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15145 Posts
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this thread is making me want to go smoke

It would be my first pack in like 4 years. That would be bad, right?

11/14/2011 7:31:35 PM

All American
42569 Posts
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I started smoking at the age of 27. This is how it went:

1 cig every other day for a few weeks.
1 cig/day for a few weeks after.
2 cigs/day for a few months.

Eventually it reached around 5-7/day over a span of 3 years since I started. Then I went on a quitting plan by gradually reducing consumption over a period of a few months and finally quit at the age of 30, before I got married. Then I went without any pretty much for about 2 years. For the last 2 years though, I have been having on average about 1 cig/week, or perhaps 1 cig/10 days.

Yes, I would like to stop that, but once in a while I just find it somewhat hard to resist.

FACT: Once when I was depressed/stressed/angry, I smoked 13 in an hour, a few years back.

FACT: Once, when I was super-excited about something and mentally on another planet, I lit one from the wrong end and inhaled once

[Edited on November 15, 2011 at 7:21 PM. Reason : ]

11/15/2011 7:20:00 PM

balls deep
89895 Posts
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Can I quote you on that when you lecture TWW about unhealthy eating habits?

11/15/2011 7:24:09 PM

All American
42569 Posts
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yes, you can... 1 cig/7-10 days is not terrible.

you can also quote me on this, to get the full picture across:

i don't do drugs.
i don't drink alcohol (at all).
i drink 4-6 carbonated drinks/year.
i eat fast food 4-6 times/year. (usually goes with the above)
i don't eat crappy packaged snacks/cereals/etc.

11/15/2011 7:32:39 PM

All American
93281 Posts
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Quote :
"I started smoking at the age of 27. "

why in god's name would you START smoking at 27???

11/15/2011 8:02:29 PM

21958 Posts
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I smoked from around 16 until I was 23.

I quit smoking because my doctor told me that I was going to die if I kept smoking. I mean, duh, but I stayed sick as a smoker. Sinus infections, ear infections, bronchitis -- I went in for like the 3rd time to get the same case of sick treated and my doctor was like "You just have to quit." So I did.

Occasionally, I'll get so plastered that I have to convince myself that I'm no longer a smoker, bum a cigarette off of someone, and smoke like half of it.

11/15/2011 9:29:29 PM

13178 Posts
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Don't you have like a child or something? Aren't you a little old to be getting "plastered?'

11/15/2011 9:36:41 PM

41010 Posts
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11/15/2011 9:38:36 PM

21958 Posts
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Jesus Christ, I just turned 30.
I have two children, not two feet in the grave.

Sometimes, Daddy lets Mommy have a night out. And if we're really lucky, Grandma let's Mommy AND Daddy have a night out.

SHOUT OUT TO GREEN JAY! The last cigarette I bummed was off of her.

[Edited on November 15, 2011 at 9:53 PM. Reason : woot.]

11/15/2011 9:48:47 PM

All American
11084 Posts
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I don't get how there are still NEW smokers. I mean, do people just think they'll be immune to lung cancer?

11/15/2011 10:00:14 PM

13178 Posts
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^^ So at what point are you going to grow up? Having a drink once in a while is great, but getting "plastered" (your word, not mine) is just straight up irresponsible with any kids.

30 year olds who go out and get "plastered" is just sad and pathetic. Your "glory" (hole) days are gone and behind you.

11/15/2011 10:19:33 PM

Duh, Winning
62539 Posts
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people say they cant quit

i mean really, just dont light up, whats the big deal

11/15/2011 10:22:38 PM

21958 Posts
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The last time I was "plastered" enough to bum a cigarette was the last time I saw GREEN JAY. She'll tell you that she hasn't seen me since well before I was pregnant with #2, who is four months old. I think that if an adult wants to get plastered every year or so, that's their damned business.

/feeding the troll

11/15/2011 10:30:02 PM

13178 Posts
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Right... Getting plastered with 1 child makes it better.

Yeah, coming home plastered and passing out while hoping that nothing happens to your child in the middle of the night is exemplary parenting.

11/15/2011 10:32:35 PM

21958 Posts
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Yeah, I'm fucking trash so my kid doesn't have a Daddy at home to take care of him.

11/15/2011 10:33:59 PM

13178 Posts
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Yes. You pretty much are trash. You're a 30 year old with 2 kids who still thinks it is cool to get "plastered." You think it is cool to come home plastered and allow your children to even potentially see you like that, no matter how young they are. You're a parent, you are responsible for more than just your own life.

11/16/2011 12:35:27 AM

114661 Posts
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11/16/2011 12:36:49 AM

TX R. Snake
10566 Posts
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I hate to take sides in this debacle but I think [username removed by moderator] has made some solid arguments.

11/16/2011 1:02:42 AM

All American
42569 Posts
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Quote :
"why in god's name would you START smoking at 27???"

I always say smoking as a disgusting habit (and still do), and had a very very negative opinion of smokers, almost to the point of hatred. Anyway, I got a new job when I was 26, and made a couple of friends. One was a smoker, and both were regular hash smokers. I started with the hash, reluctantly, and did that once a week with them for about a year. Sometime in the middle of that period, I started smoking cigs as well. Job stress and frustrations ensured that the habit stayed. Smoked for 3 years and quit. I wish I hadn't started, but if it is written that I was going to start sometime in my life, I am glad it was at 27 and not 17.

FACT: I still don't like the smell and taste of cigarette smoke, and I have ALWAYS smoked with gum in my mouth. That's the only it is tolerable/enjoyable for me. For some reason, I like the whole process of smoking, but not the taste/smell.

FACT: I have tried local cigarettes from the following countries:

Indonesia: Clove-flavored and sweet smelling and tasting.
Yemen: 12 mg nicotine... very very heavy.
China: 12 mg nicotine, extremely heavy and harsh. Couldn't finish even half of it, even though I was on Malrboro reds at the time. American friend who had them was living in China for a few years, and smoked a pack a day. His teeth were very yellow and almost gone or looked as if they were chiseled down, making him look like a rat with sharp teeth.

11/16/2011 3:31:43 AM

All American
4673 Posts
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I used to "smoke." I would puff on some cloves, but never inhaled them. I did it because I liked the flavor and all the "cool kids in the crowd" did it. I don't know what happened, but one day, I found myself craving them. That's when I decided I needed to quit and went cold turkey; never smoked another one after that. My habit was usually when I got drunk (weekends) in which case I would go through 4 or 5 of them from my friends. I never bought any in my life After a month of this habit, I never lit another.

FACT: Houseflies buzz in the key of F.

11/16/2011 4:34:32 AM

21958 Posts
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Yup. My three year old is scarred for life. He told me so.

11/16/2011 5:01:46 AM

All American
14180 Posts
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haha, i totally thought that was a script

I get pissed off and buy a pack every 2 months or so, but I'm pretty happy with being a mostly non-smoker now. for me, being around people that are smoking and not asking for one is definitely the hardest part. These days I'm pretty content at home and rarely think about cigarettes until i see one. I didn't use much nicotine therapy in the last two years, but i definitely tried to quit that way before. This time I chewed a few pieces of my spouse's at critical moments, but we're still paying for at least a box a week of nicorette. it's just as bad as cigarettes! ha.

[Edited on November 16, 2011 at 8:20 AM. Reason : some weekend 420 is still fine by me tho]

11/16/2011 8:20:05 AM

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