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All American
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has anyone tried putting their iphone4 sim into an ipad 3g yet?

Just wondering if it works, or what it takes to make it work.

7/8/2010 12:32:13 PM

Art Vandelay
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packman it seems like most of your issues are interface related and connection speed related. the interface, well yeah that's what it is, a touch screen, what did you expect really?

as far as USB goes you can get a adapter, i dunno if it supports keyboards but it should it would be much more useful in a upright dock and keyboard for sitdown work.

7/8/2010 1:25:26 PM

El Nachó
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Quote :
"has anyone tried putting their iphone4 sim into an ipad 3g yet?

Just wondering if it works, or what it takes to make it work."

I mean, you could take any sim card and cut it down and it would work fine in an iPad, so I can't see why it wouldn't work with one from an iPhone4.

7/8/2010 4:14:40 PM

All American
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^ thats why I asked if anyone had TRIED it ...

It seems like it would work ... but wanted to know if someone had done it first hand.

One thing that made me doubt it is the registration/activation process for turning on your 3g data plan on the iPad ...

7/8/2010 5:14:47 PM

All American
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Mine is in Memphis. I expect to have it Tuesday.

7/10/2010 11:15:47 AM

El Nachó
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7/10/2010 6:00:13 PM

All American
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Mine just arrived.

7/12/2010 9:59:43 AM

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7/12/2010 10:13:00 AM

All American
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7/12/2010 10:36:28 AM

Mr. Joshua
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Buzz Aldrin's app is cool if you're into space exploration.

7/12/2010 1:53:37 PM

All American
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Browsing on mine now. Really liking the experience!

7/12/2010 10:05:48 PM

4833 Posts
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Just want until you want to do something else, like talk on aim or listen to Pandora at the same time. It's extremely frustrating. I hope it's already jailbroken with backgrounder.

7/14/2010 7:03:51 PM

El Nachó
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edit post is. has been for 2 months now.

7/14/2010 9:29:08 PM

El Nachó
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3.2.1 firmware is out now.

7/15/2010 3:44:20 PM

All American
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Azaka said:
Quote :
"Just want until you want to do something else, like talk on aim or listen to Pandora at the same time. It's extremely frustrating. I hope it's already jailbroken with backgrounder."

Well, it's been a week. I have to say that I haven't run into this frustration.

Pandora may not play in the background, but the built-in iPod app does. I haven't really been listening to music and doing something else on the iPad, though. That goes for AIM as well. I really don't use the iPad for communication aside from the odd e-mail or tweet.

I haven't jailbroken it, but I haven't installed the new jailbreak-killing firmware, either. I'm not really convinced about the benefits of jailbreaking the iPad.

One thing that does frustrate me very slightly is that the persistence of windows in Safari is so touchy. Sometimes, I'll switch away from a window for a second, go right back, and be forced to refresh the page. Not such a big deal most of the time, but on Web pages where the content is determined by a POST request, it's annoying, because Safari does not re-submit the POST.

7/19/2010 8:47:29 AM

All American
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Yo there are a couple of 3rd party browsers for < $5 in the app store that do a pretty good job at keeping more pages in memory.

7/19/2010 10:45:48 AM

All American
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Someone buy me this:

7/21/2010 3:09:29 PM

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no you buy me one

7/21/2010 3:18:39 PM

All American
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hey do you have WORDS WITH FRIENDS

7/21/2010 3:21:18 PM

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I only use my iPad to play minesweeper and check my hotmail

7/21/2010 3:29:42 PM

All American
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ipad people - get Flipboard. It's amazing (and free). Just hit yesterday

7/21/2010 3:35:16 PM

All American
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I play Words With Friends - mullnasty

7/23/2010 3:45:49 PM

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^^ my twitter/facebook integration for flipboard got activated today. seems pretty cool. if the new Windows Phone 7 integration is anything like this, i can see it being pretty useful, especially on a phone

7/27/2010 4:28:21 PM

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Derkistan on Words with Friends.

If you only use the iPad for one thing at a time and don't try to use it for any kind of chat client then it's lack of multitasking won't really bother you. My laptop blew up so I've been using the iPad as a replacement for that when I'm out of town. I am very ADD on the computer and need to be doing more than one thing at a time so I get frustrated.

I use A1 perfect browser which is more like a desktop browser with multiple tabs that run at the same time.

7/27/2010 4:50:42 PM

El Nachó
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The lack of multitasking on my iPad never bothered me because my iPad has no lack of multitasking.

