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All American
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They make it seems like Maeve being human is a big deal but all she has to do is take blue V and she'll be back at it. Homelander may give Butcher a temporary pass since he saved Ryan, but I don't see him putting up with his antics for long. Not sure what plot device they can get in place to stop him from outright killing him in the future. Maybe they'll bring Ryan in as Homelander's sidekick in the next season, with the plan to eventually replace him -- then fast forward even more and Homelander won't want to give up the limelight. Maybe being raised by a psychopath will bring about a huge fight, ultimately making Ryan the new Homelander.

7/10/2022 11:48:30 PM

Ohhh Farts
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Anyone else watching Gen V? I’m enjoying it so far, basically just like watching more of The Boys without the main cast

10/11/2023 12:57:06 PM

All American
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^I'm a little late to the party but I'm about halfway through. Your assessment is exactly right -- its the exact same as the Boys just different main cast. And somehow it has MORE dicks.

11/29/2023 10:01:18 AM

All American
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Just when you think you’ve seen it all, they ramp it up.

11/29/2023 4:03:32 PM

All American
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S4, lol.

Lots of pissed off fascists. The MAGA cult finally figured out that this show is making fun of them. Also lol at how pissed they are that this show “went woke” because Frenchie ended up being bisexual. I still think the show is a great as ever.

6/20/2024 8:07:27 AM

Sprots Talk Mod
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I'm pretty sure they never hid the fact he was bi in the show. In fact they had all along been pretty blatantly open that he was.

Also if anyone had any doubts about where the show stood politically after they teamed homelander with a literal nazi, idk what to tell you.

6/20/2024 3:34:26 PM

8131 Posts
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Well that definitely checks all my boxes

6/20/2024 9:56:38 PM

All American
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lmao that episode with Tek Knight. My god, this show is ridiculous. I don't know why, but I just found it hilarious that in the scene with Ashley doing her thing, you could subtly here "Baker Street" playing lightly in the background. Then when Firecracker squirted Homelander in the face. His expression was priceless.

I don't get all the hate it is getting this season. It is just as crazy/funny as it has always been.

7/8/2024 11:25:10 AM

Ohhh Farts
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Well part of the hate was from idiot right wingers finally realizing that they are the bad guys in the show. The other hate I’ve seen is that they are focusing too much on providing more shocking/gross moments at the expense of good writing/storytelling, which I can kind of see, but I’m enjoying the season enough

7/8/2024 12:24:56 PM

Sprots Talk Mod
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There's a lot of hate about the actress that plays starlight and her appearance as well!

7/8/2024 4:27:35 PM

Ohhh Farts
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Yeah, that entire situation is very unfortunate

7/8/2024 4:34:59 PM

Burn it all down.
18469 Posts
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I wouldn't say hate, but one of my complaints with the show is that the analogy for the right wing is just too on the nose. I watch TV to escape, not for a blatant reminder on how the world is going to shit.

It feels like they've flanderized all the characters and just do degenerate shit rather than move the plot along.

7/9/2024 8:28:55 AM

Sprots Talk Mod
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I'm pretty sure they've always done degenerate shit. Cant believe they went woke tho smh.

7/9/2024 11:28:12 AM

Burn it all down.
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They have, but at least the plot moved along in the first season or two.

7/9/2024 1:21:08 PM

Sprots Talk Mod
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Plot doesn't advance because of woke

7/9/2024 6:53:02 PM

Burn it all down.
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This is why I left tww.

7/9/2024 7:51:18 PM

Sprots Talk Mod
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Why do you hate me bbehehe

[Edited on July 9, 2024 at 9:41 PM. Reason : You are my only friend]

7/9/2024 9:40:47 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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I just watched all four seasons so that I'd have another streaming show to discuss with bbehe, and now I find out he doesn't want to talk about it because it got too real?!

I don't think right-wingers were ever intended to be the core audience for this show, but if fictional satire can show any of these people their shittiness in the real world, then I'm all for it.

Quote :
"While promoting the fourth season in June 2024, Kripke described the series as a "story about the intersection of celebrity and authoritarianism and how social media and entertainment are used to sell fascism". He also said that viewers who think the series is too "woke" should "go watch something else" and expressed surprise to some viewers perceiving Homelander as the series' hero, saying: "What do you say to that? The show's many things. Subtle isn't one of them.""

I've never seen a show with so many people exploding.

9/8/2024 9:37:45 PM

Sprots Talk Mod
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I've never seen a show with so much crawling around inside dicks

9/9/2024 2:10:52 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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Also true.

9/9/2024 6:15:19 PM

Sprots Talk Mod
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I take that back, because Seinfeld

9/9/2024 7:26:33 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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I must have missed that episode. There's one where Jerry's penis and brain play chess. Not surprisingly, the brain wins.

9/9/2024 7:57:52 PM

Sprots Talk Mod
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The whole thing is just a show about dicks!

9/9/2024 8:10:44 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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The characters ARE dickish, but not so much literally crawling around inside dicks. I give that one to The Boys, based on your original intuition.

9/9/2024 9:07:39 PM

All American
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What's going on in here?

9/11/2024 12:50:59 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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Have you watched the show?

9/11/2024 2:46:07 PM

Sprots Talk Mod
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^^Aurora borealis

9/11/2024 4:21:23 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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I'm starting Gen V.

9/11/2024 8:55:22 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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So we're basically living through the Season 4 finale ending scenes now.

2/3/2025 1:46:39 PM

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