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All American
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Quote :
"David Irving, one of the most respected historians in the world"

Respected by who?

6/16/2005 3:27:14 PM

9434 Posts
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Nice summary of who David Irving is...

Quote :
"David Irving is a British historian, author of more than 30 best-selling books including "Hitler's War" and a recent biography of Churchill. He is the son of a British Navy Commander and military historian and financed his college education by working as a laborer in the steel mills of the Ruhr Valley where he acquired a first hand knowledge of the German language and its people. Irving is no stranger to controversy but was unprepared for the disproportionate attack on his reputation he suffered after publishing the Leuchter report (see below) which presented physical evidence that seemed to cast doubt on the official holocaust story. Rather than responding to Leuchter's evidence with reasoned examination and debate, Irving was assaulted instead by an avalanche of defamation, demonization and dirty tricks which continues to this day."

[Edited on June 16, 2005 at 3:35 PM. Reason : 2]

6/16/2005 3:32:18 PM

Mr. Joshua
43948 Posts
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You just can't defend your ideas can you?

Quote :
"How do all Jews know to create anti-semitism? Is there a secret newsletter or are they just trained to take over the world from birth?

Despite your usual wild accusations, you have yet to prove that the Third Reich or any modern neo-nazi groups are actually funded by jews.

And you never explained this:

Are all Holocaust survivors lying? Did they all get together circa 1945 and agree on one big lie to tell the world? This seems like a pretty major point of your Jew conspiracy, yet you have never addressed it."

6/16/2005 3:35:35 PM

All American
31058 Posts
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sometimes i forget how funny i really am


6/16/2005 3:40:16 PM

Duh, Winning
62355 Posts
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6/16/2005 3:41:34 PM

All American
36908 Posts
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yeah let me listen to this guy, hell he cant even write HTML

amd anyone with this on their site doesn't scream creditibility

[Edited on June 16, 2005 at 3:43 PM. Reason : ]

6/16/2005 3:43:06 PM

1013 Posts
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the hulkster says "get off my case, or else!"

6/16/2005 4:12:40 PM

All American
36908 Posts
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actually the hulk seems to be saying "no remote linking"

6/16/2005 4:13:51 PM

Mr. Joshua
43948 Posts
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H O G A N ! ! ! ! ! !

6/16/2005 4:24:50 PM

9434 Posts
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Quote :
"ADL's New 'Hate Bill' The Death Knell For Talk Radio

By Rev. Ted Pike

The Anti-Defamation League's new, tougher hate bill, "The Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2005," HR 2662, if passed, will very soon end FREE SPEECH and FREE SPEECH TALK RADIO. The ADL, through similar legislation, has already ended free speech in Canada. It wants to do the same in America.

Here's a summary of how this bill would make law.

HR 2662 intends to enforce nation-wide the working ADL/federal definition that 'hate' equals bias against federally-protected groups. Particularly against:

Homosexuals. Any specific public criticism of homosexuals will eventually be considered a hate crime, just as it already has been for eleven Christians under the ADL's Pennsylvania hate crime law on Oct. 10, 2004.


Jews. B'nai B'rith, a Jewish religious organization, invented 'hate laws' to make public criticism of homosexuality a 'hate crime.' Yet this is only a step toward B'nai B'rith's REAL objective: making public criticism of Jews, matters Jewish, and the State of Israel, a hate crime.

HR 2662 intends to give the same special federal protection to Jews as to homosexuals, providing a green light for corrupt Jewish leaders to intensify their domination of the media, Congress, and the Mideast. Hate laws will eventually empower Jewish leadership to imprison those who criticize them, be they Jews or Gentiles.

7/1/2005 12:14:50 AM

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Jewish author Henry Makow on the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion and the amazing Harold Rosenthal interview....

Quote :
"The Protocols of Zion Updated

By Henry Makow Ph.D.
February 15, 2004

In 1976, the plan for "Jewish world domination" outlined in The Protocols of the Elders of Zion had been largely realized. Harold Wallace Rosenthal, 29, a personal assistant to New York Senator Jacob Javits felt that Jewish power was so unassailable that he could make some extra cash by telling this story to Walter White Jr., the editor of the Conservative monthly Western Front.

