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hello Mr. NSA!
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i voted 3rd party because the candidate aligned well with my fiscally conservative, socially tolerant ideals.

and because Libertarians need 2% of the vote to stay on the ballot next time.

11/4/2012 6:10:09 PM

supple anteater
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Last I read 2,742,100 people early voted in North Carolina this time as compared to 2,616,779 in 2008, or 125,321 more votes. Though a higher turnout could potentially make that 2% harder to reach, I expect the Libertarians will make it, which I hope they do.

Greens have a harder time, without good turnout they depend on petitions to get on the ballot I believe, which I've signed but I don't see them getting a turnout big enough to get on the ballot.

11/4/2012 6:17:39 PM

All American
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11/4/2012 6:18:18 PM

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Quote :
"This is why reform has to be discussed first and foremost; winner takes all isn't cutting it."

do you really think reform will ever be seriously considered if the populace never seriously considers third parties?

i see a loop here, and i don't think either of us is right.

11/4/2012 8:21:42 PM

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When Romney wins, despite polling showing its unlikely, because of electronic voting machines switching votes due to being compromised, maybe we will get reform

11/4/2012 8:29:21 PM

All American
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11/4/2012 8:48:28 PM

All American
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I voted for Johnson. I decided that for once I was going to vote for someone I believed in the most. I understand the two party system, but in my mind I guess I don't understand how it will never change until enough people get fed up enough to just vote for whomever they want or agree with the most versus the lesser of the two evils.

I know I'm basically repeating what others said, though. Regardless, I am actually really happy with my decision. Voted for a Republican senator, libertarian representative, and a few Democrat(ish) judges. I also voted for Ron Swanson.

11/4/2012 11:32:26 PM

Jimmies: Unrustled
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Quote :
"do you really think reform will ever be seriously considered if the populace never seriously considers third parties?

i see a loop here, and i don't think either of us is right."

If someone considers a third party, they should probably also recognize that reform is a prerequisite. It's hard for me to imagine a third party gaining significant traction under the current system.

What are the conditions that would bring about reform? Is it just going to happen? Are the two party establishments going to, for some reason, make a concerted effort to make the system "fair" to third parties? Why would they do that?

You can talk about reform, overturning Supreme Court rulings, infiltrating one of the two parties, whatever, but if we're being realistic, the people don't have much leverage right now. I don't see that changing soon.

11/5/2012 7:17:43 PM

8379 Posts
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Quote :
"If someone considers a third party, they should probably also recognize that reform is a prerequisite. It's hard for me to imagine a third party gaining significant traction under the current system.

What are the conditions that would bring about reform? Is it just going to happen? Are the two party establishments going to, for some reason, make a concerted effort to make the system "fair" to third parties? Why would they do that?

You can talk about reform, overturning Supreme Court rulings, infiltrating one of the two parties, whatever, but if we're being realistic, the people don't have much leverage right now. I don't see that changing soon."

I don't think you read my previous post. I said that reform will not happen if people don't vote for and support third parties.

And by that I mean if they don't receive support during the election, who is going to support them after it?

[Edited on November 5, 2012 at 8:20 PM. Reason : .]

11/5/2012 8:18:12 PM

All American
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Chicken or egg argument here.

I just vote for the turkey

11/5/2012 8:27:20 PM

All American
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^^Yes it can, it's called a Constitutional amendment, no "first-past-the-post" to worry about there.

11/6/2012 5:11:22 AM

?? ????? ??
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Quote :
"Why do straight ticket people make you ? If you really don't prefer any of the candidates from the other parties, why not just vote straight ticket? Takes much less time."

When I lived in NC (voted in 2004 and 2008), I had to fill in a bubble for every Democratic candidate just so I could cast one republican vote for Cherie Berry. One of my favorite things about NC was walking into an elevator and seeing that awesome name signed on the inspection form, and I never wanted that to ever change.

Oh, and bring back the Whigs!

[Edited on November 6, 2012 at 5:59 AM. Reason : 3rd party]

11/6/2012 5:58:55 AM

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I'm Krallum and I approved this message.

11/6/2012 7:27:24 PM

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