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 Message Boards » » Wear something Blk on 9/20 to support Jena 6 !!! Page 1 2 3 [4] 5 6 7 8 9, Prev Next  
All American
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Mr. Gayce

No, it isn't pretty obvious, you left out months worth of events. Have you ever taken a class that had anything to do with debate or methods of persuation? If not, you should, because your arguments are weak...

you know what?
you're just a fucking idiot - i'm not replying to your dumb-ass anymore.

[Edited on September 20, 2007 at 1:05 PM. Reason : ]

9/20/2007 1:05:09 PM

37709 Posts
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Funny thing is, I think this could happen at almost any high school, since a lot of cafeteria's are naturally segregated.

Just have a group of white kids sit at the black kid table before they all get there and see what happens, or vice versa.

9/20/2007 1:39:14 PM

All American
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This sort of thing would NOT of happened at J.H. Rose High School in Greenville, NC....if someone gets their ass kicked-it's not because of race. Plus, people at JHR have a way of settling disputes far better than most of the other hick high schools in NC!

9/20/2007 1:43:29 PM

37709 Posts
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JH Rose kids are pussies

9/20/2007 1:46:36 PM

All American
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Umm yeah...and what HS did you do to cunt?

9/20/2007 1:48:42 PM

All American
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go to?

9/20/2007 1:49:04 PM

1337 b4k4
All American
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Quote :
"No, it isn't pretty obvious, you left out months worth of events."

Wait what?

Quote :
" It doesn't matter who is a douche first, it matters who assaults who.


Quote :
""it doesnt matter that the student assaulted the first two cops by shoving them?"

Not really


Which is the real terpball?

9/20/2007 1:52:45 PM

All American
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To people making the nerd references (if this was a nerd getting made fun of)

Look at Columbine. There were two kids getting picked on for being different for years, and then when they went nutso everyone called them monsters.

9/20/2007 1:53:15 PM

198 Posts
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The only place I have seen anything about this story is on TWW. Its really not that big of a deal. So some colored boys got arrested for beating up a white boy. Serves them right.

[Edited on September 20, 2007 at 2:05 PM. Reason : .]

9/20/2007 1:59:43 PM

Zinc Saucier
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^you're kidding, right?

9/20/2007 2:02:28 PM

198 Posts
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Actually I am not. I am dead serious.

9/20/2007 2:02:56 PM

Zinc Saucier
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Quote :
"So some colored girls got arrested for beating up a white girl. Serves them right."

Ummm... ok

9/20/2007 2:04:35 PM

198 Posts
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There, I fixed it.

And last time I looked, hanging a noose wasn't illegal, but beating the shit out of someone is. This is just another case of blacks being violent, and they are paying the price. I really don't see what the big deal is here.

9/20/2007 2:06:00 PM

Zinc Saucier
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OK, well we covered that earlier in the thread.

[Edited on September 20, 2007 at 2:19 PM. Reason : .]

9/20/2007 2:06:56 PM

198 Posts
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And why should people be wearing black today to support some criminals. If anything people should be wearing white to support the victims who got beaten up.

9/20/2007 2:08:45 PM

All American
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We should be wearing Green to support illegal immigrants. What about their babies!!!

9/20/2007 2:11:20 PM

Mr Grace
All American
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Quote :
"Have you ever taken a class that had anything to do with debate or methods of persuation? If not, you should, because your arguments are weak..."

the same could be said about you... only it would make sense.

see, i have quoted media sources. you have called me stupid

note the difference

9/20/2007 2:11:54 PM

198 Posts
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Quote :
"We should be wearing Green to support illegal immigrants. What about their babies!!!"

First their babies aren't green. And they got here illegally. Illegal just like those colored boys beating up that white boy. That was illegal. I don't see why people are trying to support criminals.

9/20/2007 2:13:35 PM

All American
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Quote :
"jnpaul, we all know about the people who are anon on this site. you're probably fat, and out of shape. You don't want me to know what you look like because you're scared I'll spot you and beat your @$$when i come to Raleigh this weekend. Don't be scared kid, I won't beat your @$$!"

