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All American
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3/14/2007 9:53:57 PM

All American
27061 Posts
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but seriously, i tend to meet guys through friends

[Edited on March 14, 2007 at 10:18 PM. Reason : .]

3/14/2007 10:08:10 PM

All American
31346 Posts
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Quote :
"actually...i'v met some cool girls that are friends of a friend. having some one to vouch for you is priceless."

Completely different there Jared. That's just using myspace as an ugly filter in that case for the friends who want to set you up with their "really cute, great personality" girlfriend.

Quote :
"that is tru about eharmony. they do tailor all that a lot better to the individual person. however, because of that, sometimes a person wont really get any potential matches because there are a few factors that block the matching. with match, i think it's a bit easier to find someone. you are right about the "click a face and wink" deal but as a payin member, it's so much more powerful.

I get on average 40-60 matches a month around Raleigh on eharmony. I actually communicate with maybe 2 or 3 of those, and have gone out with maybe 1/100 or so. Haven't yet found anyone I've gone gaga over, but they have all been REALLY cool girls who I definitely had a fun time hanging out with and getting to know. just seems retarded to me, haven't tried okcupid or any of the others.

Quote :
"To me, using the internet to meet people is a cop out. And saying you don't have time is bullshit. You'll have plenty of time to take out that girl you met on the internet who also like Dave Matthews Band, dogs, and going to the beach. And to the guy who's "met some really cool and attractive girls" through dating services....are you dating any of them currently?? How many became long-term girlfriends?? Just curious.

Since this was me, I'll respond in order here;

I don't have time. I might spend a total of 10-12 hours a week on "free time". 8-10 of that is split between friends, who I hardly see. I spend maybe an hour a week checking eharmony, responding, etc. I go out with one girl maybe every month or two, if that. Not dating anyone at all currently.

The last two girls I've started dating, I couldn't give them enough time and felt guilty about not being able to devote enough time to our relationship so I just kind of let them slide away. Mostly I've just been going out with girls online just to meet someone new for a good dinner and hear about someone else's life and stories. I'm not getting involved with anyone until I graduate, not fair to them at all.

3/15/2007 2:23:35 AM

Shivan Bird
Football time
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I'm pretty bad at meeting new people period, and it hasn't gotten much easier post-graduation. Work involves very little interaction with other people. Not a big fan of alcohol and parties make me uncomfortable. Church is out because I'm an atheist. My friends don't know many women either so not much on that route. I honestly can't imagine chatting someone up at a bookstore. What am I supposed to do? Say "how 'bout that nonfiction" and ask for a phone number? I've looked online a little bit, but 99% of girls there seem to be at least one of the following: fat, jaded, stupid, has kids, writes a bunch of ridiculous requirements, gold-digging, bitchy, says nothing about herself. Plus, if we have to pay more than $20 to meet each other, I'd lose respect for her and myself. Volunteering is worth a shot even though I'm somewhat of an egoist. Yeah... that seems like a good idea. Maybe I'll give the Jaycees a try.

3/20/2007 11:29:12 AM

All American
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-don't like alcohol
-don't like parties
-don't like church
-don't like people that go to church (if you're like most atheists)
-friends don't know women
-don't like talking to girls you don't know in public
-too good for the online girls
-too into yourself to volunteer

that's quite a list of things to overcome. and then you have to make them like you, too.

3/20/2007 4:18:17 PM

Art Vandelay
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^ aha that's what I was thinking.... I think your problems are more at your end than everyone else their slick

3/22/2007 9:30:15 AM

Shivan Bird
Football time
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Didn't say they weren't. *shrug* I am who I am. I'll get by. I have plenty of things going for me.

3/22/2007 9:47:32 AM

All American
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Rule # 1 about anything advice related -

don't listen to the wolf web.

3/22/2007 10:13:42 AM

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3/22/2007 9:49:14 PM

All American
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6 year bump

recently single...I have no clue what I'm doing

10/30/2013 11:40:41 PM

All American
52920 Posts
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Doesn't matter. Everybody is married.

10/31/2013 12:10:06 AM

All American
41128 Posts
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This weekend, I'm going to church for the first time in about 7 years

that's how badly I want to meet new people

10/31/2013 12:32:26 AM

All American
9257 Posts
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mega-church? it's a sure shot!

10/31/2013 12:38:19 AM

All American
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Quote :
"This weekend, I'm going to church for the first time in about 7 years

that's how badly I want to meet new people"

...I don't go to church but when I told my parents I was single this was my dads advice...something along the lines of "you know son, you can always meet nice girls at church" He's no longer allowed to give me relationship advice.

but seriously, where do you go to meet new people? Almost all of my friends are in relationships and are useless.

