NCSUStinger Duh, Winning 62511 Posts user info edit post |
Page 4 8/28/2006 12:35:44 AM |
raven928 All American 21318 Posts user info edit post |
aradox Cups: Hades Cup Clear all the previous cups, clear Space Paranoids for the second time, and have ALL forms and summons at Lv. 7 Paradox Cups: Titan Cup Summon level should be at Lv. 5 and have the Paradox: Cup Pain and Panic unlock Paradox Cups: Cerberus Cup Except Final Form, Form levels must be at Lv. 5 and must unlock Paradox Cup: Pain and Panic Paradox Cups: Pain and Panic Clear all the previous cups Goddess of Fate Cup Clear previous cups and beat the first fight with Xemnas Pain and Panic Cup Clear Disney Castle for the first time Cerberus Cup Clear Agrabah, Halloween, and Pride Land for the first time Titan Cup Clear Olympus Coliseum for the second time 8/28/2006 12:47:46 AM |
supercat329 All American 8453 Posts user info edit post |
? ? ? ? ? ? ? 8/28/2006 12:47:48 AM |
stevedude hello 4763 Posts user info edit post |
[Edited on August 28, 2006 at 12:48 AM. Reason : weeeeeeeeee] 8/28/2006 12:48:12 AM |
raven928 All American 21318 Posts user info edit post |
kingdom hearts two stuff 8/28/2006 12:48:21 AM |
AndyMac All American 31924 Posts user info edit post | 8/28/2006 12:48:54 AM |
arghx Deucefest '04 7584 Posts user info edit post |
I was expecting a later picture of him throwing up as well.
Disappointment... 8/28/2006 12:54:33 AM |
NCSUPAGE All American 1179 Posts user info edit post |
8/28/2006 1:02:08 AM |
quagmire02 All American 44225 Posts user info edit post | 8/28/2006 1:09:39 AM |
Ergo All American 1414 Posts user info edit post |
so i walk like i'm on a mission 8/28/2006 1:16:27 AM |
Mattallica All American 6512 Posts user info edit post |¤t=Picsofmeandkaykay005.jpg&refPage=&imgAnch=imgAnch3 8/28/2006 1:24:13 AM |
TheCapricorn All American 1065 Posts user info edit post |
[possibly nsfw] 8/28/2006 8:26:51 AM |
beergolftile All American 9030 Posts user info edit post |
......................................__................................................ .............................,-~*`¯lllllll`*~,.......................................... .......................,-~*`lllllllllllllllllllllllllll¯`*-,.................................... ..................,-~*llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll*-,.................................. ...............,-*llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll.\................................. .............;*`lllllllllllllllllllllllllll,-~*~-,llllllllllllllllllll\................................ ..............\lllllllllllllllllllllllllll/.........\;;;;llllllllllll,-`~-,........................... ...............\lllllllllllllllllllll,-*...........`~-~-,...(.(¯`*,`,.......................... ................\llllllllllll,-~*.....................)_-\..*`*;..).......................... .................\,-*`¯,*`)............,-~*`~................/..................... ..................|/.../.../~,......-~*,-~*`;................/.\.................. ................./.../.../.../..,-,..*~,.`*~*................*...\................. ................|.../.../.../.*`...\...........................)....)¯`~,.................. ................|./.../..../.......)......,.)`*~-,............/....|..)...`~-,............. ..............././.../...,*`-,.....`-,...*`....,---......\..../...../..|.........¯```*~-,,,, ...............(..........)`*~-,....`*`.,-~*.,-*......|.../..../.../............\........ ................*-,.......`*-,...`~,..``.,,,-*..........|.,*...,*...|..............\........ ...................*,.........`-,...)-,..............,-*`...,-*....(`-,............\....... ......................f`-,.........`-,/...*-,___,,-~*....,-*......|...`-,..........\........ 9/26/2006 7:58:43 AM |