7/27/2010 9:59:36 PM

All American
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I've got Words games going with engrish and Azaka right now. While I wait for my next turn, I've got Pandora playing right out the integrated speaker. It's sitting next to me closed, like a lo-fi radio book or some shit.

7/27/2010 10:11:41 PM

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finally jailbroke it... only things I am really using are SBSettings, Backgrounder, and Winterboard

8/3/2010 11:14:32 PM

All American
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I've been at my girlfriend's beach house with her family, who are filthy rich, and her aunt has brought her iPad she recently bought.

Her word on the iPad:

"I hate it! It hurts my eyes! The only reason I use it is because it's just like my laptop anyway. The best feature has been using it for sharing photos of our recent safari. It makes the pictures so pretty and you can just pass them around! I don't like to read on it though so I don't really use it for email or anything, that's why I bought my Kindle. It's downloading a book right now, isn't that cool?"

Hate... rushing forward... take the electronics away from her... do it.

8/4/2010 11:13:45 AM

All American
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haha well it's a legitimate complaint. For people who actually do serious reading (more than just reading online articles) it kills your eyes. It's not made for reading novels on. E-ink/real paper is still much better. I can't imagine reading for an extended period of time on an iPad.

[Edited on August 4, 2010 at 11:16 AM. Reason : s]

8/4/2010 11:16:06 AM

All American
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My wife loves her Macbook and her Kindle; she told me she has no use for an iPad although it is cool.

8/4/2010 1:22:14 PM

All American
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Quote :
"haha well it's a legitimate complaint. For people who actually do serious reading (more than just reading online articles) it kills your eyes. It's not made for reading novels on. E-ink/real paper is still much better. I can't imagine reading for an extended period of time on an iPad."

Backed 100%. Hardcopy > Kindle >>> Any other computer screen as far as reading comfortably. Not even a contest. It is nice to have the capability there but read for hours at a single sitting on the 3 different mediums and the difference is huuuuge.

Maybe you disagree but there is no question from my experience.

8/4/2010 1:29:26 PM

All American
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It's funny my Sony Pocket Reader is actually sharper and easier to read than some of my older paper backs because they fade/smudge over time. But yeah no contest. I don't think anyone actually thinks a LCD is easier to read than paper.

8/4/2010 1:43:10 PM

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yeah, definitely not better than paper, but as compared to other e-readers its just as good to me... I read a 900 page book on there no problem

8/4/2010 11:48:26 PM

All American
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i am not a reader but I enjoy reading on my iPhone, when we get an iPad next year I'll probably really like reading on it too.

8/4/2010 11:54:24 PM

All American
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^^well you're in the vast minority then.

Quote :
"but as compared to other e-readers its just as good to me"

First of all it's not really an e-reader device. There's no e-paper display. LCDs are not made to be read on for that long a period. I have better than perfect vision and I struggle after an hour or so. Read any review comparing the iPad to the kindle. The iPad isn't for serious readers. It's just not comfortable to read on. I'm not saying there aren't exceptions but there's definitely a general consensus on this. It's even worse trying to read an iPad outside in the direct sunlight compared to a kindle.

Quote :
"yeah, definitely not better than paper,"

See the general opinion is that e-ink is pretty close to the quality of paper. Especially the newer kindle and sony models with much higher contrast. My Sony Pocket actually looks clearer than some of my older paper backs because real ink fades.

Have you actually read extensively on a kindle?

8/5/2010 9:04:38 AM

All American
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how can vision be better than perfect

what kind of god would allow that

8/5/2010 11:02:59 AM

All American
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My apologies. Sometimes 20/20 is considered perfect, but in actuality it's nominal. I have 20/15 so I was just emphasizing the point that I have good vision and use computers all the time and typically don't have issues with screens but one thing I can't do is read for extended periods of time on LCDs.

There's a reason why people still print out long documents to read. It's just easier on the eyes.

8/5/2010 11:10:02 AM

All American
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i want an ipod ever since i used azaka's

8/5/2010 10:41:56 PM

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^^^^ yes, tried both, didnt really notice a difference and I liked the interface more on the iPad. As I said, it didnt bother me to read on it at all...

8/6/2010 12:21:49 AM

All American
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You must not read at all then. Reading on an LCD is no where near as nice as on paper or e-ink.

8/6/2010 9:06:59 AM

All American
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the thing is still to heavy, apple, please bring it down to 1 oz plz.

8/6/2010 9:22:50 AM

All American
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carrying heavy DSLR's around haven't toughened you up yet?

