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56200 Posts
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Haha. Initially came up searching for a client... But then noticed it with walgreens too

5/5/2010 10:39:06 PM

40960 Posts
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so other than traditional tablet laptops and traditional netbooks, are there any competing devices on the market right now?

5/5/2010 10:52:35 PM

All American
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How are e-books looking on it so far? I'm ready to do something and think I'm going to go ahead with the iPad now that I know it handles RAW files. I've seen a couple of reviews saying that it's great and others saying that there's nothing available so what's truth? What's pricing on something like "The 9th Judgement" by James Patterson? I'm really curious as to how it compares to Kindle & Nook since you can't actually view the books or pricing without actually owning an iPad.

5/5/2010 11:08:20 PM

56200 Posts
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I got ibooks and Kindle on there. The ibooks interface is a little niftier but will probably just buy the book on which ever is cheaper.

For The 9th Judgement:

ibooks: $14.99
Kindle: $14.99

5/5/2010 11:51:44 PM

All American
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^^i've read on both and I'm still a big fan of actual e-book readers. I'm a big reader and I read for long periods of time and e-ink is so much easier on my eyes than on the iPad. For short reading the iPad is fine, but it still doesn't replace an actual book or an e-ink display.

5/6/2010 12:53:39 AM

All American
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Up to last week or so I had decided to forget the iPad and get a Nook or Kindle but I've put it back on the list since 4.0 was shown & I've learned about it's RAW capabilities. I generally don't read for more than a couple of hours at a time and, from what I've read, that should be ok for the ipad. I'd really like to cut down on my devices when travelling so if I can make it work then that'll be great. If not then I'll pick up an e-reader and try again.

5/6/2010 7:13:39 AM

40960 Posts
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durr i forgot about the kindle and nook i guess more than a reading device, i'm hoping to find a non-ipad, non-tablet laptop, non-netbook, but still multitouch internet browsing device

[Edited on May 6, 2010 at 9:32 AM. Reason : any android tablet/slate devices out yet? i see a bunch in planning stages but that's it]

5/6/2010 9:31:29 AM

All American
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Quote :
"i'm hoping to find a non-ipad"

Just curious but why does it have to be a non-ipad?

5/6/2010 11:54:31 AM

40960 Posts
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it doesn't have to, i just want to know if there are any alternatives worth considering

i will get an ipad if there isn't

5/6/2010 11:58:04 AM

All American
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if you can wait a month...although judging a book by its cover...not even worth clicking on the link.

5/6/2010 11:59:09 AM

40960 Posts
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i looked at a few of the archos. not the best reviews

5/6/2010 12:01:47 PM

All American
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5/6/2010 2:07:51 PM

All American
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I'll be happy with an iPad and a laptop. iPad obviously isn't going to replace my laptop.

5/6/2010 2:18:24 PM

All American
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Same. For many people it could but for anyone that does more than surf the web, email, etc...there is no way.

5/6/2010 2:31:14 PM

All American
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Has anyone jailbroken theirs yet? This makes the iPad infinitely more interesting to me (to the point I might actually consider purchasing one)

5/6/2010 3:31:01 PM

All American
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Jailbreak or no jailbreak, it still lacks ALL the features most people in tech talk were bitching about lol.

5/6/2010 3:36:02 PM

All American
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Jailbroken gets me outside of Apple's retardedly expensive ecosystem. I don't jailbreak my phone because of warranty concerns, but there are so many awesome, free/open source apps for jailbroken iDevices it makes the iPad a lot more appealing.

And it does have pretty much everything anyone's asked for, at least if you have Beta access as a developer.

5/6/2010 3:40:13 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Jailbroken gets me outside of Apple's retardedly expensive ecosystem. I don't jailbreak my phone because of warranty concerns, but there are so many awesome, free/open source apps for jailbroken iDevices it makes the iPad a lot more appealing.

And it does have pretty much everything anyone's asked for, at least if you have Beta access as a developer."

What part of Apple's ecosystem is retardedly expensive? Are you objecting that you have to pay for apps if you don't jailbreak vs. getting them through torrents with a jailbreak? Cydia also has paid apps. Or is it the cost of music and media that has you concerned?

