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All American
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Once again a liberal advocates to silence conservative voices

I'm shocked

7/19/2010 7:03:13 PM

yovo yovo bonsoir
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I don't think the Tea Party is racist, but then again, the Tea Party is barely anything. It's one of the most ill-defined political movements this country has known. Essentially all they have in common is a dislike for the current regime. (I don't intend "regime" to have any particular connotation...but when you have one group of people in power at a time, that's what the fuck it is)

Given the circumstances, that has put it in a place well-suited to attracting racists, and it's probably the most racist political movement of any strength that we've seen in quite a while. For that reason, saying that it has "racist elements" doesn't strike me as objectionable.

Quote :
"NAACP actually admits to being racist in their name. Any group that tries to advance one group of people over another, based purely on skin color, is racist."

Quote :
"We have to get rid of "residual" racism, or "institutional racism," as you would call it."

I've got to disagree with you here, although with some measure of apprehension.

It doesn't take a genius to piece together a causal chain that leads from "let's enslave this group for centuries, then release them but not then oppress them anyway, then segregate them, then stop segregating them but most of the time not really" and "this group is now at a significant disadvantage in every field (except maybe sports )"

As long as the NAACP's driving goal is to get black people caught up with white people, I don't think it's reasonable to call them racist. The distinction you draw between opposing racist laws and institutional racism is, I think, disingenuous -- especially when you advocate legalizing blatantly racist hiring practices. They have the same functional result, which is that you're born with a skin color that either gives you good chances or makes you fucked from birth.

7/19/2010 7:08:23 PM

All American
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Quote :
"As long as the NAACP's driving goal is to get black people caught up with white people, I don't think it's reasonable to call them racist."

Sure it is. Any advocacy, good or bad, based on race, is racist.
Did you see my post about Seinfeld? (below)

Long story short, race-based affirmative action is inescapably racist, but racism isn't always bad.

Quote :
"Also, when you advocate for one particular minority, based on race, and not simply for all minorities, based on whatever, then yes -- that is racist. Racism, per se, isn't bad, though. Like Seinfeld said about his taste for dating Asian women, "How can it be racist if I like them?" Elaine was right. That's a very benign form of racism. If one chooses to donate 100% of their charity to advance Cherokee causes, and not one penny to black or Latino causes, that's technically racist -- but rather benign.

I don't have a problem with a private group exercising what amounts to race-based affirmative action. In fact, I've said before that I only oppose the government (public) affirmative action. I personally support the idea of "advancing" certain groups that were historically "shit upon", especially women, native americans, and atheists. But I acknowledge that it is a private and personal issue, and also one that, by its nature, puts one trait (race, gender, etc.) above another in a way that the public sector shouldn't be doing. Simply put, it is discriminatory, but that's okay for private groups or individuals... Calling out the NAACP as racist doesn't mean it shouldn't exist,"

[Edited on July 19, 2010 at 8:42 PM. Reason : ]

7/19/2010 8:39:40 PM

All American
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I demand that the NAACP clean up its act and not allow racist speakers at its events!

Racist Govt Official/NAACP Award Recipient Resigns after Big Government Exposé

Quote :
"This morning, we broke video of a USDA official, Shirley Sherrod, recounting for attendees at an NAACP awards dinner how she withheld help from a white farmer seeking the agency's help in saving his farm."

Apparently as a result of the comments captured on video, Sherrod has now resigned her position as a state director for the USDA.

7/19/2010 10:14:06 PM

All American
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Quote :
"I demand that the NAACP clean up its act and not allow racist speakers at its events!

LOL do you?

Because Sherrod herself seems to be saying in the video what she did was wrong... she seemed like she was denouncing herself...

7/19/2010 10:47:19 PM

yovo yovo bonsoir
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Quote :
"Any advocacy, good or bad, based on race, is racist."

This argument is much, much worse than d35tr0y3r's.

By this logic, Martin Luther King (and Harriet Tubman, and everyone opposed to both slavery and segregation) and every target group member that resisted the Holocaust is a racist. Certainly those advocacies were based on race.