KittyKitty All American 4367 Posts user info edit post |
0 users online. 0 authenticated. 0 anonymous. 607 posts today. 26713 total users. 9/26/2006 8:00:13 AM |
Stiletto All American 2928 Posts user info edit post |
Personally, I think the government just wants the money. 9/26/2006 8:01:07 AM |
humandrive All American 18286 Posts user info edit post |
1. In the Seventh Letter, Plato (or someone who knows him well) relates how after much disappointment with politics life: “at last I came to the conclusion that all existing states are badly governed and the condition of their laws practically incurable.” In Books 8 and 9 of the Republic, Socrates compares the constitution of the ideal city (Kallipolis) with existing constitutions. Name and describe each of these latter constitutions, and explain why Socrates sees each as a step down from the ideal city. You should cite specific passages as evidence. 9/26/2006 8:01:24 AM |
wolfpackgrrr All American 39759 Posts user info edit post |
But I guess the good thing was it only cost me $15 for the visit and the meds lol. 9/26/2006 8:02:45 AM |
Sweden All American 12297 Posts user info edit post |
14°34' N, 121°1' E 9/26/2006 8:04:08 AM |
ncsugirl84 All American 1291 Posts user info edit post |
(919) ***-**** someone's phone number. i have no idea whose though. tempted to post the number 9/26/2006 8:04:59 AM |
Arab13 Art Vandelay 45180 Posts user info edit post |
I think what you and millions of other liberals fail to realize is that it is politicians in general that fuck the country up 9/26/2006 8:23:49 AM |
Amsterdam718 All American 15134 Posts user info edit post | 9/26/2006 8:48:12 AM |
Amsterdam718 All American 15134 Posts user info edit post |
9/26/2006 8:48:33 AM |
7trax Suspended 2260 Posts user info edit post |
(i dont know why anyone would copy or cut an x) 9/26/2006 8:58:51 AM |
beergolftile All American 9030 Posts user info edit post | 9/26/2006 8:59:10 AM |
bassman803 All American 16966 Posts user info edit post |
click on folders, tools, options, view, show hidden files/folders and go looking i bet you find some porn 9/26/2006 8:59:19 AM |
beergolftile All American 9030 Posts user info edit post | 9/26/2006 2:48:50 PM |
kinetix All American 3122 Posts user info edit post | 9/26/2006 2:49:17 PM |
Jonbo All American 7352 Posts user info edit post |
MMMM1SRDR 9/26/2006 2:50:46 PM |
kbbrown3 All American 22312 Posts user info edit post |
you should have opted for suicide instead. 9/26/2006 2:51:02 PM |
NCSUGimp All American 24387 Posts user info edit post |
The first of these quality issues dealt with confusion over the appropriate materials that need to be included with an order. On one occasion, an order containing twenty copies of one piece of software was to be produced. The team leader felt that materials had been left off the pallet when delivered by the Inventory Control Group (ICG). The team leader cited that only one copy of the license agreement had been delivered with the ordered materials. In fact, the order called twenty copies of the license agreement to be sold less than one license agreement. 9/26/2006 2:51:54 PM |
beergolftile All American 9030 Posts user info edit post |
ROGERS BUILDERS, INC. 9/26/2006 3:08:23 PM |
drunknloaded Suspended 147487 Posts user info edit post |
The law is aimed at preventing wasteful spending by opening the federal budget to greater scrutiny. 9/26/2006 3:09:10 PM |
jlphipps All American 2083 Posts user info edit post |
Century 9/26/2006 3:09:14 PM |
nothing22 All American 21537 Posts user info edit post |
work /w?rk/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[wurk] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation noun, adjective, verb, worked or (Archaic except for 35, 37, 40) wrought; working.
