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All American
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Haha. My cousin does the same thing.

2/21/2008 2:53:02 PM

Yankee Cowboy
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Quote :
"Chembob shouldn't have even responded in that thread, but from a theological stand he's correct. According to most christian theologians (you'd be hard pressed to find one that disagreed) animals do not have souls."

yea, that's why i didn't feel like a douche. it was late in the evening, i didn't think anybody would really pay attention.


2/21/2008 3:32:23 PM

All American
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Quote :
"So, datman, by your logic, if someone made a thread called "My dog might die" and someone else posted, "Sorry to hear that. I'll pray for you/him"

you would flip out and say that's rude and obnoxious?


no, but it would be stupid to

if they want to waste their time, fine because they arent being rude and obnoxious or mean. but i dont think anyone would make a thread like that when he already said what he wanted to say

2/21/2008 5:04:54 PM

best gottfriend
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thanks for sticking up for me everyone. it's not often that i have four pages of people arguing on my behalf.

2/21/2008 5:15:21 PM

All American
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lol, wow, you had like 5 people stick up for you and the rest just laugh.

thats because those people are just fucked up people trying to justify their own actions by saying its ok

2/21/2008 5:19:18 PM

All American
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Quote :
"if they want to waste their time, fine because they arent being rude and obnoxious or mean. "

So to you

not praying = mean

that's the stupidest argument ever

2/21/2008 5:29:39 PM

All American
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never said that

and your a fucking idiot for thinking that

2/21/2008 5:39:12 PM

All American
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first you say pointing out his religion, or lack of praying, is RUDE

then you say someone else pointing out their Christianity is totally cool and NOT RUDE

so obviously you have a problem with the praying bit, not the "taking the time to point out your religion" thing

2/21/2008 5:45:34 PM

All American
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I'm sure the thread has taken a whole other life of its own at this point, but I'll answer the original question anyway (even though I'm interdenominational, not athiest)...

No. But since I don't pray, I don't ask people to. For example, my father was just diagnosed with prostate cancer. Now when I tell people I don't say, "Please keep him in your prayers," as where most Christians that I know would. But I don't object to people wanting to pray for him. Pray, pick up lucky pennies and throw em in a well, cross fingers, do a "go away cancer" dance...whatever. It's the thought that counts. For me, if someone is hurt or sick I'll tell them, "I'll keep him/her/your family in my thoughts."

And I say "Bless you" all the time when people sneeze, so I naturally don't get mad if someone was to say it to me...and this part of the question reminds me of Dane Cook

[Edited on February 21, 2008 at 5:49 PM. Reason : alsdkf]

2/21/2008 5:47:18 PM

All American
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2/21/2008 5:47:59 PM

All American
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yeah, where's KngDouchebag?

[Edited on February 21, 2008 at 5:48 PM. Reason : .]

2/21/2008 5:48:40 PM

3 of 11
All American
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No, unlike a lot of religious people, I don't feel the need to share my beliefs and why you should have them too with every person I come in contact with.

You won't find out I'm agnostic/atheist unless you ask, and you aren't a total stranger to me.

2/21/2008 5:58:29 PM

All American
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back to the whole don't pray for my dog argument. Will Rogers said it best:
"If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went."

2/21/2008 6:18:14 PM

All American
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There's something wrong with all of you gentiles.

Every single one of you.

2/21/2008 6:25:06 PM

All American
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i was pointing out that he was rude to say what he said. its like a girl bitching about her bf cheating on her and you say something like, well i dont care but things will be ok

its just kinda rude

someone saying ill pray for you without being asked is not being rude. its inconsiderate of them to think that the person wants them to or cares but its about manners

wow, someones a dumb cunt


2/21/2008 7:18:32 PM

All American
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it's like a broken record in here

2/21/2008 7:28:00 PM

All American
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People will judge you no matter what religion you are. Especially if you're a scientologist.

2/21/2008 7:32:14 PM

All American
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Quote :
"i didn't think anybody would really pay attention.

someone's bound to see it, and make a comment. We all know why you didn't wish the dog well. You just shouldn't have clicked the thread, knowing you hate dogs so much.

2/21/2008 7:56:06 PM

Yankee Cowboy
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you don't have to be a bitch about it. what i said has nothing to do with my feelings for dogs in particular. it applies to all animals.

2/21/2008 7:57:03 PM

17148 Posts
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can't go to heaven if it doesn't exist

2/21/2008 7:58:26 PM

All American
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eh, I've heard so many arguments either way about animals having souls. It doesn't really matter. As already stated, by praying for the dog's health, you are helping keep the human happy. Why not wish for that? If you don't care, don't post.

2/21/2008 8:13:44 PM


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2/21/2008 8:17:27 PM

All American
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Quote :
"its like a girl bitching about her bf cheating on her and you say something like, well i dont care but things will be ok

its just kinda rude"




It is not rude in any sense (except for the one way you're taking it, as "rude" that he wouldn't pray, because MANNERS don't say it's rude or selfish) to say, "hey, I don't pray but I wish you the best anyway." Grow up.