7/19/2010 10:57:14 PM

41010 Posts
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^^^ did you watch the video? i really don't see what's so bad about her statements. she still performed her job while being confronted by somebody else's prejudice, and from the experience learned that the more important issue is have/have not, not white/black. sounds about right to me

if some guy was being a jackass to me, i wouldn't go out of my way to help him either, and would do what she did do, which was provide him with the minimal direct assistance necessary to fulfill my duties

[Edited on July 19, 2010 at 11:14 PM. Reason : .]

7/19/2010 11:12:30 PM

All American
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^^^ Sherrod allegedly discriminated against a white farmer and then was forced to resign because of it.

USDA employee resigns over statements about white farmer
By the CNN Wire Staff
July 20, 2010 - Updated 0225

So, your position is that it's all right for those in power to discriminate based on race as long as they denounce their own acts? What?!

Do you even think before you post anymore? Or is it more about reflexively defending leftist positions?

^ Did you watch the video? So, if Sherrod's actions were correct, why did she resign? Why did Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack issue a strong statement about this? Why is it now popoing up on CNN International (FYI: we had it here first) and news wires everywhere?

Quote :
"I was struggling with the fact that so many black people had lost their farmland, and here I was faced with having to help a white person save their land. So I didn't give him the full force of what I could do. I did enough."

--Shirley Sherrod, a state director with USDA, at an NAACP banquet

If you can't understand the problem here--particularly concerning the setting and the context of the times--then no amount of explaining by me will cause you to grasp it.

[Edited on July 19, 2010 at 11:27 PM. Reason : .]

7/19/2010 11:19:20 PM

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sounded to me like the issue was whether or not the guy was being an asshole to her, not whether or not he was white or black

nor does it sound like she discriminated at all. she still did her job and helped the guy find a lawyer

[Edited on July 19, 2010 at 11:23 PM. Reason : but yeah, i do try to reflexively defend leftist positions whenever possible]

7/19/2010 11:21:58 PM

All American
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Of course we should just take her word that he was trying to prove he was superior to her

7/19/2010 11:23:38 PM

All American
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Quote :
"This argument is much, much worse than d35tr0y3r's.

By this logic, Martin Luther King (and Harriet Tubman, and everyone opposed to both slavery and segregation) and every target group member that resisted the Holocaust is a racist. Certainly those advocacies were based on race."

Worse how?
What do you think racism is, anyway? (Hint: if you think it's 100% bad, we don't agree.)

Quote :
"Certainly those advocacies were based on race."

Perhaps. But while slavery, segregation or genocide itself may be race-based, fighting or advocating against slavery, segregation or genocide, per se, isn't necessarily race-based. Of course, if you were all, "I'm gonna go save some Jews" (but not Romanies, mentally ill, Gentile dissidents, etc.) then yeah -- race-based. But not all bad. (Have you not addressed my assertion that not all racism is bad?)

7/19/2010 11:25:00 PM

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Of course we should just take her word that the entire incident happened at all

[Edited on July 19, 2010 at 11:28 PM. Reason : she was probably just showing off for her naacp buddies right]

7/19/2010 11:25:08 PM

All American
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^ Did you watch the video? So, if Sherrod's actions were correct, why did she resign? Why did Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack issue a strong statement about this? Why is it now popoing up on CNN International (FYI: we had it here first) and news wires everywhere?

Quote :
"I was struggling with the fact that so many black people had lost their farmland, and here I was faced with having to help a white person save their land. So I didn't give him the full force of what I could do. I did enough."

--Shirley Sherrod, a state director with USDA, at an NAACP banquet

If you can't understand the problem here--particularly concerning the setting and the context of the times--then no amount of explaining by me will cause you to grasp it.

qntmfred = moron?

7/19/2010 11:30:17 PM

All American
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Even if she was just poppin off, it still speaks to her worldview

7/19/2010 11:30:42 PM

All American
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Quote :
"So, your position is that it's all right for those in power to discriminate based on race as long as they denounce their own acts? What?!

ha seriously is your reading comprehension this poor?