"Too many Jews do not have the guts to tell you how we live and plan, but I am not intimated by anything or anyone," Rosenthal told White.

"It is too late for your Christian followers to put up a defence. That time is long past. Long, long ago we had to become the aggressors! That is undoubtedly one of our great purposes in life. We are aggressors!"

This shocking 17-page interview, which contradicts the Jewish image as victims, has been online for some time. It ranks with the revelations of Benjamin Freedman , and C.G. Rakovsky as a description of the real forces directing the world."

7/1/2005 12:55:43 AM

Mr. Joshua
43948 Posts
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Why don't you go ahead and find us some proof that the Protocols of the Elders of Zion isn't pure fiction? I'm not asking you to provide the address of a website thats says that it is real. I'm asking for some sort of academic proof. As far as I can tell, the whole thing is a fake. Of course, you can't admit that because most of your anti-semitic rationalizations are based on that. Let me guess, if you actually do respond to this you'll give us that same hogwash about how you're not anti-semitic, even though zionists love anti-semitism.

Oh and by the way:

You just can't defend your ideas can you?

Quote :
"How do all Jews know to create anti-semitism? Is there a secret newsletter or are they just trained to take over the world from birth?

Despite your usual wild accusations, you have yet to prove that the Third Reich or any modern neo-nazi groups are actually funded by jews.

And you never explained this:

Are all Holocaust survivors lying? Did they all get together circa 1945 and agree on one big lie to tell the world? This seems like a pretty major point of your Jew conspiracy, yet you have never addressed it."

7/1/2005 9:41:52 AM

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History of Zionist/Mossad black ops and false-flag operations

Excellent outline of many of the major incidents. Many links to other articles at bottom of page.

7/9/2005 2:22:20 PM

Mr. Joshua
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Wow. Thats the stupidest website that I've ever seen. The author of the page included no evidence at all for some of his most outlandish claims. The part about Israel using a "micro nuke" on Bali was especially funny.

Please include evidence, or maybe even *proof* when you make wild claims like this. Has it never bothered you that you just can't seem to find any? Your web pages all make the same claims, but somehow none of them ever prove anything.

Quote :
"Why don't you go ahead and find us some proof that the Protocols of the Elders of Zion isn't pure fiction? I'm not asking you to provide the address of a website thats says that it is real. I'm asking for some sort of academic proof. As far as I can tell, the whole thing is a fake. Of course, you can't admit that because most of your anti-semitic rationalizations are based on that. Let me guess, if you actually do respond to this you'll give us that same hogwash about how you're not anti-semitic, even though zionists love anti-semitism.

How do all Jews know to create anti-semitism? Is there a secret newsletter or are they just trained to take over the world from birth?

Despite your usual wild accusations, you have yet to prove that the Third Reich or any modern neo-nazi groups are actually funded by jews.

And you never explained this:

Are all Holocaust survivors lying? Did they all get together circa 1945 and agree on one big lie to tell the world? This seems like a pretty major point of your Jew conspiracy, yet you have never addressed it."

The fact that you are incapable of defending your ideas really hurts your credibility, little buddy.

7/11/2005 10:15:55 AM

9434 Posts
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Quote :
"The right wing extremist groups are still controlled by the state to this day. A 2003 court case embarassed the German government when it was discovered that one in seven Neo Nazis was a secret service agent, and in many cases had been for decades. The Neo-Nazis are controlled by the government and used as a means to restrict any form of alternative political speech.";jsessionid=U2VVXTXP0QPB5QFIQMGSM5WAVCBQWJVC?xml=/news/2002/07/16/wgerm16.xml

Quote :
"Germany's top neo-Nazis spy for ministry

By Hannah Cleaver in Berlin
(Filed: 16/07/2002)

One in seven of Germany's top neo-Nazis is a secret service agent, the government has admitted in an attempt to sustain faltering efforts to ban a far-Right political party."

So, the "top" neo-Nazis (or the leaders) are spies for the government. If the leaders are really government agents, what does that tell you about who really runs and controls these organizataions?