Don't have 5 friends?

9/20/2007 2:16:28 PM

All American
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terpball is doing nothing in this thread besides making himself look like a complete and utter idiot

he is so blinded by stupidity its absurd

hes gone through this thread like a retarded blind mute swinging a baseball bat around furiously in a padded cell

[Edited on September 20, 2007 at 2:19 PM. Reason : ]

9/20/2007 2:17:57 PM

All American
93281 Posts
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Quote :
"^ don't wory, nobody is looking at you, and nobody cares"

actually, 90+ people look at and listen to me every day, not to mention all the others I have indirect contact with.

9/20/2007 2:21:20 PM

All American
5503 Posts
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Between Katrina victims and the Jena 6 I really getting fucking tired of Goddamn LA.

9/20/2007 2:28:02 PM

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9/20/2007 2:28:43 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Illegal just like those colored boys beating up that white boy. That was illegal. I don't see why people are trying to support criminals."

The reason they're making a big deal out of it, aside from the race thing, is that these guys didn't deserve to be charged with ATTEMPTED MURDER for beating up a dude who apparently felt okay enough that he went to a school event later that night.

So it's good that they've bumped it down to assault. At the same time, they likely wouldnt've had a reason to beat him up if it weren't for those lovely nooses.

9/20/2007 2:30:51 PM

All American
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the morale of the story is alot of black people like to complain about problems their retarded behavior causes


9/20/2007 2:33:29 PM

Mr Grace
All American
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^^a noose, a swastika, confederate flag, name calling, etc are not acceptable reasons to assault someone

[Edited on September 20, 2007 at 2:34 PM. Reason : f]

9/20/2007 2:34:02 PM

All American
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Hey, I didn't say they should be absolved of all charges. I just said it wasn't right for them to be charged with attempted murder.

But similarly, why weren't the white kids charged with a hate crime, if we're trying to be "fair" about all this, legally speaking?

[Edited on September 20, 2007 at 2:36 PM. Reason : .]

9/20/2007 2:35:03 PM

All American
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Grnider, spare the rest of the NCSU community of the fact that you clearly should be enrolled at Wake Tech instead of NCSU!

9/20/2007 2:39:58 PM

All American
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Jnpaul and mr. grace just seem to be angry that the kids are getting support. They already lost.

9/20/2007 2:41:25 PM

All American
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- fuck no

Ok the attempted murder charge was excessive and the kids who did the noose thing should def have gotten more than a few days in school suspension.

The point still stands that a group of students nearly beat to death another student. The noose, white tree, and all that other crap the media hypes up is irrelevant. Those issues defiantly need to be dealt with but you can not just go around beating up people.

Certain minority groups want there cake and eat it too. When the duke lacrosse situation went down the same minority group were basically in uproar about bringing the wealth white rapists to justice. On the reverse situation its the evil white establishment picking on the poor black community.

[Edited on September 20, 2007 at 2:49 PM. Reason : l]

9/20/2007 2:42:15 PM

All American
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No See you're mistaken, since the Stripper lady lied, she got what she deserved! Now I dont know what else, or if anything fishy happened in the house, but if you make up crap then I cant support that ESPECIALLY when two of the guys were basically forced out of Duke and their lives turned upside that Colin Finnerty Punk, got what he DEF. DESERVED!

Now back to the topic at hand..back to finding something Black to wear in my closet..

9/20/2007 2:45:57 PM

All American
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Who the fuck got beat nearly to death???

9/20/2007 2:48:38 PM

All American
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I don't understand why WolFood was so upset about a tree being called a white tree... Its not like the school calls it that, or there is a sign saying "white tree", but the students called it that. Just like at other schools, you have black halls, and mexican halls, and white halls. Its not that big of a deal, and its not intentionally racist I wouldn't think. Its just something the kids called it because that's who hangs out there most of the time. Kinda like the "redneck tree" at NCSU, I suppose you could say.

I think we should start a count down till the tree is cut down as a symbol of "cutting down racism in the South!"