I said that she may have well been denouncing her own acts, which is what you called for.

It's definitely wrong of her to be discriminatory in her position. But the act that you called for shows how blindly reactionary you are being. You don't actually care about the discriminatory aspect of this, because you glossed over the nature of what her comments were. You only care about saying "look there are racist liberals too!" when the reality is that Sherrod screwed up, but she seems to have learned from her experiences.

The disgraced racist tea party leaders that you are defending don't seem to have learned anything.

7/19/2010 11:31:40 PM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
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I agree with qntmfred that her perceptions of the farmer's assholishness seem to be more important to her than the fact that the guy was white. And she did do her job but she admits she didn't go above and beyond.

Furthermore, I'd like to see the end of her comments. It appears that she's setting things up as "this is what I did/this is what I realized about how I was wrong." But the video is cut off so we can't see the second part.

Quote :
"hooksaw: 1)So, if Sherrod's actions were correct, why did she resign? 2)Why did Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack issue a strong statement about this? 3)Why is it now popoing up on CNN International (FYI: we had it here first) and news wires everywhere?"

1) Are you new?
2) Are you new?
3) Because people like you eat this shit up.

7/19/2010 11:43:43 PM

All American
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^^ I'm going to ignore your "reading comprehension" drivel. It's old, it's tired, and it does nothing to further good discussion.

Quote :
"It's definitely wrong of her to be discriminatory in her position."

Good. Then, we agree.

Quote :
". . .Sherrod screwed up, but she seems to have learned from her experiences."

So, your position is that it's all right for those in power to discriminate based on race as long as they denounce learn from their own acts? Not that I accept this position in any way, but can you provide evidence that Sherrod "learned" from her acts?

Quote :
"The disgraced racist tea party leaders that you are defending don't seem to have learned anything."

According to your party's leaders, the TEA Party movement is not racist:

Biden says tea party not a racist movement
July 18, 2010

Quote :
"'Very conservative, very different views on government and a whole lot of things,' Biden said during an interview broadcast Sunday on ABC's 'This Week.' 'But it is not a racist organization.'

President Barack Obama doesn't think so, either, Biden said."

In summary, you and your ilk, moron, represent a shrill but increasingly irrelevant minority. I know this is hard to accept, but I'm afraid you'll just have to live with it.

[Edited on July 19, 2010 at 11:47 PM. Reason : ^ You offer nothing here. I'm going to assume that you're trolling. ]

7/19/2010 11:46:26 PM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
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Where is the rest of the video?

Why'd they cut it off?

7/19/2010 11:50:34 PM

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Quote :
"It's old, it's tired, and it does nothing to further good discussion"

7/19/2010 11:51:09 PM

All American
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^^ and ^ Because the damage was done with these words alone:

Quote :
"I was struggling with the fact that so many black people had lost their farmland, and here I was faced with having to help a white person save their land. So I didn't give him the full force of what I could do. I did enough."

If you can't understand the problem here--particularly concerning the setting and the context of the times--then no amount of explaining by me will cause you to grasp it.

7/19/2010 11:57:13 PM

All American
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Quote :
"According to your party's leaders, the TEA Party movement is not racist:

Once again, your reading comprehension fails you.

I didn't say the movement, i said the definite disgraced leaders referenced earlier in the thread.

Nice try though.

7/19/2010 11:57:21 PM

All American
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Quote :
"I'm going to ignore your 'reading comprehension' drivel. It's old, it's tired, and it does nothing to further good discussion."

So, you agree with Obama, Biden, and me that the TEA Party movement is not racist? Yes or no?

7/20/2010 12:00:31 AM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
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^^^From page two of this thread...

I transcribed her final remarks (the ones in bold are the ones that aren't getting quoted on the interwebs):

Quote :
"So I took him to a white lawyer that had attended some of training that we had provided because Chapter 12 bankruptcy had just been enacted for the family farm. So I figured if I take him to one of them, that his own kind would take care of him. That’s when it was revealed to me that, y’all, it’s about poor versus those who have. And not so much about white—It is about white and black, but it’s not... You know it opens my eyes because I took him to one of his own--"

And that's where it cuts off.