7/12/2005 11:50:34 AM

Mr. Joshua
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You always leave out important information that hurts your case:

Quote :
"Now the authorities have admitted that they have been paying 30 of the 210 top NPD functionaries for information. The figure, published in the German press this weekend, applies only to the ruling ranks of the party, leaving open how many of the average members might also be feeding information to the government."

The government has paid members of an illegal organization for information. The US government has a similar relationship with elements of organized crime, does that mean that FBI runs the mafia?

And even if you were able to prove that the government ran the NPD (which you aren't), you would still have the enormous leap of having to prove that the German government is run by the Jews. Just save yourself all of the pseudo-research and admit that you're an anti-semite. Oh let me guess, Jews aren't really semites? I know, I know. We've all heard your ridiculous rants before.

7/12/2005 12:03:42 PM

9434 Posts
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Quote :
"Lithuanian paper fined for saying Jews rule the world

Jul. 11, 2005

A Lithuanian court has fined the owner of a popular newspaper 3,000 litas for publishing an anti-Semitic editorial.

Vitas Tomkus, the owner and editor-in-chief of the daily Respublika, was found liable for his scurrilous attacks aimed at homosexuals and Jews. In an editorial published last year, entitled "Who Rules the World?," Tomkus warned readers to be suspicious of America, because it, "is ruled by Jews." He added that "Jews use the issue of the Holocaust to conceal their own crimes."

An editorial cartoon, also published last year, depicts a caricatured Jewish figure holding aloft a globe. He is standing next to a man identified as a homosexual.

Representatives of Lithuania's 4,000 Jews testified in court. One spokesperson accused the paper of "openly promoting anti-Semitic hysteria." The incident had provoked denouncements from around the world, including the United States. In a letter to the Lithuanian ambassador from New Jersey Senator Steve Rothman, signed by 19 other congressman, the Senator warns: "[P]rejudice against Jews and gays will only threaten the stability of trans-Atlantic relations between Lithuania and the United States and potentially slow the progress of the Republic of Lithuania's integration into European institutions.""

7/13/2005 11:25:27 AM

Mr. Joshua
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Heaven forbid that there should be any repurcussion for blatant anti-semitism within the media.

Of course, this is the same part of the world that produced the great hoax Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Sadly, anti-semitism has always been prevalent there. Its a shame that people still need to divide themselves over such ridiculous notions.

7/13/2005 11:37:57 AM

9434 Posts
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Quote :
"Rothman Leads Bipartisan Congressional Coalition Urging Lithuanian Ambassador To Denounce Recent Anti-Semitic & Anti-Gay Newspaper Articles

Washington, DC - Deeply concerned about a series of anti-Semitic and anti-gay articles with an accompanying vitriolic caricature that appeared in a prominent and leading Lithuanian newspaper, Respublika, Congressman Steve Rothman (D-Fair Lawn) today led a group of House members calling on Lithuanian Ambassador Vygaudas Ušackas to forcefully condemn the malicious message of hatred and intolerance in the news pieces. Rothman and his colleagues expressed their belief in a letter to the Ambassador that as Lithuania prepares to join the European Union (EU) later this spring, the Baltic state's leaders and foreign representatives must ensure that the country combat anti-Semitism throughout its borders.

"We urge you to take a leadership role in rejecting the Respublika's series of articles that demonize Jews and gays and perpetuate intolerant stereotypes throughout the Republic of Lithuania," Rothman wrote to Ušackas in a letter that 19 of his House colleagues also signed. "As the Republic of Lithuania is expected to become a member of the European Union (EU) on May 1, 2004, it is imperative that the Lithuanian government combat anti-Semitism and intolerance throughout its borders. Considering that the EU recently stated that it would fight against anti-Semitism and bigotry throughout Europe, it is shocking that the content of these prejudiced articles and the accompanying caricature appeared on the front page of an ostensibly respectable Lithuanian newspaper within three months of its impending membership in the EU.""

