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All American
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howell tweeted that he played the worst game of his life and apologized. i love the accountability, and loved the effort last night.

12/1/2011 10:22:03 AM

hey now
Indianapolis Jones
14979 Posts
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This. I love this group.

12/1/2011 10:27:35 AM

All American
3051 Posts
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Quote :
"A year from now we'll be sitting around drinking bud lights and telling people, I went to State that's my school."

Fuck Bud Light

12/1/2011 10:41:31 AM

All American
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Howell gets a chop for airmailing that breakaway layup last night. He gets credited a quarter chop back for apologizing via a medium of communication (aka an online social media website named "Twitter Inc"). Net 3/4 chop.

Wood gets a chop for his never ending string of intentional fouls. He gets credited a full chop for his 3 point prowess though, a skill he clearly honed at a young age in a backyard somewhere in rural Indiana. Net zero chops.

Not to be racial or make a stereotype but after watching and playing basketball for 25 years I've noticed something about black players in contrast to white players. You may disagree but I think this is a generalized representation of an ethnic group, composed of what are thought to be typical characteristics of members of the group.

White guys suck at stuff like defense and dribbling and rebounding. Black guys suck at stuff like shooting and free throws.

I think this is becausse white guys grow up playing in their drive way or at the neighbors house by themselves before their dad whistles them in for dinner and they run back to the house with their dog. Sometimes they play 1 on 1 or something if their neighborhood has other kids with similar interests, but for the most part they just shoot over and over. They practice stuff like what if i get fouled and have to win the game with a free throw? Or what if on senior night coach puts me in the game and someone passes me the ball. If I had one shot from the corner wide open because no one guards the unassuming white guy, could I make it? Would Sally be at the game and would she see me make the shot and think "wow, ______ is a nice guy who made a 3-pointer in a game one time and my boyfriend is an asshole and I only date him because he's popular and has money."

Now black guys on the other hand never play by themselves. Just doesn't happen. Maybe the rich ones who live in the suburbs and go to a private school or something do, but definitely not the ones who live downtown or in a huge apartment complex or subdivision. You know one of those ones where you get behind a school bus and 60 kids run out screaming with their little bookbags (mostly empty because they dont bring books home from school or do homework).

They play at the park. They run and jump and try to impress the girls who are lined up around the court skipping jump rope and singing and dancing and shit. There's always one kid who has a wife beater on that can already touch the rim in 5th grade and everyone wants to be him.

Anyway, there's 50 people at the court and only 2-3 basketballs and invariably one of them is flat as hell and no one has a pump so people just put that one off to the side. There's no time to stand around and say "hey guys anyone care if I work on my jump shot for an hour?". That's just not happening. If you make a shot in between games you get your change. Once you miss like 30 people chase down the rebound and whoever gets it gets it. That's why black guys are good at rebounds. They practice that shit like its survival of the fittest. Also, once the game starts black people almost never pass, so the only way they get the ball is to get rebounds. Charles Barkley even said thats why he was so good at rebounding because he knew it's the only way he'd ever get the ball growing up.

It's really nature vs nurture at its finest.

If you want to be great you gotta do both. Can't shoot wide open shots all day in your backyard while you count down "3...2....1... ehhhhhh" in your head all afternoon. Getting good at stuff like shooting from behind the oil spot isn't going to help you playing in a gym somewhere. Similarly, doing flashy dribble moves while 18 year girls with strollers look at you like you're a meal ticket isn't going to work once you get up against D1 competition, you need a fallback like a jump shot.

[Edited on December 1, 2011 at 10:46 AM. Reason : a]

12/1/2011 10:42:20 AM

All American
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Not really a criticism, just an observation - he doesn't really like to use his timeouts, does he? Did he call any last night?

12/1/2011 10:46:50 AM

All American
25825 Posts
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I noticed that too

12/1/2011 10:51:27 AM

All American
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he called one about 5 mins in, or so

12/1/2011 10:59:31 AM

All American
77386 Posts
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there were 4 timeouts left when Indiana retook the lead during their run

12/1/2011 11:03:32 AM

Slave Famous
Become Wrath
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I just love the fact that we're giving chops now. Can we make this a regular thing?

12/1/2011 11:05:44 AM

hey now
Indianapolis Jones
14979 Posts
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I don't see why not.

12/1/2011 11:18:45 AM

All American
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There's really no good reason not to issue chops but I'm not entirely comfortable with everyone having the power to issue them.

Some people just can't help themselves and would go around issuing chops all willy nilly and really devalue other legitimate chops.

I mean airballing a layup? That's a fucking chop at age 10, so it's definitely legit.

But what if people are like "oh, someone was 1/4 from 3's" and gives him a chop for it? Next thing you know chops are totally played out and people's dads and moms are using them to look cool in front of their kids friends.

