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All American
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Every single university dean in Turkey -- 1,577 of them -- has been asked to hand in their resignation, and they have.

Can someone explain how that fucking makes any sense? What about 15,000 school teachers? How are all those people involved in the coup? How did the government detain/dismiss 35,000+ people within 3-4 days? Did they have "I supported the coup" written on their foreheads? It is obvious that pre-prepared lists were used for the "purge"; I guess lists with names of all people who don't like the government. But still how do they know people's beliefs? Does that mean that there is a massive network of informants in Turkish society? Even with informants, it must have taken years to come up with the names of 50,000+ people who have been detained or dismissed so far.

I also don't understand how ***every single*** dean in the country doesn't like Erdogan. There is pretty much zero probability of that.

The other thing is, how is the country going to function without judges, teachers, deans, ministers, government employees, etc? WTF? While you can come up with pencil pushers overnight, how in the hell will replacements for judges, teachers, and deans be found in a short time?


One of the most comprehensive reports, with dozens of pictures. A must see for those who like photo essays. Some of the best pics:

A civilian punches a Turkish soldier who took part in the failed military coup as he is led away by police having surrendered

Check the belters and kickers in the background

A Turkish civilian whips soldiers with his belt after they surrendered to police on Bosphorus Bridge, a strategic landmark which was seized by the army during the coup

A man lays down in front of a tank on the approach to Ataturk airport in Istanbul as citizens took to the streets to oppose the military coup

It's a TARP... Turkish civilians throw a tarpaulin over a tank to stop it from seizing control of key locations in Ankara

And this is the best in my opinion:

Flip flops, good for the beach, perfect for stopping coups!

7/21/2016 3:52:41 AM

All American
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this turkish dude has giant dinosaur balls.

apparently he survived. wow.

7/21/2016 4:51:29 AM

All American
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^ Yes indeed...

Quote :
"Gulen, in turn, has said the coup attempt may have been staged, casting it as an excuse for Erdogan to forge ahead with his purge of the cleric’s supporters from state institutions."

Sure starting to seem that way.

7/21/2016 7:56:02 PM

All American
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Up to about 68,000 people detained, rwmov d from office, arrested, etc.

7/22/2016 5:26:16 PM

All American
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I can see how the coup would be intentionally provoked or allowed, but I don't know about staged, that would seem to imply that the soldiers were loyal to the government and are now being punished for following the orders of the government.

7/22/2016 6:12:43 PM

All American
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Depends on which soldiers are being punished. If the people involved in the coup are the ones being jailed then yes, that would be weird. If he's just purging people he wants out then maybe it was staged.

7/22/2016 6:44:06 PM

All American
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Turkey sacks 10,000 more civil servants, shuts 15 media outlets in latest crackdown

Quote :
"More than 100,000 people had already been sacked or suspended and 37,000 arrested since the abortive putsch in an unprecedented crackdown President Tayyip Erdogan says is crucial for wiping out the network of Gulen from the state apparatus."

When you have sacked 140k already, what's 10k more, right?!

HTF is the country functioning???

10/31/2016 2:19:39 AM

All American
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i'm gonna go out on a limb and say that the people fired/arrested are probably going to come together to form some sort of terrorist group.

[Edited on October 31, 2016 at 10:19 AM. Reason : ]

10/31/2016 10:19:26 AM

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