[Edited on October 31, 2013 at 12:59 AM. Reason : .]

10/31/2013 12:57:56 AM

All American
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There are lots of options.

It actually isnt such a bad thing that your friends are all tied up. Get them to introduce you to people they know that are single. Work friends of theirs sometimes works.

The main thing is what TYPE of girl you are trying to attract...where would that type of girl hang out.

some solid places to meet woman: grocery store, book stores, openings, athletic events, the gym(if you arent a creep) and like I friend gatherings.

The key is having enough confidence to talk to many as you can. The more you talk to the better because that means there is a higher percentage that you come across one you like and likes you. Confidence is and always will be one of the biggest necessities for a single man.

Sure, you'll strike out a lot...but you'll be amazed how easy it gets after awhile. Try to talk to 10 girls a week that you've never met or interacted with.

10/31/2013 3:01:50 AM

The Dude
All American
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10/31/2013 7:54:40 AM

All American
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Quote :
"Doesn't matter. Everybody is married."

HAHA, yep even the OP of this thread is married now

In retrospect it was worth the wait, and I ultimately found my wife at a job (though not the one I had when I posted this in 2007).

My advice: go into health care as single women are abundant.

10/31/2013 8:00:43 AM

Garage Mod
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if i were single i would join some sports leagues like volleyball or softball. i'd also join a singles adventure club like

i'd also go to as many live music events as possible

going to bars and clubs is always fun but you need a wingman and it gets old quick.

10/31/2013 8:57:15 AM

35781 Posts
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Quote :
"It actually isnt such a bad thing that your friends are all tied up. Get them to introduce you to people they know that are single."

this is what's bad about my group. All of the guys ended up marrying girls that now only hang out with each other. so it's basically wives club with no chance of a single outsider joining along.

that being said don't downplay online dating. I've also met some nice people through community sports teams (especially kickball. chicks love that) and group bike rides. You don't have to be a cyclist to join a lot of the local "fun rides" and "bar rides". check those out.

10/31/2013 10:10:42 AM

8379 Posts
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rock climbing gym

running clubs

meetup groups

10/31/2013 10:44:31 AM

All American
7863 Posts
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Quote :
"If you guys want to meet me, you can come to the public meeting for the Lenoir/South Street 2-Way conversion project. It's Monday at 6:30 at 222 W. Hargett."


[Edited on October 31, 2013 at 10:50 AM. Reason : -]

10/31/2013 10:50:26 AM

Mr. Joshua
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Fuck. Is this the divorcee thread now?

10/31/2013 11:10:21 AM

All American
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Quote :
"It actually isnt such a bad thing that your friends are all tied up. Get them to introduce you to people they know that are single. Work friends of theirs sometimes works.

The main thing is what TYPE of girl you are trying to attract...where would that type of girl hang out.

some solid places to meet woman: grocery store, book stores, openings, athletic events, the gym(if you arent a creep) and like I friend gatherings.

The key is having enough confidence to talk to many as you can. The more you talk to the better because that means there is a higher percentage that you come across one you like and likes you. Confidence is and always will be one of the biggest necessities for a single man.

Sure, you'll strike out a lot...but you'll be amazed how easy it gets after awhile. Try to talk to 10 girls a week that you've never met or interacted with."

Good advice, thanks. I've been thinking about joining the kickball league downtown. I'm not the most confident person in the world but I'm at the point where I don't care what happens(striking out) and have been trying to talk to as many new people as possible which has been really good for me. I might be hanging out with a girl tomorrow night so we'll see how that goes.

10/31/2013 5:48:33 PM

All American
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Friday night went well, hoping to see her again this week.

11/4/2013 1:01:00 AM

All American
42570 Posts
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plenty of fish here

11/4/2013 2:00:07 AM

All American
4673 Posts
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Look for fun volunteer stuff on craigslist. You never know who you'll meet. You may not find someone your interested in directly at where-ever you volunteer, but that's not to say someone there doesn't have a friend who is also single and looking.

It's all about networking.

JT3bucky summed it up pretty well.

[Edited on November 4, 2013 at 5:56 AM. Reason : .]

11/4/2013 5:54:56 AM

All American
34517 Posts
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Quote :
"Doesn't matter. Everybody is married.

Within a certain age range, this is true, especially for the "quality" wimmenz.

11/4/2013 4:51:51 PM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
31378 Posts
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AHA, moron sounds like a girl.

11/4/2013 11:00:34 PM

All American
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quality advice

11/4/2013 11:38:04 PM

All American
17732 Posts
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Is this thread a joke. I feel like every time I come to Raleigh I meet a lot of young single professional women. Honestly I like the girls in Raleigh more than the ones in Charlotte. Seems like Charlotte attracts a lot more of the stuck-up pretentious bitches (not that there isn't also plenty of laid back cool chicks here) just looking for a banker boyfriend to take them out on their boat on lake norman when they aren't hanging at the country club.

