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Duh, Winning
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Quote :
"The guards will surely abandon the place as soon as societal order begins to break down."

more like the guards would kick all the inmates out, then try to get their own loved ones to the prison, and defend it, a place they know, like hell

2/18/2013 9:36:58 AM

Mtan Man214
All American
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I'm pretty sure if it's a good idea to stay away from anywhere featured in major zombie films/series. I'd mark off prisons, malls, populated islands and cozy mountain downtown districts for starters.

You'd probably also want to avoid places like cosco, walmart, grocery stores, etc. Every mouth breather who isn't bitten in the outbreak will try to barricade themselves in one and shoot anyone on sight to protect their supply of wonder bread and bud light.

2/18/2013 9:57:18 AM

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What about the K-Mart on Western Blvd, people forget its there unless they want to use the lot to meet up before a game.

2/18/2013 11:20:37 AM

All American
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I'm still standing by my decision to go to Mitch's.

2/18/2013 11:35:22 AM

Mtan Man214
All American
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I tend to think if (insert name of any TLC, History Channel, etc. reality TV star) would think it was a good idea to go here, then I cross that off my list. I don't want to spend my last days trying to fight off a bunch of neandertards who believe the person that spills the most blood will ultimately win the apocalypse.

^I also think there's a lot to be said for that strategy. Surviving an epidemic is largely based on luck, so you might as well face the inevitable in a comfy location with good beer.

2/18/2013 1:13:34 PM

All American
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you dont think if you get there within the first day, no one will be dug in yet and you could get in and out with some ammo and other things?

I am thinking of looting situations.... people will just be smash and grabbing for the first several hours/days, then eventually someone will obtain a dominant position for defense. I still think I would hit a big box first for ammo/food items/supplies.

2/18/2013 1:23:45 PM

Mtan Man214
All American
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Every moron with a gun is probably going to think the same thing. The second the social fabric collapses and looting becomes an option you'll find every one of them looting any shop they can. Chances are you'll fill up your car with ammo, food, supplies and as soon as you're done someone will shoot you and drive off with your shit.

In a situation where there's no rule of law and the world is covered in ravenous zombies, my best option is going to be to put as much distance between me and any other walking human, dead or alive, and become invisible to the world.

[Edited on February 18, 2013 at 1:47 PM. Reason : ]

2/18/2013 1:46:51 PM

All American
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I'd go to the country

2/18/2013 1:49:34 PM

All American
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and then camp in tents!

2/18/2013 1:58:00 PM

All American
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after all this time, I literally just now realized that Raleigh was spelled wrong in the title.

2/19/2013 9:13:36 AM

68205 Posts
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Quote :
"^I also think there's a lot to be said for that strategy. Surviving an epidemic is largely based on luck, so you might as well face the inevitable in a comfy location with good beer."

well the good thing about Mitch's is that you could really fortify it.
that small stairwell could be a nice choke point that would be easily defendable from higher ground.

2/19/2013 10:49:56 AM

All American
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where in raleigh do they sell samurai swords?

2/19/2013 12:10:51 PM

hey now
Indianapolis Jones
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I'm wondering this as well. A good work boot, also.

2/19/2013 12:26:26 PM

All American
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Quote :
"http://well the good thing about Mitch's is that you could really fortify it. that small stairwell could be a nice choke point that would be easily defendable from higher ground. "

yep. I just pretend that there is no back door. (is there? i really have no idea)

[Edited on February 19, 2013 at 2:13 PM. Reason : fail]

2/19/2013 1:52:36 PM

All American
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I realize it is just a show, but Darrell really needs a samurai sword to compliment his crossbow. Sometimes that thing is just reloaded and its like, dude you have to put it on the ground, put your feet through the bow and pull up on the string to reload it, why don't you have a secondary weapon better than that buck knife?

2/19/2013 2:04:07 PM

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I still maintain that everyone would forget about the K-Mart on western blvd, even the zombies.

3/26/2013 2:19:37 PM

Mtan Man214
All American
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^The parking lot would be a good defensive option. Nothing scares off potential looters more than having the ground swallow their cars.

3/26/2013 2:23:28 PM

Duh, Winning
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its been over a year, I guess the zombies got this thread

6/16/2014 8:38:46 AM

All American
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I've watched enough movies to know how to deal with zombies

6/17/2014 4:17:23 PM

yovo yovo bonsoir
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I've spent the last 800+ days in what might be called the birthplace of the "zombie" idea. The word itself is supposedly Kongo in origin, but of course it first became prominent through the Vodun religion, which comes from Benin.

Of course, like so many things we associate with voodoo -- I'm looking at you, pincushion dolls -- zombies are unknown to Benin. Which is a pity. I have never been in a place so woefully unprepared for a zombie apocalypse. Pretty much everyone in this country will die right off the bat.

Most of them will probably kill themselves right off the bat through some sort of misinformation campaign. Next door in Nigeria, two people died from drinking saltwater because a local king declared that doing so would make you immune to ebola. Something similar would happen if zombies were afoot. Prince Mbebwe of the Whogivesafuck People will say that you can be protected from zombies if you bathe in bleach and then lick an AIDS patient's butthole or something.

Whoever lives through that will try to hole up in their housing complexes, which usually have a little walled courtyard. Most of them will be dead in a week from lack of water. Most of those who remain will die in the following week because Beninese buildings have the same structural integrity and reliability as the castles you made out of cardboard boxes when you were a kid. The rest of them will die two weeks after that when they run out of food, because all foods in West Africa fall into two categories:

1) Extremely perishable
2) Canned, and thus imported, and thus too expensive for anybody to buy or bother having in a store

Foraging for food will be pointless. The crops will have rotted in the fields and every animal of any size was hunted to eradication thirty years ago.

It doesn't have to be this way. We're talking about a society where everybody over the age of four has a machete and is expert in its use, a place where people aren't at all squeamish about killing their fellow man in an up-close-and-personal fashion. But it turns out that these bad-assed qualities are just not enough when you live in a house I could knock over with one decent Mexican food fart.

9/8/2014 4:05:41 AM

Duh, Winning
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a mall, prison, box store, gun store, etc is going to be overrun with survivors who will either kill each other and/or let the undead in

I think a secluded farm house would be best
just make sure you aren't followed after supply runs,
maybe set up "safe houses" away from the farm you can run to if you are being followed, with traps for anyone that follows you in

above all, if you are followed, don't run home and compromise the rest of your group

but even then you have the risk of a herd walking up on you, even then, just have something with a lot of noise lead them off then lose them

eventually start building a wall, but that shit takes time

9/8/2014 8:39:03 AM

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10/24/2014 9:20:16 AM

All American
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uh oh, is this zombie thing going to happen or not?

11/30/2014 12:08:07 PM

Duh, Winning
62551 Posts
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I hope you have your shitting pants on

8/13/2017 9:42:18 AM

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