–noun 1. exertion or effort directed to produce or accomplish something; labor; toil. 2. something on which exertion or labor is expended; a task or undertaking: The students finished their work in class. 3. productive or operative activity. 4. employment, as in some form of industry, esp. as a means of earning one's livelihood: to look for work. 5. one's place of employment: Don't phone him at work. 6. materials, things, etc., on which one is working or is to work. 7. the result of exertion, labor, or activity; a deed or performance. 8. a product of exertion, labor, or activity: musical works. 9. an engineering structure, as a building or bridge. 10. a building, wall, trench, or the like, constructed or made as a means of fortification. 11. works, a. (used with a singular or plural verb) a place or establishment for manufacturing (often used in combination): ironworks. b. the working parts of a machine: the works of a watch. c. Theology. righteous deeds. 12. Physics. force times the distance through which it acts; specifically, the transference of energy equal to the product of the component of a force that acts in the direction of the motion of the point of application of the force and the distance through which the point of application moves. 13. the works, Informal. a. everything; all related items or matters: a hamburger with the works. b. harsh or cruel treatment: to give someone the works. –adjective 14. of, for, or concerning work: work clothes. 15. working (def. 18). –verb (used without object) 16. to do work; labor. 17. to be employed, esp. as a means of earning one's livelihood: He hasn't worked for six weeks. 18. to be in operation, as a machine. 19. to act or operate effectively: The pump will not work. The plan works. 20. to attain a specified condition, as by repeated movement: The nails worked loose. 21. to have an effect or influence, as on a person or on the mind or feelings of a person. 22. to move in agitation, as the features under strong emotion. 23. to make way with effort or under stress: The ship works to windward. 24. Nautical. to give slightly at the joints, as a vessel under strain at sea. 25. Machinery. to move improperly, as from defective fitting of parts or from wear. 26. to undergo treatment by labor in a given way: This dough works slowly. 27. to ferment, as a liquid. –verb (used with object) 28. to use or manage (an apparatus, contrivance, etc.): She can work many business machines. 29. to bring about (any result) by or as by work or effort: to work a change. 30. to manipulate or treat by labor: to work butter. 31. to put into effective operation. 32. to operate (a mine, farm, etc.) for productive purposes: to work a coal mine. 33. to carry on operations in (a district or region). 34. to make, fashion, or execute by work. 35. to achieve or win by work or effort: to work one's passage. 36. to keep (a person, a horse, etc.) at work: She works her employees hard. 37. to influence or persuade, esp. insidiously: to work other people to one's will. 38. Informal. to exploit (someone or something) to one's advantage: See if you can work your uncle for a new car. He worked his charm in landing a new job. 39. to make or decorate by needlework or embroidery: She worked a needlepoint cushion. 40. to cause fermentation in. —Verb phrases41. work in or into, a. to bring or put in; add, merge, or blend: The tailor worked in the patch skillfully. Work the cream into the hands until it is completely absorbed. b. to arrange a time or employment for: The dentist was very busy, but said she would be able to work me in late in the afternoon. They worked him into the new operation. 42. work off, a. to lose or dispose of, as by exercise or labor: We decided to work off the effects of a heavy supper by walking for an hour. b. to pay or fulfill by working: He worked off his debt by doing odd jobs. 43. work on or upon, to exercise influence on; persuade; affect: I'll work on her, and maybe she'll change her mind. 44. work out, a. to bring about by work, effort, or action. b. to solve, as a problem. c. to arrive at by or as by calculation. d. to pay (a debt) by working instead of paying money. e. to exhaust, as a mine. f. to issue in a result. g. to evolve; elaborate. h. to amount to (a total or specified figure); add up (to): The total works out to 176. i. to prove effective or successful: Their marriage just didn't work out. j. to practice, exercise, or train, esp. in order to become proficient in an athletic sport: The boxers are working out at the gym tonight. 45. work over, a. to study or examine thoroughly: For my term paper I worked over 30 volumes of Roman history. b. Informal. to beat unsparingly, esp. in order to obtain something or out of revenge: They threatened to work him over until he talked. 46. work through, to deal with successfully; come to terms with: to work through one's feelings of guilt. 47. work up, a. to move or stir the feelings; excite. b. to prepare; elaborate: Work up some plans. c. to increase in efficiency or skill: He worked up his typing speed to 70 words a minute. 48. work up to, rise to a higher position; advance: He worked up to the presidency. —Idioms49. at work, a. working, as at one's job: He's at work on a new novel. b. in action or operation: to see the machines at work. 50. gum up the works, Slang. to spoil something, as through blundering or stupidity: The surprise party was all arranged, but her little brother gummed up the works and told her. 51. in the works, in preparation or being planned: A musical version of the book is in the works. 52. make short work of, to finish or dispose of quickly: We made short work of the chocolate layer cake. 53. out of work, unemployed; jobless: Many people in the area were out of work. 54. shoot the works, Slang. to spend all one's resources: Let's shoot the works and order the crêpes suzette.