Right when she's about to tell us about how her eyes were opened to the truth about class and race in America, the video cuts to a clip of Geraldo.

She's admits that she didn't like the guy but that she did her job anyway, and then just as her tone switches to "lessons learned," somebody cut the video... And just because people freaked out and she had to resign and some high-up dude rebuked her doesn't change the fact that it's all bullshit.

^Yes, "racist elements" is the term GrumpyGOP came up with, and I think we can all agree on that at least, right?

7/20/2010 12:08:00 AM

All American
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Quote :
""racist elements" is the term GrumpyGOP came up with"

I think that's the exact wording from the NAACP actually.

7/20/2010 12:12:40 AM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
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AHAHA I don't read the articles.

So people are outraged that they said "racist elements?"

WTF, that's a totally tame accusation.

7/20/2010 12:14:38 AM

All American
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^^^, ^^, and ^ And? I'll try additional emphasis:

Quote :
"I was struggling with the fact that so many black people had lost their farmland, and here I was faced with having to help a white person save their land. So I didn't give him the full force of what I could do. I did enough."

And what large group of people doesn't have "racist elements"? Is the Democratic Party free of such elements? Really?

Race in America: For some Democrats, Obama's race is an obstacle
April 13, 2008

Quote :
"SCRANTON, Pa. — Don't get me wrong, John Jones is saying. He's a good Catholic whose wife right now is serving lunch at the parish soup kitchen, a big, friendly guy who deals fairly with everyone, regardless of color.

There's no name outside his shop on the city's south side, just a pair of bright green posters saying he buys and sells antiques, scrap gold and such. Like almost everyone around here, Jones is a Democrat, and he's explaining why he'll pick Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton in Pennsylvania's presidential primary next week.

Partly it's his fondness for President Bill Clinton. Partly it's because Sen. Clinton's father was born, raised and buried in Scranton. But there are other considerations, too, ones Sen. Barack Obama can't do a thing about.

'I have nothing against black people. I'm not prejudiced,' says Jones, 64, a retired slaughterhouse owner and grandfather of six. 'But here, we haven't had a lot of luck with black people. It's drugs, it's robberies. I hate to say it, we don't have a lot of quality black people ...'"

BTW, Grumpy didn't create the term "racist elements." It's been bouncing around the left-wing media echo chamber for sometime now. And it's funny how those same media types have a hard time finding (meaning they don't want to find) similar sentiments in groups they support.

[Edited on July 20, 2010 at 12:22 AM. Reason : Right?]

7/20/2010 12:15:26 AM

yovo yovo bonsoir
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I took "racist elements" from ThePeter's post on the first page, and hooksaw's post on the second page. Further comments to follow.

7/20/2010 12:16:42 AM

All American
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So it's not pertinent at all that 2 separate tea party groups had as their leaders unrepentant racists?

And what emphasis are you going for? You realize that Sherrod was telling a story? What was the rest of the story about?

If that was some conservative that had their video cropped mid sentence, you would not be so adamant about what Sherrod was trying to say.

7/20/2010 12:22:23 AM

All American
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So, your position is that it's all right for those in power to discriminate based on race as long as they denounce learn from are repentant about their own acts?

7/20/2010 12:26:54 AM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
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^hooksaw, she was challenged the first time she served a white man because the white man treated her as inferior, and she was feeling badly for all the black families who didn't get help.

But she helped him that white man anyway. And it appears that she learned from the experience, but we don't know what she learned because the video was cut off.

To be clear, you may think this Sherrod thing is cut and dry and that you're automatically in the right. But I think you really need to check yourself if you continue to refuse to try to understand her and where she's coming from. Right now, I'm getting a disingenuous vibe from you, but if you really think she's a racist who deserved to be forced to resign, then you're truly a myopic lunatic.

[Edited on July 20, 2010 at 12:27 AM. Reason : How can you not get this?]

