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 Message Boards » » Do you have a 'go bag?' What is in yours? Page 1 2 [3], Prev  
26632 Posts
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Why not just use a regular backpack?

12/19/2012 8:53:23 PM

All American
11252 Posts
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lol 6 whole gallons of water? why even bother.

12/19/2012 9:18:18 PM

All American
44225 Posts
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^^ most people don't have one that large...and if you're truly packing for the apocalypse, your jansport or monogrammed ll bean from high school isn't going to cut it


12/19/2012 9:50:31 PM

5290 Posts
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this is what I have in the trunk:

its got water, dry food, spare ammo+mags, basic first aid, and a few other things

I took it on a weekend trip in the spring and realized how easy it is to pack it too heavy to carry if you're going to be on foot...

12/19/2012 10:08:30 PM

26632 Posts
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I use a hiking pack

12/19/2012 11:21:32 PM

37776 Posts
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I use my army ruck sack and duffle bag.

12/20/2012 4:12:44 AM

All American
2157 Posts
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A lot of blow.

12/20/2012 9:51:36 AM

(\/) (;,,,;) (\/)
11612 Posts
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^ That's how i want to spend the apocalypse.

12/20/2012 12:12:18 PM

1394 Posts
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i think going hollywood style in a disaster is a bad move. u should prolly avoid going anywhere like the plague.

that siad. because I live in shanghai, I do keep a copy of my passport, little square packs of ass worthy tissues), and purell (straight untaxed grain liquor refill is WAY cheaper here than "purell") on me at all times.

12/21/2012 11:28:44 PM

All American
52920 Posts
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Quote :
"I believe IUDs suppress menstration "

Maybe the hormonal ones do? The copper ones definitely don't.

12/21/2012 11:44:22 PM

319 Posts
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Here is my go-bag, derived from my extensive Ranger School training.

3 pound bag of gummi bears
Beef jerky
Couple of logs of dip
Baby wipes, for itchy buttholes
Tabasco sauce
Set of dominoes and/or playing cards (Only for playing spades)

You're welcome.

12/27/2012 5:27:50 AM

26632 Posts
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Is this a good start:

Quote :
"Contents::.ORGANIZATION: 1 Organizational Backpacks. The backpacks completely unzip like a book, opening to see all the supplies organized in pockets 1 Waterproof Pouch to protect documents.LIGHTING and COMMUNICATION: 1 NOAA Weatherband Radio, 1 Dynamo Flashlight (no batteries needed), 1 Eight Hour Lightstick.HEAT and WEATHER PROTECTION: 1 Strike It Metal Match (this magnesium firestarter can light over 2000 fires), 1 Firestarter Kindling (box of 12 firesticks, these are used with the Strike It Metal Match to easily catch the spark and light a fire. Each of the 12 sticks can be used to light 3-4 fires so the box will light about 48 fires), 6 Emergency Candles, 2 Emergency Ponchos, 2 Reflective Sleeping Bags (not the blankets, these are the bivy sack style bags and reflect up to 80-Percent of body heat), 1 Tube Tent.FOOD and WATER: 2 3600 Calorie Food Bars (made in the USA and US Coast Guard approved for a 5 year shelf life), 12 4.2 oz Water Pouches (packaged in the USA and US Coast Guard approved for a 5 year shelf life), 1 bottle of 50 Potable Aqua Water Purification Tablets, 1 8L Collapsible Water Container.FIRST AID and HYGEINE: 2 N95 Masks, 99 pc First Aid Kit, 2 Toothbrushes, 1 Toothpaste (travel size), 1 Soap (travel size bar), 1 Comb, 1 Washcloth, 1 Tissue (10 pack), 12 Wetnaps, 1 Shampoo (travel size), 1 Toilet Paper (roll).MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES: 1 Multi-tool Knife, 1 Folding Saw, 1 10 yd Roll of Duct Tape,1 pack of Nylon Ties, 1 Waterproof Notebook, 1 Pencil, 1 Safety Goggles, 1 5-in-1 Survival Whistle, 1 50 ft Rope, 1 Work Gloves (pair), 48 page ''How to Prepare for Any Disaster-Inch"

i'm super worried about the madrid fault line opening up
(really i just want something for tornadoes or hurricanes or something)

[Edited on March 3, 2013 at 2:58 PM. Reason : .]

