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41758 Posts
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I had the most fucked up experience signing up.. like the shit republicans run ads about on TV.

I gave BCBS my account number to draft the payment last month and still nothing. I am not sure if I have insurance, I cancelled my old plan so I would not get double billed and have not gotten anything.

2/6/2014 2:00:00 PM

All American
63479 Posts
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I'm worried they're going to fuck around and not bill me and make me wait until April to have insurance

I signed up over the phone because the website hasn't worked for me the 5 distinct times I tried to use it (and I'm not elderly)

2/6/2014 2:04:19 PM

41758 Posts
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My take on the ObamaCare website is none of the poor ignorant folk and backwood rednecks are going to sing up like the president wants if the fucking website does not work.

I use computers ALL DAY for work, very accustomed to shit fucking up, having to start over, log out and back in, figuring a workaround when something does not work like its supposed to, etc.. I still got so aggravated I wanted to say fuck it when trying to buy insurance. . .

Now do you think people that are on the fence about weather or not they need insurance are going to go through all of that?

2/6/2014 2:18:17 PM

All American
9974 Posts
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My BCBS plan was killed by the ACA so I signed up with the Health Republic. That went fine.

Well BCBS signed me up for a plan without telling me that cost $450 and pulled it out of my account on Jan 5th. Still don't have the money back. Canceling that BCBS plan took forever and their employees are all idiots.

[Edited on February 6, 2014 at 3:34 PM. Reason : Typ]

[Edited on February 6, 2014 at 3:35 PM. Reason : Iphone]

2/6/2014 3:33:17 PM

All American
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I'm trying to sign up my parents up and it's a mess. They should get a huge tax break based on their low income, but when I was done with the application, it says they get no breaks. It's all screwed up. I tried calling the support number and they guy on the other end had no clue. He said I'd have to go through some appeal process. I gave up for now... if my mom or dad ends up in the hospital, you guys who successfully signed can subsidize them.

2/6/2014 5:19:42 PM

All American
7863 Posts
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this page is full of win?

2/8/2014 3:08:06 PM

All American
9196 Posts
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^^^^The website has worked for a couple months now, but anyway it is also possible to use the phone or paper applications to sign up on the exchanges; they go through the same backend system as the website, but they're easier for people who'd rather not deal with that new-fangled innernet directly.

2/8/2014 4:01:02 PM

All American
10767 Posts
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Quote :
"The Treasury Department, in regulations outlining the Affordable Care Act, said employers with 50 to 99 full-time workers won't have to comply with the law's requirement to provide insurance or pay a fee until 2016

Under the original 2010 health law, employers with the equivalent of at least 50 full-time workers had to offer coverage or pay a penalty starting at $2,000 a worker beginning in 2014. Last year, the administration delayed the requirement for the first time by moving it to 2015.


this is a constitutional crisis IMO and needs to go to the SCOTUS. obama cant just change laws all willy nilly.

2/11/2014 8:03:59 AM

26632 Posts
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crisis? really?
Quote :
"Given the complexity of modern government operations, very few of the laws that Congress passes are completely self-executing; most if not all of them require regulations to put them into actual effect. And writing regulations is the business of the federal agencies. An array of government agencies have been working for more than three years, for example, to write the rules for the new Affordable Care Act – the vast new law regulating the entire health care financing system.

The Supreme Court just last month went a long way toward requiring federal courts to trust the government agencies that execute the laws to interpret for themselves just what authority Congress has given them in their areas of official activity. What an agency decides is the range of its power, that ruling said, should be given considerable deference by the courts."
Quote :
"In fact, applicable judicial precedent places such timing adjustments well within the Executive Branch's lawful discretion. To be sure, the federal Administrative Procedure Act authorizes federal courts to compel agencies to initiate statutorily required actions that have been "unreasonably delayed." But courts have found delays to be unreasonable only in rare cases where, unlike this one, inaction had lasted for several years, and the recalcitrant agency could offer neither a persuasive excuse nor a credible end to its dithering. In deciding whether a given agency delay is reasonable, current law tells courts to consider whether expedited action could adversely affect "higher or competing" agency priorities, and whether other interests could be "prejudiced by the delay." Even in cases where an agency outright refuses to enforce a policy in specified types of cases -- not the case here -- the Supreme Court has declined to intervene. As held by former Chief Justice William Rehnquist in a leading case on this subject, Heckler v. Chaney, courts must respect an agency's presumptively superior grasp of "the many variables involved in the proper ordering of its priorities." Chief Justice Rehnquist suggested that courts could lose their deference to Executive Branch judgment if an "agency has consciously and expressly adopted a general policy that is so extreme as to amount to an abdication of its statutory responsibilities." The Obama Administration has not and is not about to abdicate its responsibility to implement the statute on whose success his historical legacy will most centrally depend."

seems like they have flexibility

[Edited on February 11, 2014 at 8:45 AM. Reason : .]

2/11/2014 8:44:43 AM

All American
10767 Posts
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Quote :
"The Obama Administration now says that if you have a health insurance plan that does not meet minimum coverage standards - you can keep renewing that plan until October 1, 2016, as the feds announced a two year extension of the ability to grandfather plans under the health law."

if this law is such a great idea, why do they keep delaying it? they should force it's goodness on us ASAP

3/6/2014 7:22:20 AM

All American
11448 Posts
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*yawn* slow news day?

3/6/2014 7:39:22 AM

All American
5523 Posts
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This just in, people hate change, more at 11

3/6/2014 7:44:46 AM

All American
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3/25/2014 1:21:41 PM

All American
1966 Posts
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I'm saving a lot of money.

3/25/2014 9:10:52 PM

41758 Posts
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My plan still has not drafted the first payment, but BCBS thinks it has, but it has not.......

I am hoping I do not get a bill for like 4 months of premiums in a week. :/

3/25/2014 9:48:17 PM

All American
9257 Posts
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sigh...paying almost 300 a month til I land a job

1/12/2015 5:03:37 PM

All American
6606 Posts
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and time told us what we already knew:

Just more legislation that didn't really change anything

but in the meantime we had a big party and had the audacity of hope

1/12/2015 5:05:06 PM

All American
9257 Posts
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It was that or Pay 419.00 for COBRA. It was something ridiculous but I don't have the paper anymore. 439.00 could be.

1/12/2015 5:12:14 PM

15294 Posts
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People who don't have jobs should DIE

I'm Krallum and I approved this message.

1/12/2015 5:49:43 PM

All American
9257 Posts
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thinking about linking up with j caldwell photag for some income

1/12/2015 6:31:43 PM

All American
44691 Posts
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1/12/2015 8:23:18 PM

All American
34419 Posts
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Kinda crazy if it wasn't for John McCain a year ago, GOP would have eliminated coverage for pre-existing conditions...

Now they're running pretending like they're the ones who REALLY want to protect coverage for preexisting conditions

10/29/2018 10:43:05 PM

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