[Edited on September 20, 2007 at 2:53 PM. Reason : ]

9/20/2007 2:53:34 PM

Mr Grace
All American
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how many schoolyard fights end with someone getting knocked unconscious and taken to the hospital?

you seem to think these black guys did no wrong.

9/20/2007 2:53:48 PM

All American
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^^^^ So you feel that the students were justified beating up another student b.c of the "racial tension."

I would have no problem if the protests were about resolving racial issues in the town, or brining the white students to justice for hate crimes. I lost all respect for the protest though when I realize that they are protesting b.c they feel the 6 students should be let off the hook after committing aggravated assault and battery against a single student

[Edited on September 20, 2007 at 2:56 PM. Reason : l]

9/20/2007 2:55:23 PM

All American
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^ Please cite where you see that their intension it to get the students "off the hook"

^^ You still fail to present a valid argument

[Edited on September 20, 2007 at 2:57 PM. Reason : ]

9/20/2007 2:56:54 PM

25077 Posts
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of course i'm not there so i can't see all of them - but allmost of the ones i've seen online are posters/signs that say FREE JENA 6 or some variation of that - of course this is coming from the media...

9/20/2007 2:58:07 PM

Mr Grace
All American
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there is no argument

9/20/2007 2:58:16 PM

All American
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Quote :

not to be taken literally - do you think they really want to exponge the charges and that's it? It's all about equality... you shouldn't punish only them for months of racial tensions that involved many assaults, including one with a fucking shotgun

9/20/2007 3:00:26 PM

25077 Posts
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well at least we have you here to translate intentions for us

9/20/2007 3:01:25 PM

All American
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Or you could just watch the news...

9/20/2007 3:01:45 PM

Mr Grace
All American
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youre freakin clueless.

they are there to march about the injustice in the legal system.

what injustice?

they dont get to run around in gangs beating people up without consequence?

9/20/2007 3:03:31 PM

37709 Posts
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dammit, why'd this thread have to go all serious and shit

9/20/2007 3:08:26 PM

All American
9807 Posts
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there are some very confused and angry black people walking around jena, la today

9/20/2007 3:08:39 PM

All American
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Quote :
" Tina Jones, Purvis' mother, condemned Walters.

"I hope that the D.A. will wake up and realize that he's doing the wrong thing, and to release these kids,""

I guess since some people are ignorant racist rednecks it is ok go around beating people up.

Quote :
"what injustice?

they dont get to run around in gangs beating people up without consequence?"

[Edited on September 20, 2007 at 3:11 PM. Reason : l]

9/20/2007 3:09:56 PM

Mr Grace
All American
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mos def is on cnn right now.

he is making all kinds of sense

i have done a complete 180 after listening to him

9/20/2007 3:11:26 PM

All American
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Quote :
"I understand where you're coming from, but it isn't fair that the 6 black kids had to go through all those incidents of hate, being the minority by a long shot in that town, without the law, or anyone with any authority on their side. The situation should have been squashed long before the LAST fight where the black kids were arrested happened. Plus, why would you charge 6 KIDS who gotin a school fight with attempted murder? You don't find that ridiculous?

Quote :
"I don't think they felt it was "okay," I think the felt like they were backed in the corner by the whole fucking town.

by the way, the kids have been in jail for months over this fight, while, the guy who pulled the shotgun, the kids who attacked one of the black guys in jail at the party, and the kids who hung the nooses have all been free and haven't been charged with anything

[Edited on September 20, 2007 at 3:14 PM. Reason : yeah, that's fair!]

9/20/2007 3:12:21 PM

Mr Grace
All American
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you do realize that you are not saying ANYTHING in those two quotes right?

make some sense retard

[Edited on September 20, 2007 at 3:14 PM. Reason : ah crap, now a bunch of retards are going to be marching around in my yard protesting me ]

9/20/2007 3:13:50 PM

All American
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If you can't understand English, you're the retard

9/20/2007 3:14:42 PM

Mr Grace
All American
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its just not fair.

we want to beat people up and cant

9/20/2007 3:15:50 PM

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