[Edited on July 14, 2005 at 5:16 PM. Reason : 1]

7/14/2005 5:13:30 PM

Mr. Joshua
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Quote :
"Heaven forbid that there should be any repurcussion for blatant anti-semitism within the media. "

So you think that the world should be more tolerant of anti-semitism?

7/14/2005 5:57:50 PM

3 of 11
All American
6276 Posts
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Someone should embed the Horst Wessel Song into this thread.

7/16/2005 1:37:41 AM

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Quote :
"Zundel Charged With Hate Crime

The Globe and Mail

BERLIN (AP) -- German prosecutors said Tuesday that they have charged far-rightist Ernst Zundel with incitement to racial hatred.

Mr. Zundel, who was extradited from Canada earlier this year, is accused of spreading anti-Semitism and denying the Holocaust, partly in texts distributed via the Internet, prosecutors in the southwestern city of Mannheim said.

Mr. Zundel is "known internationally as a leader of the right-wing scene," the prosecutors said in a statement listing 14 cases of alleged incitement to racial hatred.

He was arrested in March on his arrival in Germany after losing a long legal battle to head off his extradition. He had been detained in Toronto since 2003 under Canadian anti-terrorism laws. Both Canadian and U.S. authorities rejected his applications for citizenship. "

7/20/2005 12:16:45 PM

Mr. Joshua
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Quote :
"So you think that the world should be more tolerant of anti-semitism?"

Evidently you have no problem with individuals inciting anti-semitism in the country that is responsible for the greatest persecution of jews in recent memory. Oh let me guess, "Its not really anti-semitism because jews really are evil."

Please step away from your computer and open a book for once.

7/20/2005 12:24:09 PM

9434 Posts
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Excellent archive of articles...

Synagogue of Satan

7/22/2005 6:42:35 PM

Mr. Joshua
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Well with a domain name like "Anti-Christ Conspiracy" it must be legitimate.

"Synagogue of Satan" is cute too.

7/22/2005 8:17:01 PM

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"I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan."

-Revelation 2:9

7/23/2005 10:11:44 AM

Mr. Joshua
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^ Well, obviously that makes the webpage and everything on it completely legitimate.

A domain name like "Anti-Christ Conspiracy" definitely adds a lot to its credibility.

Please find websites that aren't from crazy people.

7/24/2005 9:06:35 PM

9434 Posts
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Rense's Protocol Information Page

7/27/2005 11:13:21 AM

Mr. Joshua
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Quote :
"Why don't you go ahead and find us some proof that the Protocols of the Elders of Zion isn't pure fiction? I'm not asking you to provide the address of a website thats says that it is real. I'm asking for some sort of academic proof. As far as I can tell, the whole thing is a fake. Of course, you can't admit that because most of your anti-semitic rationalizations are based on that. Let me guess, if you actually do respond to this you'll give us that same hogwash about how you're not anti-semitic, even though zionists love anti-semitism."

You Protocols are a fake, little buddy. Prove me wrong.

7/27/2005 11:18:53 AM

All American
9317 Posts
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7/28/2005 12:17:05 AM

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Quote :

Portland, OR. July 27, 2005 (CNT)—Officials of the Simon Wiesenthal Center denounced today’s vote by the General Assembly of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) to pass a resolution calling on Israel to dismantle its highly effective security fence. The Disciples, a mainline Protestant congregation, is in the middle of their General Assembly in Portland.

“The resolution is an abomination,” said Rabbi Abraham Cooper, associate dean of the Wiesenthal Center. “It demands that Israel take action that would put millions of its citizens in immediate harm’s way in the never-ending campaign of Palestinian suicide terror.”

“No other nation would ever be asked to do the same and as a result, this politically-driven resolution is functionally antisemitic,” Cooper added."




[Edited on July 29, 2005 at 2:42 PM. Reason : .]

7/29/2005 2:40:41 PM

All American
9166 Posts
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use a few more exclamation points faggot

7/29/2005 2:44:28 PM

All American
5913 Posts
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Man I'd really like to believe these things for a little while.

Ya know, just to see what it feels like to be absolutely bat-shit insane.