7/20/2010 12:27:26 AM

yovo yovo bonsoir
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Quote :
"But while slavery, segregation or genocide itself may be race-based, fighting or advocating against slavery, segregation or genocide, per se, isn't necessarily race-based."

Necessarily? No. Practically speaking? Yes. Jews who wanted to not be massacred, and who asked not to be massacred, are not rightly described as racists, even when they excluded other groups. At the very least they didn't want to all die, which I can't fault them -- nor can I fault them for failing to defend other massacred groups at the time.

Quote :
"(Have you not addressed my assertion that not all racism is bad?)"

All racism is bad. Other things that may resemble it are not as bad, necessarily. It's easier to hide, say, Jehovah's witnesses (who don't have a defining characteristic) moreso than it is to hide Jews/Mormons/Communists/Slavs/whatever the fuck. I won't fault somebody who makes an effort to hide one group that is easier to hide over another group which is more difficult. Determination to survive =/= racism.

7/20/2010 12:29:35 AM

All American
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^^ Thanks for sharing.

And would you resign if you did nothing wrong? Why doesn't Sherrod sue if she was improperly forced to leave her position?

^ Couldn't we all agree on a lesser thing known as racial insensitivity? Just because one is racially insensitive doesn't automatically or necessarily mean that he or she is racist.

I mean, all who are as 100% as racially sensitive as they "should" be, post here. If you post that you meet this standard, I'd say you have an inflated sense of yourself.

[Edited on July 20, 2010 at 12:40 AM. Reason : I assume you're just trolling anyway, Bridget.]

7/20/2010 12:30:56 AM

All American
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Quote :
"So, your position is that it's all right for those in power to discriminate based on race as long as they denounce learn from are repentant about their own acts?

Wow your 3rd reading fail. What worth are you as a TSB poster if you don't even read and try to understand the posts of people you're discussing with?

7/20/2010 12:38:36 AM

All American
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Quote :
"I'm going to ignore your 'reading comprehension' drivel. It's old, it's tired, and it does nothing to further good discussion."

Answer the question I posed.

7/20/2010 12:41:30 AM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
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^^^Why would you assume that I'm trolling? Can you list some specific evidence for that assumption?
And does anybody else in this thread think I'm trolling? Or is it just hooksaw?

I'm a lazy college kid, and I don't know too many fancy pants working people, but I can actually name two people I know personally who have resigned even when they did nothing wrong. The fact that you're a grown man who doesn't understand that dynamic is really, really bizarre.

[Edited on July 20, 2010 at 12:44 AM. Reason : It's like you've never heard of politics.]

7/20/2010 12:43:40 AM

All American
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^ Please move your focus off me and toward the topic at hand. Thanks.

7/20/2010 12:46:30 AM

All American
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^^ hooksaw is the only one trolling. And i think he's trolling, but maybe doesn't realize it? The worst kind of troll, really.

7/20/2010 12:47:24 AM

yovo yovo bonsoir
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Quote :
"Couldn't we all agree on a lesser thing known as racial insensitivity? Just because one is racially insensitive doesn't automatically or necessarily mean that he or she is racist."

Certainly I think (and wish) we could, but that doesn't mean I think we will. I am willing to use that particular name with you and with others who agree. Sadly there will always be others, on both sides, who are not willing to use the same definition for the same word.

7/20/2010 12:49:47 AM

supple anteater
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The blog write up aside, this is a good catalog of research/studies.

Quote :
"Was it the research indicating that job applicants with white sounding names have a 50 percent better chance of being called back for an interview than their counterparts with black-sounding names, even when all qualifications are the same?

Was it the study that found white job applicants with criminal records have a better chance of being called back for an interview than black applicants without one, even when all the qualifications are the same?

Was it the massive nationwide study that estimated at least 1 million cases of blatant job discrimination against blacks, Latinos and Asian Americans each year, affecting roughly one-in-three job seekers of color?

Is it the fact that black males with college degrees are almost twice as likely as their white male counterparts to be out of work?