12/1/2011 11:32:30 AM

hey now
Indianapolis Jones
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Fair enough. You can be the czar of chops.

12/1/2011 11:37:08 AM

All American
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Didn't know if it had been mentioned, but did you guys notice how we went from being terrible at the FT line (under 70%) to missing our first FT well into the second half? Gottfried credibility for improvement +1.

12/1/2011 11:40:21 AM

All American
3895 Posts
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^9. I read that post in my Daniel Tosh voice. Well done.

12/1/2011 11:40:57 AM

hey now
Indianapolis Jones
14979 Posts
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Nice troll attempt.

12/1/2011 11:41:00 AM

All American
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12/1/2011 11:42:46 AM

hey now
Indianapolis Jones
14979 Posts
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FTs may have cost us the game last night. ugh, forget it.

12/1/2011 11:43:31 AM

All American
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Yeah, but FT kept us in the game last night, too. At one point in the game, Indy was 7-9 and we were 14-14, IIRC. Compare that to how we had been doing in the past 5 games, and I don't know how in the world you don't see improvement.

"Free Throws" did lose us that game any more than not having Russell Wilson at QB caused the football team's defense to play so terribly earlier this season.

12/1/2011 11:45:56 AM

Slave Famous
Become Wrath
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Well, I think we need to establish a firm criteria as the what constitutes a chop and what doesn't. Sometimes its obvious, like if you miss the front end of a 1 and 1 with a 3 point lead or try to make a fancy pass and throw it out of bounds. But sometimes it will be somewhat ambiguous, and we'll have to rely on game context and common sense to dole them out. As a ground rule, a chop shouldn't be issued for a single play until the game hangs in the balance, usually in the last few minutes. Prior to that, multiple fuck ups can add up to warrant a chop, such as terrible defense throughout the night or a 4/13 performance from the line. It will be a period of trial and error, but ideally we'd have a system carved out by the time conference play rolls around in January.

I'd also add that we're not allowed to dole out chops until the next morning, because in the heat of the moment we may get frustrated and be temped to chop someone who may not necessarily deserve it. After a period to sober up and let rational though come back into play, we'll be in a better position to objectively chop those who really deserve it.

Finally, not everyone will be authorized to designate chops. You have to have a track record of level headed intelligent discussion without being either a homer or a miscreant, and you have to respect the integrity of the chop and not assign them willy nilly just because you're having a rough week at work or your wife won't fuck you anymore. Clear heads must prevail for this system to work.

12/1/2011 11:46:09 AM

hey now
Indianapolis Jones
14979 Posts
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Quote :
"I'd also add that we're not allowed to dole out chops until the next morning, because in the heat of the moment we may get frustrated and be temped to chop someone who may not necessarily deserve it. After a period to sober up and let rational though come back into play, we'll be in a better position to objectively chop those who really deserve it."


12/1/2011 11:47:17 AM

All American
640 Posts
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Quote :
"You have to have a track record of level headed intelligent discussion without being either a homer or a miscreant, and you have to respect the integrity of the chop and not assign them willy nilly just because you're having a rough week at work or your wife won't fuck you anymore."

You just eliminated 90% of ACC basketball and football refs.

12/1/2011 11:47:58 AM

All American
9877 Posts
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Can someone tell me where these chops come from

12/1/2011 11:48:57 AM

uNC SUcks
All American
6270 Posts
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pork chops or lamb chops?

12/1/2011 11:53:32 AM

All American
15213 Posts
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I'm sure somebody participating in this chop discussion can help me. Where can I find the screenshot of "This guy serious?" from Happy Gilmore? I know I've seen it on here before but I'm not having any luck in the google image search

12/1/2011 12:01:10 PM

All American
8503 Posts
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Slave i agree with all the points you made and the ground rules.

The integrity of the chop has to be preserved at all costs. Chopping in the heat of the moment is definitely not allowed.

Perhaps we could say anyone is allowed to nominate a player for a chop but a panel of judges (3?) have to vote to confirm...

12/1/2011 12:04:10 PM

Slave Famous
Become Wrath
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Aimorris, its "This guy kiddin?", and its nowhere to be found online. Tww user dweedle was nice enough to load the movie himself and capture this screen, which to this date is its only known location.

12/1/2011 12:09:14 PM

All American
15213 Posts
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Jackpot. Thanks.

12/1/2011 12:11:34 PM

All American
26447 Posts
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I guess we look better than Lowe's teams sometimes. Same results, though. This is the Arizona or Syracuse game from last year.

12/4/2011 6:15:19 PM

Sup, B
53310 Posts
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gonna have to quit blowing late-game leads. If we wanted to do that, we coulda just got Herb back

12/4/2011 6:15:34 PM

All American
5191 Posts
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^^ You epitomize the problems with this fan base the last 30 years. Just sayin'.

