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Osama bin Laden is dead: government still trying to convince us their bogeyman is alive

Nice collection of articles and other information.

7/9/2005 1:13:38 PM

26780 Posts
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^makes no sense

his death is worth 20 pts in the polls

7/9/2005 2:24:18 PM

Mr. Joshua
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^^ Proof? Oh no, proof is a part of the NWOs agenda.

7/11/2005 10:24:53 AM

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Quote :
"Second WTC Janitor Comes Forward With Eye-Witness Testimony Of 'Bomb-Like' Explosion in North Tower Basement

Greg Szymanski | July 12 2005

A second WTC maintenance worker has now come forward with eye-witness testimony that a massive explosion erupted in the lower levels of the north tower at approximately the same time the jetliner struck the tower’s top floors.

Jose Sanchez, 45, of New Jersey in a never-released tape recorded statement made in early 2002 to William Rodriguez, the first WTC maintenance man to claim a bomb exploded in the north tower basement, said he heard what sounded like a “huge bomb,” causing lights to flicker on and off, while he worked in a small sub-level 4 workshop."

7/13/2005 11:09:14 AM

All American
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Quote :
"Eye-Witness Testimony"

Quote :
"said he heard what sounded like a “huge bomb,”"

[Edited on July 13, 2005 at 11:12 AM. Reason : .]

7/13/2005 11:12:29 AM

Mr. Joshua
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Quote :
"he heard what sounded like a “huge bomb,” causing lights to flicker on and off, while he worked in a small sub-level 4 workshop."

A huge bomb? Could it be that he heard a plane crash into the building? Since there is absolutely no evidence that a bomb went off in the basement, us rational folk are inclined to believe that Jose Sanchez heard the sounds of a jet crashing into the WTC.

Keep in mind that the WTC collapsed from the top down, not from the bottom up.

I love how the article says that a "massive explosion erupted in the lower levels" based on this guy's testimony that he heard a noise like a bomb.

In other news:

Quote :
""The high winds of a tornado can cause a roar that is often compared with the sound of a freight train.""


7/13/2005 11:21:07 AM

All American
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Are you serious? Is this topic still going on? 33 pages?

Really, I think if we all ignore salisburyboy, it might die.

By the way, read my really cool independent link with no substantive fact checking at!!111!

7/13/2005 11:26:12 AM

All American
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Quote :
"Really, I think if we all ignore salisburyboy, it might die."

no it wont cause as soon as another inane, unbased evidential claim is posted on some sort of unlicensed, noncredited site u'll be seein him quote it.

7/13/2005 11:27:58 AM

Mr. Joshua
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He's locked into his own little world, he doesn't care what anyone else thinks.

7/13/2005 11:42:39 AM

All American
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wouldn't it be funny to see this thread or another equally retarded thread full of only salisburyboy's comments. No one else looking at it or even bothering to respond?

Won't happen, but it'd prove a point that what he has to say really doesn't resonate with much of anyone besides pryderi (which I'm not exactly convinced they're not the same person).

7/13/2005 11:54:22 AM

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Quote :
"Two More WTC Workers Claim Bombs In North Tower Basement

Greg Szymanski | July 13 2005

Two more WTC workers have come forward with eye-witness testimony that a huge explosion ripped apart the lower levels of the north tower at about the same time a jetliner rammed into the top floors.

The pair not only reported hearing an underground blast, but were both injured, one suffering severe burns to the face, arms and hands and the other cuts and bruises after being trapped in a stalled basement elevator.

Burn victim, Felipe David, employed by Aramark Co. and Salvatore Giambanco, a WTC office painter trapped in a basement elevator, were both unavailable for comment, but made their explosive testimony – never before released in America – to a Colombian television station in 2002 on the first anniversary of 9/11."

7/13/2005 7:14:09 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Osama bin Laden is dead: government still trying to convince us their bogeyman is alive."

I guess this means Osama is a bad golfer

OMG Conspiracy

[Edited on July 14, 2005 at 12:58 AM. Reason : eek]

7/14/2005 12:57:57 AM

Mr. Joshua
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So why did the towers collapse from the top down? Doesn't that completely defy the logic behind setting off a bomb in the basement?

Oh wait, there is no logic to any of this.

