead of asking someone to post it again.

Or were you trying to be passive-aggressive?

6/5/2010 7:16:33 PM

New Recruit
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At the time it didn't work like that. Now it does.

6/5/2010 11:29:07 PM

All American
647 Posts
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Diggin' the site. No doubt.

6/5/2010 11:32:29 PM

New Recruit
23 Posts
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Thanks. Btw, I know a lot of you were excessively critical at first and were pissed that I posted this, but you're feedback has been actually extremely helpful in doing anything from finding typos to realizing that certain features are pointless or need to exist. Keep it up.

6/7/2010 2:37:54 PM

Not suspended
24374 Posts
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you add a hooker sextion yet?

6/7/2010 3:24:36 PM

Mr. Joshua
43948 Posts
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The logical next step is drop a bunch of n-bombs and then tip off WRAL for some free publicity.

6/7/2010 3:28:01 PM

All American
10849 Posts
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6/15/2010 5:24:23 AM

37709 Posts
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I referred this site to my landlord, in case he wants to try and target students instead of fail craigslist creep shows

6/15/2010 5:41:49 AM

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