[Edited on July 29, 2005 at 4:27 PM. Reason : ]

7/29/2005 4:26:50 PM

Sup, B
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you know how some blacks currently like to yell racist at the drop of a hat and yet are usually wrong? well, guess what? every now and then a Jew can do the same thing, but it doesn't nullify the blatant anti-semitism that once existed, much as the above black person doesn't nullify the blatant racism that once existed...

7/29/2005 5:52:30 PM

Mr. Joshua
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Quote :

I read the article, and no one said any of those things you have in quotation marks.

Are you aware of how quotation marks work?

7/30/2005 8:07:13 PM

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Quote :
"Global Holocaust-Deniers Bill Passed In Knesset


Legislation that would make Holocaust-denial committed overseas an offense under Israeli legal jurisdiction was approved unanimously in first reading by the Knesset on Tuesday.

The passage of the measure would enable Israel to demand the extradition of Holocaust-deniers for prosecution.

The bill was drafted by MK Aryeh Eldad (National Union) as a move against former Palestinian Authority prime minister Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) for his doctoral dissertation 20 years ago in which he estimated that the Nazis killed less than a million Jews.

It is likely to serve as a deterrence against Holocaust-deniers visiting Israel, although the possibility of countries consenting to extradition on the offense is unlikely.

The legislation expands the territorial jurisdiction of the Israeli law against Holocaust-denying outside of it borders."

8/4/2005 10:39:52 AM

Mr. Joshua
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Quote :
"It is likely to serve as a deterrence against Holocaust-deniers visiting Israel, although the possibility of countries consenting to extradition on the offense is unlikely. "

8/4/2005 10:53:51 AM

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Quote :
"Jewish-Zionist plans to overthrow the Iraqi regime by force were already in place well before George W. Bush became president. A group – a cabal -- of high-level, pro-Israel "neoconservative" Jews in the Bush administration -- including Paul Wolfowitz, Dep­uty Secretary of Defense; Richard Perle of the Pentagon’s Defense Policy Board; David Wurmser in the State Department; and Douglas Feith, the Pentagon’s Undersecretary for Policy – played a decisive role in prodding the United States into war in Iraq.

This is so widely understood by Washington insiders that US Senator Ernest Hollings was moved last year to declare that Iraq was invaded, as he put it, to “secure Israel,” and that “everybody” – his word -- knows it. Referring to the cowardly reluctance of his Congressional colleagues to openly acknowledge this real­ity, Hollings said that “nobody is willing to stand up and say what is going on.” With few exceptions, members of Congress uncritically support Israel and its policies due to what Hollings called, “the pressures that we get politically.”

In Britain, a veteran member of the House of Commons candidly declared in May 2003 that pro-Israel Jews had taken control of America’s foreign policy, and had succeeded in pushing the US and Britain into war in Iraq. “A Jewish cabal have taken over the government in the United States and formed an unholy alliance with fundamentalist Christians,” said Tam Dalyell, a Labour party deputy known as “Father of the House” because he is the longest-serving Member of Parliament. “There is far too much Jewish influence in the United States,” he added."

8/5/2005 12:37:29 PM

All American
22941 Posts
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you have entirely too much free time

8/5/2005 12:39:40 PM

Mr. Joshua
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^^ America has always been a close ally of Israel and has acted in its interests before. While you actually managed to find a quasi-academic article to post, it glosses over many facts to make a point and is filled with unproven speculation.

Regardless, the US acting with the interests of Israel in mind has nothing to do with the satanic jew plot to rule the world.

8/5/2005 12:54:06 PM

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GREAT article...

Anti-Semitism - the provacative accusation

Quote :
"Other eminent American military officers like Mosely, General Patton, General Fries, General Willoughby, General Wedemeyer, General Stratemeyer, General Pedro del Valle were convinced to a man that Jews wielded a disproportionate influence in various American institutions but most especially in the media, where they felt public opinion was being manipulated in such a way as to advance Jewish interests [Later Zionist interests] and discredit those who sought to draw the American peoples attention to these matters. It is safe to say that no other American minority group has to the extent of Jews been accused of the same manipulative and/or hegemonic influence. As an example, one never hears the idea that African-Americans, Mexican-Americans, Asian-Americans, or Arab-Americans dominate the media, it is and has always been always Jewish-Americans.