7/14/2005 9:55:16 AM

All American
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Quote :
"Thursday, July 14, 2005

NEW YORK — Police and fire officials say at least four people were injured this morning when a building under construction collapsed in upper Manhattan.

Fire Department spokesman Charlie Markey said at least 30 fire department units had responded to the collapse at 100th Street and Broadway shortly after 9 a.m. Dozens of firefighters were sifting through the rubble and collapsed scaffolding around the building looking for victims.

Four people were taken to St. Luke's-Roosevelt hospital with undetermined injuries."

o shit a building collapse!?!!11/?//11/!?/one/questionmark explosives must've been used to bring it down!!!oneone1

[Edited on July 14, 2005 at 11:56 AM. Reason : btw ]

7/14/2005 11:56:23 AM

All American
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7/14/2005 3:06:14 PM

All American
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[Edited on July 14, 2005 at 4:16 PM. Reason : one more]

7/14/2005 4:15:39 PM

9434 Posts
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Quote :
"billyboy: "I guess this means Osama is a bad golfer"

Quote :

n : an imaginary monster used to frighten children"

[Edited on July 16, 2005 at 1:55 PM. Reason : o]

7/16/2005 1:54:25 PM

All American
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Calm down, I know there are different ways to spell words (OMG, conspiracy). I still stick to what I said.

[Edited on July 17, 2005 at 11:29 PM. Reason : conspiracy]

7/17/2005 11:25:24 PM

Mr. Joshua
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too bad that he can't respond to defend his ideas.

7/18/2005 10:25:36 AM

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Quote :
"Former Vietnam Combat and Commericail Pilot Firm Believer 9/11 Was Inside Government Job

Greg Szymanski | July 17 2005

There was no fooling former Air Force and commercial pilot Russ Wittenberg the morning of 9/11. He knew it was an inside job from the get-go, knowing the ‘big boys’ were up to the same dirty tricks they played in the Kennedy assassination and Pearl Harbor.

The government may have fooled millions of Americans with its cockamamie official story, but the former fighter pilot who flew over 100 combat missions in Vietnam and who sat for 35 years in the cockpit for Pan Am and United, wasn’t one of them.

Now, almost four years later, Wittenberg is still shaking his head in disbelief more than ever, saying the country he loved and fought so bravely 40 years ago has fallen in the deep, dark and sinister hands of fascist leaders who are quickly turning America into a military state.

Although back in the beginning he seemed like a lone wolf in the hen house, he’s noticed, especially in the last six months, more Americans waking up to the cold reality that the U.S. government staged 9/11, started an illegal war in Iraq and basically is criminally responsible for killing hundreds of thousands of innocent lives here and abroad.

Even though it’s a hard pill for some to swallow, Wittenberg says Americans need to “wake up and wake up fast,” holding those in government responsible even though it may mean a total makeover of the American political system."

7/18/2005 10:43:40 AM

Mr. Joshua
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Quote :
"“I’ve learned over the years, it’s hard to change anybody’s mind when they really aren’t listening,” said Wittenberg."


7/18/2005 11:25:14 AM

All American
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Quote :
"He knew it was an inside job from the get-go, knowing the ‘big boys’ were up to the same dirty tricks they played in the Kennedy assassination and Pearl Harbor."

o so he KNOWS the government was involved with Kennedy and Pearl Harbor? how does he KNOW when most people dont?...they just have their ridiculous theories...just like he has.

7/18/2005 12:40:07 PM

All American
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Quote :

lol, i was waiting to see if he would actually respond. too bad it was a pointless response, not one on his ideas.

7/18/2005 4:38:54 PM

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7/20/2005 1:29:18 PM

All American
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wait let me guess... ur gonna say that this expert is not an expert but a government controlled, elite, NWO, Jew who is a figment of our imagination and doesnt really exist. and his sole purpose is to discredit the real truth that is posted online by all kinds of experts. am i close?

7/20/2005 1:48:11 PM

Mr. Joshua
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^ Yeah, thats pretty close. Its the guy's report and then links to coincidences that could disprove parts of it if interpreted in an extremely narrow manner.

Another link that proves nothing!!!

Keep swingin', little buddy.

