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All American
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Quote :
"I'm no law man or nothing, but ain't ur warning shots supposed to go up and not out?"

then the title of this story would be "dumbass shoots wife and kids through roof of his garage"

8/10/2016 12:48:13 PM

26632 Posts
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"damn this is in my cousin's neighborhood. Massey Preserve"

per N&O this is Neuse Crossing

8/10/2016 1:07:10 PM

balls deep
89860 Posts
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More like, Noose Crossing

8/10/2016 1:15:09 PM

All American
27142 Posts
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Oh snap video in case has been found!!


[Edited on August 10, 2016 at 4:04 PM. Reason : /]

8/10/2016 4:03:13 PM

play so hard
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I was expecting [and would have preferred] Rick Astley

8/10/2016 4:14:42 PM

Sup, B
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Quote :
"Well by mentioning that the police had come to the shooters house in the past and failing to mention that the dead guy had a criminal record, it makes him look like an angel and the shooter the devil. I guess it is Fox News' turn to write the article making the dead guy look like the devil and telling everyone not to rush to judgement on the shooter."

What the hell positive light do you want them to put on the guy who shot at someone through his garage window for no fucking reason?

8/10/2016 6:37:23 PM

Sprots Talk Mod
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I don't see how a criminal record has anything to do with getting killed by a guy who you've had no contact with and is hiding inside his house.

8/10/2016 7:13:09 PM

All American
11919 Posts
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^^None really, but someone in the press needs to take the time to do it.

8/10/2016 7:19:11 PM

hello Mr. NSA!
35386 Posts
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goddamn you are a fucking dipshit

8/10/2016 7:26:58 PM

All American
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Quote :
"goddamn you are a fucking dipshit"

8/10/2016 10:54:36 PM

41758 Posts
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Quote :
"I don't see how a criminal record has anything to do with getting killed by a guy who you've had no contact with and is hiding inside his house."

Agreed. He was aiming in to a crowd and could have hit anyone. He had no way of knowing the guy had a criminal record, there is no way the guy was threatening him out in the street. Someone could have been out for a walk and died just walking down the street.

8/11/2016 2:00:48 PM

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"Someone could have been out for a walk and died just walking down the street."

Sounds like that was basically true

8/11/2016 2:03:42 PM

All American
6786 Posts
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I have some loud partying neighbors from time to time you shake your fist out the window and tell them to go to sleep, if you have babies or a super light sleeper call the cops, I hope my neighborhood remains sane enough to continue this tradition.


8/11/2016 2:18:51 PM

26632 Posts
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didn't some dude shoot a guy with a shotgun some years ago for a similar reason behind sylvia's pizza?

8/11/2016 2:25:53 PM

Ohhh Farts
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^that was my old roommate. They were shooting off fireworks at like 2 in the morning on a weekday, and some neighbors from down the road that may have been severely coked up came over and got in an altercation, a shotgun was brought out and one of the neighbors got shot in the dick. I'm glad I no longer lived there at that time.

[Edited on August 11, 2016 at 2:39 PM. Reason : $$$]

8/11/2016 2:37:29 PM

Sprots Talk Mod
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your old roommate sounds like a dick.

8/11/2016 2:53:46 PM

play so hard
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Quote :
"a shotgun was brought out and one of the neighbors got shot in the dick"

Shit. What was the outcome of this, for both parties?

8/11/2016 2:56:09 PM

Ohhh Farts
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^^ yup.

^ this was in 2007, I haven't talked to him since about then, but pretty sure he got off completely. Think the dudes that got shot healed up fine.

8/11/2016 3:01:04 PM

11093 Posts
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Quote :
"got shot in the dick"

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"What was the outcome of this"

Quote :
"pretty sure he got off"

8/11/2016 3:03:34 PM

41758 Posts
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8/11/2016 3:28:47 PM

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Does anyone remember this incident? I was in High School at the time but it happened 2 doors down from my town house in Hunters Creek. The bullet mark is still in the door.

There was a party in the unit ncemt_03 used to live in. A guy from across the streets dog came over there and someone supposedly kicked it. The guy from across the street came back out and started shooting at the party, no one got directly but someone got hit with a fragment. A bunch of athletes went back across the street to kick the guys ass that shot at the party. They broke in his house, got in a tussle with him and the shooters own gun went off killing him.

They were all acquitted at trial, guess no one felt bad for the guy that shot up a party. I have seen the bullet hole and there is no way the dead guy was shooting in the air. It is about 5-6 feet up on the front door to the townhouse.

8/11/2016 3:35:19 PM

Sprots Talk Mod
28395 Posts
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Jesus Christ you're old.

I remember Willie Wright, if that's what you're referring to.

8/11/2016 3:47:25 PM

All American
11449 Posts
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Just fine upstanding kids having a party when all of a sudden another fine upstanding kid shot at the party and some fine upstanding kids retaliated and broke into his apartment and he accidentally got shot with his own gun. Did I mention that they were upstanding and fine? Good thing these weren't thugs. That would have been totally different.

8/11/2016 4:21:38 PM

play so hard
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Not much of an update, but:

8/23/2016 10:36:41 AM

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