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Not an alcoholic
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i dunno about yall, but once a team wins for a while i start to like them less, not more. can't stand the patriots anymore, or the red sox even though when they first won i was happy for them. never liked the yankees because they've been pretty good as long as i can remember.

4/9/2012 8:03:05 PM

43669 Posts
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Everyone has a reason! ha-ha! ~ some relation to Pittsburgh.

Oh ya, well my Uncles Third-cousin’s sister in law had a dog named “Rooney” who took a dump next to the Mississippi River in 1926, while living in Steele MO. Because this was exactly six years before the Steelers were created, and they have now won six Superbowels, and the drive to the Mississippi is 15 mins from Steele MO, and because the Steelers have made 15 AFC championship appearances; and knowing that the Ohio River goes past Pittsburgh and flows into the Mississippi River, I am not a Bandwagon fan because it is part of my heritage.

4/10/2012 9:26:53 AM

All American
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Fuck the steelers, and their fake ass fans

4/10/2012 9:34:19 AM

All American
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As a Philly fan, fuck everything about Pittsburgh.

In fact, fuck everything that is not Philly.

Fuck all y'all selves.

4/10/2012 9:38:54 AM

Universal Magnetic!
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Quote :
"Real reason for the Steelers bandwagon: they win a lot, people are dumb."

Quote :
"Fuck the steelers, and their fake ass fans"


4/10/2012 10:26:58 AM

New Recruit
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steelers fans are the worst

we were at bada watching a basketball game back in november last year, and this big fat fuck with his steelers gear on started complaining that he wanted the sound changed to the steelers game and that no one gave a fuck about college basketball. fuck those mouth breathing fucks

4/10/2012 10:29:42 AM

All American
17732 Posts
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Quote :
"if you are one of them and love Pittsburgh so damn much, go back there"

Lol that's my feelings towards it. That along with NY teams.

Quote :
" Duke bball"

Only Duke fans I know grew up in Durham or are part of the Nuevo Rich stuck up yuppie banker
crowd in Charlotte who feels superior by claiming to be a fan of a private school i.e. Duke (aka University of New Jersey in Durham)

Btw Fuck the Steelers and Ben Raplesburger

4/10/2012 11:16:07 AM

All American
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Being an Eagles fan from Pennsylvania, it is really fucking annoying to know that I will never escape Steelers fans.

4/10/2012 12:23:26 PM

All American
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Or Giants or Cowboys fans either. They are all just disenfranchised Eagles fans who dumped their team for whoever was winning. Don't get me wrong... I fucking HATE the Eagles sometimes. But I would never stop rooting for them. It's part of growing up a Philly fan.

4/10/2012 12:42:03 PM

Gottfather FTL
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as a diehard steelers fan, i hate the bandwagon steelers fans just as much because i get lumped in with them too. freshman year at state, i didn't have a car. i'd walk almost a mile every sunday to go to a sports bar to watch the games. steelers went 6-10 that year and i'd still do that. i don't think many of these bandwagon fans would have done that.

luckily these days, the steelers are much better, plus i can also stream all the games on my computer

4/10/2012 12:50:28 PM

All American
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My entire family is from Pittsburgh and I visit at least 5 times a year. My brother and I were the only ones not born there. I would've been disowned if I didn't cheer for them.

Quote :
"luckily these days, the steelers are much better"

Ha that 6-10 season was sandwiched between two playoff seasons, one of which we went 15-1 and lost in the championship game to the patriots (again). I'm not saying you're doing it, but a lot of Steelers fans tend to bitch about our "bad" seasons. It's been since 2000 that we've missed the playoffs in consecutive seasons.

The team wins a lot and there are a ton a "carolina-esque" fans that have never even been to the city, so I understand the hate. You have to realize though, that when the manufacturing and steel mills all closed in the 80's there was a huge outflow of Pittsburghers to other parts of the country (there are probably more people from Pittsburgh in NC than there are in Pittsburgh) and now most of those people have kids. That's usually why there are so many Steelers fans everywhere.

[Edited on April 10, 2012 at 2:24 PM. Reason : fuck philadelphia and their shitty ass sports fans]

4/10/2012 2:18:27 PM

43669 Posts
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hahahaha "we"

4/12/2012 9:58:06 AM

All American
12297 Posts
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If you want to hate Steelers fans, and don't already, just head over to Sammy's on a Sunday during football season.

4/12/2012 10:05:42 AM

5608 Posts
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4/12/2012 11:09:43 AM

148873 Posts
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look at these shitty throwbacks

4/17/2012 8:57:18 PM

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