7/20/2005 1:52:55 PM

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Forensic Seismology Of 911 - Update

Quote :
"We rounded up evidence that shows there were ground motions consistant with the 2+M quakes just before the collapses, rather than as they hit the ground. Videos are also backed up by eye witnesses and reporters of such motions. Plus, testimonies of those who survived the destruction of the sublevels, and those who confirmed all sorts of smaller explosions throughout the building. Just seconds after the ground motions, which are probably due to huge secondary basement blasts, the videos showed huge black plumes shooting up from the roofs. Then within a minute showed the bursting of the impacted floors with an incredible explosion and shattering of steel beams, hurling them upwards and far and wide, plus total pulverization of everything else into fine dust. No other building was ever so completely destroyed, not even the Palaces and Gov't. Bldgs. of Baghdad hit by full shock and awe cruise missiles and bunker busters burned or exploded like the WTC. "

Many related links at bottom of page.

7/25/2005 12:48:02 PM

Mr. Joshua
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Quote :
"We found that the photos of mini nukes were far different than our old nuke memories, and the resemblance of these unique 'dredlock' clouds to the 'dredlock' clouds of WTC 911 are so close they are absolutely hair raisingly terrifying."

Apparently, Jeff Rense has convinced our dear salisburyboy that these unseen globalists nuked the WTC. He provides a lot of link on the subject, but really provides no evidence to back up his wil claims. Following the precedent set by the last 32 pages, this post proves absolutely nothing.

Can you explain how a basement explosion would lead to a top-to-bottom collapse? Can you explain where the men in black hid the thousands upon thousands of explosive charges that would be needed to carry out the two largest controlled demolitions in the history of man simultaneously? Can you explain why the violent collapse of thousands of tons of steel and concrete wouldn't affect a seismograph? Can you find me Jeff Rense's credentials and qualifications for analyzing this type of data? Can you find me one instance where either you or Jeff Rense have come to a conclusion after analyzing evidence, and not by fitting it into your conspiracy theory before even considering any other possibilities?

7/25/2005 1:04:26 PM

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Quote :
"McKinney reopens 9/11

Conspiracy theories implicating president aired at 8-hour hearing

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Published on: 07/23/05

Washington — Revisiting the issue that helped spur her ouster from Congress three years ago, Rep. Cynthia Mc­Kinney led a Capitol Hill hearing Friday on whether the Bush administration was involved in the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.

The eight-hour hearing, timed to mark the first anniversary of the release of the Sept. 11 commission's report on the attacks, drew dozens of contrarians and conspiracy theorists who suggest President Bush purposely ignored warnings or may even have had a hand in the attack — claims participants said the commission ignored.

The commission's report was not a rush to judgment, it was a rush to exoneration," said John Judge, a member of Mc­Kinney's staff and a representative of a Web site dedicated to raising questions about the Sept. 11 commission's report.

The White House and the commission have dismissed such questions as unfounded conspiracy theories."

These people are just whacko "conspiracy theorists." Why? Cause Bush and the media said so. Nothing to see here.

7/25/2005 6:38:49 PM

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7/25/2005 6:51:37 PM

Sup, B
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^^ actually, no, they are whacko conspiracy theorists because they are whacko conspiracy theorists

7/25/2005 9:26:25 PM

Mr. Joshua
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Quote :
"The White House and the commission have dismissed such questions as unfounded conspiracy theories."

Well, they are completely unfounded. You haven't been able to prove a single thing in this entire thread.

7/26/2005 10:24:39 AM

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Quote :
"NASA Scientists Told in 1987 Of Government Plot To Attack WTC

Greg Szymanski | July 27 2005

Rene Welch cut “a deal with the devil,” a deal she recently broke when she went public about her two 1987 encounters with Saudi royals, including two of the bin Laden brothers who claimed the U.S. government was actively involved in pre-arranging 9/11.

Welch’s incredible story, first made public in May, has already been verified by one other former NASA scientist. But this week another person present at the meeting also came forward to verify Welch’s story.

The meetings with the Saudis took place in Sedona and Pleasant Valley, Arizona, and lasted more than eight hours each time, the bin Ladens revealing in 1987 detailed plans how the U.S. government was planning to attack the World Trade Center, kicking off a global catastrophe, including a massive war in the Middle East.

Besides being verified by Ronald Logsdon, 49, of Philadelphia, a scientist who worked in a NASA program with Welch and also present at the bin Laden meetings, this week long time Sedona resident, Naomi Niles, also verified the Sedona meeting took place.