Billy Graham, America’s best known evangelist was recorded as saying to Richard Nixon in the confines of the Oval Office in 1972, that the “stranglehold” on the United States media [by Jews] had to be “broken,” to which Nixon replied, “You believe that?” “Oh boy so do I, I can’t ever say that, but I believe it.” What Graham and Nixon had to say to one another on that day in 1972 has been effectively diminished and/or forgotten by the news media, very few Americans are aware of their former Presidents views on Jews and the media and those who are seem all to ready to dismiss what he had to say as the words of an anti-Semite. Admiral Thomas Moorer, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff during the Vietnam War believed that Jews commanded so much power of the President of the United States that he had this to say to former Congressman Paul Findley, when the latter was conducting research for the purposes of a book on Jewish influence in Washington:

"I've never seen a President -- I don't care who he is -- stand up to them... They always get what they want. The Israelis know what is going on all the time. I got to the point where I wouldn't write anything down. If the American people understood what a grip these people have got on our government, they would rise up in arms."

Was Moorer a racist and anti-Semitic nut too, or did he have some special insight? As Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, he was arguably in a position to know what kind of influence the Israeli’s [A Jewish State] had on the President of the United States of America.He certainly was in a position to know that they exerted some form of influence on President Lyndon B. Johnson in 1967 when they, the Israeli’s intentionally attacked an American military ship, the USS Liberty, killing thirty-four American seamen and wounding more than one-hundred and seventy. Moorer knew for more than two decades that Johnson and Defense Secretary Mcnamara intentionally deceived the American people by suppressing the facts associated with an American Naval investigation, the results of which proved Israeli culpability and intention. Of course Moorer was attacked in the press as an anti-Semite and marginalized as a result.


Moorer wasn’t the only Chairman of the Joint Chiefs to speak up about Jewish/Israeli/Zionist influence in the United States, in October of 1975, General George S. Brown, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs under President Gerald Ford stated before a group of Duke University students that “Jewish influence” in the United States was so strong that they “wouldn’t believe” it, and that they [Jews] “owned” the banks and newspaper in the USA, adding presumably to reinforce his words to “look where the Jewish money is.” Of course Brown was immediately assaulted by the press, labeled a bigot and an anti-Semite, but was he, or was there some truth to what he had to say? The idea that Jews monopolize the United States media has been kicked around by the right wing for many decades, MID as we know was focused on it even in 1910. As a rule, the notion is generally dismissed as nonsense and/or racist/anti-Semitic propaganda. However, careful and objective research proves otherwise, we can certainly accept the fact that MID tended to believe that Jews dominated the American media prior to WWI, establishing precedent of opinion whether factual or erroneous and today at least facts bear out that Jews do represent a seriously disproportionate presence in television media and in Hollywood. Ben Stein, a well-known Hollywood personality, author and speechwriter for Presidents Nixon and Ford writes in his somewhat provocatively entitled article “Do Jews run Hollywood? You bet they do - and what of it?

[Edited on August 7, 2005 at 12:46 AM. Reason : 1]

8/7/2005 12:42:22 AM

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Excellent insight into Henry Ford's so-called "apology" to the Jews...

Quote :
" might then take into consideration the apology of Henry Ford to the International Jewish community issued on June 30, 1927, in which Ford apologized for anti-Semitic articles published in his newspaper, the Dearborn Independent. For years [Since 1922] the Dearborn Independent had accused Jews of everything from dominating International Finance, to surreptitiously infiltrating western government for the purpose of world domination. This outraged the Jewish community, who then set out to hold Ford accountable for his shocking and outrageous accusations. Then one day, mysteriously, if you believe current accounts, Ford must have recognized the error of his ways, because out of nowhere the industrialist sent two of his representatives to see a prominent Jewish American Congressman and Vice President of the American Jewish Congress, named Nathan D. Perlman. They said that Ford was ready to “end” the “controversies and ill feelings stimulated by the Dearborn Independent articles.” Perlman sent Ford’s representatives to Louis Marshall, a prominent Jewish-American attorney. Having to go through Marshall, must have caused Ford a considerable amount of discomfort as the Independent had written many nasty things about Marshall, including that he [Marshal] was something of and “enigma,” and that he headed up “the list of organized Jewry in America, and [that he was] known as the arch-protester against most things non-Jewish… He [was the] head of nearly every Jewish movement that amount[ed] to anything, and [that] he [was the] chief opponent of practically every non-Jewish movement that promise[d] to amount to something.

