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 Message Boards » » Another Terror Attack in Nice, France Page 1 2 [3], Prev  
All American
24527 Posts
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yeah, I didn't understand that comment either.

7/16/2016 9:19:36 PM

All American
3646 Posts
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Trying to be funny, maybe?

7/16/2016 9:55:12 PM

The E Man
15268 Posts
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He used to the Parisian pronunciation but the local pronunciation actually slides out the ending. "neessss"

7/16/2016 10:26:39 PM

play so hard
60940 Posts
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Yeah he thinks he's funny.

7/16/2016 11:04:19 PM

balls deep
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7/16/2016 11:13:48 PM

The E Man
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its like rally or rawlee or bahston or bawstin

7/17/2016 12:01:42 AM

All American
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Quote :
"Officials said on Saturday that people questioned by police had indicated that he had undergone a rapid transformation from someone with no apparent interest in religion.


Valls, who said security services had prevented 16 attacks over three years, indicated that at play on Thursday was the group's modus operandi of cajoling unstable individuals into carrying out attacks with whatever means possible.

"Daesh gives unstable individuals an ideological kit that allows them to make sense of their acts ... this is probably what happened in Nice's case," Valls said, referring to the Arabic acronym for Islamic State."

7/17/2016 1:22:22 AM

All American
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Islamic State fanatics threaten to RAMP UP attacks against France in latest chilling video

7/21/2016 3:24:32 AM

114576 Posts
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there sure was a lot of speculation on this page about one retardo post on the previous page LOLOL

you guys are getting about as good at derailing as I am

7/21/2016 3:54:28 AM

All American
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No, it was just an especially odd post.

7/21/2016 6:06:17 AM

50085 Posts
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Shooting in Munich mall.. Here we go again.

7/22/2016 12:36:11 PM

All American
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Fuck, are you serious

7/22/2016 12:40:33 PM

All American
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Anyone speak german? Supposed discussion with shooter.

Quote :
"Judging from this video, one of them almost sounds like the guys from Erfurt/Columbine and other shootings. "I was bullied for 10 years, because of people like you I had to buy a gun, to[inaudible unfortunately]
Edit: he also says later on he was in stationary psychiatric treatmentThe guy with the Bavarian accent is yelling insults at him.

It seems its a german born guy, but maybe from arab or turkish origin cause the other guy screams "scheiss kanak" and kanak is a swearword for turks,arabs and so on.

[Edited on July 22, 2016 at 1:53 PM. Reason : ]

7/22/2016 1:43:46 PM

50085 Posts
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The video I saw is so weird. Guy bursts out of McD's, walks a few feet, pulls out a handgun and starts shooting at and missing randoms on the sidewalk. Terrifying but odd.

7/22/2016 2:16:59 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Police: "Acute terror situation, at least 6 dead, many wounded (no confirmed number). At least 3 shooters with long rifles are still on the run.”
There are no further confirmed crimescenes in central Munich. Rumors about shootings in the city centre have been denied. However, a large police force is in the city centre.
All public transport has been stopped to deny the shooters further movement, trains to and from Munich Central Station have also stopped.
The public was warned via smartphone to stay indoors. Highways must be kept free for support to arrive from all over the state, GSG9 special police is also on the way to Munich.
Search for attackers now includes at least the whole city area, cars leaving Munich are being searched.
Situation at the mall where the shooting occurred: No people left inside, police action still going on.
Politicians are currently meeting at the state chancellery.
Munichans: Stay at home, avoid public places. The situation is still completely unclear."

Quote :
"Munich-based Focus magazine is reporting that one of the perpetrators died after shooting himself in the head outside the mall, citing police sources."

[Edited on July 22, 2016 at 4:25 PM. Reason : ]

7/22/2016 4:22:26 PM

All American
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Here's a more complete translation of the video posted earlier

Balcony Man: "You fucking Asshole you..."
Shooter: "Because of you I [unintelligible]..."
Balcony Man: "You wanker you. you're a wanker"
Shooter: "...and now I have to buy a gun to shoot you"
Balcony Man: "a gun! fuck off your head isn't on right"
Shooter and Balcony man shouting at each other
Balcony Man apparently to people filming: "He's got a gun here the guy has one"
Unseen voice: "Shit/Fucking Turks!"
Balcony Man: "Shit/Fucking Kanacken" (foreigners basically)
Balcony man to someone else : "EY! HE'S GOT A GUN! He has loaded his gun! Get the cops here!"
Shooter: "I am German."
Balcony Man: "You're a wanker is what you are"
Shooter: "Stop filming!"
Balcony Man: "A wanker is what you are, what the fuck are you doing?"
Shooter: "Yeah what, I was born here!"
Balcony Man: "Yeah and what the fuck you think you're doing???"
Shooter: "I grew up here in the Hartz 4 (unemployment benefits in Germany) area.

