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15294 Posts
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I'm Krallum and I approved this message.

3/30/2012 6:39:58 PM

Mr. Joshua
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Somebody google me the release date.

4/25/2012 7:50:18 PM

All American
10849 Posts
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feb 13 2012

4/25/2012 7:53:00 PM

Mr. Joshua
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4/25/2012 8:05:31 PM

All American
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4/25/2012 8:07:09 PM

15294 Posts
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rockstar has passed this title on to EA. no longer interested

I'm Krallum and I approved this message.

[Edited on April 26, 2012 at 7:05 AM. Reason : way to fucking ruin this series]

4/26/2012 7:03:37 AM

35781 Posts
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what? link please because i haven't seen that anywhere

4/26/2012 8:31:06 AM

All American
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just ignore Krallum. all the kid does is troll.

4/26/2012 10:00:44 AM

mainly potato
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11/8/2012 10:27:16 PM


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11/8/2012 10:29:11 PM

mainly potato
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Triple Bump!

11/8/2012 10:31:36 PM

All American
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Quote :
"The first official details about Grand Theft Auto V have been announced. In the newest digital issue of Game Informer, Rockstar has revealed that the game will have three playable characters -- Michael, Trevor and Franklin. Players will switch between characters “constantly” with a single button press, allowing them to see missions from different perspectives.

Michael is a retired bank robber in his early 40s who is now in the witness protection program, and whose wife has burned through his substantial fortune, causing him to get “back into the game.” His friend Trevor, the second protagonist, is around the same age as Michael and described as a “drugged out psychopath” who's a career criminal and prone to violence.

The final character, Franklin, works as a repo man and is younger, in his mid 20s. Franklin is described as "the young and capable one of the bunch." All three come together to perform heists, which are described as “a big theme in the game.”

Players will experience missions as different combinations of the three characters, and each will have a different skillset. For example, in one heist mission, Michael rappels down the side of a building while Franklin uses a sniper rifle from afar and Trevor flies in a helicopter above. Players can switch back and forth between Michael grabbing a target inside the building or Franklin trying to snipe enemies inside. Once you escape, the player can choose to fly the getaway helicopter as Trevor, snipe other pilots as Franklin or fire a gun from the back of the vehicle as Michael.

Los Santos will be the biggest open world in Rockstar's history, "bigger than Read Dead Redemption, Grand Theft Auto IV and San Andreas combined." Players will also be able to explore underwater areas of the city."

sounds cool as shit, folks

11/8/2012 10:43:50 PM

3753 Posts
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Quote :
"bigger than Read Dead Redemption, Grand Theft Auto IV and San Andreas combined."

holy shit

11/8/2012 11:37:34 PM

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11/8/2012 11:59:18 PM

All American
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It sure has taken long enough.. it better be epic

11/9/2012 5:47:31 AM

All American
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i stopped playing GTA4 because i was constantly being harassed to go on man-dates to play darts. that shit was terrible.

11/9/2012 6:10:38 AM

35781 Posts
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my girlfriend is going to hate me when this comes out. good. i can't fucking wait.

11/9/2012 8:23:02 AM

All American
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only thing I played GTA IV for was multiplayer party mode

11/9/2012 8:40:41 AM

All American
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FYI in the IGN video (in the link i posted), the guy pretty much reads verbatim whats in the article, but it shows small video clips of the environment

11/9/2012 9:52:29 AM

15294 Posts
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cool so basically its mdk2

I'm Krallum and I approved this message.

[Edited on November 9, 2012 at 9:59 AM. Reason : real innovative]

11/9/2012 9:58:58 AM

All American
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Quote :
"As the three protagonists of the game, Kurt, Max, and Doctor Hawkins, celebrate their victory from the previous game, they discover that there is one remaining minecrawler in Canada. Kurt is sent to destroy it. After its destruction, Kurt is captured by an alien figure named Shwang Shwing. Shwang then also captures Max, as he boards the alien’s ship, prompting Doctor Hawkins to come to Max’s aid.

After a series of rescue missions in which one protagonist saves another only to be caught himself, all three find themselves on Shwang Shwing’s home world, Swizzle Firma. Kurt discovers that it is the ruler of Swizzle Firma, Emperor Zizzy Ballooba, who is behind the attacks on Earth in the previous game. Max discovers that the Emperor plans to launch a doomsday device at the Earth. All three, when reunited, invade the Emperor’s castle. Inside his throne room, Emperor Zizzy Ballooba admits to the heroes that he’s only trying to destroy the Earth for his own amusement. A battle then ensues between the three heroes and the Emperor; in the end, the Emperor is killed.

The ending sequence depends on which character the player chose to use for the final battle. Kurt resumes his duties as janitor of Doctor Hawkins’ space station, as he is perturbed by the idea of being a celebrity. Max takes the throne of Swizzle Firma and forms an alliance with Earth. Doctor Hawkins is welcomed back to Earth, no longer shunned by his peers, but turns out to be genuinely mad.

I understand where you can see the similarities.