[Edited on February 21, 2008 at 9:26 PM. Reason : .]

2/21/2008 9:22:53 PM

supple anteater
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Quote :
"Do you feel it necessary to tell people you dont pray or you dont believe in god when the question of religion or beliefs, let alone your own, come up in the conversation?

such as, if you coughed and someone said god bless you

would you really say, I don't believe in God or say your an atheist?"

I haven't read the thread. But if someone says bless you I might say thank you; I'd never reject the bless you, because the comment was well intentioned. On the same token I would say to someone I'll keep you in my thoughts rather than I'll pray for you. Its all about the intent in my opinion though and not about which if any god or gods you believe in.

2/21/2008 9:53:26 PM

All American
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Wow... for once I agree with the things being said by StillFuchsia...

is something wrong with the universe?

2/21/2008 10:34:34 PM

All American
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That's cold, B.

I didn't even bother to fight with you in the Radiohead thread.

2/21/2008 10:49:20 PM

All American
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Not trying to be cold. Seeing as I tend to have the complete opposite viewpoint when I read your posts, it was surprising. ...After all, for once you're not just thinking like a woman. (Just kidding, of course. No sexist.)

And as for the Radiohead topic, I really just felt like inciting the anger of a few elitist pseudo-music-snobs... I figured I'd just end up spouting bullshit and see who took me up on it.

2/21/2008 11:15:49 PM

best gottfriend
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i agree w/ furcsha more than i'll readily fess up to.

you know, b/c i want the other tdubbers to like me 'n' shit.

2/22/2008 4:13:16 AM

All American
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We don't have this problem with muslims because if you said "God bless you" they just press their explodey button

2/22/2008 5:36:10 AM

All American
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HAY GUYS. religion is stupid. athiests are stupid

20more pages, same thing.

whats wrong with someone who would get UPSET over someone being kind in passing. i see a this one cashier about once a week while im living my life etc. she always says "god bless you, sweetheart" or "have a blessed day"

do i believe the same shit as her? based on that much info, it seems doubtful.
do her words offend me? hell no, she's just giving me what she considers to be a really nice compliment, and wishing nice thins on me. you've got to be real shitstick to be mean to someone like that. even if you are athiest/agnostic/etc

just me 2 cents. ive already spent like 50 cents here tonight


HAHAHAHA i fell asleep on my couch with the laptop in my lap (how fitting!!!1) during this post. i had typed it all but "cents here tonight" and i guess my eues are so tired from computer screen that i falll asleep sitting up like occasionally. used to happen lots of nights but his is the first time in a while.

anyway i had a CRAZY dream and the laptop was right here so im gonna type that shit while i remember it and get a little nap in normal position so i feel right when iget up

2/22/2008 6:08:38 AM

All American
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jackleg, you crazy.

2/22/2008 6:22:49 AM

All American
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hahaha actually i made a lot of typos before i fell asleep too. man im sleeping all weekend. bye

2/22/2008 9:15:53 AM

All American
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but ur missing the point

just because YOU think nothing was wrong with what he said.

me and some people thought it was a negative thing to say by implying that you either dont pray for dogs in chembobs case, which was rude because the guy is sad about his dog and is praying to god that his dog comes out well

and two, that the guy simply said hey i dont pray but i wish you well

yes, thats fine, depending on who you are. but sometimes people read or hear what you say, and even though you mean one thing by it. they take it as something else

so the moral of it was, in that situation it was rude to say i dont pray. i dotn give a fuck if you pray or not. but it was rude to say that. it was fine to say i wish you well and if he said just that, there would have been nothing wrong.

because either way, i dont care about you, your soul or anything. so pray or not, i dont fucking CARE, IVE SAID THAT OVER AND OVER. HOW FUCKING THICKHEADED ARE YOU TO KEEP IMPLYING THATS WHY I SAID IT. GET OVER IT, ITS NOT ABOUT RELIGION, ITS ABOUT KNOWING when and what to say in particular instances


2/24/2008 3:13:12 AM

All American
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Quote :
"and even though you mean one thing by it. they take it as something else"

That is just as often the fault of the listener as it is the fault of the person saying it.

Quote :
"so the moral of it was, in that situation it was rude to say i dont pray."

No it wasn't. One listener thought it was rude, that does not make it rude.

2/24/2008 3:23:33 AM

best gottfriend
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Quote :
"it was fine to say i wish you well and if he said just that, there would have been nothing wrong."

if someone says "pray for me" and i say "i wish you well", isn't that basically saying "i'm not going to pray for you"? i'd rather let the guy know why i'm not going to go and full blown pray.


2/24/2008 3:45:51 AM

446 Posts
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Quote :
"simply am curious how many people actually are dicks"


Haha, I much rather be a dick than a pussy or an asshole.

2/24/2008 12:49:31 PM

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