Balcony Man and Shooter talk at same time, can't make it out.
Shooter says something about "Behandlung" which is "treatment" in both medical treatment or just how you treat people,not sure which one he means.

Balcony Man says something like "Yeah treatment is something for you"

Shooter: "I haven't done anything here for [unintelligible]"

Shooter: "Please shut your mouth" (He is being very polite here, using the German "Sie")
Balcony Man: "You cunt you"
Balcony Man: "HEY! HE'S ON THE UPPER FLOOR HERE [unintelligible]"

Filming man goes into cover, shooter starts firing.

Balcony man calls him a cunt again.
Balcony man: "They must have been shitting into your head" (A German slang for "Your mind is fucked up)
Shooter: "They have not! They have NOT, that's the thing! They have NOT!"
Video ends.

7/22/2016 4:27:47 PM

All American
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The guy on the balcony is speaking in a fairly strong bavarian accent (they are in Munich btw). The shooter (on the roof top) is speaking fluent, accent free "standard" German, but there might be a slight Turkish slang based on the racial slurs that the guy on the balcony uses towards him, but I can't say for sure. It is safe to say that he was born in Germany or has lived there since childhood.

The majority of the first 2/3 of that translation is pretty spot on. The guy on the balcony was being very impolite to the guy (i.e. the shooter) under the stress of the moment (I guess?). For instance, the term Kanacken is a strong racial slur that is used to describe the turkish population in Germany or more specifically, German-born Turks. It is mainly used to criticize their slang in German, and is the equivalent of calling somebody a nigger. He also uses the german equivalent for bum or douchebag in excess.

The part that the translator above did not quite get, about the use of the word "Behandlung" and weather it refers to mental health or social bullying, does seem to me to be a reference to how he is treated by the German people (for presumably being of Turkish decent). Particularly the part where he (the shooter on the roof top) later says that he has done nothing wrong and then pretty clearly says "ich habe die Schnauze voll" which is German for I am fed up with this shit. Then suddenly, the bavarian on the balcony picks up on what is going on and does say something about asking him to calm down, but he was definitely being impolite and IMO, racist towards the guy during the majority of the conversation.

A lot of the conversation towards the end (after the camera moves) is not quite clear enough for me to figure it out.

[Edited on July 22, 2016 at 5:27 PM. Reason : a]

7/22/2016 5:15:10 PM

The E Man
15268 Posts
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Tell me more about how they enslaved turkish people for 400 years while calling them that word.

7/22/2016 5:46:06 PM

All American
9609 Posts
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in terms of racial slurs that draw a lot of attention and derision, they are fairly comparable.

It is the dirty little secret of German culture though. They normally just assume that the rest of the non German world does not speak German, so when they are speaking in English to foreigners they are incredibly PC about what they say, but a lot of them, and I mean a fairly uncomfortable amount, sound like this guy when they are talking about Turkish or black people in German.

7/22/2016 5:56:11 PM

All American
42557 Posts
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Let the conspiracies commence!

7/23/2016 10:57:56 PM

All American
28547 Posts
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Over 300 killed in a terrorist attack in Egypt, and I haven't seen a single "Pray for Egypt" filter on Facebook!?!

11/27/2017 12:27:13 PM

26632 Posts
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thoughts and prayers

11/27/2017 1:09:55 PM

All American
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Brown life = 1/100 of a white life

So 305 brown lives = 3.05 white lives... 3-4 white lives are snuffed out in the US in mini-mass shootings every other day, so that's not worthy of a mention, a FB filter, or the Eiffel Towel/WTC 1 being bathed in flag-colored lights.

And the fact that you posted it here instead of making a separate thread says it all... and answers your own question!

11/27/2017 2:00:27 PM

Duh, Winning
62513 Posts
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11/27/2017 2:43:32 PM

All American
3646 Posts
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^^and it happened Friday.

11/27/2017 3:19:20 PM

2953 Posts
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Quote :
"mosque massacre was to prep the Muslim world for this declaration by the 'Islamic Military Alliance' - where they will really crush any dissenting voices or uprising against their regimes:"

11/28/2017 3:25:18 AM

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