[Edited on November 9, 2012 at 10:25 AM. Reason : forum signatures real innovative]

11/9/2012 10:21:36 AM

15294 Posts
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yup because i am a leader in the forum posting industry

I'm Krallum and I approved this message.

11/9/2012 10:39:26 AM

All American
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new trailer

the part at 1:32 looks awesome!

11/15/2012 5:39:50 AM

All American
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is Ice Cube on of the voices, or does it just sound like him?

11/15/2012 6:18:17 AM

15294 Posts
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I think that they did away with celeb voice actors- and fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck train missions? god damnit

will not buy

I'm Krallum and I approved this message.

11/15/2012 7:50:49 AM

All American
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Quote :
"train missions? god damnit

will not buy"

would you like a kleenex?

11/15/2012 12:54:03 PM

All American
2176 Posts
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Less Dating missions
More fast cars and blowing shit up

I hated GTA4, but loved GTA:SA, but that is probably true for 99% of people who played both.

11/15/2012 1:23:55 PM

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GTA:SA is the best game if you aren't retarded and turn on the not having to eat/do bullshit cheats

I'm Krallum and I approved this message.

11/15/2012 1:26:31 PM

All American
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What did they do to add realism this time, make you put gas in the cars?

11/15/2012 1:30:39 PM

148898 Posts
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Quote :
"turn on the not having to eat/do bullshit cheats"

yeah, it was so cumbersome to have to spend 20 seconds in a Cluckin Bell every 3 days

11/15/2012 1:34:07 PM

35781 Posts
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^no kidding. i spent like an hour getting my CJ healthy enough that none of the health issues ever came into play. and the dating stuff never bothered me. but then again i enjoyed forcing myself into corners and being able to call someone for a health boost or help escaping something.

11/15/2012 1:36:26 PM

15294 Posts
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I think I've played through that game 10 times, the only time i've ever gone in to a restaraunt is for the date mission to get that keycard (if you choose not to kill the bitch) and to hold up that place with OG Loc

I'm Krallum and I approved this message.

11/15/2012 1:36:45 PM

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I enjoyed going to the gym and getting swoll as fuck, so that the other GSF homies would comment on my diesel

and getting healthy was important, because when you got in the 747 at the airport and took off on a horizontal plane due northeast from the top right corner of the map, you could fly on autopilot for longer before you died of starvation, allowing you to unlock more gang territories per trip

[Edited on November 15, 2012 at 2:35 PM. Reason : .]

11/15/2012 2:34:28 PM

15294 Posts
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I just used cheatz for all that shit. Too much repetitive gameplay for me. Its not supposed to be call of duty

I'm Krallum and I approved this message.

11/15/2012 2:43:00 PM

5290 Posts
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Quote :
"my girlfriend is going to hate me when this comes out. good. i can't fucking wait."


Quote :
"What did they do to add realism this time, make you put gas in the cars?"

or paying taxes... What's that? You didn't file on time? 4 STARS MOTHERFUCKER

11/15/2012 3:22:25 PM

35781 Posts
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putting gas in the car would add some interesting elements to the game. especially when you're panicking to get away. or ruining your Banshee's engine by putting 87 in it instead of Premium

11/15/2012 3:31:26 PM

All American
13893 Posts
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Other ideas:

-Congestion pricing
-VMT tax
-HOV lanes
-Odd/even license plate gas rationing

11/15/2012 3:35:54 PM

5290 Posts
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or severe weather (hurricane, tornado, blizzard, earthquake, tsunami, etc)

11/15/2012 3:46:11 PM

All American
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how did they improve the graphics so much since IV....or was that trailer touched up

11/15/2012 5:29:31 PM

3753 Posts
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Maybe it was on PC?

11/15/2012 6:39:30 PM

148898 Posts
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PC version won't come out til at least 6 months after the 360 and PS3 versions

i figure its just souped up cutscene graphics

11/15/2012 6:45:50 PM

All American
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Quote :
"I hope it is better than 4. San Andreas was 10 times the game that 4 was.

There is so much "this" in that statement.

11/20/2012 8:11:10 PM

Mr. Joshua
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11/20/2012 8:17:23 PM

All American
12428 Posts
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really looking forward to this game...

12/19/2012 4:34:21 PM

All American
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Lost and the Damned was the best story and best character in the entire series IMO.

12/19/2012 5:25:45 PM

TX R. Snake
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4 was so abhorrent that I sold it before any expansions came out.

Still play SA to this day though.

However, I would take a RDR2 over GTA5 anyday.

12/19/2012 10:08:09 PM

148898 Posts
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i'd buy RDR2

but i disagree with your statement

12/19/2012 10:48:04 PM

Universal Magnetic!
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does this game have a new engine? it looks like it. hopefully that comes with a new movement/control engine instead of the garbage slack that's been around since GTA3.

12/20/2012 12:22:02 AM

All American
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I don't think they would call it RDR2 since red dead redemption is sort of a sequel to red dead revolver.

Probably just come up with some other R-word to call it.

12/20/2012 12:32:21 AM

TX R. Snake
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12/20/2012 1:30:01 AM

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