Is it the data indicating that Chinese-American professionals earn less than 60 percent as much as their white counterparts, even though the Chinese Americans, on average, have more education?

Was it the study that found the lightest-skinned immigrants to the United States make as much as 15 percent more than the darkest, even when the immigrants in question have the same level of education, experience and measured productivity?

Perhaps they finally stumbled upon the evidence suggesting millions of cases of race-based housing discrimination against people of color each year, and this is what has them so incensed?

Or maybe their anger is due to the reports of blatant racism practiced by Wells Fargo, which was deliberately roping black borrowers (to whom they referred as "mud people") into high-cost loans, targeting them for these instruments, and even falsifying credit histories to make black applicants look like greater risks than they were, so as to justify the scam?

Was it the study demonstrating that e-mail inquiries about rental property submitted by people with white sounding names were 60 percent more likely than those with black sounding names to get a positive response from a landlord (meaning an indication that a unit was available for rent), even when the housing had been previously advertised as available?

Maybe they’re furious because of the way whites in the New Orleans area conspired after the flooding of the city to keep blacks from returning and being able to find housing on equitable terms, if at all?

Or maybe it’s because of the data from the Justice Department, to the effect that blacks are far more likely than whites to have their cars and persons searched after a traffic stop, even though whites, when searched, are more than four times as likely to have drugs or other illegal contraband on us?

Well then, perhaps it’s the recent revelations that police in New York City are blatantly profiling blacks and Latinos, stopping and frisking them in massive numbers, even though in 90 percent of all cases, the people they stop are released without any charge because they are found to have done nothing illegal?

Is the source of their anger the data showing that although whites and blacks use and sell drugs at roughly the same rates, African Americans are anywhere from 2.8 to 5.5 times more likely than whites to be arrested for a drug offense, depending on the year? Or perhaps the state level data indicating that in nine states, blacks are arrested at more than seven times the rate of whites, and in Minnesota and Iowa at rates that are more than eleven times greater than white arrest rates for drugs? Or perhaps the additional data that blacks are more than 10 times as likely as whites to be sent to prison for drug offenses, despite relatively equivalent rates of drug crimes? Or the fact that a majority of persons admitted to prison for drug offenses are black, even though there are about six times more white users nationwide?

Maybe they're beside themselves over the fact that millions of black men who are ex-felons and have paid their debt to society are permanently blocked from voting thanks to disenfranchisement laws that were devised for blatantly racist reasons? Surely they are upset that these laws have led to blacks being denied the right to vote after serving their time at a rate that is 7 times the national average?"

A question to those who believe the NAACP is inherently racist or believes an advocacy group should not exist. Is this stuff a problem? If yes, who should fix it? Who would have the motivation to get involved and try to fix it?

What about a situation like this (happened last year)?

Quote :
"More than 60 campers from Northeast Philadelphia were turned away from a private swim club and left to wonder if their race was the reason.

"I heard this lady, she was like, 'Uh, what are all these black kids doing here?' She's like, 'I'm scared they might do something to my child,'" said camper Dymire Baylor.

The Creative Steps Day Camp paid more than $1900 to The Valley Swim Club. The Valley Swim Club is a private club that advertises open membership. But the campers' first visit to the pool suggested otherwise.

"When the minority children got in the pool all of the Caucasian children immediately exited the pool," Horace Gibson, parent of a day camp child, wrote in an email. "The pool attendants came and told the black children that they did not allow minorities in the club and needed the children to leave immediately."

The next day the club told the camp director that the camp's membership was being suspended and their money would be refunded.

"I said, 'The parents don't want the refund. They want a place for their children to swim,'" camp director Aetha Wright said.

Campers remain unsure why they're no longer welcome.

"They just kicked us out. And we were about to go. Had our swim things and everything," said camper Simer Burwell.

The explanation they got was either dishearteningly honest or poorly worded.

"There was concern that a lot of kids would change the complexion … and the atmosphere of the club," John Duesler, President of The Valley Swim Club said in a statement."

7/20/2010 12:51:38 AM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
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Quote :
"hooksaw: I mean, all who are as 100% as racially sensitive as they "should" be, post here."