[Edited on December 4, 2011 at 6:16 PM. Reason : ^s]

12/4/2011 6:16:03 PM

All American
12281 Posts
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he gets a pass on the indiana game because our team is dumb and these arent his players

twice in a row, though?

still credible but gotta get this shit fixed

12/4/2011 6:20:00 PM

All American
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Honestly he gets a pass on the whole season, at least imo.

First season is always going to be a mess, I don't expect the guys to really become his players until near the end of the season.

This is more about seeing how he behaves as a coach. I like his fire out there, and his willingness to defend his players. I'm not a fan of his reluctance to use timeouts.

12/4/2011 6:22:04 PM

All American
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Oh no, some loser on the internet thinks I am a bad fan! How much of a pathetic busybody are you that you care about the attitudes of people on the internet?

I just listened to a shitty game from the Stanford radio broadcast. I suppose I can be like the Stanford fans and just not care at all.

NCSU fans aren't bad. They are just stupid. The smarter stanford alums gave up on mediocre basketball and just don't show up.

[Edited on December 4, 2011 at 6:23 PM. Reason : .]

12/4/2011 6:23:10 PM

Save TWW
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i really wish somebody would get howell to stop fouling people 20 ft away from the basket, get on it gott!

[Edited on December 4, 2011 at 6:24 PM. Reason : damnit dont put that post on my carat]

Quote :
"NCSU fans aren't bad. They are just stupid"

[Edited on December 4, 2011 at 6:25 PM. Reason : ]

12/4/2011 6:23:46 PM

All American
612 Posts
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Someone needs to make a gif of that Gott reaction to the missed walk. Emotion is a +1 in my book.

12/4/2011 6:24:44 PM

5357 Posts
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The 0.2% fringe redneck shitdick ncstate fanbase

12/4/2011 6:25:50 PM

All American
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Quote :
"NCSU fans aren't bad. They are just stupid. The smarter stanford alums gave up on mediocre basketball and just don't show up."

Did skokiaan attend NCSU, or have any affiliation with the team? Or does he just enjoy spending his time on TWW venting from his unhappy life?

12/4/2011 6:32:59 PM

All American
1003 Posts
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Not credible. Time to mid-season fire.

12/4/2011 6:48:08 PM

All American
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i disagree, we should have fired him after the first loss. we need a coach who wins!

12/4/2011 6:51:23 PM

All American
9877 Posts
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Credibility is almost less about wins/losses than how you win/lose this early on.

12/4/2011 6:58:18 PM

All American
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ActionPants and tower both have great points. It's frustrating and you want to be pissed off at Gottfried or the players or someone, but you can't really call it a blow to his credibility. Ever since the first two or three games of the season, I think people have forgotten that this team is following-up on a season where we had a 4-way tie for 8th (or 11th, depending on how you look at it). There is no reason to think that this season we should be killing it or anything...

...but the late-game loses are annoying. Against Indiana, it was easier to say "we had a lead, but never really dominated the game so I can see how we would lose a lead." During this game, you were trying to figure out how we could lead by a comfortable margin most of the game, then fail to close it up.

12/5/2011 9:23:02 AM

All American
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I'd rather be losing by a little than losing by a lot. The fact that they're losing by a little at least shows that they're in the game and not giving up completely when things get bad (except for that BS at the end of the game against Indiana).

It's unfortunate because it creates more heartbreaking situations, but we're NC State fans and we should know how to handle those by now

12/5/2011 9:53:29 AM

All American
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^That reminded me of something else. With under 30 seconds left, Gottfried calls a timeout and starts planning what they are going to do to win this game. So down by two baskets with under a shot clock left, and Gottfried is still coaching these kids that they can win that game.

That's something that we've been missing since before Sid. +1 credibility for never giving up.

12/5/2011 10:45:33 AM

All American
4265 Posts
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+1 for Gottfried almost having a heart attack at the end of the game...i hope he has good blood pressure.

12/5/2011 11:17:46 AM

All American
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He's defnitely got some fire, looked like he was about to charge the ref (again)

12/5/2011 11:19:09 AM

5357 Posts
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despite the retard 0.2% segment of our fanbase being the most vocal in general... i will +1 this->

"+1 for Gottfried almost having a heart attack at the end of the game..."

i like his energy for the team

12/5/2011 11:33:22 AM

Save TWW
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Quote :
"I doubt indiana ends up a top 25 team at the end of the year."


12/10/2011 10:35:33 PM

All American
4265 Posts
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^^preciate it .... you'll rarely, if at all, see me bad mouth any of our coaches

12/10/2011 10:40:30 PM

All American
640 Posts
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Yeah, so... that NCCU game happened...

Good news: this should warm up our guys from the type of defense they'll see against Syracuse and we DID get a win tonight.

Bad news: everything else.

12/11/2011 7:04:49 PM

All American
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Credible? More like in-credible. Amirite?

12/11/2011 7:16:02 PM

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