“Yes, I was there at one of the meetings back in 1987,” said Niles this week from her Sedona home, adding the details of the story should be left for Logsdon and Welch to describe since she was not a part of the NASA program.

And Welch not only learned about the U.S. government’s pre-planning of 9/11 from the bin Ladens back in 1987, but this week from her Albuquerque home Welch added more, saying when working for NASA as a scientist on brain development research in Phoenix, she obtained a secret computer code and was able to uncover the findings of a government-funded project titled “Global Cleanse 2000,” a study outlining strategies for global war and population reduction."

7/27/2005 11:45:37 AM

All American
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Quote :

7/27/2005 11:54:37 AM

Mr. Joshua
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1) Why was a NASA scientist meeting with Saudi royals? She never explains why they contacted her. Sounds fishy.

2) Why did she wait 4 years to come out with this? Why didn't she come out immediately and expose the government?

3) Why did it take 14 years of planning to arrange 9/11?

4) Why was bin Ladens family aware of the plot? Why would they conspire with the zionist elite that run the world?

5) Why was a licensed hypnotism-therapist working for NASA?

I'm afraid that this is yet another idiotic article that has absolutely no legitimacy.

7/27/2005 12:01:43 PM

All American
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7/28/2005 12:16:15 AM

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Suppressed German Intelligence Document reveals how senior Israelis knew in advance about the attacks and "urgently wished that no attempt was made to prevent the attacks."

Quote :
"The following document was published in June of 2002. If genuine, it must rank as one of the most remarkable documents in history. It purports to be a top-secret report from the German external intelligence agency, the Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND) prepared with assistance from an internal German intelligence agency, the BfV. Among the most important claims it makes are the following: German intelligence detected plans for an attack by Arab extremists on the United States, to take place on September 10 or 11, 2001. Israel was aware of the plans and wished the attack to take place without hindrance. The German ambassador informed the President of the US of the impending attacks. He thanked the ambassador and said that he already knew. Subsequently, his administration urgently requested the suppression of information on this warning. The report elaborates that among the various reasons for the attack being encouraged by the US administration was a desire to have a pretext to attack Afghanistan to secure a pipeline route for western oil companies to export oil from the Caspian basin. Despite angry denunciations of the authenticity of the report from various quarters, the German government has to the best of our knowledge not issued a denial of its authenticity. Even if it were to do so, the alleged urgent request for secrecy could provide grounds for such a denial. No other effective refutation of the accuracy of the report has been seen by the editors of this website. Consequently, it is presented for what it is worth as a possibly genuine document of immense historical significance."

From the German Intelligence document...

Quote :
""It is very evident from surveillance conducted against Mossad agents in the Federal Republic as well as interceptions of Israeli diplomatic communication from the Federal Republic to Tel Aviv, that the Mossad has successfully penetrated various extremist Arab groups in both the Federal Republic and the United States.

These investigations disclosed in late May of 2001 that an attack was to be made against certain specified targets in the American cities of Washington and New York. But it was apparent that the Mossad was not only fully aware of these attacks well in advance but actually, through their own agents inside these Arab groups, assisted in the planning and the eventual execution of the attacks.

That the Israeli government was fully aware of these attacks is absolutely certain and proven. Diplomatic traffic between the Israeli Embassy in the Federal Republic and the Israeli Foreign Office made it very clear that Minister President Sharon was fully aware of this pending attack and urgently wished that no attempt was made to prevent the attacks.

Although the Israeli officials were instructed to warn the American intelligence community that some kind of an attack might be possible, at no time were the specific dates and targets (known at that time to Israeli officials) to be given to the Americans.

[Edited on August 5, 2005 at 11:07 PM. Reason : 2]

8/5/2005 11:03:20 PM

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Quote :
"Government Hacks Continue To Violate Civil Rights Of Illinois 9/11 Truth Seeker

August 2, 2005

By Greg Szymanski

Phillip Jayhan is on the Bush administration "watch list" for getting too close to unraveling the U.S. government's shady dealings in 9/11. The victim of constant harassment, his personal privacy and free speech rights have been violated on a weekly basis for more than a year by government thugs who have no respect for the U.S. Constitution.