Jailbreaking your phone doesn't do any permanent damage to the device. If you need service restore it to factory settings without a jailbreak.

Having beta access as a developer doesn't change anything for iPad users since there is no iPad beta. Also, the issues people in tech talk had with the iPad was not that of was hardware.

5/6/2010 3:43:48 PM

All American
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Loving xfeed, goodreader, and zinio apps ...

Zinio has some really good prices for magazine subscriptions, HUGE selection, and saves them locally for offline reading.

5/6/2010 4:36:19 PM

All American
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Quote :
"What part of Apple's ecosystem is retardedly expensive? Are you objecting that you have to pay for apps if you don't jailbreak vs. getting them through torrents with a jailbreak? Cydia also has paid apps. Or is it the cost of music and media that has you concerned?"

I'm objecting to the premiums that iPad apps are carrying. I have no issues at all paying for apps, I do have an issue when apps are being marked up 100+% because of a different form factor.

Although it's not really about the apps for me, I'd use it overwhelmingly for email/web browsing. I want to jailbreak it for tinkering purposes, not for anything nefarious.

Not going to do that on my daily lifeline (iphone), because I can't afford the downtime if anything gets botched up. On an iPad though, it would be great for tinkering.

5/6/2010 7:10:10 PM

All American
13716 Posts
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^ Just don't take it on the Microsoft campus and let Monkeyboy see it.

5/6/2010 7:14:57 PM

All American
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Not sure where to put this, but some ARM based product i’ve never heard of was delayed because Flash sucks too much for portable devices:
Quote :
""We thought [smartbooks] would be launched by now, but they're not," Drew told ZDNet UK on Tuesday. "I think one reason is to do with software maturity. We've seen things like Adobe slip — we'd originally scheduled for something like 2009.”"

[Edited on May 6, 2010 at 7:18 PM. Reason : ]

5/6/2010 7:18:13 PM

All American
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^I was going to post that in the iPhone thread with "More beating up on Flash"

Quote :
"I'm objecting to the premiums that iPad apps are carrying. I have no issues at all paying for apps, I do have an issue when apps are being marked up 100+% because of a different form factor."

They are expensive but thats because of greedy developers. It will work itself out eventually just like the iPhone app store.

5/6/2010 7:21:00 PM

All American
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Yeah so disregard my questions. Just finished setting up my new 32gb so I'll be finding everything out for myself shortly. That said, any better than apple cases out yet? I need to get something ordered.

5/6/2010 7:21:07 PM

All American
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I'm going to order this:

its expensive but its pretty sweet and matches my moleskin notebook perfectly.

5/6/2010 7:23:06 PM

El Nachó
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Quote :
"Has anyone jailbroken theirs yet? This makes the iPad infinitely more interesting to me (to the point I might actually consider purchasing one)"

I picked one up on the way home and it was jailbroken 3 minutes after I walked in the door. it's retardedly simple to JB. I've only had it for 5 minutes or so so no real impressions yet, but it's just as how i expected it would be so far.

5/6/2010 7:24:58 PM

32613 Posts
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so who uses one of these things in meetings to take notes, etc. how does it work for you and what apps do you use to do?

5/6/2010 7:34:52 PM

All American
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^ I do, and it works just fine for my notetaking needs. I use Evernote, since it syncs wirelessly, and I can pull the notes from their server via their desktop client. I've tried a couple of other apps, but it's the wireless sync that really cinches it for me.

5/6/2010 7:45:22 PM

All American
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Quote :
"so who uses one of these things in meetings to take notes, etc. how does it work for you and what apps do you use to do?"

I do as well. I'm also an Evernote user. If I need any kind of formatting then I use Pages. Both work great and if you have a case that can prop it up like the Apple case its really easy to type quickly with little to no typos.

5/6/2010 7:55:29 PM

All American
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I really, really, really would like to use Pages and Numbers to handle more tasks. But until Apple figures out that it's fucking stupid to require a cable for sync, they're of limited use. It's true that you can use them w/, but that isn't nearly as tidy a solution as Evernote sync, since everything is right there in one spot.