3/3/2013 2:58:39 PM

All American
93281 Posts
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my entire bag is full of chap stick.

I watched The Book of Eli, and chap stick is going to be a valuable trading commodity in the post apocalyptic world.

3/3/2013 4:12:25 PM

All American
44225 Posts
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^ i know that's in jest, but heck if there isn't a kernel of truth

when i got backpacking, i make sure i have chapstick before toilet paper

3/3/2013 8:34:55 PM

26632 Posts
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I always have some petroleum jelly in my camping stuff, its pretty handy. You can make any kind of paper or fabric a great fire starter, use it to waterproof and seal, relieve burns and rubs, etc..

I think I'm going to use that as a starter, change a couple things and throw in my hiking pack and leave in my car.

3/4/2013 3:04:18 PM

All American
11577 Posts
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Some good stuff here:

3/4/2013 3:10:23 PM

All American
8029 Posts
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I would say it's probably better to custom tailor one for your needs as opposed to buying one already put together. Mine is built more for living in the woods, than an urban environment. I tested it extensively over the past year and have made some changes.

3/11/2013 9:30:59 PM

supple anteater
21831 Posts
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I keep a backpack packed with a few days of clothes & toiletries so that if I need to do a sudden overnight or two for work, or just random last minute traveling, I can just hop in the car and go. That's about it.

3/12/2013 1:33:17 AM

All American
4762 Posts
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no one has mentioned zip ties............very useful in a variety of situations.

3/17/2013 2:05:21 PM

All American
2715 Posts
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Quote :
"Do you have a 'go bag?'"


Quote :
"What is in yours?"


3/17/2013 3:35:39 PM

26632 Posts
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so i never got the pack i posted above, i just stocked a bunch of water and bought a bath tub water container and a few expandable 5-gallon water containers as well as some protein bars (and we usually have plenty of food staples, rice, flour, etc). I also bought a bucket chemical toilet, they are dirt cheap and probably worth their weight in gold if we lost city sewer. my primary goal was having supplies if we lost water and power for 1-2 weeks.

my next goal is to have a pack if we needed to evacuate for some reason (tornado, zombies, etc...)

Here is what I am thinking in a backpack, I guess I'm aiming for about 72 hours survival for 2 people:

48 protein bars (20g carbs, 15g protein), maybe a couple MRE type meals
6 liters water
iodine tablets and a few gatorade powder packets
emergency sleeping bag
emergency tube tent
paracord- maybe 50'
lighter, waterproof matches
large full tang knife with fire starter
a few light sticks
work gloves
small folding shovel
some plastic bags
first aid kit with quickclot
toilet paper
small bar soap
2 toothbrushes
small tube toothpaste
small windup weather/am/fm radio
pistol with 3 magazines

What are everyone's thoughts? If it was a hurricane or something that we had notice, i would throw real tent and camping supplies in the car, as well as fill our 2 5-gallon water containers, but i want to build something if i just have a few minutes notice.

[Edited on February 1, 2014 at 2:33 PM. Reason : i guess i'd also figure out which important documents i might need to grab from my safe]

2/1/2014 2:31:14 PM

hello Mr. NSA!
35386 Posts
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definitely need a roll of duct tape

[Edited on February 2, 2014 at 11:06 AM. Reason : and a good holster for that pistol]

2/2/2014 11:05:48 AM

26632 Posts
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duct tape definitely, I'll wrap a golf pencil

I keep my gun in a Maxpedition Mongo Versipack that has a quick-access pocket for concealed carry, and in the bag I also have a regular paddle holster. I carry 1L water in my nalgene on it, a small first-aid kit, lighter, small flashlight, a quickclot, a couple protein bars, some paracord and a mylar emergency blanket in there as well. It's just the bag I take to go shooting, I just added a couple things to make it a quick go bag.

I did think of a couple things:
playing cards
usb cord (wind up radio can charge USB items)
extra contact case and extra contacts, and I'll throw my glasses in there since I never use them otherwise.
2 bath wipes (basically a larger baby wipe you can use for a waterless bath)

and the wife had a good suggestion:
5' of webbing and a sewing kit

[Edited on February 2, 2014 at 12:03 PM. Reason : .]

2/2/2014 11:34:42 AM

hello Mr. NSA!
35386 Posts
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if you have the space and can afford the weight, a hatchet (or even better a short ax) is good to have on hand.

2/2/2014 6:58:33 PM

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