[Origin: bef. 900; (n.) ME worke, OE worc, r. ME werk(e), OE weorc, c. OFris, OS werk, OHG werah, werc (G Werk), ON verk, Gk érgon; (v.) ME worken, deriv. of the n., r. ME wyrchen, OE wyrcean; c. G wirken, ON verkja, Goth waurkjan]
—Synonyms 1. Work, drudgery, labor, toil refer to exertion of body or mind in performing or accomplishing something. Work is the general word and may apply to exertion that is either easy or hard: fun work; heavy work. Drudgery suggests continuous, dreary, and dispiriting work, esp. of a menial or servile kind: the drudgery of household tasks. Labor particularly denotes hard manual work: labor on a farm, in a steel mill. Toil suggests wearying or exhausting labor: toil that breaks down the worker's health. 2. enterprise, project, job, responsibility. 3. industry, occupation, business. 4. job, trade, calling, vocation, profession. 7. product, achievement, feat. 16. toil, drudge. 28. operate, manipulate, handle. 29. accomplish, effect, produce, achieve. 34. finish, form, shape. 37. move. —Antonyms 1. play, rest. Unabridged (v 1.0.1) Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2006. 9/26/2006 3:09:17 PM |
47844 Posts user info edit post |
Richard Tiffany Gere 9/26/2006 3:09:36 PM |
stategrad100 All American 6606 Posts user info edit post |
Shithead 9/26/2006 3:11:13 PM |
jsc33 All American 501 Posts user info edit post | 9/26/2006 3:11:35 PM |
bassman803 All American 16966 Posts user info edit post |
i have a match tonite 9/26/2006 3:11:46 PM |
elkaybie All American 39626 Posts user info edit post |
6132-S665965 9/26/2006 3:11:48 PM |
beergolftile All American 9030 Posts user info edit post |
FanatiK All American 4248 Posts user info edit post |
The Citi mtvU card is an awesome card, that basicaly offers you 5% back (in the form of ThankYou points, which can be redeemed for gift cards, miles, or a REFUND on your tuition bill) on restaurants (this includes bars), movies + rentals, BOOKSTORES (includes, and record stores. I've had the card for about a year and have already gotten over $200 worth of gift certificates.
The requirements to get accepted are pretty lax, considering it's a card for students (I don't think they even ask about income on the application). Some extra details:
• 0.0% APR on Cash Advances for 6 mos.
