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 Message Boards » » Fat Man Sues Cause; Cant Fit In Booth Page 1 2 [3], Prev  
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Quote :
"I understand not wanting to be discriminatory, but at the same time there is something to be said for establishments not having to bend over backwards for every little complaint and request if it isn't a legal issue."

Should have said "no" instead of "yes" in the letter.

9/15/2011 4:55:51 PM

All American
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I agree. That just makes them lame. It doesn't however present a reason to turn around and sue them unless you have nothing better to do with your life.

9/15/2011 5:00:17 PM

Sup, B
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Quote :
"The example I used was a real life example that is similar to HARSH justice from doing something less than lying. It also pinpoint why INTEGRITY is so important."

this is true. Integrity is important. But I've got no desire to see the government trying to enforce any specific person's views on what constitutes integrity.

Quote :
"You're justifying that lying is OKAY because it's not illegal, which is a stupid argument. "

it is a stupid argument. Which is one of the many reasons I'm not making it. Legislating against lying would be fraught with difficulty, and I simply have no desire to go down that path.

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"so how can anyone try to champion the rights of one class while simultaneously openly scorning the very existence of another."

well, most people look differently at someone who belongs to a class due only to genetic traits than they would at someone whose class is determined by choices.

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"Like I said, the solution for this case is elementary and for it to blow up this large is mind blowing."

exactly. fatty should chill the fuck out.

9/15/2011 6:11:33 PM

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