None of us are.


You keep trying to point to other people's insensitivity in defense of the NIGGAR guy. None of it compares.

None of us have walked around with niggar signs and started websites where we describe ourselves as heroic because "we faced down ethnic gangs and protect the innocent."

7/20/2010 12:58:25 AM

All American
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^x6 and ^^^^ I'm not trolling at all. I never do.

Answer my questions:

Quote :
"So, your position is that it's all right for those in power to discriminate based on race as long as they denounce learn from are repentant about their own acts?"


I've paraphrased the question above from your own posts, moron. Answer the question--yes or no?

Quote :
"I was struggling with the fact that so many black people had lost their farmland, and here I was faced with having to help a white person save their land. So I didn't give him the full force of what I could do. I did enough."

--Shirley Sherrod, a former state director with USDA, at an NAACP banquet

Who here doesn't have a problem with the statement above?

Quote :
"Couldn't we all agree on a lesser thing known as racial insensitivity? Just because one is racially insensitive doesn't automatically or necessarily mean that he or she is racist.

I mean, all who are as 100% as racially sensitive as they 'should' be, post here. If you post that you meet this standard, I'd say you have an inflated sense of yourself."


Please answer these questions.

In any event, even though I'm not a part of the movement, the problem here and elsewhere concerning the TEA Party is self-evident: Left-wing zealots here, at the NAACP, and elsewhere want to bludgeon the TEA Party with charges of racism in order to demonize the TEA Party and demagogue this issue and others in such a way as to gin up the Democratic Party's base in an election year and to attempt to re-establish their own diminishing relevance.

Specific and isolated incidents at TEA Party rallies aside, the situation at issue is really no more complicated than this. Believe it.

^^^ Fair enough.

Quote :
"None of us are [as racially sensitive as we 'should' be]."


Thank you. QED.

[Edited on July 20, 2010 at 1:10 AM. Reason : ^ Do the racists also spell the offending word in question incorrectly as you do? ]

7/20/2010 1:02:21 AM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
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Quote :
"hooksaw: ^Do the racists also spell the offending word in question incorrectly as you do?"

I spelled it correctly when I was defending the niggar guy last night. I thought he was being treated unfairly, and then I found his website where he boasted of facing down ethnic gangs.

And the only reason I say "niggar" guy is because that's what his sign said after he changed it.

[Edited on July 20, 2010 at 1:18 AM. Reason : Have you not seen the sign?]

7/20/2010 1:18:07 AM

All American
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Quote :
"Answer my questions."

7/20/2010 1:21:46 AM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
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Go fuck yourself.

But before you do, make sure you say something sassy to me.

7/20/2010 1:27:50 AM

All American
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Quote :
"^ Please move your focus off me and toward the topic at hand. Thanks."

7/20/2010 1:35:09 AM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
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Alright, you've got the sassy part down.

Can I assume that you're fucking yourself now?

7/20/2010 1:35:59 AM

All American
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Quote :
"I assume you're just trolling anyway."


7/20/2010 1:37:35 AM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
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Are you or are you not fucking yourself?

7/20/2010 1:38:46 AM

yovo yovo bonsoir
18195 Posts
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"Racism" is too common an insult on both sides, which will have to suffice for now.

[Edited on July 20, 2010 at 1:59 AM. Reason : ]

7/20/2010 1:57:01 AM

4724 Posts
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Quote :
"its bad business not to hire the most qualified people you can find to work for you."

there will always be multiple people with equal qualifications applying for a job. especially in these trying times. In these cases, the blacks and the hispanics can forget about landing the job. Most of the minorities not being discriminated against are non-americans. Its the blacks and hispanics that have the brunt and are viewed as inferior by older white males that own the ability to work.

[Edited on July 20, 2010 at 2:12 AM. Reason : things haven't changed a whole lot since slavery. Its just been decorated.]

[Edited on July 20, 2010 at 2:12 AM. Reason : 2nd most racially tense nation in the world.]

7/20/2010 2:11:08 AM

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