In the end, Ford signed an apology to the International Jewish community written by Louis Marshall. One can imagine if they like that Ford was actually sorry about what his newspaper had written about Jews and Jewish power and influence over the preceding five years, or one could view his apology as an example of the power and influence the community commanded; they had literally brought one of America’s richest and most powerful men to his knees. The latter idea seems infinitely more likely, especially considering the words of one of Ford’s best-known confidants, E.G. Leibold, who once commented “I don’t know as Ford ever apologized for anything. Of course he was supposed to have apologized to the Jews, but I think everyone knows about that, he never even read that or never even knew what it contained [the apology written by Louis Marshall]. He simply told them [Marshall] to go ahead and fix it up.”

[Edited on August 7, 2005 at 1:22 AM. Reason : 1]

8/7/2005 1:20:10 AM

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"Anti-Semitism" is rampant these days!!!!!!!!!!!

Quote :
"No one wants to be smeared as "anti-Semitic," and organized, secular fundamentalist so-called "Jews" know this well. It is rare when Jews speak out against their own, but when they do, it is usually an eye opening and astonishing experience. In fact, such revelations are much better explained as downright frightening.

Some readers may be familiar with the revelations offered by one Benjamin Freedman in a speech he delivered back in 1961. Even that long ago, Freedman, a Jew and a Zionist defector, tried desperately to warn America and the West of the plans of the "International Jew," the Zionist Jew. Torah-obedient Jews have consistently tried to distance themselves from Zionism and Israel, but alas, without real effectiveness. Powerful and wealthy organized Zionism is not in the least bit threatened by the tiny minority of Orthodox Jews.

Freedman warned about the total domination of every aspect of American life by organized, secular, Zionist Jews. And his warnings have been predated all throughout history by many noted Americans. Henry Ford's denouncement of their connivance and heavy political and financial manipulation in starting, continuing, and immensely profiting from World War I, has earned him high posture on the pedestal of truth. He was one of those rare Americans that paved the way for inquiring minds to accept the Jewish manipulation in both World Wars, revealing their connivance and the resultant Jewish/Communist victory that was World War II. It can easily be shown, that Jews were behind every war America has waged during its brief existence. And of course, Ford was smeared by organized Jewry as being "anti-Semitic.""

[Edited on August 7, 2005 at 1:46 AM. Reason : 1]

8/7/2005 1:44:25 AM

3 of 11
All American
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8/7/2005 2:11:56 AM

Mr. Joshua
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I guess that it never occured to you that Henry Ford, the epitome of a capitalist, was scared of losing the Jewish demographic due to the libel printed by a newspaper that he owned? But, by all means, go ahead and blame it on the Jewish conspiracy that you just can't seem to prove.

As far as Jews speaking out against zionism, whats the big deal? Zionism is a political philosophy. What this article says is akin to saying that it is an "eye opening and astonishing experience" to see white people disagree with the tenets of the Democratic or Republican party. You really need to find some unbiased sources to get your news.

Oh, by the way:

Quote :
"How do all Jews know to create anti-semitism? Is there a secret newsletter or are they just trained to take over the world from birth?

Despite your usual wild accusations, you have yet to prove that the Third Reich or any modern neo-nazi groups are actually funded by jews.

And you never explained this:

Are all Holocaust survivors lying? Did they all get together circa 1945 and agree on one big lie to tell the world? This seems like a pretty major point of your Jew conspiracy, yet you have never addressed it."

8/7/2005 10:59:55 AM

9434 Posts
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Quote :
"Belgian Holocaust denier held at Schiphol

5 August 2005

BRUSSELS — Belgian negationist and extreme-rights publicist Siegfried Verbeke has been arrested at Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam and might be extradited to Germany for trial.