5/6/2010 8:00:15 PM

32613 Posts
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so all of you type notes on it only.. no writing or drawing, etc?

just curious

[Edited on May 6, 2010 at 8:13 PM. Reason : ]

5/6/2010 8:13:05 PM

All American
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The only drawing app I've found that I like is the Adobe Ideas app, and it doesn't store anything.

5/6/2010 8:15:09 PM

All American
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in meetings notes only...but i do have some drawing apps for sketches when there is no paper handy.

I like SketchBook Pro the best...i've given Adobe's free app a try and its not nearly as polished or have as many tools.

^doesn't store? What you mean?

[Edited on May 6, 2010 at 8:16 PM. Reason : .]

5/6/2010 8:15:52 PM

All American
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Well, I mean you can store your drawings in the app, but how do you get them out of it? I didn't see where you could store them in your photo gallery or anything.

5/6/2010 8:19:58 PM

All American
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I think you have to do that with iTunes + sync cable.

5/6/2010 8:27:25 PM

El Nachó
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^^take a screenshot?

5/6/2010 8:28:17 PM

All American
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^that too lol

5/6/2010 8:30:16 PM

All American
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you guyz

5/6/2010 8:30:46 PM

56200 Posts
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Quote :
Slavs and Polacks
44926 Posts
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Having a weird crash in Maps. Whenever I search for anything starting with "wa" it crashes. Googled the problem and can't find much but apparently people are having the problems with different letter combinations. One g had it any time he started with a "b". Any ideas?"

5/6/2010 8:42:47 PM

All American
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^works fine for me. I tried walgreens and just 'wa'

5/6/2010 8:57:18 PM

56200 Posts
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I dont think its a specific letter combination... it varies by ipad. Probably something to do with contact list that comes up as you type. Although I check my "w" section and there isnt anything weird in there.

5/6/2010 9:00:21 PM

El Nachó
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Awesome. I just modified the iPhone facebook app to run on the iPad at it's native resolution. No more double sizing apps for me. It looks amazing.

5/6/2010 9:14:27 PM

All American
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Quote :
"I'm objecting to the premiums that iPad apps are carrying. I have no issues at all paying for apps, I do have an issue when apps are being marked up 100+% because of a different form factor."


iPad pushing average apps prices higher, but not by much

Quote :
"Developers are keen on using the launch of the iPad to "re-calibrate" app pricing expectations, though an analysis by Distimo reveals that average iPad app prices are less than one dollar higher than average prices for iPhone-only apps. Despite these numbers, plenty of developers are having success charging far more than 99¢, the most popular price point for iPhone apps.

Distimo's analysis compares the average price of some 5,000 iPad-ready apps to the 185,000 iPhone apps available at the end of April. The average selling price of iPad apps is $4.67, compared to an average price of $3.62 for iPhone apps. These averages include all the free apps that are available, pushing the numbers even lower."

Make up your numbers much?

5/6/2010 10:27:22 PM

11687 Posts
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waiting for punchmonk to post here!

5/6/2010 10:35:46 PM

All American
7547 Posts
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ATTN: Golovko

That case is awesome.

5/7/2010 12:27:32 AM

32613 Posts
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yea that case looks really nice.

gah, really wish i could justify buying one of these right now..

5/7/2010 7:38:30 AM

All American
1391 Posts
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Ok so I guess it's time to jailbreak:

5/7/2010 9:13:49 AM

All American
27023 Posts
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^^yeah i really want to order it but its 4-6 week delivery. I suppose that is partly because its hand-made.

I know Azaka just ordered one.

5/7/2010 11:04:28 AM

56200 Posts
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I'm not feeling the case. Seems way too bulky and chunky. I am really liking the standard apple case but I have a feeling it won't last more than a few months. Guess that goes with it being thin and light.

Now I am looking around for a nice backpack or messenger bag designed for it, seen a few.

5/7/2010 4:35:54 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Make up your numbers much?"

Did you read the ACTUAL report?

Because it shows that when you look at aggregates, there is a HUGE difference. And if you compare known volume (ie that games and very specific productivity niches account for the dramatic majority of revenue) to the aggregate price comparisons, there is a monstrous disparity between iPhone and iPad.

It's cool though, I won't bury you for doing the typical soundbyte uninformed link rebuttal.

5/7/2010 5:19:47 PM

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