And from the looks of the government surveillance put on Jayhan, he has uncovered some damaging evidence, consequently making some of the 9/11 power players very nervous.

Not only has he uncovered some damaging information, but he has also found a way to appeal to the public, convincing thousands if not hundreds of thousands of Americans that the airplane that hit the second tower wasn’t a commercial jet at all, but was actually a government drone armed with weapons.

The montage of video footage he has collected for public viewing on his web site seems to have struck a nerve, if not a main artery, piercing the validity of the commercial jetliner theory the government has advanced since 9/11.

And since the footage has drawn over 15,000 web site hits on a daily basis for some time now, the government has tried in every way possible to keep his convincing video presentation from the American people by regularly, almost on a weekly basis, crashing his site using what he believes to be government hackers.

Although it’s difficult to prove who is the culprit in this modern age of electronic surveillance, Jayhan has a pretty good idea ever since connecting a sophisticated web site tracking system which has revealed daily visits from State Department and Department of Defense computers, not to mention other companies with ties to government interests.

“This was a big find, the footage of the missile, and really got me started to seriously research 9/11. Consequently, I have been harassed and monitored very closely but it has only made me more determined to uncover the real truth behind what really happened on 9/11 ,” said Jayhan this week in a telephone conversation from his McHenry home about the sensitive video footage that first appeared on April 15, 2004, on his web site a site which again this week was brought down by government hackers."

[Edited on August 5, 2005 at 11:41 PM. Reason : 1]

8/5/2005 11:40:22 PM

All American
21682 Posts
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Let's roll!

8/5/2005 11:41:30 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Suppressed German Intelligence Document reveals how senior Israelis knew in advance about the attacks and "urgently wished that no attempt was made to prevent the attacks."

Yes, let's trust the Germans when they disclose something about the Jews.

Damn, I need to stop wasting my time on this thread. I'm tired of seeing that shitty diaper.

8/6/2005 12:03:07 AM

Mr. Joshua
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Quote :
"Despite angry denunciations of the authenticity of the report from various quarters, the German government has to the best of our knowledge not issued a denial of its authenticity. Even if it were to do so, the alleged urgent request for secrecy could provide grounds for such a denial."

So the government hasn't released an official denial, and even if they do, it doesn't prove anything? Thats some top notch logic there. Maybe the German government is too busy to deny every allegation that pops up on the internet.

Quote :
"...crashing his site using what he believes to be government hackers."

So he can't prove anything, yet we're supposed to believe a conspiracy theorist who says that the government is the reason that his internet doesn't work? Internet out? Must be the NWO!

8/6/2005 2:54:47 PM

Sup, B
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amusingly enough, i can't get the stupid site to load anymore. even better, it started fucking up when i switched it to show like IE instead of firefox

eitherway, everything I've read so far is just stupid speculation and the result of actually looking for something where there is nothing.

The "missile" is clearly just the reflection from the sun. In one video, you can see the "missile" appear both in front and behind the wing along the fuselauge of the plane. of even greater importance is that this missile then appears to be almost as long as the plane in that video, and yet in others it appears to be only ten feet long. This is easily explained by the sun and the fact that the plane changed its angle before impact. This causes the back of the plane to light up because it wasn't previously exposed to the sun. The claim that the plane is in the "arm pit of the WTC tower" couldn't be any more wrong. The WTC was square. As such, it has no "arm pit." The angle of the sun on the building is difficult to establish from those videos alone, but as you look at other buildings in the video, you don;t see the WTC's shadow on them. Thus, its hard to say where the plane gets obscured from the sun. Simply being behind the leading edge of the WTC's sunlit side doesn't make the plane automatically hidden from the sun.

In almost every camera angle, you can see that the sun is the cause of the bright sections on the plane.

His explanation for a controlled demolition is shoddy at best. The most gaping hole in his argument is why, if the building had explosives in the basement, did it collapse from the top down. In every controlled demolition that you will ever see, the building's top remains relatively sturdy and in-tact until almost half way down. In the WTC, it collapses from the top down, almost at the point of impact of the aircraft. That is exceedingly inconsistent from what should have happened if explosives were in the basement.

