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Quote :
"Has anyone mentioned that the cop extended the length of the traffic stop... Something that is not legal for him to do?"

other than in the post above yours?

7/29/2015 4:32:52 PM

All American
34429 Posts
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Quote :
"Because his right to detain her ended the minute he was done with his traffic investigation and written the ticket or warning. "

It didn't occur to me before that when he asked her to put the cigarette out, he had already written the ticket. wow.

7/29/2015 4:37:56 PM

play so hard
60940 Posts
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^^ interesting article

7/30/2015 9:50:32 AM

5608 Posts
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Quote :
"Hey JCE, you need to explain to your boy HUR what a strawman is"

Quote :
"It's the only tool HUR has in his toolbox"
JCE isn't too far behind tho"

Quote :
"Not once have I denied that the stop was stupid and the cop was out of control"

Quote :
"Bullshit. You have 100% blamed the dead woman for her actions during the stop."

Quote :
"the cop was on a power trip and out of line."

Quote :
"I agree with you 100% that the cop was out of line and infringing on this woman's rights."

Quote :
"I don't deny the death is suspicious or that the traffic stop was unwarranted."

Quote :
"Nor have I ever questioned that the cop was not only wrong in pulling her over, acting unprofessionally during the stop,
or that she should never have gone to jail."

7/30/2015 12:47:16 PM

play so hard
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Yah like HUR doesn't like to have things both ways

He's the king of victim blaming in these situations. Sometimes that can be a valid argument, but clearly not here

Quote :
"My main point is that by simply putting out her smoke and not fighting
the police she likely would never have ended up in the jail in the first place. She could have then filed a complaint, perhaps orgainize a
community protest, contacted the NAACP, or whatever. Regardless the situation would not have escalated with her being thrown to the ground
and hauled to jail."

Quote :
"Regardless her stand for justice over a cigarette was a factor that led to her to be unjustly taken to jail."

Quote :
"the best course of action would have been to put out the smoke and not attempt to escalate the situation."

Quote :
"acting belligerently toward the cop isn't going to magically diffuse the situation. Getting into a fight with cop on the street no matter how out of line the office isn't going to work out with you in the short term. I really think this is why so many African Americans end up in these police brutality situations versus people of other colors who may do something after the situation i.e contacting channel the news agency, ALCU, a lawyer, contacting your city councilmen, or filling a complain at the police agency."

Quote :
"Fucking cooperate THEN utilize your civic right to fight, draw community attention, file a grievance, whatever. Ultimately these testerone driven cops are not going to back down and can make your life more miserable. I feel like this is where many in the African American community get caught up in these police brutality situations."

Quote :
"arguing with the police during a stop is not going to end in a "oh sorry ma'am maybe I should not have pulled you" or "oh yeah that is your right to smoke, my bad"."

Quote :
"Unfortunately the black community which historically has had more tension with the police see this as just "cops picking on black people" and seem more likely to resist/argue/fight the police. Even if they are in the right, as the suspect, as we are well aware this resistance is not ending with the police retreating after realizing the wrongs of their ways."

Quote :
"if you can't understand my corollary or think that Sandra did the right thing taking her stand in the name of justice and civil liberties throughout the nation by refusing to put out that cigarette, aggressively berating the cop for the stupid traffic stop, and her civil disobedience refusing to exit the vehicle when requested."

Quote :
"Give him your ID and registration. You don't have to answer any questions or talk to the cop. Put the cig out no matter how much you feel it violates your rights. Fight that shit after the traffic stop is over. Bitching, arguing, reciting the constitution, praying, etc is not going to deter this dude whose intent on busting your balls."

Quote :
"I don't care if the cop is wearing a pin that says "I hate N*$$ers". If the cop asks you to put the smoke out, the economic choice is to put it out. The risk v reward here makes sense to just drop the 25 cent cigarette. If the cop asks for a fucking blow job, then yeah perhaps in this situation don't cooperate. Feel free to maintain your right to be silent or even perhaps state you believe you were unfairly pulled over. Arguing, fighting, acting hysterical, not-cooperating, etc is not going to help you in the short term."

Quote :
"My point is fighting on the street with the cop is never in the short-term going to work out in your favor. In this instance a fucking cigarette is a small price to pay to get the cop off your ass. If instead he asks for a blow job and he proceeds to get aggressive threaten to tase, and proceeds to take you to jail then you a major case for a civil lawsuit. I'm sure the ALCU and the NAACP would be have
been foaming at the mouth to assist in this situation."

[Edited on July 30, 2015 at 1:49 PM. Reason : worthy of repost:]

7/30/2015 1:40:43 PM

5608 Posts
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Quote :
""Not once have I denied that the stop was stupid and the cop was out of control""

Quote :
""Bullshit. You have 100% blamed the dead woman for her actions during the stop.""

Quote :
""I agree with you 100% that the cop was out of line and infringing on this woman's rights.""

7/30/2015 2:57:05 PM

play so hard
60940 Posts
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I wonder what percentage of blame he would put on each person...I'm guessing somewhere in the neighborhood of 80/20 based on ^^

7/30/2015 3:27:50 PM

play so hard
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1/7/2016 10:40:37 AM

balls deep
89861 Posts
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^ a step in the right direction. And it reinforces the notion that Bland shouldn't have ever been arrested in the first place. Sadly though, I doubt Bland will ever find justice.

1/7/2016 10:48:27 AM

All American
1356 Posts
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damn i thought this was about that kinda hot white lady who pretended to be black. Getting all this racial hate kindling confused

1/7/2016 10:57:06 AM

All American
14984 Posts
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Quote :
" Sadly though, I doubt Bland will ever find justice.


Really going out on a limb with that one.

1/7/2016 8:18:14 PM

balls deep
89861 Posts
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I don't think so.

1/7/2016 8:29:43 PM

All American
14984 Posts
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What, no optimism that the police and jail will do a thorough self investigation, solve the underlying issues that caused her unnecessary arrest and detention and ultimately led to her death?

Why would you not have faith in the law enforcement community? What evidence has there ever been to think that they aren't all honest and forthright?

1/7/2016 8:40:52 PM

balls deep
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ha ha ha, sorry man.... It's been a really long day at work for me. My brain is fried. I completely missed the sarcasm in your previous post.

1/7/2016 8:43:37 PM

All American
17732 Posts
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The only one responsible for Sandra's death was Sandra......

1/8/2016 4:34:04 PM

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