8/6/2010 9:38:54 AM

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i've only used e-ink screens a few time for extended periods of time, but i do stare at LCD screens all day, just like most of you probably do too. i don't seem to get any eye fatigue from reading on my LCD screens all day, so i can't see e-ink carrying that much benefit

[Edited on August 6, 2010 at 9:56 AM. Reason : .]

8/6/2010 9:56:00 AM

All American
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Quote :
"so i can't see e-ink carrying that much benefit"

Everyone reads on LCD screens all day. That's entirely different. You're not reading a novel you're working. Moving your eyes around etc. If you continuously read on an LCD your eyes will get fatiqued. That's just the nature of backlit LCD screens. It's not magic or anything. You don't have some magical immunity that causes your eyes not to hurt after staring at a backlit display for hours.

The benefit of e-ink is it's like paper. It's easy to read on and doesn't hurt your eyes. You guys must not read at all. I'm not talking about articles or short bursts of reading at work. I'm talking about reading novels. There's a reason people still print out long documents to read and there's a reason why people who are serious readers don't read on LCD screens.

At this point i'm just assuming anyone who thinks reading on an LCD is just as pleasant/easy as reading on real paper/e-ink just flat out doesn't read for long periods of time.

-but it's awesome that you guys can read on the iPad. I wish i could. I tried and after an hour I had to switch back to my e-reader. Immediate relief. So to each his own.

[Edited on August 6, 2010 at 10:12 AM. Reason : s]

8/6/2010 10:04:50 AM

56200 Posts
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Quote :
"You must not read at all then. Reading on an LCD is no where near as nice as on paper or e-ink."

nope, have read a ton, all my life... can you not accept that it just doesnt bother some people? I am not the only person in the entire world that is able to read on an iPad just fine...

Quote :
"There's a reason people still print out long documents to read "

a lot of people do this at work, and its odd to them that I dont... I hate printing out shit, just something else to keep track of, I read 200-300 pages reports all the time at work on the screen.

[Edited on August 7, 2010 at 4:49 PM. Reason : d]

8/7/2010 4:46:44 PM

All American
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I never said it bothered everyone. I'm able to do it it's just not as pleasant. All I'm saying is it's MORE pleasant and easier to read on paper/e-ink than an iPad. I didn't say people don't do it. I'm able to do it. I'm just saying if I had a choice I'd rather read on a kindle or paper as would most people.

So if you had the document in front of you printed out on paper, and on the screen you'd seriously choose to read it on the screen rather than the paper?

8/7/2010 5:27:15 PM

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if someone already printed it and handed it to me then I would read that because I wouldnt have to bring up the document on the screen in the first place. But, if I am going to markup, edit, or send on the document I would use the electronic copy. If neither was "up" I would do the electronic copy. To me, there is not enough drop in the experience reading off of a screen than reading actual text, definitely not enough to makeup for all the advantages of an electronic copy.

As an example, I re-purchased a hardback book I had JUST bought on ibooks once I got my iPad because I would rather read it on there than lug a 4 inch hardback around.

[Edited on August 7, 2010 at 5:57 PM. Reason : ;]

8/7/2010 5:57:35 PM

All American
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Quote :
"I read 200-300 pages reports all the time at work on the screen"

No offense to how hard you work, but nobody actually READS reports quite like they read a book ... people generally tend to scan reports with wandering eyes, especially ones that are 200-300 pages at work. And for this usage, I would agree that it would be just fine.

Quote :
"I re-purchased a hardback book I had JUST bought on ibooks once I got my iPad because I would rather read it on there than lug a 4 inch hardback around."

The logic here is absolutely sound, but I am still in the camp of "not kind to the eyes for long term focused reading". Maybe your eyes can handle the strain; in that case, enjoy the book!

8/8/2010 10:05:47 AM

El Nachó
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I finally picked up a component out cable for my iPad/iPhone4 today. I really like everything you can do with it. Especially if you get this jailbreak program called DisplayOut. It just mirrors your iDevice to the TV. Now I can hook up my iPad to the TV and play SNES games on the big screen, controlling it with a Wii Remote.

Or if you don't want to take the Jailbreak route, the Chopper 2 app is pretty cool too. Same deal, the iPad outputs to the TV and you use the iPhone to control the Chopper. Really neat stuff.

edit: now I'm surfing TWW on my iPad, outputting the display to my TV, and using my iphone to control everything. Nerd overload.

[Edited on August 8, 2010 at 8:39 PM. Reason : iLoser]

8/8/2010 8:23:13 PM

All American
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How is the resolution/quality on your tv? Blurry and stretched out I imagine ...

[Edited on August 8, 2010 at 9:12 PM. Reason : .]

8/8/2010 9:10:42 PM

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