A German judge issued an international arrest warrant against Verbeke at the end of last year because he cast doubt over the internet whether the Nazis actually killed six million Jews in World War II.

Germany asked Belgium to extradite Verbeke, of Kortrijk, last year but a Belgian judge refused the request, Belgian newspaper 'De Standaard' reported on Friday."

Quote :
"Does someone really have something to hide?

Truth needs no laws to support it. Throughout history, only lies and liars have resorted to the courts to enforce adherence to dogma."

8/8/2005 11:20:54 PM

3 of 11
All American
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8/8/2005 11:47:31 PM

Mr. Joshua
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So can you prove to us that the Holocaust never happened? You've mentioned it a few times, but as usual, you can't prove anything.

If you get a chance:

Quote :
"How do all Jews know to create anti-semitism? Is there a secret newsletter or are they just trained to take over the world from birth?

Despite your usual wild accusations, you have yet to prove that the Third Reich or any modern neo-nazi groups are actually funded by jews.

And you never explained this:

Are all Holocaust survivors lying? Did they all get together circa 1945 and agree on one big lie to tell the world? This seems like a pretty major point of your Jew conspiracy, yet you have never addressed it."


8/9/2005 10:22:23 AM

9434 Posts
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Flashback article...

Quote :
"A Congressional Staffer Details Israel's Stranglehold on Capitol Hill:
"We are All Members of Likud Now."


The main purpose, other than to maintain the flow of weapons and loot to Israel, is to keep Congress's investigatory apparatus turned off. AIPAC appears to be batting a thousand.

Lyndon Johnson's decision to cover up the deliberate and protracted Israeli attack on the U.S.S. Liberty in June 1967 (and which resulted in 34 deaths: almost double the deaths suffered by the crew of the U.S.S. Cole) was pointedly not investigated by Congress. Instead, the surviving crew were shamefully bullied into silence by the gargoyle Johnson and his functionaries; those who did break their silence later were reviled by the lobby as delusional anti-Semites.

Likewise, the Congressional investigation into the Beirut barracks bombing stuck to the narrow issue of the incompetent U.S. military chain of command, and avoided the wider issue of the Marines' presence as sitting ducks in the middle of Sharon's first war of conquest. A retired officer has asserted that the Mossad had intelligence from informers that the frame of a truck was being reinforced to carry a heavy load of explosives, but chose to keep the intelligence secret. Despite the lobby's claim that the U.S.-Israel relationship is one of mutual intelligence sharing, the real relationship is a starker one: according to old intelligence hands, Israel takes all and gives nothing, even if U.S. lives are at stake.


Finally, for a country that loves a good spy mystery--whether it is Alger Hiss, the Rosenbergs, or Robert Hansen, each one eliciting from Capitol Hill cries for an investigation, more polygraphs, increased use of the death penalty, etc., etc.--Congress's deafening silence over the Israeli "art students" saga, particularly after 9/11, is astonishing for those unfamiliar with Congress's reticence about embarrassing Israel.

...The full story of how hundreds of Mossad agents-in-training were literally inundating Federal facilities in the year and a half prior to 9/11 may never be known, thanks to a total smothering by the Justice Department, Congress, and the major media...

...Writing recently in The Washington Post, Chris Patten, the European commissioner for external relations, says "a senior Democratic senator [alas, Patten does not name him] told a visiting European the other day: 'All of us here are members of Likud now.'""

8/10/2005 6:23:49 PM

Mr. Joshua
43948 Posts
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Once again:

Quote :
"How do all Jews know to create anti-semitism? Is there a secret newsletter or are they just trained to take over the world from birth?

Despite your usual wild accusations, you have yet to prove that the Third Reich or any modern neo-nazi groups are actually funded by jews.

And you never explained this:

Are all Holocaust survivors lying? Did they all get together circa 1945 and agree on one big lie to tell the world? This seems like a pretty major point of your Jew conspiracy, yet you have never addressed it."


8/10/2005 7:37:10 PM

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