Interestingly i logged on to OKC this weekend while in town and there were a lot more woman in my >90% match range than compared to Charlotte. Not sure if that means there are just a lot more single women in raleigh (that do online dating) or I just have a lot more in common with the girls in the triangle. A lot more woman in Charlotte compared to Raleigh also seem to be part of the "conservative" (I'm libertarian and support a lot of conservative policies but don't drink the GOP kool-aid) "christian" crowd which kinda plays into my description of typical charlotte girls in my first paragraph. Whereas Raleigh girls seem a lot more secular.

[Edited on November 5, 2013 at 8:44 AM. Reason : a]

11/5/2013 8:40:41 AM

All American
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Maybe its because there are more racist women in Raleigh.

11/5/2013 9:32:25 AM

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obligatory adult friend finder

11/5/2013 1:33:32 PM

Flyin Ryan
All American
8224 Posts
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does anyone else think the commercials are creepy?

Quote :
"...I don't go to church but when I told my parents I was single this was my dads advice...something along the lines of "you know son, you can always meet nice girls at church" He's no longer allowed to give me relationship advice."

Same advice my dad gives me. I try to tell him "those kinds of girls don't care for me for whatever reason", which they don't.

[Edited on November 5, 2013 at 2:56 PM. Reason : /]

11/5/2013 2:42:28 PM

35781 Posts
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HUR, where are your usual spots in CLT? i can agree to an extent but you could be getting a bad sample.

11/5/2013 3:24:01 PM

All American
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I'm referring to the typical Montford & uptown crowd. I moved and hang around NoDA and Plaza Midwood just because it seems like everyone is a lot more laid back in those places. Haven't really gone out in S. End enough to make an opinion of the typical crowd.

11/5/2013 3:59:41 PM

All American
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^I heard chantilly was a good place to look too

11/5/2013 5:04:15 PM

All American
17732 Posts
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Chantilly is pretty much just residential, although you could count the Elizabeth bars (Kennedy's Jackalope Jack's etc as Chantilly bars)

11/5/2013 7:05:03 PM

35781 Posts
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Chantilly is made up of the residential streets wedged between Pecan, 7th Street/Monroe Road, and Commonwealth.

11/6/2013 4:53:18 PM

All American
11577 Posts
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^^How can you mention Jacks and Kennedy's without mentioning Philosophers Stone? It's way better than the other two. But yeah I much prefer NoDa and Plaza Central over Uptown and Montford. You also have more people who actually are from Charlotte in those areas as well.

The 7th and Pecan bars are so close to Plaza Central I just lump them together when describing the area.

11/6/2013 6:30:06 PM

All American
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Where's a good place for Friday night downtown(Raleigh)? Maybe somewhere with some live music. Trying to take this girl out but want to do something fun other than just dinner.

11/7/2013 12:21:46 AM

All American
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Dont go to a place that is really loud and has a ton of people.

A Bar is probably your best best. I will PM you my idea(s)

That way no one can come look on here at what I do (girls I mean)

11/7/2013 2:42:42 AM

All American
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Is Charlie Goodnights still open? Take her to a comedy show to make sure she has a sense of humor.

11/7/2013 6:59:04 AM

All American
8284 Posts
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I'm not biased...but join a gym
even better, a CrossFit Gym

I can't tell you how many hot and in-shape chicks there are in this area.

That or go creep around GNC....

[Edited on November 7, 2013 at 7:22 AM. Reason : ]

11/7/2013 7:22:27 AM

All American
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you can meet lots of single ladies at wine tastings.

11/7/2013 9:03:33 AM

All American
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I need bar recommendations for cary. Casual date tonight, just want a place that's nice and kinda quite so we can talk.

11/8/2013 5:42:10 PM

All American
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Pantana Bob's

11/11/2013 1:30:39 PM

All American
7323 Posts
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this is the easiest way to meet young professionals.

11/11/2013 4:51:12 PM

All American
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Anybody have a fun date idea for the Apex/Holly Springs area? I don't know anything about that area but it's kind of a middle point for the me and this girl.

1/19/2014 12:07:50 PM

All American
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I've got some horndog friends (male and female) that are crushing it on Tinder right now. Obviously its mainly hook-ups, but maybe you can lay your seed down and create a permanent connection.

1/19/2014 12:15:02 PM

All American
17555 Posts
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I kind of just got to a point where I decided to stop looking... And then if at a point I got interested in talking to someone, then I just let it go from there. No rush... Just take your time.

1/20/2014 11:29:14 AM

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