• Earn up to 2,000 ThankYouSM Points twice a year for having a good GPA
• 25 points per month when you pay on time and don’t go over your credit limit
• 5 points per dollar spent at restaurants, bookstores, record stores, movie theaters, and video rental stores*
• 1 point for every dollar you spend on all other purchases
• Earn up to 75,000 ThankYou Points® per calendar year
• Redeem for gift cards, merchandise, travel and more with ThankYou Redemptions Network®
• 10% discount at and the MTV Store in New York City
if you are interested in applying for it (you should!), please PM me with your e-mail address. I am trying to get referrals for even more gift cards. Thanks! 9/26/2006 3:17:15 PM |
OneNighter86 Suspended 8017 Posts user info edit post |
"bitches aint notin but tricks and hoes" 9/26/2006 3:17:24 PM |
beergolftile All American 9030 Posts user info edit post |
VLOOKUP(B6588,'MASTER JOB LIST'!$A:$C,3,FALSE) 9/26/2006 3:20:31 PM |
Arab13 Art Vandelay 45180 Posts user info edit post |
Unless you want to ride hobo-style, yeah, I think that's the only one. 9/26/2006 3:22:02 PM |
Arab13 Art Vandelay 45180 Posts user info edit post |
Prior to 2001 Up to 48 months 6.25% 6.75% 9/29/2006 9:03:16 AM |
hunterb2003 All American 14423 Posts user info edit post |
9/29/2006 9:09:14 AM |
keefus All American 15551 Posts user info edit post |
Like when young Vito kills Don Fanucci "The Black Hand" I realize no one has control of the neighborhood but he goes straight to being called Don himself in the next flashback... 9/29/2006 9:25:40 AM |
qntmfred retired 40915 Posts user info edit post |
XYZZY 9/29/2006 9:32:03 AM |
DJ Lauren All American 15721 Posts user info edit post |
9/29/2006 9:44:03 AM |
peakseeker All American 2900 Posts user info edit post |
dy: How PREPPY Are You?
[ ] I've been to Starbucks more than once in my life [ ] I link arms whenever I walk with someone [ ] I shop at AE, A&F, or HCO [X] I own 2 or more polo shirts [X] I will never be caught without my cellphone [x ] I straighten or blow dry my hair on a daily basis [ x] I wear cologne/perfume wherever i go TOTAL: 4
[X] I wear flipflops no matter what the weather [ x] I own an oversized pair of sunglasses [ ] I own 1 or more pairs of ripped jeans [ ] I layer my shirts [ ] I will do anything to get the best Myspace pic [ ] I had a "Myspace mirror pic" TOTAL: 2
[ ] When I'm not drinking starbucks I prefer water [ x] I get annoyed with tom-boys [ x] I own an oversized bag or purse [ ] I have seen every episode of Laguna Beach [ ] My new addiction is 8th & Ocean or the Hills [ ] I say "lol" in every sentence of every online conversation [ ] I own tight jeans TOTAL:2
[ ] I wear large overlapping necklaces [ ] I own an iPod/mp3 player [ ] The internet = survival [ ] one of the sports I play/played is football,Baseball,Basketball [ ] have more than 1 AIM screen name TOTAL: 2
[ ] I have said "lol" or "OMG!" in a real conversation [ ] I love shopping [ ] I shop whenever I have a chance [ ] I own a bathing suit that cost 100 dollars or more [X] I have watched the Simple Life TOTAL: 1
***add x's and multiply by 3 and put "I'm % prep*** ------------------------------------------------------------------------
How COUNTRY Are You?
have you...
[x] ridden a horse [ ]x owned a horse [X] owned land [X] been 4wheelin [X] said "ain't" [ ] been cow-tipping [ ] been deer hunting [X] been swimming in a Spring.. [X] caught a fish [X] seen a deer get skinned Total: 7
You ... [X] have worked on a ranch or on land [X] have lived in a house in the middle of nowhere [X] have been duck hunting [X] have went swimming in a river [X] driven or have owned a truck [ ] own a rebel flag [X] like to fish [X] have a funny accent... or thats what people tell you [x] owned a pair of cowboy boots [X] own/owned a cowboy hat [X] own/have owned a big dog [X] sometimes say "y'all" [X] have gotten made fun of for sayin "y'all" Total: 12
You also... [X] cuss when you're mad [ ] have dipped/dip snuff [X] go to church on sunday [ ] owned/own a bird dog [ ] have riddin a horse to somewhere in town [X] have gone on a field trip to a farm [X] have eaten deer meat [ ] have shot a gun [ ] own a gun [ ] park your vehicles in the yard Total: 4
You... [ ] have gone shopping...for a gun [X] get the kids in your family a toy gun for christmas [ ] wear long sleeves even in the summer [X] know what stirrups are [ ] have fed the deer..(a deer) [ ] had dog named Bociefus total: 2
***add x's and multiply by 3 and put "I'm % hick** 9/29/2006 9:45:15 AM |