Even his claim of a "rush of hot air" is suspect, as we don't really know how the building's interior fared before the exterior fell. If, as I have heard stated before, the floors are also load bearing structures, the floors collapse, that will push air out of the building, while leaving the exterior of the building unscathed. Thus, what could have happened is that it took the collapse of several floors, which helped hold up part of the exterior, before the exterior was affected. Those floors collapsing would push air out of the building, including the hot air from the burning jet fuel. I'd almost be willing to bet that the exterior scaffolding can support itself somewhat, and that that is why it wouldn't melt away as the floor fell away.

Furthermore, the claim of explosions at the impact level just prior to the buidling's collapse as evidence by a huge fireball as the building collapses is easily explainable: burning jet fuel was forced out of the building as the floor collapsed. Any third-grader could tell you that, silly!

the one thing I will give them is that from the photos, flight 175 does look like a 777 as opposed to a 767

[Edited on August 6, 2005 at 6:14 PM. Reason : ]

8/6/2005 6:11:31 PM

All American
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8/6/2005 6:31:18 PM

All American
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so if the planes were government drones, what happened to the actual planes

8/6/2005 6:40:25 PM

26780 Posts
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the planes are holograms

8/6/2005 6:46:25 PM

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Quote :
"so if the planes were government drones, what happened to the actual planes"

Phillip Jayhan, the 9/11 researcher and author of, believes that at least 2 of the supposed "actual planes" that were supposedly hijacked never really existed.

Quote :
"Another area of concern now occupying Jayhan’s time is the research he uncovered showing that Flight 11 and Flight 77, two of the alleged hijacked planes, never even existed in airline flight records on the morning of 9/11.

“I have found that both of those flights never existed on 9/11 but were strangely on the airline flight lists the day before and the day after,” said Jayhan. “Also I have found out that many – too many – of the passengers on all the four airliners never were even entered on the Social Security Death Index. And what about Flight 93? I have found that not even one of the families have ever applied for 9/11 compensation monies. Why?”


And one of the most difficult questions being addressed by Jayhan and never sufficiently answered by 9/11 skeptics is if other planes were used, what then happened to four original jetliners and the passengers on board?

Although he admits it’s only a theory, he bases his assessment on extensive research into this problematic issue:

“In a nutshell, I theorize that two flights didn’t exist that day, which is verified."

The article above is a very interesting read, by the way.

[Edited on August 7, 2005 at 12:10 AM. Reason : 1]

8/7/2005 12:09:24 AM

26780 Posts
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^i doubt it

8/7/2005 12:12:45 AM

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Quote :
"Father, Who Lost Son at WTC, Claims Bush Administration Hiding Key Financial Documents

August 6, 2005
By Greg Szymanski

William Doyle has become one of the main lightening rods of the 9/11 truth movement, saying President Bush and his cronies are the biggest stumbling block in getting at the real truth. Involved as one of the plaintiffs in a trillion dollar 9/11 lawsuit, he wants the American people to know Bush is hiding vital documents that could lead to the truth.


Doyle said Motley Rice, the firm famous for first defeating the powerful tobacco industry, has hired the world's most pre-eminent and respected terrorist investigator, Jean Claude Risard of France, who supposedly has uncovered a wealth of startling 9/11 information, revealing Israeli and American involvement in 9/11 which will shock many Americans once it is revealed.

Of course, Doyle isn't at liberty to talk specifics about the high-profile and complicated law suit still under intense litigation, he did say he has no doubt in his mind that the government either allowed 9/11 to occur or had an active role in it.

"I honestly don't believe the government story," said Doyle, adding everything about the official story and the follow-up investigation has not lived up to his or most all the other victims and survivors expectations. "The 9/11 Commission report doesn't even begin to get at the truth. They ignored most of he family members serious questions and failed to even incorporate the findings of the 28 page bipartisan report looking into the financial links to 9/11 as well as any solid information leading to names involved with insider trading stock profits and 9/11.""

8/7/2005 12:30:58 AM

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Major UK Paper Story On How 911 Was Staged

Quote :


Towers that fell ‘like a controlled demolition’. Planes that vanished then mysteriously reappeared, And crucial evidence that has been lost for ever. A new book raises bizarre yet deeply unsettling questions about the world’s worst terror atrocity….. "

8/9/2005 11:01:21 PM

Mr. Joshua
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So does the article prove anything?

8/9/2005 11:48:45 PM

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